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Wild Cards

Sage covered her mouth a bit and she started to shake a bit, though it was obvious she was laughing. Finally after a few seconds she burst out laughing and had to turn around the corner to get ahold of herself, "Kai you are so dumb." She said after she caught her breath, though she was still chuckling.

Though after a few moments she calmed down she leaned against the door, "Its ok.. you don't have to apologize... I am the one who messed up...." She slid a hand through her hair and looked a bit frightened, "I messed up big time... I just made your job harder and put everyone else in danger. I am sorry I let you down Kai.." Sage said quietly.
"No Sage I let you down," Kai said "it is my fault they got near you," he went to her and pulled her into a hug "I need you by my side they can tell that I'd start to fall without you death," he whispered "you scared a good twenty years from my life,"
"I think I scared myself..." She said, though surprisingly she hugged Kai back. "I already decided I am not going to be feel sorry for myself, and I am not going to just lay down and stay in the demon world either... I promise I wouldn't abandon you... and one big mistake is not going to stop me."

Rhea smiled a bit, Kai and Sage really were close friends, it was good to see. To think they did not get along at first. She was not sure she should talk or not to break the cute moment Kai and Sage were having.
"Oh no, very sexy, I think it will make do, though I think some groveling would have been nice as well." Sage said stroking her chin while examining Rose. She felt a bit better and was showing it through her jokes, Kai's forgiveness was nice. Though she was far from ok still, though if Kai hung onto her anymore she have pushed him off her.

Rhea smiled and hugged Shania, Sage was acting normal now that she was making jokes again. Momo wagged her tail happily.
"It... feels nice... want to pet me?" Rose asked and since the outfit was all furred exept the boots and collar it was a very suggestive thing to say.

"I can make you some sexy outfits for her... you decide."Kai said
Sage laughed to herself, Rose was cute.. She was saying things that she did not even realize, "Oh Kai, I would not put you through something like that." She said with a laugh.

Rhea blushed, "You.... you would make..." She said quietly. Not sure if Kai was serious about making Sage outfits for her sex life....
"Aw but it would be a nice challenge!" Kai said.

Ebony blushed and looked at Lucifer did he want to have her wear sexy outfits?

Lucifer looked at Ebony for only second when he saw she was staring at him before he looked away, a small blush across his face. He really wanted Ebony right now....

Sage chuckled "Everything is almost done. I heard something about Dasuke earlier... what did I need to do?"

Call him and see if he could find my mother..' Momo said quietly.
"If anyone can that guy can," Kai said "or kill himself trying he is more stubborn then Shania hopefully he wont find another artifact to look over,"

Ebony hugged onto Lucifer tightly and softly stroked his wings.
Lucifer shivered a bit hugging Ebony tighter, taking in her scent. "Should we try again tonight?" He whispered to her.

Sage sighed and shrugged before poking Rose on the forehead, "If you ever do that to yourself, I'll finish the job." She told the girl.
"We will try and go tonight." He told her with a happy smile.

Sage laughed, though she quietly reached out for Dasuke.
"Not particularly... things on our side are kind of getting progressively worse... but we have a request...... it might take awhile to explain... do you have time?" She asked him as she sat down on one of the benches.
"A few days ago... these children demons appeared, with a wand that could open portals.... they were working together with a human that has a lot of power.... he is part of the war Kai and I are trying to stop from happening on the human side... Demons and humans are working together to try and destroy us...' She told him, scratching the back of her head, 'The children demons, they had this little girl with them... Her name is Momo, she is mute and she is a beastkin demon... she speaks to you through telepathy. She is about our age, and we were wondering if you could find her mother... She said that her mother and brother had abandon the courts when her father was killed in the war and went into hiding.... her mother apparently doesn't use a name anymore. She is a white tiger beastkin and not aligned on either side I guess... that is all we know really."
"White tiger?" Dasuke asked and he instantly thought of the tigress that nominated Tannis. "Twin demons a portal opening wand... my you do have your hands full,"
"You can say that again... Also..." Sage shifted a bit uncomfortably. "I uh... I think i've fallen for your daughter finally..."
"I knew you would eventually, and she has chosen you." Dasuke put a hand on Sage's shoulder. "you are a good person Sage, I am glad to hand over my only child to you,"
Sage actually blushed a bit, "You... really don't have to say it like that... anyway.... if you can find Momo's family and let them know she is ok that would be great... she said it brothers name was Raven... err Raver... Yeah Raver I think."
"I'll pass on the news to her then. Thanks again, and don't try and kill yourself trying to find her either please." She told him with a laugh.
Sage sighed, though she had a bit of blush on her cheek still, "Er... Good news, Dasuke thinks hes already seen your mother... but that is just a small chance." She told Momo.

Momo perked up immediately, 'Really? That would be wonderful!'

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