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Fantasy Zeta Academy ( Finished The Bad Side has Won.)

"Fahy thinks of you as the closest thing he has to a friend he is just scared of people and talking to them that is why he took off earlier, it wasn't because of you." Somnus turned and flew away.
Dante was shocked to hear what Somnus was saying he wasn't normally seen as a friend by anyone through out his whole life." Tell him if he needs me he need only find me." Dante said as Somnus flew away.
"AHHHH! Okay i'll tell. I'm Haxk and I used to go to Zeta Academy until I found a place of work. I stayed there building robot bombs to help. I have about 4 of them that I can go get if you let me go. I would really appericate if you could also get some mental help. I have an altar ego who names himself Boom. He blew up a village of humans and was building some stuff to destroy a tribe that the guards went to go fight but then failed to do so. Lady, you just got to help me, I want friends and a life but since 'he' took over I can't ever speck for myself. If you let me go i'll call the bots to show you what he has been working on. Actually if you let my hand go i'll call them. Don't listen to Boom Alex, don't let go of my hand. No matter what until you can get me help and find my work place. You got that?"
Drumonkey said:
Fahy smiled at him as Somnus roused himself and took off flapping his multiple wings and disappearing. "Well that was a first. Anyways thank you for stopping to talk to me, I think this has helped my fear a lot." Fahy smiled at him then looked around "What were you doing before you stopped to talk to me?"
"Well I wasn't doing much. I was just looking around the academy. Checking things out for the sake of memories."

ConnorX said:
"AHHHH! Okay i'll tell. I'm Haxk and I used to go to Zeta Academy until I found a place of work. I stayed there building robot bombs to help. I have about 4 of them that I can go get if you let me go. I would really appericate if you could also get some mental help. I have an altar ego who names himself Boom. He blew up a village of humans and was building some stuff to destroy a tribe that the guards went to go fight but then failed to do so. Lady, you just got to help me, I want friends and a life but since 'he' took over I can't ever speck for myself. If you let me go i'll call the bots to show you what he has been working on. Actually if you let my hand go i'll call them. Don't listen to Boom Alex, don't let go of my hand. No matter what until you can get me help and find my work place. You got that?"
Alexandra knew for sure that there were a lot of holes in this situation. She didn't trust either, to her they were both just as bad. He was no longer a student of the academy and he was trespassing. She didn't know what he was doing. He could have been plotting to harm the students with these bombs. She did in fact hear something about blowing up a village. That's another crime along with suspicion of assassination. Since those of royal blood we're at the academy at this moment. She wasn't going to do either of them a favour. She was curious to see what he would do under extreme stress. She also wanted more answers out of him. So she pulls out two daggers from her shoes. "I want you to answer some of my questions honestly. Every time you lie... I stab you. I won't kill you though." She wasn't going to use her enchanted voice to make him tell the truth. If she did that would take away all chances for him to lie. Which would take away the chances of her getting to stab him. She could feel emotions if they're heightened. Such as anxiety in a situation such as interrogation or torture. "Who are you working for?"
"I work for nobody, my mother and friends died in a bandit attack and my father worked by himself. No one ever offered me any work space expect for Price the prince of my town. He asked if I wanted to work with him instead of going here. I declined."
"Well don't let me stop you from that, if anything let me continue with you. I don't really have anything to do as of now and would love to escort you around and hear about your school experiences." Fahy closed his book and stood up as Somnus came from around a corner and sat on Fahy's shoulder before passing out.
AtlasTheShapeless said:
"Umm...since I woke up here..." Artyom said, looking down, mumbling something after that.
"Mhm mhm. Well get yourself integrated, mingle, make friends. Have a grand old time. And after this lovely tournament I will help you. In the mean time, I have an upset wife to take care off. I bid you a good day"
ConnorX said:
"I work for nobody, my mother and friends died in a bandit attack and my father worked by himself. No one ever offered me any work space expect for Price the prince of my town. He asked if I wanted to work with him instead of going here. I declined."
Alexandra spins a dagger in between her fingers. "Did you ever make any further contact with this Price character after that?"


