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Realistic or Modern West View Highschool for the supernaturals

An amused smirk slid onto his features, "manipulation, huh? Sounds sneaky," Ethan purred, shooting the girl a grin as he started to lead Della to the front office.

"Oh, uh, t-thanks," Brian said, offering a nervous smile.

Ethan chuckled, patting the kid on the back before looking back to Della as she briefly explained what had happened at her old school. "Trust me, you won't be called a demon here unless you literally are one," he nodded, reaching the door to the office. Besides, if anyone did call the girl a demon, he'd have a.. 'word' with them. He knew all too well what it was like to be knocked down, that's why he accepted everyone he met here.

"Right this way, my little ducklings," he mused, "and we shall go see Mrs. Cathy about your schedule," he added, waiting until both slid into the office before following after, the bell for second period to start already ringing. Eh, he didn't care.

"Mrs. Cathy?!" Ethan wailed, purposely making his voice high pitched.

"Ethan Grail, don't you start that again!" The woman's voice snapped as she walked from her office. "What do you need today, Ethan?" She asked, adjusting her glasses.

"Me? I don't need anything, Mrs. Cathy. My friend here, however, needs her schedule. She didn't get it," he explained, walking over to follow the older woman as she motioned for them to come along to her office.

"What's your name, dear?" Mrs. Cathy asked as she sat down behind her desk. Ethan waited by the door, shoulder propped against the frame with Brian standing in the hall behind him.
Fade pushed the door to the office open, accidentally leaving a bloody handprint on the window of it. He didn't seem to care. He didn't even seem to care about the people that were already in the office, slipping past them and looked at this Mrs. Cathy dead in the eye as he said, "I need to know where the nurse's office is." He held up his hand, showing her the blood coating his palm but not his mangled arm as to inform her but not startle her.

( @Sulfurlix )
Della smiled at Brians shyness and Ethans enthusiasm "well I'm glad I'm not gonna be called a demon." She winked.

When they had reached the office, she giggled at how Ethan picked on the secretary. But when the woman asked for her name she walked up and smiled, "I'm Della Sloane." Della introduced herself politely.

She clasped her hand behind her back, and glanced back at the boys as the woman registered her and got her schedule. When Mrs. Cathy finished up Della took her schedule and walked up to Ethan, "so. It's almost lunch, so there's really no reason for class" she shrugged "what should we do?" She askes the two of them.

Della raised one of her brows at the one who just walked in with a bloody hand. She was a little scared, and not to mention she was squeamish at the sight of blood. Della quickly closed her eyes.
Ethan was about to answer Della's question before another student had slipped past them and right to Mrs. Cathy. His eyebrows shot up to the sight of the blood. Mrs. Cathy gasped, "oh my, come now, we need to get you there right away!" She said, standing up. Ethan jumped forward, "nah, I'll take him, ma'am," he assured. "Quick then, Ethan!" The woman rushed. He nodded, "c'mon, man," he said, ushering the other after him.

Since everyone was still in class for a bit longer, the halls were empty. Ethan led them - Brian, Fade, and, if she followed, Della - from the office, and cut a corner down a hall. "Give me your arm," Ethan said to the other, sticking his hand out. Sure, there was a 'no magic during class' rule. But he knew this guy had to have cut himself (even if he was just showing his hand), and the nurse would call parents or something. That'd be a mess, so he'd hope the man would let him heal him, make it quick and painless (for the most part).
Mia shook her hand as she walked down the halls. She desperately wanted it to be lunch already. She hated buildings like these, no open windows so it was always stuffy. She'd lived in the outdoors for most her life, and still did. Sometimes she felt her lungs were clogged up with the way the air was inside. Not that it would happen though. Mia took another deep breath which resulted in a coughing fit that lasted a moment before it stopped. She didn't notice anyone else walking down the halls.
Della followed silently and kept her view away from the blood. She hated that she was so squeamish. She glanced at Ethan, she was interested on seeing his powers. She smiled at Ethan. She manipulated her own mind to change the sight of the blood to syrup running off of pancakes or something.
Fade looked at Ethan and stated simply, "The nurse was notified of my problem by my caretaker. I just need gauze and surgical tape, and some antiseptic to clean and keep it clean. It needs to heal on its own, healing it by magic defeats the purpose of it being there."

His eyes that peered out from under the shadows of his hood looked like little yellow starts, bright and aloof, his emotions hid behind a veil of coldness.

