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Wild Cards

S.Kai chuckled and caught Momo but with the intentions of stabbing her in the back.

Shanai gripped her sword tighter "You know how I feel about my dagger Priestess," she said "can this wait till we aren't in immediate danger?"

"Agreed," Rose said and took SSage's sleeve and began tugging her.

S.Shania nodded back to Lucifer "Glad to see you two are ok," she said "find anyone else?" she asked

Ebony smiled brightly "Oh I am so glad you two are safe!" she said and ran to hug Rhea quickly.

SEbony looked at Lucifers wings and gently ran a hand along one of them gently "are you ok?" she asked.

Kai tried to fight Momo's spell and he tried to get his shadows to trip her aswell. SRose slashed at Sage with poisonous nails.
Momo grasp the side of S.Kais's head and forced herself into his Mind, and cutting all control from the shadow demon and taking away all the shadows individual thought. 'Stop, You're mine now.'

"I know Warrior... but I am really hoping this will make things easier on us... its only for a few seconds." S.Rhea said quietly, "You trust me don't you?"

Rhea smiled and hugged Ebony back, "You're not hurt at all?" She asked Ebony. "No you two are the first we've found.."

"I am ok..." Lucifer said, shivering a bit when she touched his wing, "Just want to kill this demon already and go home."

"Why are you pulling me?" S.Sage asked as Rose started to tug on her.

Momo did get tripped but she then gave Kai a command, 'Stop that. Use your shadows for more useful things like pinning your friend!' She told him. Sage wasn't quick enough to dodge the nails, but she did grab S.Rose and then tensed up, "Sorry Rose..." She mumbled before she let out a rather large charged shock.
The Shadow Rose screamed it was high pitched and pained Kai fought trying to break free. Momo said to pin his friend well Momo was his friend too so he found a way around the order and pinned her and sent a shadow to Sage and used himself as a conducter and the shock went through him and the Shadow Momo.

"Oh sorry... just a bit exited..." Rose said and let go of Sage.

"Yeah," SEbony said softly and smiled "lets kill the bad demon and go home. S.Shania watched the reunion and looked at S Lucifer/

"No I'm not hurt," Ebony smiled "Luci fell into the room I was in and found me,"

S. Kai only fought for a moment before giving into momo.

"Rhea... I trust you but... this is my only weapon at the moment if we are attacked I can't save you without it." Shania was conflicted
When Sage's charge stopped she tossed Rose off from her. She looked over to see Momo was now on the ground, she had gotten shocked pretty hard as well. Hard enough to release Kai from her grasps. "Joker?" Sage asked quietly, though she stood up and actually started to move to the door.

Momo smiled, 'Good, now its time to go, take me to the closest of your shadow friends.' Momo commanded the Shadow Kai.

"Of course you can, you have your flames... its only for a moment... but I understand why." S.Rhea said, she gave a sad smile at Shania, looking a bit rejected even.

Rhea gave Ebony a wary smile, "Something's not right... Kid, can you tell where the portal is?" Rhea asked after a moment, S.Lucifer looked up, "No.. something is blocking my senses." He looked to S.Shania motioning that they should probably strike soon, the other shadows are moving.

Lucifer could feel Momo moving and he could also feel Rose coming closer. "Oh look, here are some stairs!" Lucifer said after a moment.

S.Sage smiled, the other shadows were moving, she might as well take care of this demon right now. "Birdy..." She said before pulling Rose close to her and pinning her to a wall, "Have I told you how much I love you?" She said quietly.
Kai was shuddering "not... my best Idea." he said his voice weak with pain. "but she had my mind..." he was pretty sure he fried some important things but he was also sure Rhea could heal him so he didn't have to much to worry a bout his vision was shot and the current had stopped then started his hear in the same breath and his chest hurt like hell.

The Shadow Kai began to take momo towards the Shadow Shania and the Shadow Lucifer.

