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Fantasy Zeta Academy ( Finished The Bad Side has Won.)

(That was all fun to read. Ill post officially when I get home Im on my way. For my roommates if you need them theyre in their dorns. As for my teachers, interesting lesson plans. Ill just go with my characters ditched to make it easier. No problems tomorrow maybe)
Drumonkey said:
Fahy fell back to the ground and his book flew out his grasp but his Sandown grabs it and disappears. Fahy sits on the ground and sees the telltale traits of Luna and assumes who she was but then he realized he had bumped into her and immediately began to backpedal trying to talk but no sounds come out.
"I'm so sorry! Is there something wrong?!" Ruby rushes to his side and puts a hand on his shoulder. Her expression soft and her eyes are reassuring.

ConnorX said:
"Oh, nothing much. Just a arrow in the arm. Another assassin as well. That Noah though, hes a real noble warrior." Suddenly Nick falls. Luna sees Noah running Nick. Noah doesn't notice Luna. "The arrow was poisoned, its already coursing through your vein." Noah looks at Luna. "Can you help me carry this man to the Medical Quarters?" Noah begins standing Nick up on Nick's left.
Luna raises an eyebrow and inspects the man. She uses a float spell to make the person. Float in the air to take him to the Medical Quarters. "Do you mind informing me on why people are attacking my guards?"
Fahy flinched at the contact and slipped away quickly shaking his head but he couldn't talk due to fear. This was the first person that had actually shown him individual attention other than his parents and sandman. Fahy didn't even know what to do or say but he could hear his heart beat in his ears.
"I have no idea mam. Maybe its to kill one of the students or kill as many guards as needed to plan a siege. That was our tactic back in the arena. Only thing he said was people have been 'picking them off' since last week." He looked around to see if the someone got through. "We need better armor for us guards. I have iron and Nick had steel and still got shot." A guard almost tripped Noah. Noah yelled at the man and caught up with Luna. "Is there any clans or towns in the nearby mountains?"
Drumonkey said:
Fahy flinched at the contact and slipped away quickly shaking his head but he couldn't talk due to fear. This was the first person that had actually shown him individual attention other than his parents and sandman. Fahy didn't even know what to do or say but he could hear his heart beat in his ears.
Ruby realizes what the problem is. "You're not used to others are you?" Ruby makes sure to keep her distance but she does extend her hand. Not for a handshake but for him to rest his hand in her palm. "My name is Ruby. Would you like to join me in the library?" Ruby was careful with the way she was wording her sentences.


ConnorX said:
"I have no idea mam. Maybe its to kill one of the students or kill as many guards as needed to plan a siege. That was our tactic back in the arena. Only thing he said was people have been 'picking them off' since last week." He looked around to see if the someone got through. "We need better armor for us guards. I have iron and Nick had steel and still got shot." A guard almost tripped Noah. Noah yelled at the man and caught up with Luna. "Is there any clans or towns in the nearby mountains?"
"Yes. There are some clans east of here hidden in the forest. Though I cannot dispatch any troops without planning." Luna was walking through the castle. Not slowing down even when he was tripped.
Fahy was greatful but hearing her words made his brow furrow and his eyes briefly flashed gold as he was troubled as to how she had figured that out so fast but before he continued further down that path of thought he heard his father's advice echo through his head "son talk to people and make friends." so after a minute of consideration Fahy slowly reached his hand out and placed it in her palm warily.
Something popped in Noah's mind. "What if we brought the students on that trip, they have powers that could help the guards and it would be a great learning experience for them." What Noah really meant was he wanted them out before some real harm could be done inside and to see if one of the students were wanted. He doubt it and thought the clans wanted this land for reasons. They might soon blow up the outer... Noah was getting ahead of himself, he needed to focus on Nick.
Drumonkey said:
Fahy was greatful but hearing her words made his brow furrow and his eyes briefly flashed gold as he was troubled as to how she had figured that out so fast but before he continued further down that path of thought he heard his father's advice echo through his head "son talk to people and make friends." so after a minute of consideration Fahy slowly reached his hand out and placed it in her palm warily.
Ruby smiles at this and closes her hand. Enveloping his hand in her soft and warm ones. She helps him up and glances down the hall. "I was on my way to the library to retrieve a book of my liking. I hope the librarian isn't like some of my teachers."

