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Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

( I didn't want someone going into the past to invalidate posts already made. I also didn't want someone freezing time itself to throw off the timeline because if you freeze time just to stop one character everybody else in the roleplay would have to stop for things to make sense. Time is an extremely delicate thing. Also don't complain since I gave you the ability to freeze others sense of time which is freezing them but time still goes on. Yet you don't take advantage of it. Also yes there are two different ones but Cronus also has powers of time. They both do for the record. Can we stop arguing I really don't like it. )


Tazmodo said:
Eric had ignored the comment and continued speaking. "Please control your lackey. I have come on peaceful terms in hopes that you would comply. I understand what your doing but could you just do it to certain people that way it makes things easier for me. I hate this job and am tired of wasting my time when your just going to take them."
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus snapped and a sweaty sock filled Eric's mouth "You still persist to act high and mighty, boy? You wont get very far. What is a washed up son of a moderate God doing here? You're irrelevant swine." He willed the rag to wiggle down Eric's throat, choking him
"Morpheus, stop! I understand his plight. It is quite tiring to do the same dreaded job over and over again. I accept these terms under one condition. You work for me." Luna looks up at the sky. The night won't last very long.
Light said:
( I didn't want someone going into the past to invalidate posts already made. I also didn't want someone freezing time itself to throw off the timeline because if you freeze time just to stop one character everybody else in the roleplay would have to stop for things to make sense. Time is an extremely delicate thing. Also don't complain since I gave you the ability to freeze others sense of time which is freezing them but time still goes on. Yet you don't take advantage of it. Also yes there are two different ones but Cronus also has powers of time. They both do for the record. Can we stop arguing I really don't like it. )
(You keep saying going back in time, but I never said anything about rewinding time that was one ability, that I got rid of when you stated the issues with it. And this would the an argument if you didn't immediately act like I hadn't done any research into my character before I decided to make him. Greek mythology was most of what I read in middle school. And I looked up who chronos was, and what he was capable of. Heck, you can't even admit you were wrong about something...*sighs* sorry, I'm just gonna go for a bit...)


Light said:
( I didn't want someone going into the past to invalidate posts already made. I also didn't want someone freezing time itself to throw off the timeline because if you freeze time just to stop one character everybody else in the roleplay would have to stop for things to make sense. Time is an extremely delicate thing. Also don't complain since I gave you the ability to freeze others sense of time which is freezing them but time still goes on. Yet you don't take advantage of it. Also yes there are two different ones but Cronus also has powers of time. They both do for the record. Can we stop arguing I really don't like it. )

"Morpheus, stop! I understand his plight. It is quite tiring to do the same dreaded job over and over again. I accept these terms under one condition. You work for me." Luna looks up at the sky. The night won't last very long.
(Also, doing some thing like spamming a freeze ability is lame, and would take away from an otherwise interesting event...much like that Cyclops trick did.))
Eric had grown mad. He slipped off heis gloves and spit out the sock. "You idiotic boy I only came here to speak with her. You have forced my hand." He summon an army of the dead and lung at super sonic speeds at him with both swords knowing his powers were limited and draining him.
Tazmodo said:
Eric had grown mad. He slipped off her mouth and spit out the sock. "You idiotic boy I only came here to speak with her. You have forced my hand." He summon an army of the dead and lung at super sonic speeds at him with both swords knowing his powers were limited and draining him.
Luna raises an eyebrow. "Wow, what a hypocrite. To complain about me making your job harder and then for you to go against your own nature. Interesting."
The form disappeared again. Morpheus came around clapping. "You don't listen do you? Very well. See you later." He snapped and willed Eric across the island
Eric had stopped and put hos gloves back on. He had grown tired of the same old tricks. "Takes a real man to hide doesn't it." He sat waiting for her to return him.
Kira woke up getting out of his bed doing the normal routine brushing his teeth and hair, using the restroom, and getting dressed he was dressed in his usual all white attire and grabbed his giant spear and sword and they disappear until he needs them and walks out of his room to walk a little.
Tazmodo said:
Eric had stopped and put hos gloves back on. He had grown tired of the same old tricks. "Takes a real man to hide doesn't it." He sat waiting for her to return him.
DizjayDeathPride said:
"Now for this army.... PUPPIES!" He turned them into stuffed poodles. "adorable"
Aqua said:
Kira woke up getting out of his bed doing the normal routine brushing his teeth and hair, using the restroom, and getting dressed he was dressed in his usual all white attire and grabbed his giant spear and sword and they disappear until he needs them and walks out of his room to walk a little.
Luna shakes her head and keeps her umbrella up. "He's heard my deal. He'll come to me if he wants to make it." Luna starts walking off the beach. She ends up walking through the city towards her apartment building. She notices someone walking out. She looks at Kira, "Morning."
Light said:
Luna shakes her head and keeps her umbrella up. "He's heard my deal. He'll come to me if he wants to make it." Luna starts walking off the beach. She ends up walking through the city towards her apartment building. She notices someone walking out. She looks at Kira, "Morning."
Kira finnaly notices it's raining he didn't feel it at first because his hair was thick enough until he felt his hair soaking wet he turned behind to see a girl and said "hey morning" he said looking at her with one black and blue eye and one black and red eye.
Aqua said:
Kira finnaly notices it's raining he didn't feel it at first because his hair was thick enough until he felt his hair soaking wet he turned behind to see a girl and said "hey morning" he said looking at her with one black and blue eye and one black and red eye.
Luna raises an eyebrow at his eyes. She murmurs, "Interesting boy." She goes to the elevator to go up to her room.
Kira here's her comment as she leaves and just shrugs walking for a bit in the rain since he was wet already, after a little bit of walking he was soaking and went to one of the elevators pressing a button to get on his floor and he soon walks pass the girl opening his dorm room as he sneezed.

