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Wild Cards

When Sage came back she picked the lock promptly, she found that Kai's habit of humming actually pissed her off. He use to have a habit of spinning his axe when he was nervous... but recently he picked up a habit of humming... and it really got on her nerves. "We will all go in. Get ready." Sage told them.

Rhea fell back away from Shania and more to Ebony, while Lucifer gave Ebony a quick kiss on the forehead and moving closer to Shania. Momo was not sure what to do with herself till Rhea had silently waved the girl closer to her.

When Sage opened the door and they walked in, there was nothing though it was rather dark, Sage immediately turned on the lights, though she noticed the power did not work so it remained dark. "Lets go Find the generator... I bet I could get it running with a good jolt." Sage said quietly.

Rhea shuffled a bit, but then put her hands out and a small ball of light hovered over the area, lighting up a small area of the floor they were on. It was bright to look directly at, but it was really helping light the area.
"Or we can use princess as a nightlight," Kai said "good job princess,"

Shania smiled at Rhea "better then my fire I'd catch the house and burn it." she said

Ebony smiled "lets get this threat," she said softly.

Rose had to go to the ground as there wasn't alot of flying room.
"It takes energy from me... energy I could be using for healing..." Rhea said quietly as a warning.

"Then perhaps we should still go find it? Heck the breaker would be a good place too, i think I might be able to get the lights on with that." Sage said with a nod.
"I'll just light a fire," shania said and let her flame surround her "Archer turn down your wind please,"

Ebony instantly turned it down and controlled it better.

"Yeah breaker," Kai said softly and began to look for a way into a basement or something like that.
Sage chuckled and followed Kai mostly, though Rhea was the one who found it, saying the floor plan looked a lot like her own but older. Lucifer looked around nervously, he never felt the shadows move closer or away, just around, though never approaching them.

When Sage opened the box and pulled out a few wires, there were a few sparks from it. "This is weird... there is already power here..." Sage said, narrowing her eyes at the box.
"It might be out by demon power of some sort," Shania said softly keeping her fire under control meant her keeping very calm.

"um... maybe we should... try to sneek up on one of the things to see it," Ebony said softly.

"I don't want to acidently engage them though," Kai said softly.
"I agree with Archer, You know we have to kill them, so engaging is good... That is what we are here for... Though if they are friendly, frankly I don't care if he stays in the house, no one is using it. Though we still have to close the portal. Lets just go find the demon and go talk to it." Sage said, sighing. She was not sure what everyone was being so scared about. This is not the first time they have been demon hunting...

Rhea rubbed the back of her head, thats right... what if the demon was friendly and the shadows were avoiding them out of fear? "I guess Death has a point..."

Lucifer seemed to shift and Momo continued to stand around, though her eyes glowed a bit in the darkness, even more so with Shania's fire.
"I still have a bad feeling," Shania said "like something crawling under my skin,"

Ebony smiled she was happy her idea got an ok from someone.

"ok Kid where is the closest thing?" Kai asked him.

Rose took Sage's arm "if it isn't friendly try to be careful," she said "you guys can't fly away like me and Kid can,"
"I guess upstairs." Lucifer said, "That is where the demon is at..."

Sage smiled at Rose and pat her head, "Relax Birdy we are fine. Keep yourself safe." She told the girl.
"I will if anyone touches me they get pummeled," Rose said confidently her confidence raised Ebony's spirits even more.

Shania smiled "well there is no use stalling Death you want to lead or me?" she asked sage locating the staircase easily.

Kai chuckled "yes yes, lets go slay some evil demons or talk to peaceful ones whatever comes,"
"See I am already started to feel better with positive team talk here!" Sage said, slightly fist pumping the air with a chuckle, "You can lead warrior, you're the one who is supposed to lead anyway... I only lead when we are being quite."

Rhea was still feeling really nervous, it Shania didn't need both her hands and her wits about her, Rhea would have her face buried in her chest... in an appropriate and well justified manner of course!

Momo hopped has continued to follow the group, Lucifer took the lead with Shania, more so leading the way to the demon.
Shania was ready and more then a bit exited now that the creeping feeling was pushed aside. The familiarity of her and luce leading the grouped helpped keep her head in the game and focused.

Kai flipped his card every few steps and smirked one comment had everyone so pumped it amused him to say the least.

Rose almost found herself skipping as they went.
When they got to a particular room upstairs part of the mansion, there was a large shaded looking demon, he almost looked like a lizard man, he was probably the size of a small car. Lucifer took a step closer to him at first, asking him if he was friendly or not in demon.

