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Wild Cards

Shania had ripped Momo off Rhea, but she reached for Kai's incoming weapon and grabbed hold of it, pulling her from Shania's Grasps. Swinging from the weapon, She jumped onto Kai and ripped him from the real Momo's mind, free his mind again.

"Well lets see... that was the first time I ever used my power, so I just let it lose. A normal human would have died." Sage said with a smile.

Momo stopped and then gasped, 'Someone just pulled Shadow Kai from my control.'
"Sage go... leave me here I'll do fine," Kai said "Go protect the others and get healed."

Ebony took Kai from sage though Kai was alot taller then her.

Shania dodged a blade "Rhea keep your eyes closed!" shania told her and she went at Kai.
"At this rate the poison really is going to kill me" She muttered handing Kai off to Ebony before sprinting off down the hall.

The Shadow Momo jumped off S.Kai and went to go release S.Rhea but was stopped when Lucifer tackled her.

Momo shifted Rose in her arms and tried to move and bit faster down the halls.
Ebony drew her bow and was running as fast as she could while supporting Kai's weight.

Shania locked blades with Shadow Kai and tried to get in close enough to attack but his pole arm kept her away.

Kai tried to gt Ebony to let go of him but she wasn't going to leave him behind he sighed hated being dead weight. he was hoping Sage would get healed before hopping into battle.
When Sage saw the fight come into view she immediately went after the Shadow Kai. She tried to come at his side while he was concentrated on Shania and slice him in the side.

Lucifer easily sliced Momo when he got ahold of her, trying to stay clear of her arms. Lucifer was making easy work of the Shadow Momo now that he knew it was a threat he was not afraid to hold back.
The shadow Kai was unable to see Sage attack as he was focusing on Shania so her scythe sliced through his side and he cried out in pain.

Ebony helped Kai towards the real Rhea "Kai is hurt," she said

"Not as bad as Sage, she's been poisoned," Kai told Rhea but let ebony sit him down.
Rhea nodded though she leaned down and touched Kai's chest and gently pulse her powers through him. The initial check up before she healed, she wanted to see how bad Kai was before she tried anything. She could feel most of his body is in shock, a lot of his nerves were stressed. She quickly checked Rose, though she did not use her powers to check her.

Sage chuckled before pulling the movie she had on Kai countless times, sliding her weapon under the curve of his axe and pinning it to the ground, "Get him Warrior." She said when she had the weapon pinned.
Shania impaled the shadow Kai with no hesitation he was in shock taken down so quickly.

Kai didn't want Rhea to see how bad off he was he wanted her to get Sage looked over he would be ok with lots of rest... he hopped.

Ebony drew her bow and watched Lucy and Shadow Momo she would fire if she had a opening.
"See look at that..." Sage said laughing when Shania impaled the Shadow Kai.

"Sage!" Rhea almost commanded as soon as the shadow was down. "Yes Princess I am coming ~" Sage said moving to Rhea after she yelled for her attention. Lucifer had already killed the Momo, though he moved over to the Shadow Rhea and killed it to, not even caring if it was still under their Momo's command. They thought the Kai was and it attacked them.

As soon as Sage was next to Rhea she quickly began to extract the poison from her body. "For the record... Shadow Rose might not be face behind, I think shes the only one not dead..." Sage said making a mental count of the Shadows they killed. She felt the plants loosen their grip around her after the poison started to leave her system. "The burning is finally stopping..." Sage said with a bit of relief.

Rhea nodded before moving over to Kai, she planned on helping with his nerve damage first before anything else. She can't help too much with the shock... the body has to adjust to that on its own, but other than that he would be fine. "Lucky both your injuries are not external or broken... they are easy to fix." Rhea said quietly.

Lucifer walked close to Ebony after he was sure the danger had passed, but he was still on edge, constantly looking around.
"So only the other Rose?" Ebony asked to make positive.

"Yes though death fried her too," Kai said but was feeling alot better. "Our Rose got fried aswell... " he looked at the knocked out demoness.

Shania stood and looked at everyone they were altogether that's what would win this fight.

Ebony looked at Lucifer and she put down her bow "are you ok?"
Lucifer almost didn't hear Ebony but then gave her a reassuring smile, "Yeah. I am fine. These are just normal arrows, and as long as I leave them in I won't bleed out. Beside the demon has moved up to the portal, though I think he is going to make a run for it... probably waiting for us to mouth off before jumping into the demon world."

"Ok Kai... you're going to have to rest at the point... you and Rose's bodies are going through shock... Although Rose will take a bit longer to heal..." Rhea said quietly. Sage looked a little sad, but other then that didn't really make a comment.

"I guess whoever is strong enough to go up and fight a demon... I think Lucy, Shania, Rhea and Ebony should go get the demon. Momo and I can stay here and protect Kai and Rose incase that little flying nuisance recovers and comes looking." Sage suggested.
Kai gave Sage the 'i am not that weak' glare. However with rhea around he didn't want to be lectured.

