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Wild Cards

Sage laughed a bit, waiting for see if it clicked in Rose's mind that she had just indirectly confessed to her that she was in love with her. "Yeah, I think they are happy to see you too." Though she gently kissed Rose's forehead.
Sage chuckled and wrap her arms around Rose, hugging her from behind and pulling Rose against her body, then leaning close whispering to her ear, "I love you."
Sage laughed a bit, she was expecting Rose to freak out possibly just a bit, or even question her. It was strange that she just accepted it, "I guess I should be taking you home soon."
Sage smiled and kissed her lips back slowly, "Mmm not in less Shania approves because she is you mommy now." Sage laughed, "Because you're 14 years old Rose..." She said ruffling the girls hair. Though she took a few steps to her parents graves and leaned down to face them. Closing her eyes Sage took a deep breath and silently prayed to them. When she was done she stood again, "See you guys later... watch over me." She said quietly, before turning to Rose and taking Rose's hand.
"Yeah.. I was thinking that tooo." Sage said quietly as they left.

From there they day went quietly for Sage and Rose as they practiced and bit more. Ebony and Lucifer turned back up at Shania's eventually though they acted normal, if not happier. Rhea eventually went back home to see her brother, knowing he was probably still a bit freaked out from a few days ago.

When the next day came by, Sage just told Kai to come pick her up when he planned on leaving to go meet up with Broren and Raffer.
Ebony seemed more attached to Lucy if it was even possible.

Kai texted Sage telling her he would be able to get her after 12 but not before then.

Shania was happy to have Luci back but sad for Rhea's absence.
And with that.... Sage rolled over and went back to sleep.

Luicfer was proububly as more clingy to Ebony as Ebony seemed to him.

Momo on the other hand seem to entertain herself by getting into mischief around the house. She would play with electronics that probably did not need to be played with. Touching and knocking thing over, by accident most of the time. She healed quickly and was frankly a bit too hyper to be around the house all day.
Shania was half tempted to tie momo to a chair. "Momo you touch one more thing I'll break your hand," Shania stated as she tried to fix the power cords of her house.

Ebony brought Momo a doll house and dolls to play with.
The doll house entertained her for a long while , though she would get bored pretty easy, 'Shania... I am really bored... What do you guys do around here usually?' She asked turning to the two demons that lived here. Momo want to know if Rose was going to go live with her almost mate.

"Lay around and watch TV and snuggle with Ebony?" Lucifer said from the floor, which was what he did when he was not working with Kai.
"talk to the plants watch tv day dream about Sage," Rose put in.

"Cook clean and keep you out of danger of electrocution," Shania told Momo,
'I don't know... what kind of games do you humans play?' Momo asked.

Lucifer jumped up, "Ohoh! There is this one game we played called Tag once.. that was fun, and then another time Rose and I played Fetch! Sage made the ball evaporate!"

Momo's eyes went wide, 'Evaporate?'
Shania sighed deeply "how about I just take you guys to our city to play?" she asked.

Ebony chuckled and hugged Luci's arm smiling.
"The city sounds fun." Rhea said quietly walking into the door. Roen was behind her, "Sorry for dropping in unannounced." Roen said quietly.

'Rhea! Who is that?' Momo asked looking at the tall man next to her.

"This is my brother Roen..." She then turned to Roen, "You can't hear her, but she speaks in your mind."
"Shake her hand," Shania said "then you'll be able to hear her,"she smiled at Rhea "how are you?" she asked her.

Ebony smiled "hello Roen," she said softy.
"Hello Ebony." He greeted her though he went to go shake Momo's hand. Roen had just come to accept pretty much anything that happened around the group at this point. He smiled when he heard Momo and she introduced herself.

Lucifer kissed the side of Ebony's head when she greeted Roen.

Rhea smiled at Shania and walked to her, "Good, my brother had a day off today, so I thought it would be nice for him to bond with the group a bit more, though if I remember Sage and Kai are doing their own thing today. How are you?"
"I'm going to skin myself a monkey if she touches one more electronic, we were going to the city want to show it to Roen?" Shania asked "I'll pack us all a lunch,"

Ebony smiled and blushed she wondered if she should ask Roen about how long it would take to see if her and lucifers mating could have made a child but she doubted just one time would do anything.
"Sure, I think it would be fun. Roen is really good with kids anyway... Momo being that bad?" Rhea asked a bit with a chuckle, "Do you need any help?" She asked happily.

Though true to Rhea's word, Roen was already entertaining Rose, Momo and Lucy by teaching them how to play Rock Paper Scissors.
"yes she is that bad," Shania hugged Rhea "I need help alot of help," she admitted.

Rose smiled "oh lets play!" se said after he explained the rules.

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