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Fantasy When Olympus Falls ( Finished )

"Oh no cutie don't count me out. Sorry about that I had business to take care of" He's sitting across from her. "Your eyes are like the void of night. Take that how you will." A waiter comes
Eli: An explosion could be heard from off in the distance. A plume of green smoke poured out from a dormer. It was the one they had just been inside. Eli was lying on a pile of books and rubble, coughing. A light green dust powdered everything in the room. His hair was covered in it, and his skin was coated. It started to burn, the skin bubbled up into blisters that popped and released a thin pus. He sat up slowly, his eyes closed tightly. Cautiously, he opened them and blinked at the destruction he had caused. A simple mistake...he scolded himself for being careless as he stood up and wandered over to his table again. He grabbed a large bottle with a rounded bottom, popped the cork, and poured it over his arms. As he splashed it on his face and neck the blisters seemed to faded back into his skin. He sighed as the pain was relieved. He walked over to the window and looked out to see the side of the building coated in the powder. It was raining down upon the street below. Eli groaned as he waddled to the dresser and pulled out a t-shirt. He proceeded to brush off the furniture and books. Nothing but flesh would burn, but it was still a mess. He couldn't work this way. And he needed to work.
Alex arrived within the chronohistoire not long after his meeting in the arena, and quickly made his way to Volume 4, as per usual. He was down to the last hundred pages, and he was determined to achieve another advance in his abilities before the next trial. But that wouldn't be an issue. Alex had all of the time in the world...
DizjayDeathPride said:
"Oh no cutie don't count me out. Sorry about that I had business to take care of" He's sitting across from her. "Your eyes are like the void of night. Take that how you will." A waiter comes
CGULL9313 said:
Eli: An explosion could be heard from off in the distance. A plume of green smoke poured out from a dormer. It was the one they had just been inside. Eli was lying on a pile of books and rubble, coughing. A light green dust powdered everything in the room. His hair was covered in it, and his skin was coated. It started to burn, the skin bubbled up into blisters that popped and released a thin pus. He sat up slowly, his eyes closed tightly. Cautiously, he opened them and blinked at the destruction he had caused. A simple mistake...he scolded himself for being careless as he stood up and wandered over to his table again. He grabbed a large bottle with a rounded bottom, popped the cork, and poured it over his arms. As he splashed it on his face and neck the blisters seemed to faded back into his skin. He sighed as the pain was relieved. He walked over to the window and looked out to see the side of the building coated in the powder. It was raining down upon the street below. Eli groaned as he waddled to the dresser and pulled out a t-shirt. He proceeded to brush off the furniture and books. Nothing but flesh would burn, but it was still a mess. He couldn't work this way. And he needed to work.
Luna and Morpheus had been out all night. It's morning time and in a few minutes the test would start. She notices and explosion go off in one of the dorms. She wanders back to the dorms, her umbrella covering her from the sunlight. "It seems my eye has caught on something interesting after all." She goes up the elevator. She decides to knock on his door instead of opening it herself.
Eli: A knock on his door roused Elijah suddenly from his thoughts. He should be practicing now, training physically for whatever demand he would have to meet at the trials today, but because of one stupid slip he now had to waste his time with cleaning and...whatever this was. He threw the green coated shirt to the floor with distaste as he walked to the door and opened it. The thick chains were still set in place so he could only open it enough to look out. "Yes?", he asked, he had a thick Irish accent and his voice was surprisingly deep for his stature. He automatically looked above himself, knowing that nothing but belly buttons would be visible on his own level, and saw the girl from the night before. The one who had been in the hallway. He couldn't help but express his surprise, his eyes widened and he quickly started to pull chains from hooks. "What is it, my dear?", he asked her with concern as he pulled the door open fully.
CGULL9313 said:
Eli: A knock on his door roused Elijah suddenly from his thoughts. He should be practicing now, training physically for whatever demand he would have to meet at the trials today, but because of one stupid slip he now had to waste his time with cleaning and...whatever this was. He threw the green coated shirt to the floor with distaste as he walked to the door and opened it. The thick chains were still set in place so he could only open it enough to look out. "Yes?", he asked, he had a thick Irish accent and his voice was surprisingly deep for his stature. He automatically looked above himself, knowing that nothing but belly buttons would be visible on his own level, and saw the girl from the night before. The one who had been in the hallway. He couldn't help but express his surprise, his eyes widened and he quickly started to pull chains from hooks. "What is it, my dear?", he asked her with concern as he pulled the door open fully.
A smile crawls along Luna's face. "I just came to check on what happened. Are you working on something? I would ask if you were okay but I've seen you fight, it would take more then that to kill you. Plus you look just fine to me."
Eli: The dwarf blinked his eyes as he looked up at her. "Um...", he looked to her feet as he stepped out of the doorway. It was a gesture of hospitality. "Yes...sorry about that. It was a simple slip...one adds the wrong ingredient to an elixer and it becomes entirely unstable." He laughed awkwardly, "You are welcome to come in...I'll make the tea."
