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Fantasy Zeta Academy ( Finished The Bad Side has Won.)

Haxk woke up a half-hour before school, he got ready for Crafts and ran to the school. He thought of the dream. He knew it was fake, why? A drone can't fly from Sludge to here and you can't hear someone from across the world. Silly Haxk, the biggest clue was all continents were a a peace treaty. And there was never Old Gods, if there were it would be these gods. He reached the school 5 minutes early and the Crafts class just on time.

Noah and the army reached the tribes home. It was a huge plains area with scattered tents. "The enemy is down there men, what are we going to do?" The army yelled kill. "Okay then, then we charge into battle!" The army rushed down to the tents. Then Noah realized something, they only brought swords! He heard orcish yells from the camps and saw a volley of arrows fly toward them. "SHIELDS UP!" The army did what was told and blocked the arrows. Then a horde of orc warriors came at them. "Here they come men, CHARGE!!"
Connor woke up about an hour and a half before school started and went to knock on Niko's door to see if she was still up for the morning swim like she said.

@Church Burning

fahy woke up and grabbed the two books he had finished last night and took them to the library before class started so that he could talk to his father real quick.
Gaige looked at the student and smiled. "So how are you? Also think anout what you want to build now because there a end of the years project and if it doesn't wow me. You fail." She sat down behind her desk.
Zaphkiel stretched and yawned. "Okay darling." He got up and ready with her then he himself went to his first class, Health and Medical, a little pleased to see he was the only one. Looks like he got out of that tardy.

Daliah groaned as she woke up. She looked over and saw she was sleeping with Ruby. She blushed slightly and decided to let her sleep .She had a hard night. She silently got out of bed, got ready, then kissed the girl's head before slipping out of the room and going to her class, Beast Taming and it appeared she was the only one. Tardy avoided again.

Rebecca was a bit tired after staying up all hours of the nigth with Reed. It appeared he woke up first, again. She cursed herself and went to class, S-Class. Alone. Guess she wasn't tardy.

Brooke woke up a bit late but wasn't worried. She looked over at Telieos still asleep and smiled. She got ready and ran down to her class, Monster Studies. Some guy had beat her there but otherwise they were the only two. She sat with him. "Hey how's it going? Listen don't tell the teacher I was late kay? Thanks. My name is Brooke. You?"

Not too late after the 4 went to class did the teachers go to theirs.

Morpheus came into his classroom, Monster Studies, carrying a bag. A very... very large bag. "Ahhh hello studies! I'm sorry I'm late. Was toting this monstrosity. Ha I accidentally made a pun. Get it cause Monster Studies? Anyways... My name is Morpheus. You may know me as the King of this country but for now let's just say I'm the bored as all hell god who needs something to do. So here I am teaching!" He dropped the bag on his desk. Clatters could be heard. "We'll start light. Any ice breakers for you two?"

Decimus was alone in Ability Conditioning. Not an issue so he began to sleep

Damian was sitting in his classroom for Castle Guard Training. No one had come so he started doing paperwork

Angelica was a bit upset she was alone in Mortal Conflict. She was eager to teach since Mister Grumpy has been neglecting her. She pouted as she spun in her spinny chair

Ryan came back into his room after his surgery. "Well It looks like I didn't have time for that" He took his bloody gloves off and threw them away. "Welcome to Health and Medical. I am your instructor, Ryan. It appears you're my only student for now Zaphkiel"

Fariella was playing with her magic in the Team Building room. What better way to build teams than alone right? She rolled her eyes that apparently no student had come yet

The Headmaster was in his office doing paperwork. It appeared the first day went off fantastic. So many tardies and absences. It's a wonder these kids even made it here. He tsked and rolled around facing the wall. He looked out of the window and into the courtyard, watching the events
Fahy walked into monster studies and sat in the back he was aware he was tardy having taken longer in the library than expected he only hoped he wouldbt get called on for being tardy. (@DizjayDeathPride Looking at your post is great)

Connor walked into the ability conditioning class abd sat down quietly, his hair was still wet from his swim but since the teacher was asleep he hoped that he would be able to get away with pretending like he was there "excuse me sir can I sleep too?"
Haxk got his blueprints out. It was going to be difficult but he had to make this weapon. But he had two other side projects to do. "Hey, Mrs.Craft Teacher, where can I find something that can produce lighting?"
Reed turned to the girl. "Don't worry I won't. I'm Reed by the way." He looked at the teacher. "I'll take one." He said with a smile.

