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Fantasy Zeta Academy ( Finished The Bad Side has Won.)

Rachel pouted. "That's cheating but whatever. I pick dare."

Reed sighed. "What do you do for fun?"
He smiled at her. "I have no idea what to ask. I've never been good at this game. I.... dare you to.... wrap yourself in toilet paper"

She looked at him. "Well I don't do much so... nothing really. you?"

(for the sake of thread space just say after your reply the group talked all night. We'll kind of time skip but not too far to mess with the thread)
Telieos finishes using the shower and exits, still in her female form. She shuts off the lights in the dorm and makes sure Brooke is tucked in. Telieos then makes her way to her bed and falls asleep.

( @Drumonkey just gonna say Ruby went to the library and went back to her dorm room. )

Ruby had gotten herself situated. Her first day at school had been successful. "Hey." She looks at her dorm mate. "Even though you are dependable at heart. Why do you keep my secret?" Ruby raises an eyebrow. Her regular eyes are visible instead of the fake soft ones.

( @DizjayDeathPride )

Ash hadn't gotten any response from the door and he finally found his classes. Except they were done for the day. He sighs in defeat as he makes his way to his dorm room. Once he gets settled in he falls asleep.
Daliah was eating pizza and waved at her when she returned. The question threw her back. "Well why does it matter what the reason is? Shouldn't it be enough that I am keeping it? To be honest, if you have to know, I, one, don't care who your descend from and two, feel it's your secret to share or not. So if you don't want anyone to know then you don't. But since you opened the question back I shall continue. Why don't you want anyone to know? It can't be Luna and Morpheus' choice. Because your brother is around. You're obviously not deformed so there's no reason to flaunt one over the other. Or are you? Is that a wig?" She took another bite and continued. "Now in books this goes one of two ways. You are emotionally destroyed inside and want to hide from the world. Which is obviously wrong since you've been hidden since birth. And since your parents didn't make this choice it was up to you. So what do you think is so wrong about yourself that you want to hide from everyone? What doesn't make sense is no one knows you exist. Now that isn't too shocking. Morpheus can alter minds, correct? So the others may have known until a certain point when he erased it. But back to the point. What exactly do you think is so wrong about you? You're beautiful, excuse me being so direct. You're strong, and obviously powerful. But one thing stands out different from your brother. And that's the tie between what I just said and the second option from the book. Your brother is either using his powers or listening to very loud music to block out his telepathy, common sense anyone should know if they know his powers. You are his sister, older at that, so why don't you block out the thoughts? Maybe you have a stronger grip on it. I'll give benefit. But you never transform. You never fly. You never do anything that shows power. So finally tying it all together" She takes another bite and offers Ruby the box of pizza "Option two, you're a dud in powers. Am I correct?" She shrugged before she got an answer. "Doesn't matter either way I don't care Ill still be your best friend"
Fahy had made it back to his room and while he was sitting reading one of the books he hadn't read before he stopped and glanced at his hand and smiled a bit before shaking his head. He was thankful that his first day hadn't been a total waste and he was glad he had managed to talk to someone other than his sandman no matter how brief it had been. Fahy then closed his hand making a silent promise to himself that he would do his best to properly introduce himself to Ruby hopefully tomorrow but he doubted it sincerely.
She smiled lightly and took the box from her. She pulled her into her arms and held her for a moment. "You're not worthless. You know that. Your time will come. Trust me. If it's any consolation I would depend on you. She sat down on her bed still holding the girl. "Don't cry. Your self loathing borderline hinges on suicidal tendencies. Which I'm sure happened, yes? I'm sorry I really need to stop. Focusing.... shh okay? I understand nothing I say will help too far. But understand I am always here for you now. You are my friend. Sure I can't fall off the edge of a mountain and have you save me, I mean I could save myself in that instance. But when I'm broken hearted from some stupid girl or buried in homework I dont understand, who would I need the most? You. When I'm stressed and need to vent who would I go to? You. You're far from useless Ruby. Please believe that. Please believe that maybe you aren't going to be heir to this kingdom yet but that I still need you now. And please believe that I believe that someday your powers will unlock and you'll be better than your brother and mother and father combined!" She wiped the girl's tears and looked into her eyes smiling. "Don't worry. We'll get through this together. You have my word"
(Sorry. I had to sleep)

