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Wild Cards

"But I'm not human!" Rose said "I will mate with her you watch!"

Ebony looked at Lucifer blushing as they had been the first two to mate.

Kai laughed and tossed some of them to Sage and she could see he had put gifts under the tree how he had done so without her noticing was the real question but he was almost about to jump out of his shoes he was so happy.
Sage grinned at Kai, "You're a mess. Ah, I love you all the same. Merry Christmas Kai." She said with a chuckle.

Lucifer blushed a bit too and kissed the top of Ebony's head and gently placed a hand on her tummy.

Roen sighed, "Yeah well your 'mate' is human and you can get her into trouble with her human laws. Did you think about that?" He asked Rose.

Though Rhea opened the door first and was a bit surprised When a loud pop was heard and Kai and Sage were standing in the living room. "Surprise!" Sage mused.
"Surprise!" Kai called out popping his own popper. "Merry Christmas!" he was beaming at this point.

Shania was shocked Kai had made her house into a festive Christmas wonderland. It hurt but felt right she had not set out decorations this year as her brother normally did that.

Ebony was shocked but she soon smiled "oh it's wonderful!"

Rose pounced Sage giggling.
Sage actually dodge Rose instead of catching her. "Merry Christmas guy." Sage said after Rose passed her.

Rhea was looking around rather wide eyed, she wondered if they had planned something like this. they must have, "Wow... you guys did a really good job.. what is all this?" She asked.

Momo was bouncing around the area, touching everything like normal, though she tried really hard not to knock anything over.

Lucifer smiled happily, more at the smell of food than anything else.

"We thought we all deserved a fun Christmas party together as a group, it is a tad bit early for a Christmas party... but Christmas is about the family right?" Sage said with a shrug.
"yeah..." Shania said "we used to start decorating.. around thanksgiving... if not sooner," she went inside and raised an eye at the gifts under the tree.

Ebony smiled "It's beautiful," she praised Sage and Kai "oh... and something smells really good,"

Rose sat up pouting that Sage had dodged her Momo was right she'd have to get Sage and take her. Though her pout was replaced by a smile when she went to join Momo in exploring.
"Of course, ham roast is on the menu for tonight, a stuffed eggplant for yourself Ebony." Sage said, she was always making special vegetarian dishes for Ebony, not that she minded.

Roen smiled and shut the door behind him, "I agree with Ebony, you guys really did do a good job." He said.

Sage smiled as everyone made their way into the living room like normal, though she turned on some christmas themed music, "We can eat and then do some things. Like karaoke! and a few other Christmas games, then we can open presents and then kai and I have a surprise after that." Sage said happily as she sat down on the couch.

Rhea sat down happily between her brother and Shania.
Rose sat by Sage happily. Shania smiled "really now you two... put this together I am impressed," Shania said.

Ebony's tummy growled and she blushed lightly "even my tummy thinks it smells really good in here," she said quietly.

Kai smiled and plopped onto the couch "oh I've never done Christmas games! I so feel like the Rudolph now." he chuckled.
"You can make Shania mad and I am sure she could turn your nose red if you try hard enough." Sage offered Kai with a laugh. "You guys help yourselves to food, we are not waiting on anything." Sage said happily. She did pull all the stops in food this time around.

"I am certainly going to help myself." Roen said, picking up a plate, serving himself.

Lucifer server up Ebony a plate before getting himself food, making sure she had food to eat. "I want to know about the games!" lucifer said excited.

Momo jumped onto the couch, nearly crashing into Kai out of excitement, 'Yes games!!' She said loudly through everyone's head.

Rhea smiled at everyone's excitement, gently rubbing Shania's arm before leaning over to get a bit of food herself.
Ebony smiled and thanked Lucifer before sitting down to eat "oh wow it's really yummy," she said.

Shania helped herself as well she didn't eat much but she has been eating better since Sage had started cooking more and more often.

Rose smiled "we can play after we eat," she giggled to Momo.

Kai smiled "yes I have been wanting to steal a bit since Sage began cooking!" he cooed.
Sage smirked and crossed her arms, "Yes, my cooking is amazing, continue to praise me." Sage said her smirk increasing.

Rhea laughed as Sage soaked up the praise in her cooking.
"You did do rather well," Shania said and actually got a bit more

Rose smiled and sat with Momo sharing her food with the hyper girl.
After food was done and a few games were played, Sage finally allowed everyone to open presents. Rhea had to run out to her brothers car, they had bought a few things beforehand and so she left them in the bad apologizing for the fact they weren't wrapped.

Sage laughed, "I think Kai should hand them out since he is dying to do that right now." Sage said watching Kai.
"YES!" Kai jumped up and passed out his gifts everyone got three packages because he thought the number three was pretty this year. Shania was shocked Kai was bouncing around like Momo and Lucifer normaly did. "oh Sage for your kitty too!" Kai said handing her a box wrapped in kitten paper.
Sage blinked at Kai when he handed her a gift for her cat. "Haha ok calm down, we should take turns."

"Shania... I want to give you this." Rhea said quietly, "Close your eye... its not wrapped... " She said quietly.

Lucifer was so excited, everyone seemed excited.
Kai plopped back to the couch satisfied with himself even Roen found Kai had gotten him gifts as well.

Shania closed her eyes as told and held out her hands "I don't have yours yet..."

"We can draw to see who goes first," Ebony suggested,
Rhea placed a digital camera into Shania's hand, it was red and not very big, but new. "I remember... you said you wanted to try and take more pictures... so I got you a camera of your own that you could use..." Rhea said quietly with a smile.