The demon laughed and then smiled, his teeth gleaming a bit off Shania's fire, "Actually... I am just here to test you guardians guys... I hear you can be very entertaining." He said in human, though as soon as he said something Shadows similar to Kai's ability started to engulf everyone in the room and pull them down on the floor. "I hope you are worth my trip here." He said laughing more.

Sage's immediate reaction to the shadows was to shock it, but it obviously had no effect. Everyone else tired to fight the shadow but it looked like it was moving people more into the floor.
Kai shrouded himself in his shadows and grabbed the nearest person who happened to be sage and tried to shroud her as well though it was draining to cover two people and she had slightly shocked him when he abruptly grabbed her.

Shania tried to torch the shadows her fire surrounding her and Rose's first reaction was to take to the air. Ebony however actually curled up as a reflex and a bad one to use at a time like this.
Sage really wasn't expecting Kai to grab her, but when his shadows came down she lept out of the area and tried to slice the demon in half, but he pulled himself back into the wall covering himself in shadows. Sage herself had to try and pull her Scythe out of the wall after it stuck in the wood from the missed strike. "Damnit!" She cursed.

When the shadows left Rhea's sight... she was in a room, a bedroom. She was alive... but where was everyone else?

Lucifer flew as soon as the shadows let him go, Where was Ebony?! Shania could take care of herself... but he needed to find Ebony! He looked to be in a large dining room area.

Momo sat up when she was released from the shadows, she was not sure where she was. It looked like a really big bathroom. T.V. called it a bath house. She wished the lights were on... she alway wishes she was not separated from the others.
Ebony was shocked when she lowered her hands and was standing in a kitchen "Kid?" she asked softly but the mic was suffering from interference. Once she figured out the mic wouldn't work she began to look around the kitchen for anything useful she went towards the door when she found it but was a bit hesitant.

"Kid," Lucifer heard Ebony's voice she looked a bit disoriented and she looked around the dinning hall the girl was an exact copy of Ebony in looks and voice even the way she moved.

Shania was still useing her fire even as she ended up being moved to a library of sorts she turned down her flames as to not burn any books, she heard a static crackle in her ears she must have toasted her headset.

"Priestess," a figure walked up to Rhea and it turned out to be Shania "Oh Priestess there you are," Shania had her blade out and was holding it like always.

Kai huffed "D@mn this shadow controling stuff is such a pain," he said but transformed his weapon looking at Sage "the mics are out..." he commented when he didn't hear his own voice.

Rose had been grabbed out of the sky and opened her eyes to look around an office like room. She looked around and called into the mic soon figuring out it was not working she huffed it was so like a mic to not work.

"Hello mite, good to see you are unhurt," Kai's voice said as a figure approached Momo "I was fortunate my shadows seemed to have let us stay together,"
"That or I popped both of ours...with the shock, are you ok Joker?" Sage asked, she knew the shocking hurt people, her and Shania had to have the most potential powers for friendly fire.

"Ebony..." lucifer said, disregarding the nicknames, "Ebony are you ok?" He asked flying over to S.Ebony.

Momo looked at S.Kai... this wasn't Kai. He wouldn't be able to hear her because his mind did not have that little piece of her that she left in all of their minds. Sure there was a copy... but she did not put that there. Slowly she reached out a hand to S.Kai, as if motioning that she wants him to hold her hand. She looking into his eyes and started to pull him into a hypnosis.

Rhea looked up to see Shania, she let out a long sigh of relief, "Warrior... are you ok? Your not hurt are you?" She asked her immediately.

"Warrior? Was.. was that your fire?" it was the familiar voice of Rhea that called out to Shania, she was cowering on the floor a bit, and she sounded scared. The place was scaring her and now they were separated from everyone, "Everyone is gone... what if the demon took them?" S.Rhea said.

S.Sage walked through the door and peaked in it, "Birdy... thank goodness you're not hurt... is anyone else with you?" She asked walking into the room, her Scythe was still out and she was looking a bit serious now that danger presented itself.

S.Momo was with S.Rose, though they were unsure if they should approach Sage and Kai while they were supposed to be separated.

S.Luicfer tripped into the kitchen, landing on his face from falling. Though he sat up and rubbed his face gently before looking up and seeing Ebony, "Ebony! You're ok... thank God... I was so worried for you..."
"Luci!" Ebony instantly hugged Lucifer tightly. "Where is everyone? is your mic busted too?" she asked.