"Please just take me to the nurse's office so I can take care of this like I normally do. It's better this way, having them heal on their own if they're healed by magic I can't feel the pain and run the risk of shifting the next time my emotions get out of control and that would be an even bigger mess than the nurse fussing over some blood and cuts."

He reached up into his hood, scratching the back of his neck, collar jingling slightly.
Listening to the other, he sighed, worry blatantly obvious on his face. "Alright, c'mon," Ethan turned on his heel and led them down another hall before coming to the nurses door, pushing it open. "Hey, if anyone's picking on you, or pushing you around, for any reason, you can always come to me, pal," Ethan whispered to Fade as he walked by so no one else could really hear. By nature Ethan was a jokester and always happy go lucky, but he knew what it felt like to be kicked when you were down. He wasn't sure why he had cut himself, but Ethan never saw the guy around school until now, so he had a hunch his first day didn't go so well. If someone was picking on anyone, they'd have Ethan to deal with. And, over his years here, he had made that blatantly clear to the other students.

"Want us to wait for you? We can all grab some food after this," he offered in a normal tone now, glancing around to the three others he was near, the nurse already rushing over to user Fade off to clean him up and patch him up.
Fade offered Ethan a smile and replied, "Sure. That'd be nice." He didn't really react much when the nurse started fussing over him and helped clean up the blood. He did the gauze himself, making sure it was in the places it needed to be. It was a pretty fast job but he noticed he had blood on his grey hoodie. "Should have kept the dress on when I did this..." he muttered to himself, looking down at his bag on the floor but his glance turned into a glare, unable to help the low growl that rose in his throat at the bag, or rather it's contents. He hated being Genderfluid sometimes...

Once he calmed down and checked his arms which were now taken care of he smiled to the nurse and thanked her, saying he'd come back down later to change the gauze if it got too bloody.

He picked up his bag and returned to Ethan, Della, and the odd little freshman. His claws clicked loudly against the linoleum floor as he walked.

"During break you guys want to come to my dorm and listen to a song I've been learning to play?" he asked them, tilting his head slightly. He seemed to have cheered up slightly, pushing his hood back to reveal his bright silver hair with black dappling, he was going to dye the natural silver either blue or red tomorrow.
Della smiled at the boy, he was nice, and he didn't scare her as much as he did before, "uhm... I think that'd be fun" she smiled and shrugged nonchalantly "so uhm, how did you hurt your hand?" She asked shyly. She looked at Brian and Ethan smiling, "but anyway. We should go, I really like music."
Aurora still stood in front of the locker room to PE, her hands quivering. No matter how she moved, she could not bring herself to move from the spot she was in. She had frosted over a large section of ground, and was causing people to slip without even noticing. She sighed and shuffled from foot to foot as she tried to make a decision.
Eventually when Mia heard the bell ring, though it annoyed her ears once again, she broke out a rare smile. The crowd of people hurried through the halls while she went against the crowd to the staircase that led to the roof.

Once on the roof she let her hood down so her blonde hair blew back by the light breeze. She slipped off her jacket as dark matter started swirling behind her. Her deep black wings sprouted behind her and were much larger than normal wings. She didn't normally show off her wings around other people. Mostly she was disgusted by them, though she loved their dark beauty. The mysterious dark wings that marked her kind. Though to her they meant much more.
Densin was in phoenix form flying about over the city. He enjoyed using this form the most as it was his most natural form, but at the same time he used it the least. After flying over the city for about an hour he flew twords the highschool, he changed back into human in mid air over the school and began to free fall to the ground. He hit the ground with enough force to start a earthquake but yet he was completely unseen and unheard.

He walked around the school grounds for a while, he wouldn't be starting his classes here till tommorow but he still wanted to explore a bit first. (( I would love it if someone would bump into Densin or something :-) ))
Mia watched as someone with phoenix wings fell to the ground in front of the school. "A phoenix!" She thought and raced to look over the edge of the roof. It had been a long time since she'd seen one and even then they were a rare occurrence. She wondered if it was the same phoenix she had once known, though she highly doubted it since she had been certain he'd been killed.
Aurora heard the bell again and she sighed, moving away from the door. She had frost all over her clothes, and ice covering the holes in her jeans. She sighed and headed out towards the outdoors. She swarmed though the hallways of people, trying not to freeze everyone. She eventually reached the outdoors, smiling a bit.

