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Wild Cards

Kai glomped Rhea laughing "I love it!" he said with a laugh.

Shania shook her head "he still loves Rhea... but I won't give her up," she smiled.

Rose shrugged and hopped over to Momo waging her new kitty tail.
Roen made a face, "If I had a choice she wouldn't date till she was 18... she's only 15." he crossed his arms, protective brother mode.

Sage laughed quietly to herself, placing a kettle she brought over the fire for hot coco. She knew Kai would let Rhea do whatever she wanted. Momo laughed and tackled Rose 'I wana fly again!'

Rhea smiled, laughing back and hugged Kai back happily. She still loved Kai as well, but she was in love with Shania and she had chosen Shania, but she still wanted to make Kai happy. "You and Sage really did do a good job." She praised him.
Rose smiled and took off into the air with Momo she was laughing,

Kai smiled "Sage's idea! I never had so much fun!" he smiled brightly

"She is mature for her age though," Shania said.
"She was forced to be.. like you, Kai and Sage were. I wished I could help you all a lot more, but I am glad to you guys still have fun like normal kids every now and again." Roen said quietly watching Kai acting like a completely different person, and Rhea the little girl her knew before he left.

Sage smiled a bit, "Yeah, we tired from the very beginning to preserve our sanity." She said with a chuckle.
"I like to pretend I am." Sage said narrowing her eyes at Shania and puffing her cheeks at her for a pouty face.

Rhea smiled and nodded and jumped up and made a running jump for Shania, "Shania!" She called the girl before she jumped her.
Shania caught Rhea and laughed "Hello?" she said and smiled at the girl.

Kai laughed as he watched Rhea pounce Shania like Rose did Sage so often.
Rhea laughed, usually the girl carried herself in a very mature fashion, but right now, she laughed like a little girl. "Hello!" She said happily hugged Shania tight. Roen smiled at bit as his sister's laughter.

Sage smiled, "I assume everything is ready for launch?" Sage asked Kai, though she did hand him some Hot chocolate.
"Ready," Kai saluted her. "The countdown will commence when all troops are lined up, thenb we will give them a show of fire to never forget," Kai was being playful and it was actually a prettty odd yet refreshing thing.

Shanai laughed and tickled the girl in her arms just to hear more laughter.
Sage laughed, "Oh I don't want to shoot any off, but you guys can... I brought a lighter, though Shania is her own lighter."

Rhea laughed a little louder and squirmed against Shania trying to get away. "S-Sha... Shania." She tried to say through laughing breaths.
Kai smirked "oh no Death you are not getting away that easy." he set down the hot chocolate and smirked.

Shania stopped and held the girl close laughing with her.
Rhea was out of breath from laughing so hard but hugged onto Shania while she caught it back.

Sage raised an eye brow and looked like she was ready to dodge, "What... what is that supposed to mean?" She asked when he put his cup down.
Kai smiled "it means death is gonna play with us all," he pounced her prepared for her to dodge he'd just use the momentum to spin and pounce her if she did get away.

Shania held Rhea to her and looked at KAi and Sage.
Sage jumped out of the way of Kai as suspected, but then proceeded to run away, though she jumped on one of the logs and stuck her tongue out at Kai.

Rhea laughed, though she cuddled close to Shania, "Merry early Christmas Shania. I love you." She whispered to the girl quietly.
"And I love you," Shania smiled and kissed the top of Rhea's head as Kai chased sage.

"Running is cheating!" Kai called after her.
"Who the hell says its cheating?" Sage said with a grin.

Momo looked down from the sky with her and Rose flying around, 'Oh I want to play chase too!'
Sage laughed though she saw a flash of Momo before she dodged the Monkey girl. Momo had jumped from Rose and fell flat on her face onto the ground.

Sage grinned when the girl got up and rubbed her face, though she was laughing rather hard.
Sage went a bit wide eye'd when Rose dived at her and sighed, letting herself get tackled by the arch Angel. Sage landed on the ground with Rose on top of her. Though it was not long till she head Momo's laughed and the girl jumped on top of Sage and Rose. "Ow.. hey Momo careful with Rose shes still hurt.." Sage said though a few hard breaths of being laid on top of.

'i've got all of you!' Momo said happily.
Kai fell to the ground laughing "you three are too... cute!"

Rose laughed and hugged Sage and kissed her wagging her 'tail'

"Keep it pg!" Shania called softly with a laugh.
"Ok all of you off me." Sage said flailing on the ground a bit trying to push everyone off her. "Go shoot off the fireworks."

Lucifer laughed and nuzzled Ebony quietly, "Are you going to shoot them off too?"'

"Come on Shania." Rhea said happily, pulling Shania up off the log to go shoot some of the fireworks. she grabbed Roen's hand as well and pulled him with him.
"Yeah lets go," Ebony smiled and hugged Lucifer before getting up.

Rose hopped up "Fireworks!" she jumped up and down exitedly. Kai reacted in the exact same manner.
Sage laughed and got up off the ground and brushed off her shirt. She scowled because she was a bit dirty, but she sighed and let it go since everyone else was in a good mood. She couldn't bring herself to continue being pouty.

Roen laughed and handed a few lighters to everyone. Lucifer took one and was messing with it slowly trying to get it to work.
Ebony smiled and taught him how to get it to light Rose was in shock when the small lighter lit and she looked at Sage "did you put Tannis fire in these?" she asked.

Shania laughed "Thanks Roen," she said as she showed Momo how to use hers.

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