Kai nodded to Sage "yeah your jolt may have fried them and my shadows act like a pair of rubber gloves barely felt the zap," He looked around the room "where... is everyone?" He asked Sage

"I'm right here... I was able to fly away," S. Rose said and stepped to where they could see her. "But... I'm worried we should find the others... I was able to protect Momo though," she said happily.

Rose tackled S. Sage "i'm glad we aren't separated the shadows got me even in the air!" she said "oh sorry mission," she let go of S. Sage.

Shania looked around "yeah it's me don't worry we'll find the others they can take care of themselves," she went towards S. Rhea he weapon held loosely in her hand.

S. Ebony hugged Lucifer "I was so scared! it got dark and I couldn't see you." the shadow said holding tightly to Lucifer.

The S. Kai smiled at Momo he ha been warned about her hypnotism and never looked her directly in the eyes "What's wrong mite?" he asked and took her hand.

"No I'm ok," S.Shania said approaching Rhea "but I don't know about the others."
Momo made a face but then shook her head, This was going to be more difficult than she originally thought, the Kai would have made great protection. She could try forcive hypnosis, but she would need to touch his forehead... why did Kai have to be so tall?

Sage turned around and let out an almost inaudible sigh of relief that Rose was ok. S.Momo smiled and nodded "Good work... glad you guys are safe. We should go look around for that demon... you guys can sense the shadows right? The ones Kid was sensing? Also you guys should at least be able to lead us to Kid too since you guys can sense each other... do you know where they are?"

Rhea smiled when S.Shania approached her glad she was ok, but it quickly turned to a frown, "If you turned out here ok... everyone else must have too... We should go look for them quickly, we should not be separated like this." Rhea said quickly walking over to S.Shania.

Lucifer held S.Ebony closely to him, "Its ok now... I am right here, but we have to go find the others, they could be in danger."

S.Rhea looked up to Shania when she approached her, "You're not hurt are you?" S.Rhea would have to be creative in killing Shania because her powers were not meant to harm like the other Shadows were.

S. Lucifer hugged Ebony back close to him, "Yeah, I can't talk to anyone.." He said to her quietly, soothing her hair. She was going to be the easiest to kill.

S.Sage smiled and gently pet Rose's head. "Its ok, I am happy you're ok too. But you're right, we need to move and move quickly... I have no idea where that wired walking reptilian went.."
"What is wrong Momo?" S. Kai asked with a grin "I'm just glad we are ok I was a bit shocked when scales attacked us with such an attack."

s.Rose made a face "Yeah we can but it's muffled a bit they might just be far away though," She said and smiled "but I bet they are all ok and we will get to them soon I'm sure," She looked at S Momo a bit worried about Kai and Sage these two are smart.

S.Shania smiled a bit "Yeah you are the one who needs to be most careful after all you don't have a great amount of fighting talent," she placed a hand on Rhea's head affectionately.

S.Ebony looked at Lucifer "Can you sense Rose or Momo?" she asked letting him hold her she would need to gethim close range so the arrow will not miss even if he tries to dodge it.

Shania shook her head "No I'm not hurt a bit shaken but not hurt," she said "Are you ok?" she asked S. Rhea.

Ebony nodded "we have to find them," Ebony told SLucifer "Someone might be hurt,"

Rose smiled "well get the demon and you can zap him! Know any recipes for lizard?" Rose was pumped up again.
Momo sighed and gently pulled Kai out of the room, he wouldn't hear her even if she spoke... and the other would not hear the other her. This was a doppelganger shadow, and he will be harmless for now, but once the lizard demon gives them the order to kill... it could get bad. She needed to take control of Kai soon. Momo lead Kai into a room that looked like it had a bed and couch. If Momo could just trip the Kai, she could get to his head... but what was going to help her?

S.Rhea nodded and stood up, "I am ok... just a bit scared. We should probably go find the others." She told Shania, offering a weak smile.

Rhea frowned a bit, Shania had never said anything so unencouraging before... Although it was true, it was still a bit strange. Maybe she was just nervous, "Yeah.. Sorry. We should go.." Rhea said quietly.

S.Sage smiled at Rose, "Yes and you can beat them up. Just make sure you don't get caught in the crossfire, I wouldn't want to zap you too." She said with a smirk as they walked out into the hallway.