"Rhea..." Shania held out her dagger "I do trust you,"

shadow Shania lifted her blade and brought it down Ebony pushed rhea out of the way but her arm was sliced down from shoulder to wrist and she was bleeding badly.

Rose looked wide eyed at SSage "I love you too... but is now realy the time?" she asked softly

S Ebony smiled and stepped back and drew her bow fireing at close range hoping to make him fall down the stairs.
Sage gritted her teeth, thats the second charge shes used. getting up Sage picked up Kai and ran out the door. She was not sure where to go, but she needed to get away. She paused a moment to break the door handle to the room Momo and Rose were in, "I really pray that was not Rose..." Sage mumbled before picking Kai back up and running again. She knew she had poison running in her veins right now, her and Kai are looking pretty bad right now.

"Of course this is the time... Death comes to those too trusting." S.Sage said with a smirk before she shocked Rose.

Luifer gasped in pain as soon as he felt a sharp arrow lodge into his back. he fell down the stairs and hit the wall, getting up he spun to look at Ebony, "Ebony?!"

Rhea gasped when she saw Ebony get sliced, quickly she reached out to pulled the girl with her, "Shania?!" Rhea looked to her side to see Lucifer coming right to her. Throwing up a shield quickly, Lucifer smashed right into it, knocking him back before Rhea sat up and grabbed Ebony, pulling the girl quickly into a room and shutting it. As soon as she could she started to heal Ebony's wound. "Whats happening?"

When Momo came to the scene she sighed, 'Shadow Kai go kill that Shadow Shania!' Momo ordered, jumping out of Kai's arms.

S.Rhea took the blade and smiled at Shania, "Thank you Shania." She said, watching it transform back into a dragger when it left her hand. "This is why you don't trust, because trust kills." S.Rhea said before jumping at Shania, trying to stab her with the blade.
Luckily Shania was well trained and got away with just a scratch on her arm "Rhea?" she asked softly

Shadow Kai twirled his axe and charged Shadow Shania who met his charge head on like Shania would any attacker. Their blades met and they were both knocked back

Ebony was starting to shudder "we... Luci! we have to get Luci we mated he wouldn't hurt me," Ebony was neer hysterical.

"I find you ... unnecessarily." Shadow ebony loosed another arrow at Lucifer.

Rose screamed in pain and shoved Sage off though she was trembling badly. "...S...sage?"

Kai forced Sage to let him move on his own "It wasn't that Momo didn't have a connection to my mind... we are being pulled for a ride,"
"Yeah, thanks for the tip. You can walk--" Sage stopped when she heard a scream. She was for sure it was Rose, she could feel the burning in her veins increased when she took off running for the source. She had to go down some stairs before she moved down a long hall.

Lucifer was wide eyed with shock when he was struck a second time in the chest. Something was wrong... but sitting here and dying is not going to solve the problem. Spreading his wings, Lucifer darted down the stairs, leaving the Ebony behind, he burst through the door nearly burling into Kai and Sage.

S.Sage smirked, "Yes Birdy, what's wrong?" She asked approaching Rose again.

Rhea took ahold of Ebony's shoulders, when she was healing Ebony she felt something else there.... Something that was natural... "Ebony... you and Lucy...?" Now is not the time... She thought to herself. "Ebony that is not Lucy... I don't think it is anyway... Shania would never hurt anyone either, I need you to calm down!"

S. Lucifer watched as Shadow Kai attacked Shadow Shania, he looked over to see Momo, glaring at the demon, S. Lucifer lept to attack Momo, swiping his claws at her. Momo tried her best to dance around him.

S.Rhea made a face of frusighted before turning around and making a run for it out of the library, she will go to the other shadows for help...
Kai went after Sage but he was severely slowed his body still not working to well after the shocks. Whe Lucifer barreled through the door he fell over "Kid..." Kai then saw he had arrows sticking out of him Lucifer would die from a demon hunter wound that severe so was this not lucifer or are those not Ebony's arrows?

Rose was shaking "Why... why did you?" she asked in almost a whimper.

