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Wild Cards

Rose looked at Sage apologetically "I'm sorry," she said but obediently opened her mouth.

"No... until someone wakes up i think I'll stay in bed," Shania said hugging Rhea.
"Ok.. wake me when you get up." She told Shania before snuggling close and closing her eyes.

"Don't be sorry." Sage said softly, "I am just glad I got to you while you were still alive."
"I pushed her off... I knew you'd never hurt me," Rose smiled at Sage.

"I will," Shania promised and hugged Rhea cuddling the girl
Sage smiled, she wished she had the same confidence as Rose. "You know... that I am afraid to love people right...?" Sage asked quietly, feeding Rose another bite. "I'm afraid of betrayal and losing people... thats why I do it to others... to make sure it doesn't happen to me first. I wish I had you confidence that I wouldn't know people would hurt me. I am scared... of you and Kai the most."
Rose smile "you don't have to worry about me I chose you, you are my mate and when you take me I'll be yours forever," she smiled she liked this being fed thing.
Sage smiled, though she did not feel at ease, gently she leaned forward and kiss Rose on the head. When she was done feeding Rose she laid the girl back down on the bed. "Ok... we'll go over later tonight when you are strongest, for now sleep."
"You too birdy.." Sage said when the girl fell back asleep before picking up the plate and leaving to go clean up.

A few days later after Rose seem to be feeling better and school was in a break, Sage brough Rose back to stay at Shania, in less Shania kicks Rose back with which... Sage though she might be ok with that, except Rose is best to keep Momo out of trouble during the day.

It wasn't long till Kai had made Shania take everyone out to the movies so Rhea and her could go on a date, taking the 'kids' with them. Kai and Sage of course had 'other things' to do, which actually consisted of them decorating and cooking for their fun little surprise christmas party for the group.

Sage was acting a bit nervous for some odd reason. She had already put a pork roast into the oven and an eggplant casserole for Ebony. Sage also cooked several sides to be put down on the table.
Shania took the kids and Rhea to see a family oriented movie to afraid of giving Lucifer ideas or Ebony and Momo nightmares. Ebony smiled and told Lucifer about what foods the movie theater would have knowing that would excite him more then the movie itself. Rose was the most reluctant to leave but she was curious what was different at a theater then at home in the living room.

Kai had decked the halls with all sorts of decorations he put up a tree and decorated it with reds and golds red bows and ribbons adorned the house and he even stuck mistletoe over most of the doors he was having alot of fun though he did notice Sage was a bit off. "You ok Death?"
"What?" She asked, she was trying to help with decorations while food was cooking, though she was not doing it half as well as Kai was doing. "Yeah I am fine." She half lied after a moment. She was having a good time too just nervous.

Rhea held Shania's hand where they went, Roen had come as well, not really minding the movie they were seeing. Lucifer had seem to became more protective over Ebony than he ever seen, though only Rhea knew why. She knew if those two didn't tell anyone... she would need too. Momo was touching things again, she had to put her hands on almost everything she walked by. The demons all seemed to have some childlike quality to them that would drive Shania off the wall...
Shania actually bought a child leash for Momo in order to keep track of her. She smiled at Rhea as she held her hand into the theater and when they sat down. Ebony stayed very close to Lucifer as always and leaned on him during the movie she was beginning to feel really needy she supposed it was probably mood swings.

Kai pat Sage on he shoulder "you are a better death bringer then decorater though I can smell your cooking already."
"Its not that bad... See." Sage said stepping back to look at something she put on the wall, though she watched it fall off onto the floor. "Oh come on! Right when I was trying to prove a point!" She said motioning to the decoration.

Roen couldn't believe Shania had put the demon on a leash, but after he saw how hyper she was, he realized now she she needed it. Rose, Momo and Lucy often spoke to each other in demon during the movie. Rhea understood demon rather well now, and had been teaching Ebony as she helped herself, the girl needing to know how to speak it since her mate did.
Ebony listened to Lucifer when he spoke for some reason the language relaxed her and Lucifer sounded different when speaking in demon.

Kai laughed "it's alright the type of wall isn't tape friendly you have to use more creative means to keep things up,"
Sage made a sulking face before going to plop on the couch, she would peak on food in a bit, "You think it will snow?" Sage asked suddenly, severing herself some tea.

Rhea smiled at the demon as they talked excitedly among each other, though she leaned over to Shania and whispered to her, "You're a good mom."
Shania chuckled "I have always wanted a big family... lots of kids," she smiled at Rhea.

Kai smiled "I hope so... it would be so cool," he said and sat down "the movie will probably be over in like 20 mins or so,"
"Yeah, think everything is ready?" She asked him, "You did a pretty good job in here... you even fixed up my decorating." Sage said with a chuckle.

Rhea smiled warmly at Shania, she hoped she could help her. Truthful... Rhea only wanted one kid... maybe two. "I am sure we will." She said quietly.
Shania smiled "I will finally have a family," she looked fondly at Rhea "I love you she kissed Rhea's hand.

Kai laughed "yep well when the food is it'll be done,"
Rhea blushed, though the movies were dark so she was not sure if Shania saw her not. "I love you too.." She said back quietly, tightening her hand on Shania's.

"Do you think Rose would like a ring? Or do you think a demon would think it was just a silly human thing?" She asked Kai, she had taken her pen out and started to fiddle with it.
"So you two really are serious now? She would love anything you gave her, have you not seen how she treasures the very air you breath? don't be so nervous." Kai said

Shania smiled and leaned her head on Rhea's shoulder lightly.
"Look I knew if I was going to be with Rose... I was going to be with her. Us getting together in demon terms is the human equivalent in getting married... might as well match it... Besides..." Sage leaned back and took a sip of tea. She had shared her feeling with Rose, but the demoness never seems to worry a bit about what Sage worries about. Sage was not sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Finally, Sage just shrugged never finishing her sentence.

Gently Rhea started to pet the top of Shania's hair while she watched the movie on her shoulder, it was almost over.
Kai smiled "you two will balance each other out and make a good pair," he told her.

Ebony had fallen asleep on Lucifer sometime into the movie and Rose giggled spotting the sleeping human.
"Ebbboony it time to wake up." Lucifer whispered to the girl when the movie was over, though he didn't move so she wouldn't fall off him or anything.

Sage sighed and ruffled her hair a bit before brushing it flat again, "Hmmm? You think so?" Sage crossed her arms, "I just don't know sometimes. I still find myself questioning why I care about you guys. I never find an answer beside, 'I just do'. Which is a stupid answer in my opinion."
"Hey face it death I'm irresistible," Kai purred with a chuckle. "But in all honesty you care because we have become your family."

Ebony slowly woke and rubbed her eyes "when'd i fall asleep?" she asked softly.
"I don't know, but you're cute when ever you sleep so I never mind." He told while she rubbed her eyes. Lucifer really loved Ebony. While they were walking out of the theater, Rhea gently tapped on Rose and Lucy's shoulders, "Are you guys feeling ok? Nothing too painful?" She asked. Lucifer shook her head, "As long as I don't move too fast I am just fine."

Sage chuckled, "Oh yeah, I forgot about that family stuff." She said with a shrug. "And you are pretty damn irresistible. You know what we should get... fireworks..."
Kai smiled "I can arrange fireworks do you want the fancy shaped one or roman candles?" he asked.

Rose smiled "I cant run or anything without getting dizzy but I'm ok," she said happily.

Ebony gently hugged Lucifer she was still afraid she'd hurt him.

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