Lucifer thought about it and then nodded, "They are in two different parts of the house. Momo is downstairs somewhere... and Rose... Rose it upstairs, a bit close, but still kind of far. I wish I could sense humans..."

S. Lucifer shook his head, "I don't know... they feel like they are here, but I can't quite pick them out. Like something is hiding them from me."

S.Momo looked to S.Rose and gave her a small nod, she would just hypnotize them. She'll start with Kai and then move to Sage. S.Momo moved to Kai gently tugging on the side of his shirt for him to look down at her eyes. Sage sighed and rubbed the back of her head a bit, "I guess we should just start walking around trying to find the demon?"
S.Kai followed Momo "where are you taking me Momo?" he asked her. Though he was amused to see the furniture of the room he had realized this house had oddities to it hen he was first made.

Shania patted S.Rhea's shoulder "We'll be ok they will be ok," she promised.

S.Shania looked to the door "do you think we should go up or down?" she asked "I saw a glimmer of staircases I don't think we are on the top floor," she said.

Rose puffed up "I will not be zapped because you will be careful and so will I,"

"Me too," SEbony told Lucifer "maybe one day one of us will get that ability," She hugged onto him tightly and pretended to be nervous.

Ebony nodded "well... we need to find them so... we best get started," she said and looked through the door.

"Hum?" Kai asked "What is it Momo... why are you so quiet it's not like you," he looked at the demon.

S. Rose smiled and took Sages hand "We can start looking on this floor and work our way up ok?"
Momo let out a small inaudible sigh and jumped onto the bed, bouncing on it a little bit. She laughed a bit when she realized it was actually kind of fun.

"We should go up since that was where the demon was last. We should find the portal." Rhea pointed out to the girl.

S.Rhea nodded, she needed to meet up with one of the shadows for help, depends with the Shadow Master gives the orders. "Maybe we should stay here and see if someone comes by?" She asked.

"Mhmm, can you sense anyone else?" S.Sage asked Rose as she pushed the door open a bit.

S.Luicfer nodded and let Ebony lead a bit, looking around as if he was being aware of the area.

Luifer held S.Ebony tight, "Ebony.. I need my claws... I want to hold you... but I have to protect you more."

S.Momo tried to pull Kai into a hypnosis, numbing his mind to his body 'don't speak... Don't move.' She ordered him.

Sage raised an eyebrow, "We are up.... you mean work our way down? Rose let go please we are on a mission."Sage said, shaking off Rose's hand.
S.Rose pouted "Fine, we go down up down same difference," she crossed hr arms.

Kai was instantly aware this was not momo since she was trying to hypnotize him he found he could not move or talk but he could move his shadows so to get Sage's attention he tripped her.

"Oh... sorry Luci," SEbony let go "let's find the others," she fiddled with her bow softly.

Ebony sighed "this place is soo big..." she stated.

Rose closed her eyes "Yeah I can sense Lucy he is closest and a bit downstairs. Momo is further down,"

"We are sitting ducks when we are still we have to keep moving," Shania said softly to Rhea "I will protect you,"

"I wonder if we should try to find some help before we go closing portals," SShania said softly

SKai chuckled "having fun? What about the demon?"
Sage sighed and rubbed the back of her head, though was taken by surprised when she was tripped. "What the... Kai what are you..." She said looking at Kai. She paused for a moment observing Kai and Momo. S.Momo looked at her and her eyes gleamed a bit and she felt somthing-- Closing her eyes Sage then rolled up off the ground, "Ok what is going on, explain right now." She said after a moment. 'Get her! Pin her or something I can force a hypnotist on her!' Kai was now able to hear this Momo.

Lucifer nodded and immediately turned to find Rose, her being the closest, he twitched his wings with anticipation and a bit of nervousness.

S. Lucifer smiled, "It is, but we will get somewhere eventually. Look there is someone now." S. Lucifer said, pointing to S.Shania and Rhea. Rhea looked up when the came from a hallway and say Lucifer and Ebony, "Archer, Kid... you guys are ok?" She asked approaching them. S. Lucifer nodded to S.Shania when they approached them.

S.Sage nodded, "Well perhaps we should try and find them before anything else unpleasant finds us."

S.Rhea smiled and then gently held out her hand, "Warrior... i've been practicing something with my light, kind of like an enchantment to weapons, can I see your weapon? I think it might help a lot."

Momo nodded and the jumped from the bed at S.Kai. More in the motion for him to catch her.

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