Shadow Kai and Shadow Shania were pretty evenly matched kai made up for his lack of strength by his weapons range.

Shania took off after the shadow Rhea she had her dagger.

Ebony sobbed lightly "it isn't lucy?" she asked softly. "We have to get out of here"
"No it can't be! Lucy would never hurt anyone, you know that.... you right.... lets go." Rhea said, opening the door up a bit when she did, she saw Momo dodging Lucifer in a rather sloppy fashion, She had a few cuts from his claws. There was Kai... he was fighting the Shania... everything was so confusing what was going on.

It was not long until another Rhea came out of the corridors, S.Rhea speed up and when she saw normal Rhea she ran right into the girl and spun them around giving the real Rhea, Shania's weapon. "Warrior... Is that you? That Warrior attacked us there... These copies are just shadows! You need to kill that me to make it disappear!" S.Rhea said as soon as Shania appeared. Rhea looked at the weapon confused and then when the S.Rhea spoke her eyes went wide, "What! No.... Shadows?" She spun to look at Shania, "Shania?" She said desperately and wide eyed.

S.Sage was just about to reach out for Rose when she was slice on the arm by Sage's scythe, "I don't know who you are but I don't appreciate what you are doing." Sage said getting between S.Sage and Rose. She really hoped this was a real Rose she just saved..

Lucifer was panting before he shut the door behind him, "Ebony... she shot me... it... it hurts but not like... your weapons hurt... I-I don't understand..." Lucifer stuttered.
"Shade's coppies shadows whatever you want to call them the real ebony is in real danger but you are way to injured to fight," Kai said "We took down a momo and a rose,"

Rose saw the two Sages and she took a plant seed from her pocket "Sage... I love you," she pressed the seed into Sage's wrist and it grew around her body making an armor of living plantlife.

Shania stopped she couldn't risk attacking the real rhea "answer me a question Rhea. The pictures what do you think of them," she would gauge the reactions carefully.

Shadow Kai finally sliced through Shadow Shania's legs making her fall.
Rhea tossed the weapon at Shania, though she looked really surprised at the question while doing so, sliding it across the floor before taking a few steps back to Ebony. She glanced at S. Lucifer who was still trying to kill Momo. She was not sure if that was the real Momo or not... maybe it was since they were attacking each other. "I thought they were cute." She said quietly, she was not sure what the right answer was. S.Rhea seemed to have a slight panic at the question, reaching into the memories, "I thought your brother looked happy." she was able to pull the strongest memory the quickest.

Rhea frowned, why was she answering this question? This was a demon standing next to her! Rhea turned around a grabbed the S.Rhea's wrist and used her healing power on her. The Shadow immediately started to burn letting out a painful cry.

Lucifer snapped the arrow shaft in half, leaving the point in so he would not bleed out, "No I am fine." He said confidently. "I sense Rose where Sage went... Momo is over that direction," he said pointing one way. "The demon.... he's down below... the portal is I think in the very top floor... an attic I guess." He said, making gestures with his hands as he told Kai where everything is. "I need to find Ebony... that other Ebony shadow or whatever won't be far behind." He said as a warning.

Sage smiled and feed a bit of her own energy into the plant before leaping at the other Sage with her scythe. They seemed to lock weapons for a long moment before Sage manage to push the Shadow back. The hallways were tall, making her weapon easy to use.

Momo had suffered several scratches and gashes at this point, as soon as Shadow kai maimed Shania, Momo ran to him, 'Shadow Kai, Kill Shadow Lucifer, quickly before he harms me further!' she commanded him. S. Lucifer quickly gave chase to Momo, not able to hear the command she just gave Kai.
The Shadow Kai went at the Shadow Lucifer without hesitation.

Kai nodded "go towards Momo I'll take care of the fake ebony." he said and stood as straight as he could he still hurt all over but a little archer wouldn't be too hard to handle.

Shadow Ebony was indeed on her way huming softly to herself.