Rachel stared at the bag curiously. "What's in there?"

Eric walked into the mortal conflict class. "Hey honey. It's so empty." He gave her a kiss. "What do you mean neglecting you?"
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"Oh look I have more students! Ice breakers for everyone!" He handed Reed the container to pass as a clone began taking the toys out of the bags, placing the various creatures of bobbleheads that were small enough on the shelf on his desk wall. "In the bag will be all of our lessons. In a simple form" The larger ones he left at home for more complicated lessons. "Once everyone is settled we shall begin." He grabbed the unicorn bobblehead and placed it on his desk

Decimus chuckled, his eyes still closed. "Interesting choice of first words. As lovely as that sounds, I feel I'd get fired if I slept all day so no I am sorry" He stretched as he stood up. "My name is Decimus. And you are?"

She pouted as she kissed him back then huffed and turned away. "You know what Mister Grumpy"
Gaige laughed. "My name is Gaige or Mrs. Taylor don't worry yet about the projecy for now I need to see what you can do. All you need to do is make me something to the best of your ability. I will then judge you on that and your progress for the rest of the year. No pressure. "
Tazmodo said:
Rachel woke up and got ready for class. "Hey Sweetie it's time to wake up." She woke him up and then went to class. Today it was beast taming first.
Reed woke up an hour before school and started his morning exercise. He ran 3 laps around the island, 300 push ups and 500 sit ups. He flew to his monster studies class. He took out his earbuds and waited for the others.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Zaphkiel stretched and yawned. "Okay darling." He got up and ready with her then he himself went to his first class, Health and Medical, a little pleased to see he was the only one. Looks like he got out of that tardy.
Daliah groaned as she woke up. She looked over and saw she was sleeping with Ruby. She blushed slightly and decided to let her sleep .She had a hard night. She silently got out of bed, got ready, then kissed the girl's head before slipping out of the room and going to her class, Beast Taming and it appeared she was the only one. Tardy avoided again.

Rebecca was a bit tired after staying up all hours of the nigth with Reed. It appeared he woke up first, again. She cursed herself and went to class, S-Class. Alone. Guess she wasn't tardy.

Brooke woke up a bit late but wasn't worried. She looked over at Telieos still asleep and smiled. She got ready and ran down to her class, Monster Studies. Some guy had beat her there but otherwise they were the only two. She sat with him. "Hey how's it going? Listen don't tell the teacher I was late kay? Thanks. My name is Brooke. You?"

Not too late after the 4 went to class did the teachers go to theirs.

Morpheus came into his classroom, Monster Studies, carrying a bag. A very... very large bag. "Ahhh hello studies! I'm sorry I'm late. Was toting this monstrosity. Ha I accidentally made a pun. Get it cause Monster Studies? Anyways... My name is Morpheus. You may know me as the King of this country but for now let's just say I'm the bored as all hell god who needs something to do. So here I am teaching!" He dropped the bag on his desk. Clatters could be heard. "We'll start light. Any ice breakers for you two?"

Decimus was alone in Ability Conditioning. Not an issue so he began to sleep

Damian was sitting in his classroom for Castle Guard Training. No one had come so he started doing paperwork

Angelica was a bit upset she was alone in Mortal Conflict. She was eager to teach since Mister Grumpy has been neglecting her. She pouted as she spun in her spinny chair

Ryan came back into his room after his surgery. "Well It looks like I didn't have time for that" He took his bloody gloves off and threw them away. "Welcome to Health and Medical. I am your instructor, Ryan. It appears you're my only student for now Zaphkiel"

Fariella was playing with her magic in the Team Building room. What better way to build teams than alone right? She rolled her eyes that apparently no student had come yet

The Headmaster was in his office doing paperwork. It appeared the first day went off fantastic. So many tardies and absences. It's a wonder these kids even made it here. He tsked and rolled around facing the wall. He looked out of the window and into the courtyard, watching the events
Rikka smiles at the students entering her classroom. "Welcome!" The wall behind her raises up. Revealing a large forest and a metal platform. "Okay students follow me. Today I'm going to teach you about contracting with a beast. It's as if you and the beast become one with a certain type of deal. You make a request out of the beast such as be my friend or fight by my side. Then the beast makes it's demand out of the contract. Then you're partners! It's crucial that you fulfill the contract just like the beast should. Now who wants to see some beasts?"