Light said:
Luna raises an eyebrow at his eyes. She murmurs, "Interesting boy." She goes to the elevator to go up to her room.
DizjayDeathPride said:
"Morpheus just stays with the cutie doesn't he? You're quite popular aren't you cutie?"
Aqua said:
Kira here's her comment as she leaves and just shrugs walking for a bit in the rain since he was wet already, after a little bit of walking he was soaking and went to one of the elevators pressing a button to get on his floor and he soon walks pass the girl opening his dorm room as he sneezed.
Luna nods her head. "It seems that way, there are a lot of interesting people on this island. I wonder whom will pass the tests tomorrow."
Eli: Quietly, Elijah wandered through the back alleys toward his apartment. He had been out, procuring, all evening and it was time to go home to create before the next trial. He used his short stature to avoid detection as he made his way.
"I hope that Eric boy comes back for my challenge. I dare him." He willed them through Lunas door "No one understands power. No one sees strength. No one but me of course cutie."
At that saying the boy said Kira laughed as he opened the door to his dorm moving his wet hair out of his eyes saying "ah that's funny you see strength and power" Kira was just trying not to laugh.
Luna leaves her umbrella behind and grabs a new one. "It's the middle of the evening. Do you want to grab something to eat? I know a good restaurant."
Eli: Once he'd reached the building he entered, silently making his way to his room. The stairs were a work out for his short legs and he tires before he had reached the top, but he didn't rest. Panting, he passed a male and a female in the hall and ignored them as he made his way home. He tended to avoid others unless they needed his assistance, as the demi-gods tended to see him as a lesser...even when he beat them on the battlefield they still called him weak. It was best to just ignore such comments and the people who made them as he was determined to keep existing. Nothing good had happened in his life since the destruction began and he didn't want that to be the end of it. Destroy the threat, avenge his family and the rest of humanity, give the sweet kiss of death to those who stood in his way, that was his determination.
CGULL9313 said:
Eli: Once he'd reached the building he entered, silently making his way to his room. The stairs were a work out for his short legs and he tires before he had reached the top, but he didn't rest. Panting, he passed a male and a female in the hall and ignored them as he made his way home. He tended to avoid others unless they needed his assistance, as the demi-gods tended to see him as a lesser...even when he beat them on the battlefield they still called him weak. It was best to just ignore such comments and the people who made them as he was determined to keep existing. Nothing good had happened in his life since the destruction began and he didn't want that to be the end of it. Destroy the threat, avenge his family and the rest of humanity, give the sweet kiss of death to those who stood in his way, that was his determination.
Luna remembers the person she saw in the hall. He was a strange fellow. He was strong but didn't claim authority, instead he helps those whom ridicule him. "Maybe he could be an addition."
Eli: Continuing down the hall he hears the woman behind him, he had seen her around obviously but didn't recall her name. Her voice had been raised some when she said, "Maybe he could be an addition.", and he glances back to see her looking in his direction. He doesn't stop walking. She was speaking of someone else, he knew, and simply gawking at his appearance. He looked away before she could catch his eye and waddled off toward his dorm. He stopped at the end of the hall, producing a key from inside his dark blue hoodie sleeve. He had to stretch up to unlock the door but it wasn't exactly new to him so he did it without thought or trouble.
CGULL9313 said:
Eli: Continuing down the hall he hears the woman behind him, he had seen her around obviously but didn't recall her name. Her voice had been raised some when she said, "Maybe he could be an addition.", and he glances back to see her looking in his direction. He doesn't stop walking. She was speaking of someone else, he knew, and simply gawking at his appearance. He looked away before she could catch his eye and waddled off toward his dorm. He stopped at the end of the hall, producing a key from inside his dark blue hoodie sleeve. He had to stretch up to unlock the door but it wasn't exactly new to him so he did it without thought or trouble.
Luna could have sworn somebody was just in the hall. She shrugs her shoulder as she enters the elevator with her new umbrella. "I'll have to confront him soon."
Eli: Once inside his drab little room he removed his hoodie and started to undo all of the straps and packs on his person. He laid them all out on a large table against the wall and climbed up onto the stool to do his work. He removed each plant, fungi, insect and animal part and organized them on the wooden surface. The room was covered in books, from floor to ceiling, but he didn't need to consult them once as he divided, ground, boiled, mixed and otherwise prepared the items.I it would take hours to complete his poisons and when he was done he would sleep. Tomorrow morning would be for physical conditioning and stretching...he would need to be nimble to survive.
Luna starts to think about the trails tomorrow. "Lady Rhea will be making them herself. I must not disappoint her." She reaches her favourite restaurant and gets ready to order.

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