She looked up towards the sun, her frost melting a bit in the warmth. She continued onwards and way from the stairs and towards the yard. It was getting a little to hot, and she desired some cold air. But she didn't want to go back inside, so she swirled up a dome of ice around her, the air cooling. She smiled and relaxed as she created a blanket of snow.
As they waited for Fade to get patched up, Ethan had leaned against the door frame. His brown eyes trained on his hands as he easily summoned the black and blue whisps of his black magic (or his sorcery abilities technically) to his hand to form a ball, soon tossing it up and down to occupy himself. When the other returned, a friendly smile slapped him on the face, about to speak before Della spoke up first. Considering the fact she just asked what he had done to his arm, Ethan had a haunch this girl didn't know the clear sign the other young man had cut himself.

Though, to her last sentence, Ethan nodded. "Yeah. Let's grab some food then head there, yeah?" He mused smoothly, nudging Brian with his arm. "Oh, I never caught your name, man," Ethan added after a moment of thought. "I'm Ethan Grail, this is Brian," he introduced the blue lad, and looked to Della for her to introduce herself. He had ran into a girl once that slapped him across the face for introducing her. Something about 'I can do it myself,' so he didn't want to offend her since he just met her.

Once she would introduce herself, and Fade would also introduce himself, Ethan would grin, turn on his heel, and lead the way to get some food. "I hope the food is good today. I don't want some weird stuff again," he laughed, glanced over his shoulder to insure the three were following after him.
He didn't seem too bothered by Della's question and calmly replied, "Cut myself. You should know now instead of finding out later and getting pissed at me if we end up as friends. I have a lot of fucked up stuff that runs through my head and it's hard to let that out if there are no words or art to express it. The pain distracts me from the thoughts and reminds me not to go completely nuts and end up mutilating half the student body." He ended with a cheerful but clearly fake smile, trying to seem lighthearted about it, as if joking, but to Ethan (who seemed to be quite good at reading him) would see right away he wasn't kidding and that there was a massive risk for an unintentional murder if he lost control of himself.

"And my name's Fade. It's nice to meet you all."

He started to follow Ethan, trotting along happily behind him and Brian like the pup he was. He didn't really care what was for lunch seeing as he could eat basically everything, except strawberries, those made him go into anaphylactic shock.
Densin stood still for a moment adapting to human form, he stretched and ran in place. Once he felt normal he simply walked along the side walk exploring around the highschool not really caring where he was going. He pulled an apple out oh his bag and began to eat, being in phoniex form for so long really made him hungry. As he walked he stopped looking in front of him and turned his attention to the ground until he walked straight into a girl nocking her to the ground. "Oops sorry about that I wasnt paying attention." Densin helped her up @LexiRK
Mia had quickly ran down the stairs to get a better look at the phoenix. When she fell she took his hand and stood back up. "Sort of my fault, I was standing in the way" She said bowing her head slightly. This time her face was filled with hatred or anger. It was full of curiosity of this phoenix. The only one she'd ever known had been incredibly dangerous, she wondered if they were alike.
"Hello there im Densin nice to meet you what's you're name." He said with a smile. Then he walked over to a nearby bench and sat down. This girl semmed to be a curios one he thought to himself. "Ask me any questions you want I'll do my best to answer."
"Mia" She said and remained standing. "So your a Phoenix? I knew a Phoenix once..." She said quietly. She tried to think if she'd heard of a phoenix called Densin before.
Leo was walking, carrying a few books near Mia and the Pheonix and tripped. Leo grabbed his books and stood saying "Wow, I'm uh, clumsy. Well, actually I'm Leo, but, uh."
(may I start to post?)


Rain traveled down the hallway with her hands dangling to her sides staring straight forward with her dark hues. She scanned around the hallway making her way past the lockers; Rain came to a halt in front of hers using her combination, It didn't work. "God Damn!" she exclaimed as frustration filled her banging on the locker with her fist. It didn't open whatsoever "It doesn't whatever can do without them anyways" she mumbled under her breath sitting on the stairwell of the school that led up to the next floor. Rain pulled out her IPOD placing the ear buds in her ears listening to 'The Death Of Me By Asking Alexandria'. She sang along with tune quietly tapping her feet to the sound of the drums letting her red curled hair fall into her face.

Mia's dark demeanor returned when someone else spoke to her. She rolled her eyes at Leo and didn't say anything. A glare had replaced her curiosity on her face.
"Yep I am, I'm on my second stage though after a full ritual regeneration earasing my old memories and completely reseting my age. I wounder who I was before that." He looked at her and smiled, he finished his Apple but was still hungry "Do you wanna go somewhere and get something to eat. There is a steak house not to far from here."

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