ConnorX said:
Something popped in Noah's mind. "What if we brought the students on that trip, they have powers that could help the guards and it would be a great learning experience for them." What Noah really meant was he wanted them out before some real harm could be done inside and to see if one of the students were wanted. He doubt it and thought the clans wanted this land for reasons. They might soon blow up the outer... Noah was getting ahead of himself, he needed to focus on Nick.
Luna stares him down with her red piercing eyes. As if she were evaluating his life with just her eyes. "I disapprove. These students have just started. I'm not going to send them out to uselessly die. If anything I don't want them leaving the school grounds. I will send the troops over to handle this. Since it is their job. Did you truthfully think it would be the best idea to send students out there?",
Fahy looked at their hands and blurred out "it depends on the teacher you compare him to. Be is fairly strange but he is pretty busy often. Your hands are soft." then his eyes widened and his muscles locked up and his head shot up to look at the kind girl afraid he had made a mistake.
"Yes I did, I imagined if you guys went to see these tribes you could make a peace treaty of some sort. It would be educatinal and more safe...' Noah started to raise his voice. "Then stay here like standing ducks while the enemy comes and bombards us or even worse kidnaps one of the students. There could be a doppleganger in these dorms right now. Spying our every move and while we are here playing safe, there going to go offensive with whatever they have. They could be shaman, demons, even orcs." They reach a room for Nick to stay in and Noah started calming down. "Sorry, i didn't mean to yell like that but last time I played defensive, I lost a town of innocents." He stood up and left the room to go to the barracks to chat.
A group of little kittens start running down the halls, meowing randomly and out of unison in front of Noah stopping him. They all pile next to Luna and jump on each other, molding into Morpheus. The last one of the hoard climbs up Luna and sits on her shoulder, flicking his tail on her back. "Hello there good sir! My name is pretty awesome and totally not real. And I'm here to say, that one right there?" He gestures to Luna, his wedding band flickering the light a bit. "You dont want to raise your voice to that adorable darling. Let alone walk away from her. Trust me. She rips souls out in the most painful way. Ive seen it. Now I frankly don't give left from right of a shit if you do. I'll turn your body into a toy. You look excellent for that. But I would advise maybe waiting until she says she's done."The kitten meowed in agreement. "See? Even the kitten agrees." He shrugged "The choice is yours. I suggest making a good one. Now honey?" He walked past the man and went to Luna, taking her hand. "I must inform you that I spawned baby Ceberus' and they have escaped. Blame Decimus. Also, I made Chicken Alfredo for dinner." He kissed her cheek "See ya later" And broke into bubbles, blowing away
Drumonkey said:
Fahy looked at their hands and blurred out "it depends on the teacher you compare him to. Be is fairly strange but he is pretty busy often. Your hands are soft." then his eyes widened and his muscles locked up and his head shot up to look at the kind girl afraid he had made a mistake.
Ruby raises an eyebrow at his expression. "Are you alright? You're tense." Ruby puts her other hand on his arm to relax it. "I won't harm you. Calm yourself." Ruby takes a deep breath and blinks. "Do you mind pointing to the library? This map can only do so much. Since you seem like you've been there before."
After the day of school Reed went to his dorm to relax. He laid down distress.

Rachel wandered the halls. She didn't pay attention much during the classes but she'll be fine.
ConnorX said:
"Yes I did, I imagined if you guys went to see these tribes you could make a peace treaty of some sort. It would be educatinal and more safe...' Noah started to raise his voice. "Then stay here like standing ducks while the enemy comes and bombards us or even worse kidnaps one of the students. There could be a doppleganger in these dorms right now. Spying our every move and while we are here playing safe, there going to go offensive with whatever they have. They could be shaman, demons, even orcs." They reach a room for Nick to stay in and Noah started calming down. "Sorry, i didn't mean to yell like that but last time I played defensive, I lost a town of innocents." He stood up and left the room to go to the barracks to chat.

