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Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

Eli: Eli had run as quickly as he could away from the hydra and the woman raging. He was impressed with her abilities, her necromancy had been powerful enough to change the hydra's own body against it. It would not be enough, however, as the many other heads had already ripped most of the necrotic flesh from the body. Double had appeared in their place. He growled low as he watched the scene unfold. "They're distracted.", he observed, suddenly realizing the potential in this moment. "We will need to act fast." He grabbed several viles and pouches as he spoke, seeming to know exactly what he was grabbing without needing to read the tiny labels. "Distract them...", the dwarf told the girl, before turning to the man and shouting, "ONly slice when and where you are told!" While he still spoke he made his way over to the undead bird. "Make this fly again, please."
Morpheus continued. "Absolutely not my man I want a multiheaded bobblehead! Slash slash slash" They were up to 24. "WHEEEE THIS IS FUN!"
Eli: He only thought about the consequences for a moment before Elijah raised his fist out toward Morpheus, still standing by the undead corpse. A large projectile shot through the air with a fwinnngggg of metal upon metal. The tiny arrow embedded itself in the wild man's neck and ejected it's poison upon contact. It was a strong tranquilizer. As he turned to the female, Eli was frowning, "We have fifteen seconds before that takes effect. We need to use him wisely. HE will be the distraction...you cut off the heads.", the plan had changed in a moment's time and Eli barely seemed to care. "The bird, please?"
Morpheus snapped and faded away. "Excuse me my man but come on. You saw me spawn weapons you think id let my physical form fight? Anyways cutie when you're done ill turn it into a bobblehead. Im bored of this now." He sat on the edge watching, tapping his fingers
CGULL9313 said:
Eli: He only thought about the consequences for a moment before Elijah raised his fist out toward Morpheus, still standing by the undead corpse. A large projectile shot through the air with a fwinnngggg of metal upon metal. The tiny arrow embedded itself in the wild man's neck and ejected it's poison upon contact. It was a strong tranquilizer. As he turned to the female, Eli was frowning, "We have fifteen seconds before that takes effect. We need to use him wisely. HE will be the distraction...you cut off the heads.", the plan had changed in a moment's time and Eli barely seemed to care. "The bird, please?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus snapped and faded away. "Excuse me my man but come on. You saw me spawn weapons you think id let my physical form fight? Anyways cutie when you're done ill turn it into a bobblehead. Im bored of this now." He sat on the edge watching, tapping his fingers
Luna glares at Morpheus. She looks at the bird with a face of disappointment, "Get. Up." She says the two words with cold and demanding tone. The bird rises once again. "Use it as you wish." Luna raises her hands and catches her chakrams once they make it back to her. "I need ten more minutes until I can really tear things up." Luna bursts into a misty darkness. Her umbrella floats above a hydra head under her control. Luna takes form and starts barking orders at th Hydra. She has her sword instead of Charkrams. Instead of cutting off the heads, if a hydra comes for her she simply cuts off its jaw.
"Oi cutie you seem upset. I can just end it now?" He snapped and it was gone. "But you wouldnt like that." He snapped and it came back. "So cutie. What do you want from me?"
Dru woke up in his apartment and felt well rested like he always did even though he slept 4 hours he had full energy and his head wasn't even foggy, times like then is when he hated his father but the feeling quickly passed. Dru got out of bed and walked over to the bookshelf and grabbed a book he had been reading in his free time. As he walked to his closet Dru began reading flipping pages at an abnormal rate of speed before he got to his closet quickly selecting a shirt that said some people need a high five in the face and some old jeans before putting a pen and a small notebook into his pocket and picking up the book again as Dru finished the rest of his morning activities he made it though the last half of the book before he was ready to go, as he left Dru straps his katana to his back and his two knives on his leg and the back of his katana.
Drumonkey said:
Dru woke up in his apartment and felt well rested like he always did even though he slept 4 hours he had full energy and his head wasn't even foggy, times like then is when he hated his father but the feeling quickly passed. Dru got out of bed and walked over to the bookshelf and grabbed a book he had been reading in his free time. As he walked to his closet Dru began reading flipping pages at an abnormal rate of speed before he got to his closet quickly selecting a shirt that said some people need a high five in the face and some old jeans before putting a pen and a small notebook into his pocket and picking up the book again as Dru finished the rest of his morning activities he made it though the last half of the book before he was ready to go, as he left Dru straps his katana to his back and his two knives on his leg and the back of his katana.
( It a still night btw for the next 34 minutes. )
Light said:
( It a still night btw for the next 34 minutes. )
(His father is morpheus he wakes up at strange hours but thanks for telling me the time.)
(Lol i saw that and its pretty funny but Im talking about the greek god)
DizjayDeathPride said:
"Oi cutie you seem upset. I can just end it now?" He snapped and it was gone. "But you wouldnt like that." He snapped and it came back. "So cutie. What do you want from me?"
"Take a weapon and fight it." Luna scowls Morpheus.

"Sigh. As you wish cutie." He formed a blade and appeared back down. He decided to shrink it down first. "Now if I were a hydra would by heart be.... here?" He stabbed the beast and it fumbled "I think thats a yes"
DizjayDeathPride said:

"Sigh. As you wish cutie." He formed a blade and appeared back down. He decided to shrink it down first. "Now if I were a hydra would by heart be.... here?" He stabbed the beast and it fumbled "I think thats a yes"
The hydra falls down upon the beach. Luna immediately makes use of its soul. Sending it to the astral plane.

Morpheus watched her, studied. He couldnt mimic the power, not perfectly. But if he continued to watch her he'll develop at least some grasp on how to do it. "Well cutie there ya go. Sorry if it's soul shrank too. Noooow my hollow 24-headed friend...." He turned it into a tiny bobbleheads. "Perfect!" He sent it to Damian's room with the others. "Now what cutie?"
DizjayDeathPride said:

Morpheus watched her, studied. He couldnt mimic the power, not perfectly. But if he continued to watch her he'll develop at least some grasp on how to do it. "Well cutie there ya go. Sorry if it's soul shrank too. Noooow my hollow 24-headed friend...." He turned it into a tiny bobbleheads. "Perfect!" He sent it to Damian's room with the others. "Now what cutie?"
"I'm going to my dorm. I require rest." Luna yawns as she holds her umbrella and starts to walk back to the city.
"Would you like me to take you Cutie or do you enjoy the walk? Goodbye my guy! I hope you aren't too mentally destroyed! Oh and next time you try to attack me...." He continued to walk with Luna, manifesting a copy of her umbrella and twirled it
Dru was walking around the city with his nose in a book reading it at abnormal speeds.
Dru looked up from his book and raised an eyebrow at the two people coming towards him and changed hi path as he headed towards them.
Dru closed the book with a sharp snap. "My name is Dru who are you?"

Morpheus flipped his deck, obviously showing off. "My name is Morpheus. This is cutie. Don't get any ideas. We're going to bed but you.... I intend to see you again mister. Anything you'd like to add cutie?"

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