Blake was relaxing in his chair smoking a cigarette. "Alright class." He tosses a random button at Rebecca. "I want you to put that on the desk of any student in here you choose to save. I'm even an option. The one desk you put the button on. Doesn't explode." There were actual bombs under every desk.
Eric wrapped his arms around her waste. "I'm sorry how can I make it up to you." He kissed her neck.

Reed took a mint and passed them down. "Thanks."

Rachel looked at the unicorn. "Lucky I've never seen one of these. I don't know if this is wrong but is anyone else wondering how they taste." She forgot to eat breakfast that morning and her stomach was growling.
Ruby runs into her Ability Conditioning class. She had woken up late. "I-I'm terribly sorry I'm late." Ruby faces the teacher, Decimus. "May I take a seat?"

Telieos walks in the Monster Studies class in her female form. "Hello! Wonderful day isn't it?" Telieos takes a seat. Not recognizing how late she is.

Ash was late for Ability Conditioning as well. Which was I'm unacceptable in his opinion. He walks into the classroom and waits beside Ruby. Waiting on Decimus's reply.

( @DizjayDeathPride )
Fahy watched the bag and the 'toys' with interest. Fahy knew those were actual monsters that had died and became toys for his teachers pleasure thanks to his dad and he had to respect his teacher just a bit more at the overt show of power.

Connor smiled and shook his head getting the water out of his hair "My name is connor it is nice to meet you. Sorry I got here late it is pretty far from the ocean and I thought I could get back in time for class, sorry." Connor noticed he wasn't the only person late and was infinitely grateful so grateful he even sent a prayer of thanks to his father and assessed the new additions to the class."
Zaphkiel shrugged and stood up, ready to follow her. "Sure why not"

She held it. "well if i'm the only one... should I put it on my desk?" It was more to herself than the teacher. She looked around. She didn't want to seem selfish but survival. She shrugged and put it on the teachers desk. "If anyone needs to not blow up it needs to be the most prepared

She pouted still but moved into his arms, her hair flowing in his face. "You cant meanie"

Morpheus stared at her. When the clone was done he came in front of the desk and stared too. "That's probably the most sadistic thing I've heard other than OH MY GOD IT'S A UNICORN I WANT TO TURN IT INTO A TOY! ..... I like you." He grabbed the toy. "By the way it tastes like beef." He looked at the girl that entered. "see someone with enthusiasm!" He put the toy down and the clone left the room. "So let's start small. Unicorns. What do any of you know? How about you?" He pointed to Reed

Decimus looked at the two that entered. "Interesting I have more students. Yes, enter." He was watching Ruby the most. Something about her soul seemed so.... contained. He oculdn't quite put his finger on it but whatever. He shrugged. "I guess let's get started. What are all of your abilities?"

Connor spoke up first "Well I can hold my breath for long periods of time, communicate with animals, and when I look at facts say in a game or something like tat I make plans for the situation incredibly quickly." connor stopped there not wanting to mention the last part of his abilities, he didn't want to be judged because of it.

Fahy was ready to say something he had read in books about unicorns but stopped when the teacher pointed at another student and decided to sit back quietly and wait his turn if it ever came around. Fahy wasn't one to stand up but he enjoyed sharing his knowledge with people he just didn't like people.
Eric smiled. "What if I fly you around the island?" He kissed her forehead.

Reed looked at him. "Other than they are an endangered species, are actually quite deadly, and taste like beef. Then know also what sick freak turns a unicorn into a bobble head?

