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Wild Cards

Sage laughed, "Calm down Kai." Though she coughed when Rose put on the cat ears. Though she did not open hers next, maybe because it was fun watching Kai squirm. She would admit watching her best friend being like this made her happy.

Lucy didn't wait after that, he reached for his presents to open them, with Ebony very much still in his arms.

Roen did the same, though he looked skeptical, "I feel like this is a trap..." Though Rhea gently hit him in the shoulder telling him to be nicer.
"I will admit I had selfish reasons... this is my first true christmas," Kai smiled at Roen who was getting ready to open the candy cane stripped boxes in the first box was a new laptop Kai had seen his and Rhea's computers and was far from impressed so he got Roen one. The second box had a simple suit in it hand made by Kai himself it was a deep dark black the materials were soft and fine definatly top dollar suit quality, and in the last box was a flashdrive with a note "In this drive are pictures of Rhea blushing and smiling, thought you might like to go through a bit of her happiness I always smiled," and it was signed ith Kai's company logo on the stationary the note was written on.

Lucifers first box held a fluffy soft black blanket the feel of it was almost like Rose's new kitty gear it would be warm and nice for cuddling Ebony to him. The second box had a DS in it and a few fighting games as well as Mario. The final box held four boxes of candies all fancy types Lucifer din't have too often.
"Ah! Candy!" Lucifer said, "Shania! Can I have some?" He asked suddenly, before he ate any. out of everything Lucifer obviously liked the candy best. He was not sure what the DS was, but he'll figure it out. Though he did wrap the blanket around Ebony with a smile.

Roen touched the laptop, this would make his work a lot easier... "Thanks Kai, I appreciate this." Roen said, not really sure how to react honestly. Him and Kai were never really seeing eye to eye, but he knew a kind gesture when he saw one, it was just unexpected. though he had a tight grip on the photos of Rhea.

Sage chuckled, "I just let you take care of all the presents... I didn't bother myself. I figured cooking would be plenty. Shania you can go next." Though Sage had pulled Rose next to her with her cute little cat ears.
Rose giggled "when we go home I can put the entire suit on for you!" she told Sage and snuggled her softly and tried to imitate Smores purr.

"My pleasure," Kai smiled happily.

Shania chuckled "you can have some Luce you did eat good after all," she looked at her dark red boxes and opened the first one and stared inside was a traditional kendo fighting suit set. She touched the materials and quickly realized Kai had been sure to use flame proof durable materials just for her use. "thanks," she said before opening the second box and she blinked a few times pulling a stuffed wolf cub from the box it was a stuffed animal life size and quite adorable despite her hard exterior she actually found herself quite liking the stuffed toy her last box had a pendant in it, red and tasteful in size there was also a word written into the gem it said courage.
"Wow that is really pretty." Rhea commented, she smiled at Shania looked over her presents.

Sage chuckled, everyone had opened their presents but Sage, of course she was just gently running her fingers over the box, "Oh is it just me now? I wonder if I should open them.... hmmm maybe..." Sage seem to shift through the few boxes slowly, not really reaching to open any of them.

Lucifer was busy eating candies, though he tried to feed Ebony some, though he whispered to her how he hopes she teaches their kids to dance.
Ebony smiled imagining her and Lucifers soon to be family. "i will," she smiled at him.

"God Death just open them!" Kai whined.

Shania smiled and nodded petting the wolf cub softly after she put on the pendant.
Sage grinned at Kai before starting with the smallest of boxes and moving up. Saving s'mores for last.

Roen chuckled watching Kai whine at Sage tormenting him.
Inside Sages smallest box was a bracelet memorial for her mother and father it had their names written on it and she could easily hide it but still keep them with her no matter where she went. Kai actually looked nervous when she opened that one first. In the second box was a suit deep blue and tailored to her style. In the biggest box was a new outfit for work the mask fashioned to look like a skull and inside it was a mic so she didn't have to fiddle with one and a mask also black robes loose but easy to move in and it came with hidden blade belts with the matching daggers.
Sage actually paused when she opened the first one, though she didn't say anything, she had a small smile. "Oooh I get Kai fashioned outfit, now I can look just as fabulous as you." Sage teased with a chuckle. "Thanks these are pretty cool." She told him. "I think the probability of me dying lesioned again." She said laughing, though she made sure that her work outfit stayed in the box, she really didn't want the group to see it.

Rhea smiled Sage looked happy, though she was pretending it wasn't a big deal like always.
Kai finaly let out his tension and slouched on the couch "Ha! I love this family!" he said.

Shania chuckled "is it just me or has Kai actually acted human today?" she asked Rhea with a grin.
"Nah he is just over excited." Sage said with a chuckle.

Rhea smiled at Shania, though she thought Kai always acted human. Kai was just a strange human. Sage took out her phone and checked a few things before closing it. "it should be getting dark soon. Want to leave now so we can set up while its still light?" Sage asked Kai.

Rhea gently took Shania's hand in her own, Momo was playing with half of Rose's costume with her, she liked the fact Rose had a tail like she did.

Lucifer leaned forward and kissed Ebony and whispered to her, "I love you."
Sage smiled, "Ok guys, lets head to our city, Kai and I have one last stop to pull for our small family christmas party."

Rhea looked up, "Oh you guys have more?" She said lightly.

"I am driving myself..." Roen declared
"My driving is not that bad!" kai said "I have never crashed!" he pouted though he didn't stop as he went to stash the stuff in his car.

Shania shrugged "I've gotten used to his driving actually,"
"Well I haven't... and I don't intend to either." Roen declared, getting into his own car.

Sage laughed and opened her door and sat down. waiting for kai to reappear around in the drivers seat.

Rhea went with her brother mostly to make him feel better, and to make sure he knew how to get to the city.
"Yeah go!" Sage said buckling in. Though Roen had already drove away, she was sure they would beat him there.

Momo was actually getting into the bags, 'What are theses?' She asked
Roen shook his head, "How are you not dead?" he asked Rhea. Rhea laughed quietly, "It doesn't feel that bad when you're sitting in the back."

When they got there, Rhea noticed everyone was already there. Sage was actually getting their firepit ready again so there was something warm while they were out here. "Ok Shania, I think it is ready to light on fire." She told the girl when the wood was set up.
Shania tossed a fire ball into the fire pit and smiled at it erupted into flames. Kai was setting up the fireworks quite happily.

"You guys finally made it," Rose said
"Yeah... you act like we would have never gotten here..." Roen said raising an eyebrow at Rose.

Rhea smiled, "Wow firework? Kai can I help?" Rhea asked happily running up to Kai.

Momo was just hovering watching everything that was going on. Lucifer stuck close to Ebony per usual, though he was pleasantly happy as well.
"Sure," Kai smiled and gave her a few to set up and he smiled "we'll have Shania light them so we will be a safe distance away!" he said still rather happy.

"It seemed that way." Rose said.
Roen crossed his arms, "Well excuse me for driving the speed limit.' He said sarcastically.

Rhea made a face, "No Kai we have to light some too! Don't you want to light some fireworks? Lighting fireworks with friends!" She asked him, though she set up a few too, she was just as happy as Kai right now.
"I was thinking whether or not your brother would shoot me if I suggested that," Kai chuckled.

Rose looked at him "Kai doesn't?" she asked.
"Like hell he does!" Roen snapped, "I don't know how he doesn't have a ticket or suspended licences!"

Sage chuckled loudly.

Rhea smiled, "No way, just as long as we are safe. We'll all light some together like family." She said happily.

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