CGULL9313 said:
Eli: The dwarf blinked his eyes as he looked up at her. "Um...", he looked to her feet as he stepped out of the doorway. It was a gesture of hospitality. "Yes...sorry about that. It was a simple slip...one adds the wrong ingredient to an elixer and it becomes entirely unstable." He laughed awkwardly, "You are welcome to come in...I'll make the tea."
Luna nods her head and enters the doorway as the night rises. "It seems you have a problem here. Would you like some assistance?"
Morpheus spawns and twirls a cane, tipping his hat. "The cutie is powerful. Or i can turn everyone into bobble heads! Would you like that?"
Eli: Elijah looked toward the man who suddenly appeared. Whoever he was he smiled at him. Nervously now, he stepped further out of the way to give way for them to enter. He didn't understand what the man had said, although he assumed it was either nonsense or profound prophecy. "I don't. Need...your...help. No...thank you...but please do come in. If you please that is."
CGULL9313 said:
Eli: Elijah looked toward the man who suddenly appeared. Whoever he was he smiled at him. Nervously now, he stepped further out of the way to give way for them to enter. He didn't understand what the man had said, although he assumed it was either nonsense or profound prophecy. "I don't. Need...your...help. No...thank you...but please do come in. If you please that is."
Luna walks in and sits down. "Yes this is quite gene-." Suddenly a loud monstrous roar erupts across the island. "Looks like this is the test."
Eli: The dwarf pivots toward the direction of the sound, it was something large. The woman spoke his thoughts. He turned to her with a face much harder than the kind, generous dwarf he had been before. "Miss, kind sir...would you please excuse me. I have things to prepare still but...", he paused for a moment before speaking again, "I will meet you in combat."
CGULL9313 said:
Eli: The dwarf pivots toward the direction of the sound, it was something large. The woman spoke his thoughts. He turned to her with a face much harder than the kind, generous dwarf he had been before. "Miss, kind sir...would you please excuse me. I have things to prepare still but...", he paused for a moment before speaking again, "I will meet you in combat."
Luna nods her head. "Yes, you will indeed." Luna simply walks out the hole in his dorm and a large undead bird swoops in under her. She stands on the bird as it flies towards the roar.
(Sorry i was just all out today)

"So cutie..... who do you think is up? What do you think it is? And are you scared? Im here for you to hold on to" Morpheus manifested a pipe that blew bubbles
DizjayDeathPride said:
(Sorry i was just all out today)
"So cutie..... who do you think is up? What do you think it is? And are you scared? Im here for you to hold on to" Morpheus manifested a pipe that blew bubbles
Luna just gives him a look that tells him to shut up. The bird continues to fly to the beach until it sees a Hydra exiting the water. "Hmm.... a terrible beast isn't it. I can't wait to add it to my collection. Let's wait until the others arrive."
Eli: Elijah watches as the woman pounces from his window and onto a large bird. It stunk and he noticed it's bones were visible in the rib cage region and vivid green organs would be seem beneath. The fellow followed her and once again he was alone. Quickly, he put on his leather armor and grabbed his weapons as well as the potions he had manage to successfully create before the explosion. Tucking them into place along his belts and straps. He touched each one three times, whispering their names and uses and memorizing the order. He needed to be sure he knew what was what. After pulling on his bladed boots, his leather mask and cloak, he ran out of his apartment toward the sound of the trial beginning. He dearly wished he had more of the exploding powder...but two vials of them would have to be enough.
CGULL9313 said:
Eli: Elijah watches as the woman pounces from his window and onto a large bird. It stunk and he noticed it's bones were visible in the rib cage region and vivid green organs would be seem beneath. The fellow followed her and once again he was alone. Quickly, he put on his leather armor and grabbed his weapons as well as the potions he had manage to successfully create before the explosion. Tucking them into place along his belts and straps. He touched each one three times, whispering their names and uses and memorizing the order. He needed to be sure he knew what was what. After pulling on his bladed boots, his leather mask and cloak, he ran out of his apartment toward the sound of the trial beginning. He dearly wished he had more of the exploding powder...but two vials of them would have to be enough.
Luna notices the man running towards the Hydra. "It looks like someone showed up."
DizjayDeathPride said:
"Cutie I want to make its corpse a bobble head. Or... heads!"
Luna rolls her eyes. "How cute, I'd like you to fight it with a weapon though." She opens her umbrella to shade out the sunlight from the sunrise. The bird dives down and Luna jumps off into the beach. The bird barrels towards the Hydra, attacking it wherever it can.
Morpheus manifests different weapons. "No... too long. Too big. Too thick. Wow i sound like my exes. Too burly. Ahhh just right!" He made a copy of Damians weapons. He jumped after her
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus manifests different weapons. "No... too long. Too big. Too thick. Wow i sound like my exes. Too burly. Ahhh just right!" He made a copy of Damians weapons. He jumped after her
Luna held out her hands, the umbrella floated above her. She starts to chant an incantation.
