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Wild Cards

Ebony used all the strength she had to push an arrow into the demons neck though she was blinded as well "No body threatens me! I'm not a damsel in distress!" she tore the arrow out and started to stab the demon randomly with it.
When Rhea was able to see, there was a pretty dead demon bleeding out next to Ebony, it looked like she had killed it in the first blow in the neck. Lucifer blinked a bit, "Whoa! Ebony you killed him! Good job! Are you ok?" He asked immediately running to go greet her.

Rhea let out a long relieved sigh, she can't believed that actually worked. Walking past the demon Rhea pulled out the necklace from under her shirt and reached for the portal to start closing it.
Ebony was crying she was terrified even though the demon was dead "I... I am not a weak little girl! ... but but they all... target me."

Shania wanted to go comfort the girl but Lucifer would be able to do better then her she just made sure to cover Rhea's back just in case,
"You're not weak Ebony! You're really strong. I told you before, you killed Fredrick, and you killed This demon, and you've killed a whooole bunch of other demons." Lucifer said spreading his arms out wide when he said the word 'whole'. "I think they target you because they know if your gone, then we can't get to them... because you can get them from far away. Doesn't matter where they are at... you can still get them! Because your aim is the best. You're a foe to be feared!" Lucifer said with a smile, though he did lean forward and kiss Ebony's tears. His tail wagged almost like a dogs and he was smiling and praising Ebony like he normally did. Lucifer never said anything he didn't mean either. he wanted to hold her, but the arrow his chest would just hurt more.

When Rhea said done closing the portal she took in a sharp breath. She had forgotten the sickening feeling the negative energies gave her. Taking off the necklace she held it away from her and paused a moment to wait for the nasty feeling to leave her body, "Ok... I am done..." She told Shania.
Shanai picked Rhea up bridal style "lets all go home,"

Ebony held Lucifer face and kissed him deeply "I love you," she said softy. he always made her feel better.
"I-I can walk Shania." Rhea said blushing.

Lucifer was not really expecting the kiss, but he responded and kissed her back, his hands sliding over her waist, he smiled back at her happily when their lips parted, "I love you too." he told him mate. Though he took her hand and flew next to her, because flying hurt a lot less than walking.
Ebony smiled but wanted to get him home and quickly.

Shania chuckled "I know you can but Ill carry you anyway," she said as they traveled back to the group
Rhea blushed but didn't complain at all.

Sage looked up when the group finally got down the stairs, "You guys seem like you had success, get into any trouble."

Lucifer beamed, "Nope, Ebony and Rhea killed the demon all by themselves. Shania and I didn't even do anything." He said proud of his mate.

Sage smiled and went to pick up Rose, "I guess I'll drive?" She asked Kai, Offering him a hand.
"I'm not that bad off my feet do work... I'm just frazzled is all," Kai muttered though he tosed Sage the keys and stood up on his own.

"Ebony stabbed it... repeatedly... with an arrow," Shania said and chuckled "I think she is getting more of a backbone now that she has Luce behind her supporting her,"

Ebony blushed but smiled "Luci is the greatest ever,"
"Ooh Kai is cranky~" Sage said, making a face while she shifted Rose after Kai didn't take her hand. "Ok lets go home. Rose needs a bed to lay on."

"What... Ebony doesn't have a back bone? I thought everyone was born with one! Ebony why didn't you tell me!?" Lucifer said looking at the girl.

Rhea laughed a bit, though she wrapped her arms around Shania's neck.
"It's an expression.. to have a no back bone is to be pushed around easy and not be very brave,"Ebony tried to explain to Lucifer.

"Kai is not cranky," Kai said "he's having a bad hair day,"

Shania shook her head off to home are you taking rose to your place?" Shania asked.
Sage smiled, "Mmm, you're letting me have Rose? I'll gladly accept that." Sage hummed. "Where are you going tonight Kai?" She asked him and they eventually made it outside.