A group of little kittens start running down the halls, meowing randomly and out of unison in front of Noah stopping him. They all pile next to Luna and jump on each other, molding into Morpheus. The last one of the hoard climbs up Luna and sits on her shoulder, flicking his tail on her back. "Hello there good sir! My name is pretty awesome and totally not real. And I'm here to say, that one right there?" He gestures to Luna, his wedding band flickering the light a bit. "You dont want to raise your voice to that adorable darling. Let alone walk away from her. Trust me. She rips souls out in the most painful way. Ive seen it. Now I frankly don't give left from right of a shit if you do. I'll turn your body into a toy. You look excellent for that. But I would advise maybe waiting until she says she's done."The kitten meowed in agreement. "See? Even the kitten agrees." He shrugged "The choice is yours. I suggest making a good one. Now honey?" He walked past the man and went to Luna, taking her hand. "I must inform you that I spawned baby Ceberus' and they have escaped. Blame Decimus. Also, I made Chicken Alfredo for dinner." He kissed her cheek "See ya later" And broke into bubbles, blowing away
Haxk got out of bed to go see if anyone was in the school. He wandered around for a bit thinking about all the strange stuff that was happening here. He was looking around when he saw a little girl wandering around. "Hey, you lost over there?"
ConnorX said:
Haxk got out of bed to go see if anyone was in the school. He wandered around for a bit thinking about all the strange stuff that was happening here. He was looking around when he saw a little girl wandering around. "Hey, you lost over there?"
( Dizjay wants you to look at post #189 on page 19. )
Noah stops in his tracks and sees Morpheus float looking confused. He wished it was back to farming and fighting wolfs but no, it was figuring out what the hell was going on. Bubbles, kittens, soul rippers. It made no scene. He went back to Luna and sat down. "Look, i'm sorry again for raised my voice at you. Its a lot to take in when you come to a floating school with races, demigods, and gods of all kinds. I real different then my simple life, but I pledge my life to defending this school." Noah kneels in front of Luna. He looks a little embarrassed hes doing this in a Medical Center.

(Sorry, I didn't see that till now.)
Rachel turned and looked at the boy. "Oh no I'm just looking for someone." She started walking again.
ConnorX said:
Noah stops in his tracks and sees Morpheus float looking confused. He wished it was back to farming and fighting wolfs but no, it was figuring out what the hell was going on. Bubbles, kittens, soul rippers. It made no scene. He went back to Luna and sat down. "Look, i'm sorry again for raised my voice at you. Its a lot to take in when you come to a floating school with races, demigods, and gods of all kinds. I real different then my simple life, but I pledge my life to defending this school." Noah kneels in front of Luna. He looks a little embarrassed hes doing this in a Medical Center.
(Sorry, I didn't see that till now.)
Luna sighs and runs her hand through her hair. "Look. If you wish to protect this school so fiercely I shall send you to guard the school instead of the castle. This country does rely on them to train. No.... this world does. After the apocalypse there hasn't been much hope. So I need them to train and learn in peace. I can't send them out on such a mission on their very first day." Luna looks around at the area. "You may rise.... Damian. One of the guards wishes to defend the academy. Also I'd like you to send a squad to investigate clans in the country whom seem like they could be the attackers."

( @DizjayDeathPride )
"Need any help, I have nothing better to do. Besides your like the second kid who talked to me. I'll be off then." He walks off slowly watching for any thing that could produce lightning.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c387e9603_1D4349EDE87449841C5C464E842A6DABEC83DC8BCE027382D5pimgpsh_fullsize_distr.jpg.b75e043c3e9c54080084e12f2a9bc3d3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="64042" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c387e9603_1D4349EDE87449841C5C464E842A6DABEC83DC8BCE027382D5pimgpsh_fullsize_distr.jpg.b75e043c3e9c54080084e12f2a9bc3d3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

A moment went by before he rose out of a shadow, running his hand through his hair. His clothing was complete darkness, made of shadows. He looked at her. "And what if I was actually busy? I might be on a mission you know? Hello Morpheus" He nodded to the cat who meowed and hopped on Luna's head to get her attention. He shook his head and turned to the man kneeling. "So you'd like to defend the school in my guard. Tell me. Why should I allow this?"



  • ^1D4349EDE87449841C5C464E842A6DABEC83DC8BCE027382D5^pimgpsh_fullsize_distr.jpg
    57.8 KB · Views: 9
Rachel watched him walk away. "Why ask a question if your just going to leave. Whatever." She walked through the hallway and went to her dorm. "Sweetie where are you?"

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