Niko was in her dorm room, listening to rock music and her hell hounds were lying on the bed next to her. She had a book in hand and the other was stroking Corona's head. Thoughts flew around in her head like bees. Why don't you have any friends. They're probably scared. Do you know why? You're scary and mean!, we're just a few of them. Niko closed her book and sighed. She turned off the music and put the book down.
DizjayDeathPride said:
She smiled lightly and took the box from her. She pulled her into her arms and held her for a moment. "You're not worthless. You know that. Your time will come. Trust me. If it's any consolation I would depend on you. She sat down on her bed still holding the girl. "Don't cry. Your self loathing borderline hinges on suicidal tendencies. Which I'm sure happened, yes? I'm sorry I really need to stop. Focusing.... shh okay? I understand nothing I say will help too far. But understand I am always here for you now. You are my friend. Sure I can't fall off the edge of a mountain and have you save me, I mean I could save myself in that instance. But when I'm broken hearted from some stupid girl or buried in homework I dont understand, who would I need the most? You. When I'm stressed and need to vent who would I go to? You. You're far from useless Ruby. Please believe that. Please believe that maybe you aren't going to be heir to this kingdom yet but that I still need you now. And please believe that I believe that someday your powers will unlock and you'll be better than your brother and mother and father combined!" She wiped the girl's tears and looked into her eyes smiling. "Don't worry. We'll get through this together. You have my word"
Ruby hugs Daliah back. She starts to cry into her shoulder without saying a word. She nods her head as she cries. Even though she felt sad, this time the sadness felt different. As if it were a sense of sorrowful relief. "Do you mean it? Truthfully?"


[QUOTE="Church Burning](Sorry. I had to sleep)
Niko was in her dorm room, listening to rock music and her hell hounds were lying on the bed next to her. She had a book in hand and the other was stroking Corona's head. Thoughts flew around in her head like bees. Why don't you have any friends. They're probably scared. Do you know why? You're scary and mean!, we're just a few of them. Niko closed her book and sighed. She turned off the music and put the book down.

( You can still go to sleep. This is really late at night. You don't have to post since it's just interactions late at night. Not time for classes. I just don't want you to feel like you have to stay up and post. )
Light said:
Ruby hugs Daliah back. She starts to cry into her shoulder without saying a word. She nods her head as she cries. Even though she felt sad, this time the sadness felt different. As if it were a sense of sorrowful relief. "Do you mean it? Truthfully?"

( You can still go to sleep. This is really late at night. You don't have to post since it's just interactions late at night. Not time for classes. I just don't want you to feel like you have to stay up and post. )
Okay thank you))
[QUOTE="Church Burning](Sorry. I had to sleep)
Niko was in her dorm room, listening to rock music and her hell hounds were lying on the bed next to her. She had a book in hand and the other was stroking Corona's head. Thoughts flew around in her head like bees. Why don't you have any friends. They're probably scared. Do you know why? You're scary and mean!, we're just a few of them. Niko closed her book and sighed. She turned off the music and put the book down.

Outside her door was some muffled splashing faint cursing and a strange sucking and popping sound as if someone was trying to be stealthy while wearing an octopus a starfish or two and a metal object.
Naomi and Kazuichi got our of Mary's remote jet and watched it zoom off. Naomi turned looking at the huge castle while Kazuichi looked out over the edge and spat down at the ground he chuckled. "Hey you think that'll hit someone?" Naomi shook her head. "By my calculations your saliva will simple hit the ocean." Kazuichi sighed. "You know a simple no would had been fine." Naomi nodded. "Noted." With another sigh Kazuichi and Naomi made their way to the school getting to the entrance Kazuichi whistled in awe. "Nice place not to mention the castle over there is huge." Naomi nodded. "Indeed it is of large quantity." Kazuichi sighed. "Agian could had just said yes or yeah your right. Not everything has to be all smart sounding." He said looking down on his short sister. She then looked up at him putting her hand on her head and bringing his head down to her level then petting him. "Uhh what are you doing." She cocked her head to the side. "I read in a book that when your little brother is bothered to pet them." "You read that in a book." "Correct from Mary's library." "That explains everything."
She nodded, holding her. "Yes. Truly. I would not lie to you. It doesn't benefit me to lie. If it makes you feel better, I can barely use my Underworld powers. I know it doesn't help much but like my father descends from Hades. The number one power I should be able to use is Underworld you know? So I understand where you're coming from on feeling like.... a failure I know?" She kissed Ruby's cheek. "Please stop crying I'm not used to this I don't know what to do"
Corona hopped out of the bed and went over to the door. He growled and barked, Mitan joined in.