Rhea was already falling asleep in Shania's arms a bit, she was in a sleepy daze. Momo climbed in the back quietly. Lucifer nodded and smiled at Ebony, "That is a silly expression. You are brave." He told her happily.
Ebony smiled and got in the van with Luci trying to make sure he wasn't in too much pain.

Kai sighed "honestly I have no clue home I guess... got alot of work that still needs done," he said.

Shania got into the van holding Rhea still.
"Forgive me cranky pants for asking, but can you drive yourself home?" Sage asked before laying Rose down in the back, "You heard Rhea, she said you needed to go onto bed rest. Can't you do work at Shania's? heck even my place." Sage said starting the car. She glanced at Shania for a bit of help.
"I'd like to have access to my paper files but... I guess I can do the work elsewhere but Im really not that bad off... just a bit woozy,"

"Kai you are not going home Sage is not to give you back your key's untill Rhea says you are ok to drive she is our doctor," Shania stated.
"Kai just sleep at Shanias... you should be feeling a lot better in the morning... you body needs to sleep off the shock..." Rhea mumbled.

"See. You fuss at me for being reckless." Sage said with a huff. Though they finally got home, Sage dropped everyone off before waving goodbye and stealing Kai's car taking it to her house with Rose. Not before Rhea made Sage take some herbs to give the girl later.

When everyone was in, Rhea was more awake and helping Lucifer pull out the arrows in his back and chest. As soon as they were out, Rhea with Ebony's help wrapped Lucifer up. She had to wait for the bleeding to stop before she could put salve on it.
Ebony kissed Lucifers wrapped wounds to make them better. She was really worried about him and wanted to hug him but didn't want to hurt him.

Kai laid on the couch "i'm fine," he muttered "really but nobody trusts me,"

Shanai rolled her eyes an made everyone tea except luci she made him hot chocolate.
Rhea touched Kai's forehead a bit, "Kai I checked you earlier... you're not fine. Drink some tea?" She asked him, she was trying to coax him out of pouting. Though while doing so, something in her mind clicked, remembering when she healed Ebony.

"E-Ebony!" Rhea started, though she took a small breath to calm herself, "Can you help me put the medical supplies back?" She asked the girl. That was she can get her alone without suspicion. Though she got up to gather the medical supplies.

Lucifer happily took the hot coco, "Thank you Shania." He said happily from the floor.
"No problem be careful not to spill it it's hot," she said happy he seemed ok.

"Sure," Ebony said and got some of the supplies to put up.

Kai sighed and just sipped at his tea in all honestly he felt like hell but he had work to do.
Lucifer hurt a lot, but Rhea had given him pain killers and he was sure it was going to help a lot when it kicked him. Beside he was alive and that was all the counted.

When Rhea got Ebony alone, she closed the door behind them and looked at the girl, "E...Ebony.... when we were being attacked.... you... you said you and Lucifer mated... you guys had Sex?" She asked the girl. This answer would confirm or deny everything... if she said no she would need to double check.
Ebony blushed deeply confirming everything "we are mates now," she said softly.

Shania sat with her tea she surprisingly was rather unhurt, it was an odd feeling.

Kai had actually fallen asleep on the couch already,
Rhea made a serious face, "Just as I thought..... Ebony.... you're pregnant..." Rhea said quietly almost a whisper, "I felt them... there is two... Two separate eggs... I felt them growing when I healed you earlier..."
Ebony stared wide eyed at Rhea then touched her tummy then fainted with a thud. Shania ran to see what was wrong "is anyone hurt?" she asked.
"Ah! Ebony!" Rhea said in sudden surprise, she wasn't expecting the girl to fall like that, Rhea immediately went to heal her, though there was nothing to heal, the girl just passed out. "S-She fine... She just... passed out." Rhea reassure Shania.

Lucifer was at the doorway almost instantly when she heard Rhea call out to Ebony, "I-is everything ok?" He asked.
"Ebony passed out but Rhea says she is fine," Shania said and picked up the passed out girl "what were you doing that made her pass out?"

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