Drumonkey said:
"Well don't let me stop you from that, if anything let me continue with you. I don't really have anything to do as of now and would love to escort you around and hear about your school experiences." Fahy closed his book and stood up as Somnus came from around a corner and sat on Fahy's shoulder before passing out.
Gavon nods his head. "If that's what you wish to do." Gavon starts walking to one of his old classes.
"Hell no, to be honest he was a big douche. Sucking people dry of money after the attack. I killed some of his bodyguards with other people to keep the town running. I never really talked to him either. The only person I made something for was a orc. This was seven years ago though so I have no idea what I made for him."
Kaylee waited in the arena for Dante. "If I win who should I kiss?" She asked Mercury. "Who ever you want." "Ok"
Fahy smiled and stood up "Of course I would like to go with you. this is exciting I never get to hang out with people." Fahy sounded excited and his irises flickered golden.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus turned into a penguin when he reached Luna's classroom and waddled in. Making penguin sounds. He bumped into her and extended his arms to be picked up

(Yeah cause you left)

"I'm not all that sure. I dont do much"
(I know just reminding you)

"Well then what does Chester like to do?" He was playing with Adalinda with his fingers.
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Artyom shifted into a wolf and runned off, exploring the Academy, eventually finding the Beast taming classroom and Carter, he shifted back to his human form. "Hey? You know something about a tournament?" He asked. "Yep, I do" Carter said, showing the way to the arena where the tournament is happening.
Artyom could feel a daydream begin to over take his mind as there was some sleep sand around in his daydream he could see a man in black slacks and a black vest with a golden dress shirt and black tie smile at him then he opened his wings that looked like the night sky and spoke in a quiet voice "my name is Dru and I can restore your memories when you have time or the want to make your way to the library and find me there." then the day dream faded doing nothing but distracting him slightly for a minute. @AtlasTheShapeless
Dante continues on his way to the spells room, when he reaches the room and opens the door he see's Luna and Morpheus.
'Library...' Artyom thought, turning around and looking at Carter. "Hey...umm....where is the library?" He asked Carter, that patiently showed him the way to the library, leaving right after.

"Hello?" Artyom called.
AtlasTheShapeless said:
'Library...' Artyom thought, turning around and looking at Carter. "Hey...umm....where is the library?" He asked Carter, that patiently showed him the way to the library, leaving right after.
"Hello?" Artyom called.
An old oak door with a brass knob appeared in the center aisle of the library directly in Artyom's line of vision and through it stepped the man from earlier with 4 little men made of sand they each stood about 3 feet tall and one had a clipboard and was gesturing at him they all spoke in voices that sounded like low whispers. As soon as Dru saw him he smiled and his golden eyes began to set Artyom at ease "hello nice to meet you in person." Dru made a waving motion and the paper was signed causing all the sandmen to turn and head to other tasks meanwhile there was always 2 sandmen in sight running around either retriving a book or putting one back. "I see you got my message."
ConnorX said:
"Hell no, to be honest he was a big douche. Sucking people dry of money after the attack. I killed some of his bodyguards with other people to keep the town running. I never really talked to him either. The only person I made something for was a orc. This was seven years ago though so I have no idea what I made for him."
Alexandra throws the dagger she was spinning in between her fingers. The dagger lands in his ribcage. Lodged in between two ribs. The more he squirms the deeper it seems to settle in. "I forgot... that was for the town you attacked." She throws another dagger and it pierces him in the wrist. It goes through and nails his wrist to the ground. "You were lying. You must've built something for somebody recently. You shouldn't bleed out to death very soon as long as you stop moving. Definitely don't try to pull it out." Alexandra starts to put her hands up her shirt to grasp two daggers strapped to her waist. "Now.... what were you intending to do?"

AnthonyWrath said:
Dante continues on his way to the spells room, when he reaches the room and opens the door he see's Luna and Morpheus.
( @DizjayDeathPride )

Luna stares at the penguin from the corner of her eyes. She wanted to stay angry but... it was a penguin. Suddenly a student walks in and she turns her attention to him. "What is it?"


Drumonkey said:
Fahy smiled and stood up "Of course I would like to go with you. this is exciting I never get to hang out with people." Fahy sounded excited and his irises flickered golden.
Gavon starts to walk by several his old classes. "What classes are you taking?"
AtlasTheShapeless said:
Artyom rubbed the back of his head. "Nice to meet you too..." He said, looking down, then back up. "So...ummm....can...you...help me?"
Dru smiled and gestured at a chair at one of the many tables in the Library "Yes of course I can. I am Dru the god of sleep and dreams, because of this I often see memories both suppressed ones and people reliving the past. I can give you the oprion to restore your own memories if you want to all you have to do is go to sleep and be aware that I will see all of your memories along with your hopes and fears. If you understand and accept these terms all you need to do is sleep."

Fahy thought for a second "battle studies medicinal practice monster studies team building s- class training and spells. I will probably pick up weapon compatibility and crafts as well to go with my new hobby of archery." Fahy chuckled and looked around at the halls feeling strange.

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