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Wild Cards

Rhea pursed her lips together and shook her head, "Just putting the medical supplies away... I think she passed out from stress..." Which wasn't a lie... the girl did just pass out from stress more or less... or shock. "Maybe we should put her and Lucy to bed... we should get some rest too." She told Shania with a small smile.
"Y-yeah..." He said following Shania to his bedroom. Though he laid in bed and opened his arms like a little kid getting his doll. As soon as Shania laid down Ebony he adjusted her closely to him. "Good night Shania." He told her when they were comfortable.

Rhea smiled and waited by the door while Shanai put Lucy to bed. The girl was probably going to hover of Lucy like Lucy always hovers over her when shes hurt.
Shania made sure they wer bothe covered before she smiled "good night take care of her," she ruffled his hair and went out of the room "ok Rhea lets head onto bed," she pulled Rhea to her.
Rhea blushed a bit and nodded, pushing Ebony's pregnancy to the back of her mind. Shania... Shania was going to kill Lucifer....

When the morning came Sage was still pretty exhausted and had Rose pulled close to her chest while she slept. She was honestly really worried for the girl, though she was sure her body will recover from the shock.

Rhea woke early, getting up to check everyone's wounds. She planned on checking Kai's first since he was the most anxious out of the group at the moment. Stretching ,Rhea yawned a bit too as she move to sit on the edge of the bed.
When Sage woke up she glanced down at Rose to see if she had moved at all in her sleep. Gently pushing any hair away from her face.

Rhea walked into the living room and went to Kai, he was first on her list of people to check on.

Lucifer was not really sure why she was muttering, but he was a bit afraid she was having nightmares again.
Rose had not moved even an inch but she didn't look to be in as much pain anymore.

Kai was still asleep as well knocked out on the couch.

Ebony opened her eyes and the first thing out of her mouth is "I'm pregnant."
Lucifer blinked, staring down at his mate, he seem to not quiet register in his mind what she said. "With a baby?" He asked. Dumb question... of course its a baby, he told himself. Lucifer eye's went a bit wide after he registered it, Ebony did not have to answer the question, "We are having a baby?" He asked, his eyes lit up, he looked very happy.

Rhea smiled and reached for Kai, quietly healing his body to see if there was anything else she could do for it.

Sage frowned a bit and gently pulled the girl close to her, "I'm sorry Rose." She whispered to her.
"Rhea says we are having two." Ebony told him blushing

Kai was hurt alot worse then he let on the electricity had actually damaged organs.

"mm...?" Rose asked softly though her eyes were still closed.
Rhea sigh a bit and settled down next to him on the floor and started to heal everything she could. She was careless in her healing of him last night, she should have looked better...

"Hmmm?" Sage said, mimicking the sound Rose made, the girl actually scared her she was not expecting her to say anything. Her heart had jumped from being startled.

Lucifer smiled and blushed a little in return, "Ebony this is great news!" Lucifer said quietly. "Twins... Rhea saw it?" He asked, his tail was wagging back and forth. "Just like my father and uncle Levi." He said.
Ebony giggled and smiled she was so afraid of his reaction she had had nightmares "do you want two boys? or two girls or one of each?" Ebony asked him.

Kai didn't stir as he was healed.

Rose opened her eyes and winced a bit "Sage?" she asked.
"I am here." Sage said soothingly as she gently ran a hand across Rose's cheek and into her hair.

Rhea smiled a bit, glad he was asleep. Him and Shania are always constantly making her worry... though since Sage had started to doing those.. underground stuff with Kai, she feels like she had to worry less.

Lucifer thought about it before smiling again, "I don't care, as long as they are healthy and you are healthy." He said happily. "Should we tell everyone?" He asked.
"maybe we should wait... they don't know we mated after all and shania might injure you more then you already are," Ebony said but touched her tummy softly. "Can you believe it? two lives have started in here,"

Rose hugged her as tight as she could but she closed her eyes again.
Lucifer thought about it, he wondered what would be worse... telling Shania now... or telling her later. "You think Rhea will tell them?" He asked, though he smiled and put a hand on her tummy on top of hers. He nuzzled her softly, "If I didn't hurt so bad, I would mate you right now out of happyness." he stated in his bliss.

