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Fantasy Zeta Academy ( Finished The Bad Side has Won.)

Drumonkey said:
" I was addressing the class when I said that ." Dax blatantly ignored the question about liking the student or not " to get to know each other better you all will stand up and tell me your name and a story about a fun time you had that involves the ocean."
Telieos is the first to stand up. She smiles brightly and clears her throat. "My name is Telieos. I scared so many people on the beach when I took the form of Megladon."
Light said:
Telieos is the first to stand up. She smiles brightly and clears her throat. "My name is Telieos. I scared so many people on the beach when I took the form of Megladon."
Connor had a stunned face as he had been near the beach and had seen that but was unsure of who had done it and how now he understood better. Seeing that Telieos was done Connor stood up and exhaled before speaking up "My name is Connor and I once dived and found a ship that had been sunk long ago holding my breath for about 7 minutes. It was one of my favorite memories with my father." Connor sat down quickly after that.

Dax seemed pretty ticked "do you know how much explaining I had to do about that incident?" Dax shook his head in anger and annoyance.
Drumonkey said:
Connor had a stunned face as he had been near the beach and had seen that but was unsure of who had done it and how now he understood better. Seeing that Telieos was done Connor stood up and exhaled before speaking up "My name is Connor and I once dived and found a ship that had been sunk long ago holding my breath for about 7 minutes. It was one of my favorite memories with my father." Connor sat down quickly after that.
Dax seemed pretty ticked "do you know how much explaining I had to do about that incident?" Dax shook his head in anger and annoyance.
Telieos looks at the time and gets up. "It was really nice talking with you! Can't wait to come back! Cya around teach!" With that Telieos leaves the room to head to her next class. Beast Taming.

Ruby leaves the S-Class training classroom with a deep sigh. It was a lot to take in. That teacher was better than she excepted. She felt like she was apart of an actual task force in there. Ruby walks down the halls to reach her next class. Beast Taming.
Niko was already at her desk in Beast Taming, as she was quite eager to learn. Her body buzzed with excitement at the thought of taming new animals/potential friends. She smirked yo herself, already having two hell hounds to deal with.

Fahy walked into his next class monster studies and hoped his class would go by much like the last one, he learned and didn't have to talk to anyone just pay attention write a few things down and stay focused with his sandman there.

Connor went to his next class Beast taming and smiled he was hoping to tame a sea creature like his father had but if he had any hope of doing that he had to learn how to deal with animals and who knows maybe he would find another animal to partner up with. Connor entered the class and sat a few desks from Niko and winked at her before taking out a notebook and pen. @Church Burning
Rikka the beast taming teacher smiles at the students in her classroom. "Alright! It's time we've learned about beasts. We will not be fighting or harming beasts! This class is about learning how to form bonds and contracts. This may come in handy out on the field." Rikka presses a button and suddenly the wall behind her raises to reveal a large forest. With many big and small beast running around. "So today I'm going to show you around and give you an example. You should not fear them. They'll take advantage of the fear in your heart. Approach them as if you're trying to make a new friend or with confidence at all times. But remember, there's a difference between confidence and trying to show dominance. They'll take that as a challenge." Rikka gestures for them to follow her as she walks across the metal platform that's above the forest.
Connor smiled liking the change of pace and touched his bracelet for a moment before following his Instructor remembering what she said and trying to stow his competitive nature and try to make friends with some animal but he had a question for his teacher "Will we be learning about how to tame sea creatures?"
Drumonkey said:
Connor smiled liking the change of pace and touched his bracelet for a moment before following his Instructor remembering what she said and trying to stow his competitive nature and try to make friends with some animal but he had a question for his teacher "Will we be learning about how to tame sea creatures?"
Rikka turns around and nods her head. "Excellent question! Yes we shall! There are all types of creatures here." Some flying beasts fly above them after she says this. "I'm going to instruct you on how to survive encounters with them. How to make contracts them whether it's permanent or temporary. I'll also educate you on beast sensory." With that Rikka puts her back to the railing and leans back. Making her fall off the platform. Only to be caught by a beast that could fly. "I have contracts with every beast in here. But they will become yours one day."

( @Church Burning )
Niko looked at the boy and smiled then returned to watching her teacher, glee filling her eyes. She smiled and looked at the creature, the only thing she thought of was beautiful.

[QUOTE="Church Burning]Niko looked at the boy and smiled then returned to watching her teacher, glee filling her eyes. She smiled and looked at the creature, the only thing she thought of was beautiful.

"But I need to inform you on contracts first and on how important they are. Contracts are like soul binding deals you make with a beast. That makes you two become one in a sense. You ask it to be your friend or fight along side you whenever you need it or obey you. The beast also comes up with its part of the contract that you must fulfill. This is extremely important because if you fail to carry their deal. Things could become catastrophic and it will neglect your requests. Some beasts will only pair up with those with a certain personality it desires." Rikka jumps off the beast, landing back on the platform. The beast flies away after Rikka flashes it a smile. "So one of you tell me. What do you think you're looking for in a contract?"
Connor was quickly becoming glad he had signed up for this class it was amazing and he liked the sound of this and was awe inspired by his teachers recklessness.
Niko raised her hand shyly. "Um What if we have already done a contract with the said creature and they're waiting for me in the shadows?" She asked nervously, smiling weakly. Please don't be mad, please don't be mad, she thought to herself.


