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Wild Cards

"I'm sure he'll do his best," Rose said with a smile and she jumpped up her bell tinging as she did so.

Ebony blushed once more thinking of an outfit she could wear for lucy.
Sage laughed a bit and then waved everyone off, "Lets get ready to go. I am almost done with food." She told them.

Lucifer nodded then approached Shania, "Hey Shania... because of last night we did not go to Ebony's... we should probably go tonight..."
"alright same rules be good an make sure it's ok with her parents," Shania ruffled Lucifers hair fondly "you will be a good boy though I know it,"
Lucifer looked to Ebony, hoping she would give him a bit of help. Rhea smiled a bit at Shania's affection to Lucifer.
Ebony smiled "My parents love Lucy they said he can come over anytime,"she said and hugged him.

Shania nodded and smiled "ok as long as you call and make sure I'll pack a overnight bag for Luce,"
"he'd end up forgetting something," Shania stated "so it's easier if i just do it so I know he is ready,"

Ebony smiled and snuggled into Lucifer happily.
Rhea just smiled and pat Shania on the head, she was such a good girl, violent, but good.

"Ok I am done." Sage said, kicking a cooler out of the kitchen. "Dress warm... it is going to get cold. Also Shania, I am borrowing Rose tomorrow. We need to do training before Dasuke kills me..." She told her with a sigh.
"Alright bring her back in one piece though... Rose same goes for you bring Sage back in one piece," Shania said.

Rose puffed up "training isn't that dangerous," she said
Sage laughed, though Momo was up and already ready to go out the door to the park, for a girl with bruised ribs and high on whatever pain killer she was given, she could move.

Rhea smiled at well and sat up from the couch, moving from the couch. She was still getting used to Shania being her girlfriend, but it felt like nothing between them has not really changed beside they more openly snuggle.
Shania took Rhea's hand as they walked to the van.

"Come on Death lets get going before your new kitten uses you as her first toy," Kai smiled and went out to the van as well.
Sage shook her head and picked up the cooler and put it in the back with everyone else before hopping into the van itself. Sage laughed a bit though she made Rose change into something warm, but made her keep the ears, bell and tail on because she thought it was cute. It would make Momo seem slightly more normal too. Though Lucy fell back into his disguise.
Ebony smiled at Lucifer she was looking forward to tonight but she found herself a bit nervous now as well as she kept thinking of what he would do or what he could do and fearing a bit that he'd not find her a suitable mate after the fact.

Rose hopped int the van jingling all the way Kai laughed "I swear," he shook his head. "off we go,"
The park was fun and went without problem or interruption. Momo would play on the jungle gym, and she made Kai play with her too because he never seemed to actually play, just sit and talk. Lucifer thought that was a good idea so he also made everyone play on the jungle gym at the park.

Sage mostly just swung on the swing when she was made to play. She tried to act normal but she was still really hating herself and was a bit withdrawn.

Rhea has a lot of fun on the jungle gym, she had not really played on one for years, and it was even more fun to do it at the park with everyone else. She noticed Lucifer spent most of his time messing with his big sister, getting under her skin and making her chase him. She loved watching Shania and Lucy, they were great siblings.
Shania more then happily chased her annoying yet lovable little brother around making Ebony laugh as she watched them from her swing. Rose tried to get Sage to do more playing but sort of gave up and decided Sage just had no inner child at all. Kai however proved himself to be a rather clumsy climber despite how often he had to do it at work.
After the park and lunch, it was mostly time for everyone to go home, though Rhea decided she should spend the night since both Rose and Lucifer was gone, though where Momo who still was up for debate where she was going to stay.

Lucifer wave bye to Shania before him and Ebony started to leave to go to her house and pick up her own overnight bag, then they would go to the hotel.
"Momo, where do you want to stay?" Kai asked her "We have a choice basically with Shania and me.. unless Sage offers her way to small apartment,"

Shania chuckled "Im starting to think I might get kai to ad onto my house," she said though in all honesty she'd kill him if he tried.

