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Wild Cards

Sage laughed, "I am jailbait, I am also taken, might as well consider it shackles at this point. Anyway, thanks Kat, I'll talk to you later." She said before hanging up on him, though she got into the car.
"Sure why not.... So Rose and I are an item now I guess... Her dad gave me his blessing and then I guess I kind of agreed to be her mate yesterday. Though I told her I could still kiss you whenever I want." Sage said with a chuckle, "Hey.. lets go get some coffee." Sage said suddenly, remembering the night her mother died they had gone and got some coffee and just hung out like normal teens.
"Sure," Kai said about the coffee "and congrats you now have a psycho girlfriend," he chuckled as they drove it was too cold to pull the top down but he loved his little car. "Also I agree we should kiss more often you are rather good at it,"
"Of course I am, I don't know why you ever doubted me!" Sage said with a smirk. "Also... if you want to get technical... I am pretty much getting married in human standards, I don't think there is such thing as a girlfriend stage with Bridy." Sage said, she already knew what she was getting into. "Of course that does not mean I can't continue to play my game with others, I just means I can't score points anymore." Sage said to Kai with a grin.
Kai shook his head and laughed "It's sad poor Rose has never been touched... unless you've took the liberty already?" He glanced at Sage he knew she probably hasn't since she was serious about Rose.
"I'm actually plan to torment her....." Sage said with a grin. "I plan on stretching this out as far as I can, just because I agreed to this doesn't mean my teasing the birdy isn't going to happen. It just means she is my victim for the rest of my life."
Kai chuckled "and to think this is the softer Sage, poor Birdy would be in trouble if you were the you we first met the day at school." Kai smiled at Sage "oh I disliked you with a passion back then,"
"I didn't much care for you either, I thought you were a freak. You still are though." She said, talking was making her feel better, though Kai often made her feel better. "We've come a long way."
"I agree," he laughed "at least I knew you were a girl unlike the rest of the group. If you wouldn't have dissed my clothing I probably would have hit on you,"
"I think I might have had been offended back them." She said laughing, "I think we both manage to depict each other's genders right off the bat. Hey, you remember... I think it was the second day of meeting and you were reading some book... we decided we were going to sacrifice Lucy. I think that was the first time we ever agreed on anything." She said with a smile.
"Yes... oh Shania's reaction was funny she wanted to keep Lucy but as a tool now look at her she is so attached to the little kid demon," Kai laughed thinking of how Shania had softened to the boy.
"He grew quickly on all of us... To think we all hated his guts once... we all probably hated demons in general... even Levi doesn't seem like a bad guy anymore. How long has it been... More than half a year? Almost a full year?... Christmas is coming soon... think we should throw a Christmas party with the group... before we go fight the war?" Sage suggested with a small smile, "It will be my first Christmas without my parents, Shania without her brother... Maybe your first Christmas with some decent people huh?"
"Yeah... we don't really celebrate holidays... well we have parties but I've never experienced a real Christmas," Kai laughed "all the money in the world can't buy what some people get for free," he smiled at Sage "I agree to the party but I get to help decorate," he stated.
Sage smiled, "Want to make it surprise?" She asked thinking the group might actually like somthing as pleasant as that.
"Yeah that sounds great!" Kai said actually rather exited himself "Where should we have it?" he asked pulling into the coffee shop parking lot.
"Hmm.... We can have it at Shania's maybe, but we have to get the bunch out of the house while we prepare." Sage said while getting out of the car. She thought for a moment, "Maybe make Shania and Rhea take everyone out to go see a movie or go to the park... just tell them we have something we have to do and leave them stranded at the park till we are done."
"You want to try and strand Shania?" Kai laughed "I might get a few shoe's to the head!" he sounded more amused then anything though.
Sage chucked, "I think you will survive!" Sage said, though she ordered two coffees, buying for Kai before handing him one and going to go sit. Sage was never much of a coffee drinker, in fact she liked tea much more, but a coffee every now and again was alright. "Then we can send them to the movie, I think we can get everything decorated and cooked beforehand. Think Shania puts up a tree? If not we'll have to get one of those too. Get presents for everyone too... Gee Kai... what would I even get you?"
"Haha i'm not picky exept with clothing," Kai said and smiled "what to get you is the question I think buying you a house is not what you want me to do," Kai sipped the coffee and almost melted he loved a good hot coffee.
"Hmm you can buy my old house... the dang thing still hasn't sold." Sage said pouting, "Beside... I don't mind where I am at... I don't need anymore than that. Maybe you need a pet, I be you would love a puppy." Sage said with a smile.
"I actually am a dog person but I'd fear for the poor things life," he chuckled "all the dumb@sses around the place all the time no I'm planing on moving out as soon as I turn 18 and saying F you dad," Kai smiled.
Sage chuckled, "Just lie like me. Though I am sure your dad is probably keeping you there. I would offer to room with you, but you might actually kill me if we did. Still I have not come to the conclusion of what to buy you for Christmas. I can think of somthing to get everyone... yet the closest one I am to nothing even seems to remotely come up."
Kai laughed "What do you get a guy who has all money can buy?" he asked "you are giving me my first real christmas cook me up a really great meal and I will be putty in your hands," he winked at her and smiled.
Sage smirked, "Alright, I can do that, I guess money really can't buy meals like mine, thats for damn sure." Sage said with loud laugh, her cooking skills were the one thing she was always confident about. "I am going to open up a restaurant one of these days. One of those relaxing cafe style types."

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