Rose was still recovering from the shock but she was also loosing consiousness she knew her plants would protect Sage. The plant armor actually began to turn into a turniquate to stop the poisons flow and protect Sage a bit.

Shania caught her weapon and ran to hug Rhea to her tightly. "Did... did I hurt you?" she asked softly.

Ebony looked around and saw the shadow Kai and Lucifer "Momo... over here!" she called.
S.Lucifer ducked when the shadow Kai started to attack him. Momo turned and ran for the group before jumping on top of the S.Rhea who was trying to regain her composure after being burnt. Quickly Momo forced hypnosis on her, 'heal yourself, then go to Shadow Kai. Kill all other Shadow demons but him.' She commanded her. With that, the S.Rhea got up and started to head to the fight.

Momo looked to the others, 'I have the Shadow Kai and now the Shadow Rhea under my command... that is shadow Shania and Shadow Lucifer right there.' She told them as she ran up to them.

Rhea wrapped her arms around Shania, "Of course not... we are ok. You're hurt though..." Rhea said leaning back to look at Shania's arm, it was not bad... so she should wait to heal it, "Thank goodness... it's only a light scratch."

S.Rhea put a shield up to protect S.Kai from a charging S. Lucifer. He bounced off the shield and in that moment S.Rhea let the shield fall so that S.Kai could charge S. Lucifer.

Lucifer made a face, "But... Kai you look as bad as I am.." He said, he was not sure leaving would be the best idea, Kai was moving slowly and funny. "I'll help.. then we can do this together." He told Kai.

Sage felt her movements get constricted as the plants tightened around her, sensing the poison in her. Lucky for her they were providing a protection her athletic dodging ability was lacking because of it. Sage tried to pull exactly what her weakness was and that was being forced to attack first.
The Shadow Kai went after lucifer without Kai's normal hesitance he was aiming to kill.

Ebony hugged Momo "Oh I'm glad you are ok too," she said and drew her bow after pushing Momo behind her and she fired at the shadow Lucifer "This is for pretending to be my mate!"

Shania nodded "I'm fine, I'm a bit worried about Kai and luce," Shania said.

Rose lost consciousness the plants still feeding off her made her too weak to stay awake.

Kai looked at Lucifer "Go to your mate," he ordered and spun his axe "I'll handle the shadow," he pushed Lucy towards the direction Sage had run. S. Ebony fired an arrow and it barely missed Lucifer. "Go!" Kai ordered again and spun to face the imposter Ebony
Between S.Kai and Ebony's arrows, S.Lucifer easily fell, Ebony's arrows doing the most damage to him. Momo let out a small breath, 'Shadow Kai, finish Shadow Shania.' Momo commanded, not forgetting about the maimed Shadow Shania. S.Rhea also left to help S.Kai since it was her orders to do so.

"Why?" Rhea asked, a bit worried herself, though she was worried for everyone. She watched as Momo ordered around the two Shadows she had enslaved to her mind.

Lucifer made a face before flying off towards where Momo was, leaving Kai to take care of the S.Ebony.

After Sage had gotten the upper hand on herself, she was surprisingly easy to kill. Without her electricity, she was pretty squishy when she was cornered. She was also surprised to see that the shadows didn't bleed... they just split where you cut them. She sighed watching herself bubble on the ground before turning and looking at Rose. She was probably hurt badly. She wish she could have gotten there in time. Kai never caught up... she should go look for him, Rose should be fine here. Gently Sage laid Rose down and then jogged to go see what happened to Kai.
Kai made rather quick work of Shadow Ebony but he could no longer stand on his own. He was clenching his chest it hurt worse then the time he got shot in the chest. He had pushed Lucifer out of the fight before it started, too afraid Lucifer would take more damage.