Rachel smiled at his comment. "Thank you."
Morpheus squinted at him. "I dont like you anymore mister insulting. You, you were about speak. Tell me what you know" He pointed to Fahy

She still didnt look at him. "Hmm... maybe.. poopie face"

"Interesting... next?"
"Right now? Okay." He looks around. "Lets get to work." He gets some metal, wires, and a pre-made remote and starts working on a remote-control spider.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Zaphkiel shrugged and stood up, ready to follow her. "Sure why not"
She held it. "well if i'm the only one... should I put it on my desk?" It was more to herself than the teacher. She looked around. She didn't want to seem selfish but survival. She shrugged and put it on the teachers desk. "If anyone needs to not blow up it needs to be the most prepared

She pouted still but moved into his arms, her hair flowing in his face. "You cant meanie"

Morpheus stared at her. When the clone was done he came in front of the desk and stared too. "That's probably the most sadistic thing I've heard other than OH MY GOD IT'S A UNICORN I WANT TO TURN IT INTO A TOY! ..... I like you." He grabbed the toy. "By the way it tastes like beef." He looked at the girl that entered. "see someone with enthusiasm!" He put the toy down and the clone left the room. "So let's start small. Unicorns. What do any of you know? How about you?" He pointed to Reed

Decimus looked at the two that entered. "Interesting I have more students. Yes, enter." He was watching Ruby the most. Something about her soul seemed so.... contained. He oculdn't quite put his finger on it but whatever. He shrugged. "I guess let's get started. What are all of your abilities?"
Blake raises an eyebrow and looks at the button on his desk. "You had a good idea you just had to follow through with it. My desk is the biggest so it could fit all of these students if they cling onto, stand on, or sit under it. Meaning nobody would have to actually die. This class consists of quick decisions under extreme pressure. You have to think of various ways to utilize everything around you." The wall behind Blake rises. Blake doesn't even move but instead he tries to fall asleep. It seemed like it was an empty room. "Please step in." There was a door to enter.

Ash and Ruby take their seats. Ash is the first one to speak up. "Carnage Magic."

Ruby herself made sure to keep the attention of herself so she wouldn't have to say anything next.

Rikka nods her head and looks over the egde. "Hollow! Come out!" Suddenly a beast comes out of the cover of the forest. "They're quite friendly. Soon we'll go down in the forest ourselves. You'll find a beast compatible to your personality."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/rift__life_collosus_by_akiman-d3jb8bt.jpg.db7669d718268eb6d15d6c5a1a9fecbe.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="64175" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/rift__life_collosus_by_akiman-d3jb8bt.jpg.db7669d718268eb6d15d6c5a1a9fecbe.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • rift__life_collosus_by_akiman-d3jb8bt.jpg
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Fahy snapped out of his reprieve and was about to speak then stopped, after about a minute he took a deep breath and said in a rush "I read that they are very magical and that in some places they are considered good luck I also heard that they may bathe in moonlight." Fahy then looked away from the teacher as he struggled to breathe.

(@Light where do you find those images?)
"RETREAT!!" The orcs had out-numbered and out-skilled the guards and in a half-hour killed more then sixty guards and two others while they escaped. Sure they killed seventy orcs they just kept coming, it was horrifying. They retreated back to the castle.
Eric smiled. "Hold on tight." He picked her up and flew out of the school.

Gaige looked at him work. "A remote control spider interesting. What does it do?"
"Carnage magic... haven't seen that in awhile. And it seems you're last" He looked at Ruby next

Rebecca looked at the door. "See this is why people die in horror movies" She walks to it and opens it, stepping in

He looked at the beast. "Adorable. I like your eyes hollow"

"Very interesting. All true. It's said their horn possess maaaagical properties able to heal or prevent almost any disease." He threw the bobblehead at the ground as it started to turn back into it's original form. "They have one very simple weakness but since someone here wanted to be a snarky bastard I am not going to tell you yet. Usually they're peaceful, though ferocious. But this one is a bit upset that someone, wont say any names, killed it's family and then turned it into a toy. So it's gonna go on a rampage. Your lesson is to stop it and or kill it without harming it too much. I like my toys pristine. And I cant just turn it back into a toy alive because cutie is all you cant turn them into toys alive! Rikka will get mad and try to kill you again! Blah! Anyways, Ill be waiting." As he finished, the toy turned back into the beast. It roared and began to charge them
Fahy stood on a desk and began to run across the top of them trying to go around the side of the unicorn.

Connor interrupted the teacher "Sir maybe we could skip over her powers since she is the princess after all. I am sure she has some cool power that would make all of us secretly jealous." Connor had noticed her aversion to answering the question and decided to try and swoop in and help her at least a little. @Light
Reed pulled out a chain used for twing trucks. "If you don't tell use I will kill it." He bashed his chain into the side of his face.

Rachel baxk away and summoned Deathrap. He went into armor mode and tackled the beast.

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