Eli: The small man crouched as he reached the beach, and the beast off shore. He examined the girl formulating some sort of attack and frowns. Whatever she was doing was surely more complicated and magic than necessary. The powerful ones...they always neglected the practical solutions for ones with more theatrics. Eli knew how to defeat a hydra with a simple an effective strategy...he just hadn't thought of it all quite yet. It was a simple task at hand, and the concept was not a challenge but the way to go about it on his own was. How would he do it alone? The great hero Hercules had even needed help to defeat one, and he was above average by far. Eli, however. He reaches beneath his cloak to check for a vile. It was full of clear liquid. One might mistake it for water, but if one were foolish enough to take a taste of the tincture called the essence of fire they would not live long enough to regret it. The burning part was easy enough with this, he would simply need to get close enough to the hydra to do it....and if course the true tricky part...how the dwarf was going to remove the heads in the first place. He made quick plans as he ran from his hiding place and into the waves of the sea. "You!", he cried at the young woman who was performing some rites. He shouted at her, "I don't know what you're doing, but year me out. We can work together. The bird, could you possibly use it to blind the beast?" It was a forward request, entirely unlike the submissive man from the apartment moments ago. He was in a place of utter determination. If the hydra was to be destroyed the best way to do it was in a team. He would take charge of that team for the time being if allowed and they could end this quickly without harm to themselves. "Blind all three heads if possible...and then we'll need to figure out a way to distract the other two while we slay and cauterize the one on the left...." The man points a stunted and guarded hand in the direction to avoid confusion. "The bird might work nicely to that effect as well...."

(Sorry, I had been typing that whole four minutes and didn't see you post. Should I edit then?)
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Eli: He turned to the man who said he would continue to cut off the heads. He saw him swing wildly and slice into the thick scales of the hydra. "No!", he cried, holding up a hand, he was waist deep in water. "You cannot sever it's heads!", he warned, "Not until I can reach the necks when you do....they need to be burned or..." A small head slithered from the slice in the side of the beast's head. It let out a roar.
CGULL9313 said:
Eli: The small man crouched as he ran toward the beach, and the beast off shore. He examined the girl attacking wildly and frowned. Everyone knew how to defeat a hydra, or so he had assumed. To him the strategy was not a challenge but the way to go about it on his own was. How would he do it alone? The great hero Hercules had even needed help to defeat one, and he was above average by far. Eli, however. He reaches beneath his cloak to check for a vile. It was full of clear liquid. One might mistake it for water, but if one were foolish enough to take a taste of the tincture called the essence of fire they would not live long enough to regret it. The burning part was easy enough with this, he would simply need to get close enough to the hydra to do it....and if course the true tricky part...how the dwarf was going to remove the heads in the first place. He made quick plans as he ran from his hiding place and into the waves of the sea. "You!", he cried at the young woman, "The bird, could you possibly use it to blind the beast?" It was a forward request, entirely unlike the submissive man from the apartment moments ago. He was in a place of utter determination. If the hydra was to be destroyed the best way to do it was in a team. He would take charge of that team for the time being if allowed and they could end this quickly without harm to themselves. "Blind all three heads if possible...and then we'll need to figure out a way to distract the other two while we slay and cauterize the one on the left...." The man points a stunted and guarded hand in the direction to avoid confusion. "The bird might work nicely to that effect as well...."
(Sorry, I had been typing that whole four minutes and didn't see you post. Should I edit then?)
DizjayDeathPride said:
Luna smiles at Eli, his was quite the leader. She didn't like being told what to do but it seems like he had a plan. It seemed like it would work until Morphues kept cutting off their heads, leaving us to deal with 12 or more heads. "I don't think one bird will be helpful at the moment." Luna finishes the incantation, her chakram appears and immediately splits into two. They're glowing in a dark energy. The darkness leaking out of then seemed inky. Luna also managed to pull off several spells in that time. The umbrella would float over her head while she's physically enhanced for only a few minutes. Luna runs up to the Hydra, she raises a dead warrior, running straight at it she jumps up. Only to have the warrior bend it's decaying knees and lift up its sheild which she landed on. It springs up while she jumps, launching her high into the air. She spins and uses her momentum to throw her chakrams. They both slice off one head each. Which regrow two in it's place but they're both non living. As if she made the previous heads cut off from before regrow. They were the previous dead heads, technical necromancy. They started to bite at the other heads. One of the heads fire a hot blast of scalding water at her. Luna has the bird fly in front of her and take the hit. The bird still slams into her, the both go down and crash land on the beach. Luna bursts into darkness the moment she hits the ground. She reforms under the shadow of her umbrella beside Eli. "Do you have a plan?"

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