Sage smiled and gently pulled Rose to her in return, "I have some plants for the pain... do you want them while your awake?" She asked her quietly.
Ebony giggled and kissed him softly "well when you feel better we can celebrate,"

"please," she said softly "are you ok? I... the plants told me you were in pain,"
Sage gently got up and yawned a bit, "I was poisoned. The other you got me out of surprise. That seed you gave me.. probably stopped me from killing over right then. Rhea cured me so no worries, Stay there." She told her walking out of the room to her kitchen before coming back and handing her some herbs and a glass of water, "Did you want food.. or do you want to sleep more?"

Lucifer smiled and pulled her close to him, though he accidently hurt himself a bit because he pulled her so suddenly.

Rhea after she was done, wandered back to lay in bed with Shania, feeling a bit tired after she had finished healing Kai. She climbed over Shania a bit before snuggling into her.
Out of reflex Shania hugged Rhea to her.

Ebony kissed Lucy "Rhea taught me what plants were for pain relief... do you want me to get you some?" she asked.

Rose laid in bed till sage can then she took the medicine "If you cool for me I'll always eat," she smiled at Sage she felt frazzled a bit an her vision kept going out but she could sense Sage near and it calmed her down.
Rhea looked up to Shania and smiled, she was almost sure the girl was asleep still. Quietly she leaned forward and kiss Shania gently on the lips.

"Alright, i'll cook you up some stuff... did you want to lay on the couch while I cook or stay here?" Sage asked, leaning forward to touch her face to Rose's. She was being sweet to the girl because she was really hurt and needed Sage to take care of her.

Lucifer shook his head, "No, you're my relief right now... I want you right here." he told her quietly.
Ebony smiled and gently hugged him "just think Luci... think of when you will be able to feel them inside me. They'll be strong like their daddy," she cooed now finding herself really exited.

Shania opened her eyes and kissed rhea back pulling her close.

Rose smiled "I... don't really want to move."
Rhea blushed a bit when Shania kissed her back, though she found a bit of confidence and kissed Shania again, her heart was racing as she was pressed against Shania.

Lucifer smiled, "I hope they are as beautiful as you." He told her happily. "And smart." he added on.

"Ok, I'll be right back. 20 minutes." She told Rose, kissing her on the forehead. She got up and went to cook Pancakes, though she cut them up in small squares and when she came back she sat down on the bed. "How are you feeling?" She asked the girl quietly, brushing her hair to the side.
"I'm pretty good the herbs are working," she said she didn't want to tell sage about her blurry vision since it would fix itself given a day or two though she also wanted to milk the attention.

Ebony blushed at that and kissed Luci's neck.

Shania pulled Rhea close "sleep well?" she asked after the kiss.
Rhea smiled and blush, "Yeah... But I am tired now again.. Kai was worse than I thought, and I should have double checked him last night... I had to heal him some more... I'll check again later." She told Shania quietly, though she reached her arms around Shania and pressed her face on hers. Shania has probably noticed Rhea tended to be very affectionate and a bit more confident when they were alone, but the opposite when they were with the group.

"Ok, well here is some food, so sit up some so you don't choke...." Sage said helping Rose sit up some before handing her the plate of food.

Lucifer shivered and Ebony could feel his tail wrap around her leg, he was really happy right now, though he was starting to fall asleep again.
Ebony smiled and snuggled into him "lets rest for a little more," she said softly

Rose tried to focus her vision on the plate and she took the fork but despite her effort it was easy to see that something was wrong.

Shania smiled "then Rest my little priestess you worked hard,"
"Ok.." She mumbled, "Are you getting up soon?" She asked.

Sage crossed her arms and watched Rose, "Geez... you're worse then Kai was... and I zap him yesterday... though I wish it was you I zapped yesterday... I held back compared to the other me who probably gave you all I have to offer in the way of shocking people.." She said taking the plate and fork from Rose, "Say Ah, I'll feed you." She said, sitting down next to Rose.

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