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Wild Cards

"Pancakes!" Rose said awake now as she went to get dressed. "love you," she kissed Sage before she actually grabbed her clothes.

Ebony smiled and snuggled into him happily.
Sage blushed a bit watching Rose leave to go get dressed, gently she rubbed the side of her hair and walked into the other room to start to cook pancakes. When food was done she gave Rose some and went to go get dressed herself. When she was done, she let out a content sigh, "Ok Rose, we are going to go to a garden for our first date. Does that sound good?"
Sage laughed and held Rose, "I figured you would..." She said quietly. Sage had slept badly again last night, still completely guilt ridden over the whole Venn thing. But Rose was providing a good distraction for her mind. She felt bad though... Kai was probably trying to fix things while shes going out trying to make herself feel better. Her grip tightened around Rose a bit and let out a shaky breath, "Ready to go? We have to catch the bus. I don't own a car like Kai does."
Sage smiled and pulled Rose with her, pausing only a moment to return the quick kiss. Quickly they went to go catch the bus. When they got on, Sage put money in a small back and then pulled Rose to sit down in one of the seats, "We can train a bit while we are at the guardian if that is ok with you... there are a lot of plants... but if not, we can just enjoy ourselves."
"I don't mind training you as long as we are together," Rose smiled at Sage and hugged her softly wanting to sit in her lap but feeling it may be inappropriate.
"She died... " Rose said "I was little dad says she was kind and soft spoken... she cared for him not because of his power but because he was him," she looked at Sage "Daddy really loved mama,"
Sage smiled warmly, "Sounds like she did." Sage chuckled, "You father described her a lot differently than you did just now though."
"Like walking in a tornado." She said with a chuckle. When the bus stopped, Sage sat up and took Rose's hand and moved her to the street. Sage looked around a bit before starting to walk a curtain direction.
"He told me once too, that you are a lot like your mother. Though I will admit you look the splitting image of your father." She said quietly. Sage also looked like her dad, but she had a bit of her mother in her. They turned down a few streets though Sage continued to hold Rose's hand. Sage liked the attention they were getting though. She noticed a few people admired her and Rose. Rose was quite the looker, and Sage knew she was pretty hot as a guy.
Rose smiled "do i really look that much like daddy?" she asked Sage but she was happy and Sage was holding her hand she was going to live this day up as much as she could.
Sage laughed, "Splitting image." She told her, before long they made it to a large gated area somewhere in the middle of the city. When they went inside Sage went to the ticket booth and paid for both her and Rose. She was taking Rose to not just an gaurdian, but one of the high end ones that breed and take care of plants real well. Sager herself had only been here once with a boyfriend who was frankly into this kind of stuff. Though at the time she was not connected to the plants.

When Sage lead Rose inside the pavillion opened up to a pond, there were plants and flowers everywhere around the pond. Koi wish were inside the pond, "Here we are... what do you think?"
Rose's eyes widened "the plants are all happy... it's like being in daddy's garden have you seen daddy's garden." she smiled brightly and pulled Sage into the area. "oh look at the fishies!"
Sage laughed, "Yes i've seen Daddy dearests garden. Do you want to feed the fishes?" She asked Rose when they got to the pond.
Sage chuckled, "Yeah, stay here." She told Rose and she walked off. When she came back she handed Rose a small paper bag, inside of it had flakes of fish food in them. "There, feed them this." She told her with a small smile.
Sage smiled happily, she was actually genuinely trying to give Rose a good time today. She had no idea how she was going to mix the worst day of her life yesterday with maybe going to be the best day to date today... Sage watched Rose feed the fishes with a small smile. Thought the next thing Sage did was take her phone out and took a picture of Rose feeding the fishes. She took a quick look through her pictures, there was one of Kai when they went dancing and he had disguised himself, another of Kai when she took him to the hospital after frederick's first attack.. a bunch of all the girls in their swimsuits when they went to the pound. Sage smiled at the memories and shut the phone and put it in her pocket.
Rose looked up at Sage and smiled "wanna feed them too?" she asked holding out a hand for Sage. She was beeming and radiating happiness even the plants were feeding off her happiness
Sage smiled and came up behind Rose and wrap an arm around her waist, pushing her close to while reaching into the bag and gently throwing the food into the pound, watching the Koi roll over each other to get it.

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