Ebony nodded "I think that sounds good, lets hurry and get him he caused alot of trouble today,"

"Agreed," Shania said and spun her sword. "lets go kill a demon,"
Sage just grinned at Kai when he glared at her, leaning on her scythe a bit, "Happy hunting then." Sage said waving at them. Rhea nod and left with Lucy and Shania in the lead. Sager personally wanted to sit down and put Rose's head in her lap, but she was on the look out of the fake birdy.

Rhea gently reached for Shania's arm and healed it while they were on the move so that she was at a full fighting strength since they were making up for the lack of Kai, Sage and Rose's extra help.
Shania nodded at Rhea though the scratch was just that, a scratch. Shania was ready to kill the demon in charge of all this more then ready infact.

"So Death what will you do if the false Rose shows up?" Kai asked her.
"Molest her." Sage said without skipping a beat. She then began to snicker to herself, bringing back memories of when she first meet Rose and how to threaten to do all sorts of horrible things to her, now Rose was begging her to do those things to her. And oh how she will do those things to her.

'THAT IS HORRIBLE!' Momo nearly yelled.

Reha was panting by the time they made it up to the third floor. She was in no way out of shape, but climbing up continuous flight of stairs was trying. "Let be careful that he isn't setting a trap for us." Rhea said between breaths.

"I can go in first since I am already hurt..." Lucifer offered, not wanting anyone else to get hurt.
Kai bust out laughing "what were you thinking of Death?" he asked still not done laughing.

Shania growled softly "you being hurt is why you should not go first! Rhea can heal me not you," Shania was getting frustrated with how much like her Lucifer had become.

Ebony looked at the group then saw something out of the corner of her eyes but nothing was there when she looked
Lucifer whined a bit, but for some reason Shania's word was usually the last. Most of the time.... "I agree with Shania... though I don't want either of you to get hurt..." Rhea said quietly.

Lucifer sighed and then pointed to a door, "Hes in there with the portal." He told Shania.

"Just the horrible things I did to Rose when she was out prissinior... I made her cry multiple times. Just thinking how she use to tell me to stay away from her, but now she can't stay away from me. Its my charm, everyone just wants me." Sage said laughing.
"Oh yes death we all want you, I want you all over my body," Kai said and tried to be seductive though he was also trying not to laugh.

Ebony blushed deeply "now is not the time!" she said

Shania nodded and slowly opened the door to peek in before barging in,
Sage snickered and leaned more on her scythe, "I always knew you wanted me Kai, the signs were always clear, its ok, the feeling is mutual" She said back, though she was more successful with her flirting. 'I can see now why Rose is the way she is... you two are horrible people..' Momo said quietly.

When Shania peaked in she could see the demon was standing by the portal, "You four might as well come in. You killed all but one of my Shadows, though you all suffered quite a few injuries. are you sure you want to try and face me?" He asked.
"You are wrong I'm unhurt," Shania said "so is the archer and the priestess," she said walking in unafraid.

Kai smiled and looked up at Sage "tell our deer momo that going after who you love isn't wrong nor is the sex that comes with it that is a beautiful partnership,"

Ebony stopped paying attention to the others she kept seeing things in the corner of her vision and it was driving her mad.
"Sorry, you lost me at the word 'love'" Sage said with a rather lewd smirk. Momo's tail fur seemed to bristle a bit and she was blushing.

The demon smirked, as the four guardians walked into the room. Though as soon as they were in the room, some shadows shut the door and several shadow's surrounded Ebony and pulled her into the floor.

"Ebony!" Rhea said, reaching for the girl, she was too late though. Lucifer was wide eyed and looked back at the demon with a rage. When Ebony reappeared, she was in the arms of the demon, he held her head, "Now... if you don't let me use another copy of your Momo to take over your minds... I'll snap little Ebony's neck."

Lucifer looked horrified, "Let her go!" He growled.
Ebony was wide eyed and scared and her wind as a defense picked up trying to protect her.

Shania growled "let the girl go," she ordered the demon.

Kai smiled "you really are so lust filled," he told Sage.
Sage chuckled lightly and shrugged, "I really am not that bad, and in my defence, I have never cheated in my life." She vowed. Though with Sage there was no telling if that was a lie or not.

"I think you guys are missing the point on who is the one giving orders here." The demon said. Rhea looked at Ebony, nodding at her hoping she will know to get ready for something. Rhea was going to blind the demon, though it might backfire and blink Shania and Lucy as well. but hopefully give enough time for Ebony to escape.
Ebony was shuddering "you... you... @sshole!" Ebony cursed though Ebony had glanced at Rhea.

"We'll kill you," Shania vowed.

Kai chuckled "oh kissing me isn't cheating on Rose?"
"No you don't count, I told Rose that from the very beginning, you're an exception. She agreed to it too." Sage said with a smirk. "Besides, if you lend me... dare I say it," Sage snicked, " 'your stuff ', then I think I have every right." She said between snickers.

Rhea smiled and then reflected her power right in front of the demon's eyes. A bright light suddenly appeared behind Ebony's head, though it blinded Shania and Lucy, it even hurt Rhea's eyes a bit. The demon yelled more out of surprised before loosening his grip on Ebony.

"Ebony!" Lucifer yelled when he couldn't see her anymore.

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