Drumonkey said:
Outside her door was some muffled splashing faint cursing and a strange sucking and popping sound as if someone was trying to be stealthy while wearing an octopus a starfish or two and a metal object.
The only thing that happened was the cursing got louder the clanging got faster and the sounds of suction were drowned out by the colossal crash of someone falling then there was groaning and cursing alike.
[QUOTE="Nenma Takashi]Naomi and Kazuichi got our of Mary's remote jet and watched it zoom off. Naomi turned looking at the huge castle while Kazuichi looked out over the edge and spat down at the ground he chuckled. "Hey you think that'll hit someone?" Naomi shook her head. "By my calculations your saliva will simple hit the ocean." Kazuichi sighed. "You know a simple no would had been fine." Naomi nodded. "Noted." With another sigh Kazuichi and Naomi made their way to the school getting to the entrance Kazuichi whistled in awe. "Nice place not to mention the castle over there is huge." Naomi nodded. "Indeed it is of large quantity." Kazuichi sighed. "Agian could had just said yes or yeah your right. Not everything has to be all smart sounding." He said looking down on his short sister. She then looked up at him putting her hand on her head and bringing his head down to her level then petting him. "Uhh what are you doing." She cocked her head to the side. "I read in a book that when your little brother is bothered to pet them." "You read that in a book." "Correct from Mary's library." "That explains everything."

Luna appears in front of them. "I welcome you to my country. It seems you're here for important reasons."

DizjayDeathPride said:
She nodded, holding her. "Yes. Truly. I would not lie to you. It doesn't benefit me to lie. If it makes you feel better, I can barely use my Underworld powers. I know it doesn't help much but like my father descends from Hades. The number one power I should be able to use is Underworld you know? So I understand where you're coming from on feeling like.... a failure I know?" She kissed Ruby's cheek. "Please stop crying I'm not used to this I don't know what to do"
Ruby smiles at this and nods her head. "Thank you. We should get rest." Ruby prepares herself to get some sleep. She was happy, now that someone depended on her in life.
Daliah agreed and got into bed with her. She was too lazy to walk across the room to her own bed. As soon as she laid down under the blanket her eyes started fluttering closed. "Goodnight." She yawned. "I love you too" And she fell asleep
DizjayDeathPride said:
Daliah agreed and got into bed with her. She was too lazy to walk across the room to her own bed. As soon as she laid down under the blanket her eyes started fluttering closed. "Goodnight." She yawned. "I love you too" And she fell asleep
Ruby raises an eyebrow at the I love you too comment. Ruby shakes her head, noticing she'll most likely keep saying that every night since she's said it the night before. She doesn't mind her sleeping in her bed just for this one night. "Goodnight."
Naomi stops petting Kazuichi letting go of his head and bows Kazuichi does the same. "Yes and we thank you for welcoming us. I am Naomi this is my brother Kazuichi we have been sent by B.R.A.I.N to enroll in your academy. If you would be so kind." Kazuichi wasn't surprised at how formal Naomi was being a robot who read atleast 200 different books on manors would know how to be proper. He looked up at Luna he heard alot about this place and it's rulers if he remembered correctly this was the queen. He had heard she was strong so was the king and prince.
[QUOTE="Nenma Takashi]Naomi stops petting Kazuichi letting go of his head and bows Kazuichi does the same. "Yes and we thank you for welcoming us. I am Naomi this is my brother Kazuichi we have been sent by B.R.A.I.N to enroll in your academy. If you would be so kind." Kazuichi wasn't surprised at how formal Naomi was being a robot who read atleast 200 different books on manors would know how to be proper. He looked up at Luna he heard alot about this place and it's rulers if he remembered correctly this was the queen. He had heard she was strong so was the king and prince.

Luna smiles at this, they were the most respectful pair she's met all day. "Rise." Luna examines both of them. "You may join the academy. I shall send you to a dorm room. I hope you know the time when class starts."
Naomi and Kazuichi stood Naomi nodded. "Correct I have a time table of the classes all ready." Kazuichi nodded. "Hey if I may ask a question um where are the dorms?" He asked looking around.
Drumonkey said:
The only thing that happened was the cursing got louder the clanging got faster and the sounds of suction were drowned out by the colossal crash of someone falling then there was groaning and cursing alike.
Niko got up and opened the door, looking in. "The hell is going on?!" She yelled, eyes glowing. Corona and Mitan yelped and barked, growling and baring their fangs

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