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Wild Cards

Roen chuckled, "Ok, on the count of three, you all shoot." Lucifer huddled Ebony to him, trying to get her to play with him.

Momo looked very serious as she concentrated at her fist.

Rhea smiled and hugged her back, "I already knew that part, I mean with making a lunch... I can at least make a sandwich without blowing the kitchen up." She said quietly with a giggle.
Shania made a face "you caught a tea kettle on fire.... I'd not put anything past you my dear Rhea," then she chuckled "you can help me set everything out and wrap everything up if you want,"

Ebony held out her fist as well with a giggle and then when Roen counted three she set rock Rose had paper
"Shania... I had no memory how that happened... I know how to use a teapot now! It won't happen again! You've seen me use a tea pot..." Rhea pouted, almost whined, as she walked into the kitchen to help Shania.

Roen threw out rock, while Lucifer threw out Scissors. Momo waiting before everyone else had theirs out before she put out Paper, so she could win two and only lose one. "Momo that is cheating!" Lucifer said.
"Cheaters loose by default," Ebony said "thats how mom and dad do it,"

Rose puffed up and looked at Momo "try again!" she said then smiled "you can do it!"

Shania chuckled "you are never going to live that down," she told Rhea as they started to get the lunch ready.
Lucifer smirked at Ebony agreeing with him, though Momo lashed her tail a bit she nodded. Roen laughed, "Ok, One, Two Three Go." He said, this time Roen played paper, Lucifer had also played paper. Momo played right that time and ended up playing Rock.

"No because I wasn't in my right mind..." Rhea pouted, though she helped Shania trying mostly to stay out of her way.
Rhea smiled back at Shania, "For a while.. did not think anyone was going to get along with him... he... can be hard to handle because he is a lot like my dad... He is strong willed, smart and stubrin... he can be a bit mean and rash sometimes... Kai doesn't like him at all..."

'I win?' Momo asked.

"No you only win against Ebony... Me and Roen beat you and Rose." Lucifer said.

Roen chuckled quietly as they debate who won and who dident win.
Kai went to Sage's apartment in his actual car a mustang convertible cherry red he honked twice letting Sage know it was him.

Ebony smiled "it's ok Momo you do good... maybe we can play tag at the city... Roen... you can play too," she said timidly.

"I am hard to get along with too," Shania said "your brother makes you happy and because of that i will try to not make him mad or uncomfortable,"
Rhea smiled and then kissed Shania on the cheek, "I appreciate the effort." She told the girl happily.

Roen smiled back at Ebony, "I haven't played tag in a long time."

It took a while, but Sage eventually wandered out of her apartment, she noticed a few of her residence were looking. Kai's car attracting attention, though she did not particularly care, she dared someone to try and break into her apartment. Opening the door, Sage sat down and ruffled her hair a bit. "Ready?"
"Yeah lets go see our favorite Shaman... how'd you sleep?" kai asked as he began to drive to the farm.

Shania smiled at Rhea seeing her so happy lifted Shania's mood as well.

Ebony smiled "Tag.. is fun," she said softly
She opened her mouth a moment and then closed it again before she actually spoke. She was about to lie to him, but she was trying to stop lying, even about the small stuff, though it was much much much harder than it seemed, "Not that great, yourself?" She asked him.

Roen smiled and nodded, Though Momo asked for the rules and Roen promptly explained them to her. Though Lucifer nuzzled Ebony's neck while Roen was talking to Momo.

Things went quiet after that as Shania and Rhea worked, but Rhea did not mind because she was comfortable in the silence, though you could hear Roen and everyone else in the other room.
"I didn't sleep," Kai said softly "lots of crap needed to get done and dad got nice and drunk again.. I should poison his Vodka." he sai dryly as they drove.

Shania who wasn't a talkative person tended to like silence and was content to be silent.

Ebony smiled and snuggled into Lucifer she still felt like they should be in the hotel she wouldn't mind another night or two with him so close and affectionate.
"Well don't fall asleep at the wheel.... or you could let me drive." She said quietly. "Anything I can help with?" Though she was praying dearly Kai would not make a jab at her recent failure. Frankly... she was still very sore about everything.

"There! Done." Rhea said happily when the packed the last of the sandwiches away in their cooler.
"Nah it's mostly family stuff I've been neglecting," Kai told her "not much you could help with unless you want to pose as me and be sickeningly sweet to old dumb @sses."

"yes indeed well lets head off," Shanai said
"As long as I can make a fool of you, I would dress up as you anyday Kai." Sage said with a chuckle.

Roen stood up, "We can take my car." He said. His car was nothing Fancy, just a civic because he did not need anything more. It was a bit cramped fitting 5 people in the back... but lucky Momo, Ebony and Rose were light.
"I'll sit in Luci's lap," Ebony said with a smile "and Rhea can sit in Shania's."

Shania chuckle "I could do that,"she said "hold you in my lap that is,"

Kai shook his head "really now do be nice to your boss,"
"Rhea is sitting in the front!" Roen nearly yelled, though he had a blush on his face a bit. Rhea had told him not too long ago that her and Shania were dating now. He was a bit shocked to say the least, but he accepted it if it made her happy. Rhea was blushing too.

Momo jumped up, 'I'll sit on Rose's lap!'

Sage smiled and shrugged a bit. "You think this trip is going to be a good one?" She asked him.
"I hope so good news would definatly bring up my spirit," Kai sighed

Shnaia chuckled and got in the car.

Rose smiled "ok!" she said and hopped in aswell.
Sage sighed and ruffled her hair a bit then leaned back in the chair, going quiet in thought.

Roen sighed and started his car, and with directions from Rhea drove them to their city.
Kai drove to the farm pulling into the area and taking a moment to calm himself.

Rose had told momo all about their fun at the city on their way there.
"You're making me nervous too Kai...." Sage said with a sigh, though she moved to get out of the car, she could see a lot of the goblins gathering around the fence to see the guardians.

When they got to the city, Rhea had gotten out of the car fist, Roen not far behind. After Lucifer got out of the car, he let his disguise fall so he could scratch and feel his wings. Momo was bouncing around. 'This place is amazing!'

"This place is dangerous..." Roen said raising an eye brow at it.
"We have never been hurt," Shania said "we are stronger then average human's now and we protect Rhea,"

Rose let her winds out too and streched them "Luci lets fly!" she said.

Ebony kissed Luci she loved both forms but preferred this one to be honest.
Lucifer kissed Ebony back before jumping up to go fly with Rose. Momo seemed to pout, though she jumped on the building, trying to keep up with the two flying demons, 'I want to fly!'

Rhea smiled and stood next to Ebony, "You guys seem happy today."

Roen grunted, but it was more of a whatever you guys want grunt. "As long as you take care of her."
Kai looked at Sage "sorry death I've been through alot these past couple weeks," he smiled "lets go."

"Grow wings!" Rose said but dived and picked momo up flying with her.

Ebony blushed deeply "yeah..." she said "Luci... is always wonderful,"

Shania nodded "I will,"
Sage let out a depressed sigh and moved to get out of the car with him, though she gave him a gentle pat on the head as they walked together to go see Broren. Kai was taller than Sage, but only by 3 inches.

When they arrived at this tent, Raffer had popped his head out and smiled at them, "Kai, Death. We are glad you have come to us today. You will be able to help us out greatly." He said with a nod. Then opened the tent for them to come in. When they came in, they could see Broren setting up several things around the area, "Guardians... please take a seat. I don't wish to take too long with this... I have much to think about. Forgive me for being unpleasant."

Sage smiled, "Don't worry about it, we are just glad to help you out for once." She told him.

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