Niko raised her hand shyly. "Um What if we have already done a contract with the said creature and they're waiting for me in the shadows?" She asked nervously, smiling weakly. Please don't be mad, please don't be mad, she thought to herself.

Haxk head toward his next class, Medical. He entered and saw a male teaching the class. "Hello my name is Haxk Grubs and you are.." Haxk used his usual greeting toward males.
Connor thought deeply "I want a partner that can help me in the ocean and one that is like Dax's sea-monkey something that is intelligent and can help me fight. If it involves flight too that would be mind blowing."

Niko raised her hand shyly. "Um What if we have already done a contract with the said creature and they're waiting for me in the shadows?" She asked nervously, smiling weakly. Please don't be mad, please don't be mad, she thought to herself.

Drumonkey said:
Connor thought deeply "I want a partner that can help me in the ocean and one that is like Dax's sea-monkey something that is intelligent and can help me fight. If it involves flight too that would be mind blowing."
Rikka glances at Niko. "Really? It's okay to have more than one contracted beast as long as your first contracted beast is okay with it. I'm contracted with all the beasts in here. Can I see your beasts lingering in the shadows?" Rikka turns her head to Connor. "Yes I have just the beast for you! Once we get to contracting I'll actually take you all through the forest." Suddenly the platform shakes. One of the beasts raised its head and hit the bottom of it by accident. This beast was extremely tall. "Porus! You okay?!" Rikka looks over the edge only to get a grunt in response. "All right. Gotcha!"

ConnorX said:
Haxk head toward his next class, Medical. He entered and saw a male teaching the class. "Hello my name is Haxk Grubs and you are.." Haxk used his usual greeting toward males.
( Dizjay isn't there. )
"Well actually, I made the contract with them at the same time. Corona, Mitan, come say hello!" She smiled as two hell hounds ran out of the shadows and jumped at her, barking and wagging their tails. "Yes boys, it's been a few minutes...no I didn't fight...yes I knew you were both there.." She said to them, holding them in her arms easily as they picked her face and yippee their replies.

"woah who and what was that? Also you already have a creature in mind to pair me up with? Wow you are good aren't you?" Connor was in awe and a little amused by the creature named Porus.
Drumonkey said:
"woah who and what was that? Also you already have a creature in mind to pair me up with? Wow you are good aren't you?" Connor was in awe and a little amused by the creature named Porus.
"Porus is a frost giant. Yes I'm quite skilled with beasts. I remember all of their names and I've already fulfilled all their contracts terms." Rikka examines Corona and Mitan. The forest starts to stir. As if the beasts were reacting to the new additions. Rikka simply puts her fingers up to her lips. "Ssssshhhh." She suddenly starts listing off names and they all become quiet as their name is listed off. "They're just eager to meet them."
Corona and Mitan yipped and growled at the animals noises, the fur along their spine rising defensively. They jumped out of her arms and barked and howled, showing that they were here and didn't care. "Corona! Mitan! Be nice!" Niko growled, showing her dominance over them. "They looked at her and blinked tails going between their legs and walked over to her, sitting down beside her. "Sorry boys, but manners first" she sighed. "Sorry" she smiled weakly at Rikka.

ConnorX said:
Haxk learned some basics about stitching and bandages and that was all of medical class.
( @Drumonkey )

Rikka shakes her head and smiles. "It's fine. How about I show you all a certain beast. He's quite the lazy type. Even if he's contracted he refuses to help unless he had to or it takes his interest. Though when it comes to me he's at least a little more responsive." Rikka continues walking on the platform until she's above the water area. "Hydro! Some students would like to see you!" Rikka stands and waits for several minutes until Hydro bursts out the water to reveal himself. His roar can be hear even in distant classes like the Medicinal one.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/IMG_20150725_154838.jpg.85d05c05335e94f60e497e2815cbd2c7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="64004" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/IMG_20150725_154838.jpg.85d05c05335e94f60e497e2815cbd2c7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Haxk head to his next class, Beast Taming he thought. He entered the classroom and saw Rikka. "I'm in this class now, right?"
ConnorX said:
Haxk head to his next class, Beast Taming he thought. He entered the classroom and saw Rikka. "I'm in this class now, right?"
Rikka nods her head as her previous class leaves. "Yes you are. Take a seat." Rikka had closed off the forest view.

Blake was relaxing in his chair. Waiting for the next wave of students to arrive in their class. He looked at his roster, noticing some students haven't shown up yet. So he knew whom he'd be getting this time around. He notices the name Amarynthia. "Interesting... She should be coming here now. Unless she decided to take my class tomorrow." Blake puts his cigarette back in his mouth as he waits patiently.

( @sarahbella I hope that helps integrate you in. Just walk into the classroom. )

Ruby walks away from the Beast Taming class. Quite shocked about what she had learned. She was ready for her last class of the day. She ventures off to battle studies. Wondering what it would be about.

Telieos heads to her next class in the form of a small toy helicopter. She flies through the halls and into her battle studies class. Hoping it won't be too boring.
The hell hounds go back into the shadows and Niko walks to S-Class training. She sits down and waits for everyone else to join.

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