Ebony went home and grabbed her bag before wishing her parents goodnight and then they left. Ebony was nervous again but still happy to be with her Lucifer.
Lucifer smiled and kissed Ebony gently. "did you want to go do something before we went to the hotel, before it gets dark?" He asked her happily.

Rhea smiled, "You just need to start putting beds everywhere... You could run a Bed and breakfast with the way you go."

Momo looked around, 'I can sleep where it is easiest to put me... I sleep in trees really well.' She told them happily. Though it sounded like she actually liked sleeping in trees.

Sage laughed, "At this rate I could just take Rose and Momo can have the couch Roses has been on." She suggested quietly.
"Nah Death you will have your hands full with Rose I have a feeling she'll pounce you in your sleep... every night she can," Kai chuckled "I think it's safeish for me to go home as well so you get a break from me finally,"

"You can stay here Momo," Shania said "my house is sort of a hotel... "

Ebony blushed "um... I don't know," she hugged him. "I think we should go so we have alot of time just the two of us,"
"Well I am taking her home with me tonight for training tomorrow." Sage said with a laugh, "She won't be able to pounce me trust me."

Momo smiled 'Thank you Shania.'

Rhea laughed, "See I told you."

Lucifer smiled, "It is just the two of us.... right now, and all night, maybe even some in the morning!" He told her with a smile, Lucifer was excited being alone with Ebony. Usually Shania was always around, maybe not in the same room, but she was always close. Sage was especially annoying on their alone time as well. "Its whatever you want Ebony... I love you."
Ebony smiled "I love you too," she kissed him softly. "lets go ... I'm a bit nervous ... and i have to put on something... for you," she blushed.

Shania ruffled Rhea's hair "and with you staying and momo, I'll have a nice full house,"

Ka ichuckled "Death you and Rose need a ride?" he asked.
"No its ok, we can walk." Sage said picking up Smores. "Thanks though. Be careful and call me if you need anything." Sage told Kai with a smile.

Rhea smiled and then waved bye to everyone, she was never nervous to be alone with Shania, but Momo was here so she was not alone. Rhea tried to lay her hair flat again, but it was hard since it was in a braid.

Lucifer smiled and nodded, mostly wondering what she had to put on. Though she said she gotten it for him... maybe he should have gotten a present too? They eventually got to a small hotel and got a one bed bedroom. When they got up it was nothing fancy though Lucifer was still impressed, "Wow, this is cool." He said happily.
Ebony smiled "it's very nice," she said softly. "one second i'll be right back," she kissed him before going into the bathroom sh took out her Victoria secrets bag that was in her overnight pack and she put on a purple bra and pantie pair they were lace and delicate then she slipped on a sheer black night shirt that went to her mid thighs she blushed as she looked at herself it was times like this she wanted Shania's body.

Shania smiled and took down Rhea's hair and gently combed her fingers through her hair "you are beautiful," she told her with a smile.

Rose smiled and took Sage's hand "i get to spend time alone with you," she said happily and she would indeed try to pounce Sage.

"Ok death same here you need me you know how to reach me," Kai said and left for home,
Rhea blushed a bit, "I think you're more beautiful." She told her happily, though she took Shania's hand and squeezed it happily.

Sage chuckled and held onto Rose's hand in return, though it made carrying Smores a bit harder, she lead them quietly back to her apartment.

Luifer just looked around the room quietly, though now he himself was feeling a bit nervous. He wondered if Ebony would be ok doing this... he really did not want to force her to be his mate...
Ebony took a deep breath and went back to the hotels bed room she tugged the sheer material lightly. "Luci?" she asked softly.

Rose was happy as she and Sage and the very 'happy' cat went to the apartment.

Shania smiled and gently kissed Rhea "do you want to go lay down? perhaps was can all watch a movie?"

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