"Because of the shadows and with Kai being him and Lucifer probably fighting another Ebony... she may have had an easy time getting a hit on him," Shania said

Ebony looked to Momo "Are Luci and Rose closer now?" she asked her

The shadow Kai beheaded Shadow Shania as she was still on the ground.
"You're in worse condition than I am... both you and Rose got shocked good... and I held back for you..." Sage said, grabbing Kai by the arm when she found him. Wrapping his arm around her neck she started leading him back to Rose. When they got back she sat him down on the ground against the wall next to Rose, Sage plopped down next to him and then propped Rose onto her shoulder, "I need to stop moving." She said simply, "Hopefully they will get here soon."

Rhea nodded and looked to Momo when she pointed, 'Lucy is heading our direction right now.'

True to her word, Lucifer came flying out of the hallway, he looked hesitant to approach the group at first. Rhea could see an arrow deep in his chest and another in his back. After he seem to judge it was safe and the other two shadows did not move he landed next to Ebony, "Is everyone ok?" He asked.
Ebony was trying not to start crying. She touched one of his injuries "you're hurt," she said softly.

Shania smiled at Lucifer "we are fine you need to sit down," she told him "let me look at your injuries,"

Kai gasped "I don't think human bodies are meant to be electrocuted," he told her "nice outfit though," he commented on her armor.

Ebony looked at Momo "how far is Rose away? me and shania can go get them,"
"Its stopping the poison from killing me." Sage said with a laugh, "Also... good thing we have a higher tolerances than humans huh?" She said with a grin.

Lucifer smiled at Ebony and Shania, "I am fine. Don't feel anything when I fly. I can still fight too. Kai is hurt, though I don't know what hurt him. I don't know about Sage or Rose." He said, though he took Ebony's hand when she touch the wound, it really did hurt a lot. The one in his chest more than the one in his back.

Momo looked around, 'they are not far, just down that hallway a good ways.' Momo said, 'I'll take you to them... Lucy you should stay here with Rhea and Shadow Kai and Shadow Rhea.' Momo then turned to the two shadows, 'Protect Rhea.' She told them. After that Rose started to lead them down to Rose, Sage and Kai.
Shadow kai took position protecting Rhea.

Ebony kissed Lucifers hand "Stay here," she told him "we'll be right back,"

Kai looked at Sage "you got yourself poisoned? and here I thought I was the one who gets hurt alot," he shook his head and winced "also my hair is a mess,"

Shania tapped her foot "Luce let me see your injuries... now," she said
Lucifer winned, "Shania... I am fine!" He said covering his wound, "You can check it when we get home."

Rhea smiled, though it felt weird with a Kai replica standing guard over her.

Sage chuckled and looked up when Momo and Ebony came down the hall, "Hold up before you two come any closer... we haven't killed brainwashing Momo yet...."

'Don't worry I am your Momo... I have Shadow Kai and Shadow Rhea under my control.' Momo said happily. 'are you guys ok?'
Ebony saw the unconscious rose and the condition of both Kai and sage. "You guys look horrible! lets get you back to Rhea!"

Shania glared "I will force-ably undress you," she warned him but she sat down "so we go after the demon or the portal next?"

Kai chuckled "yeah I do look like hell... get Sage to Rhea first... she is poisoned,"
"Yaay." Sage said, spinning her hands around in a joyes motion. Sage stood up and then help Kai up, lending him her shoulder again. Momo picked up Rose in her arms and they followed them back to the area.

Lucifer smiled and laughed with an awkward tone, "I can undress myself Shania." Lucifer pouted then he pointed downwards, "Hes moved up, with the portal. He was down but we've all gathered at this point... probably going to try and retreat..."

"Of course he would be..." Rhea said quietly, though she screamed suddenly when Something jumped on top of her. It was S.Momo and she was trying to force a hypnotist on Rhea.
Shania pounced the shadow momo aiming to grab it by the neck.

Shadow Kai also slashed at the shadow momo.

Kai leaned heavily on sage "god how bad did you zap Rose the first time when we ere fighting her?" he asked.

Rose slept soundly in momo's arms and Ebony kept rather quiet.

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