Sage smirked, "Why not just get our bowl? It has never failed us!" Sage said laughing.
Shania hugged Rhea. "Thank you," she told the girl "I love it, and red's my favorite color,"

Kai gt the bowl and wrote momo and Roen into it. "ok princess as always you should draw!"
Rhea smiled brightly at Shania, " I know it is, I am glad you like it. I was a little worried because I know you said you were unsure... but recently..." She was interrupted when Kai came up and handed her the bowl, "Oh ok, lets see..." Rhea said reaching into the bowl. "Oh, I got myself... I guess I open some." Rhea said happily.
Kai happily sat down to watch he seemed to have really been busy. Rhe had a big box and two smaller boxes all wrapped in bright silver. Kai color coded the gifts.

Shania chuckled and watched Rhea. In the big box she found a hand made teddy bear a white furred one with big blue eyes. It was suffer fluffy and about the size of a six year old child. In one smaller box was a cute dress modest but flattering with a lace finish over deep green satin and in the smallest box was a bracelet silver with a little charms a wolf a bird a bow and arrow a playing card a grim reaper a little kid a crown a lab coat. A charm for each of the group members and one for Roen.
"Wow... Kai I don't what to say, I love all of them." Rhea said, though she got up and gave Kai a rather large hug and a kiss on the cheek. When she sat back down she hugged the bear tightly to her. She had gotten the rest of the group a small something for their phones, Shania and her brother were the only ones she had gotten anything big for. She would give him his when the time came. Afterwards she reached into the bowl and picked a couple more names. Momo and Ebony where the next names, she happily flashed the group the names before putting them back on the table.

Momo bounced on the couch almost and her tail was wagging.

Lucifer wrapped his arms around Ebony, pretty much pulling her into his lap, her back to lean on his chest and his hands laying on her tummy so she had free hands to open presents with. he nuzzled Ebony's neck as he pressed his hands to her tummy. He loved the thought of the babies in her tummy, even though they are not very big yet.

Sage chuckled and actually took her phone out and took a picture of Kai while he was smiling out of joy and a few other pictures of the group as they were having fun.

Roen gently pet the top of Rhea's head.
KAi chuckled and hugged Rhea back happily he had really had fun picking out gifts and he decided he liked this holiday.

Ebony snuggled into Lucifer softly his hands a welcome feeling on her tummy her gifts were wrapped in pink. She opened her biggest box to find a primadonna ballerina dress in pink and white she lovingly traced the designs and smiled "it's beautiful!" she noticed it even had matching slippers. She then opened the second box in it was a crystal tiara the silver work and the encrusted pink quartz stones made it look a lot more expensive then it really was but it made her smile just as bright as the outfit she had wanted to dance for a long time since she hasn't been able to recently. In her last box she found a small locket when she opened it it had a picture of her and Lucifer inside it and inscribed in Latin was the phrase forever together in love. Ebony was speechless.

Momo's gifts were wrapped in gold her biggest box had a stuffed monkey inside it it like Rhea's teddy was quite a good size. Her second gift was a cute outfit that was durable easy to move in and above all cute. Her last gift was a cell phone with a cute key chain on it shaped like a purple heart.
'AHA! I have a talking box now! now I can send your human text messages!!' Momo said with a lot of excitement. Sage laughed at Momo's comment on the phone, Though Momo also immediately put on the new cloths, the group found out she just did things without thinking and changed even though people were there.

Rhea blushed a bit but Momo jumped in the middle of the room and modeled Kai's cloth, then held the cell phone in victory, 'I now need everyone's numbers!' Momo said.

Sage shook her head as the girl made rounds to go get the numbers of everyone. While Momo was doing that, Rhea leaned down and picked two more names, Kai and Rose were next on the agenda.
Kai Chuckled "I brought gifts, not receiving them," he said with a smile though he was completely happy he had everything money could buy this group was all the gift he needed.

Rose opened her biggest box. and almost squealed as she pulled out a bonsai tree a growers guide trimmers and food for it. her boxes were wrapped in green paper. Her second box had a metal rose in it but on each petal was a picture ingraved in the gold petals one petal for each of the group. in her last box was a cat outfit like the one he put her in only it was white and fluffy and she giggled as she pet the outfit.
Sage burst out laughing at the last one, clasping her hands over her mouth.

Rhea got up, "Well I got somethin for you Kai... I haven't gotten everyone elses, but it was with Shania's. I'll have one for everyone else later the closer we get to Christmas, but here... its small but I hope you like it." She said walking over to Kai. Gently she took his head and then put a small Key chain in it. it was a double sided picture key chain. It was a picture of everyone at the lake when they were having fun in the water. Though it was the only picture of the group together they had, and sadly Sage wasn't in it, her being the one who took the photo. Though Rhea had recently asked Sage, Momo and Rose to take a picture together to replace the missing three in the first photo and placed it in second frame.

"I was thinking of getting something similar for everyone else... but they ran out of stock so I have to wait for some more to come back... We had gone shopping yesterday, thats the only reason we have the stuff in the car.. lucky too." Rhea said happily.
Kai smiled "I love it," he said and hooked it to his wallet so it actually hung in view when he re-pocketed his wallet.

Rose blushed a bit and put on the ears with a giggle. Shania shook her head and laughed after getting her camera out and putting batteries in she took a picture and them one of the posing Momo.

"Death open your gifts!" Kai chuckled "you Lucy Shania and Roen still need to open yours,"

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