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Realistic or Modern West View Highschool for the supernaturals

When the class started, Ethan did as he said he planned on doing, and leaned forward to start braiding her hair back, playing with her long hair. This class was like a flash back to his junior year, sitting in the class with Mr. Ground teaching up front. When Mrs. Miller began to walk around, that's when he dropped his hands from her hair to avoid getting called out for 'disturbing her students'.

He gave her one of his, as always, beaming grins when she stopped in front of his desk, lunging back slightly as the woman began to speak. Before he could even pop out one of his smooth excuses, Zoey was already answering with her own excuse. A breath of amusement left his nose before Mrs. Miller turned and brought up the whole lab incident. Sheesh, word got around, huh? Then again, he wouldn't doubt the teachers ranted about him--he pretty much knew all the teachers here, or they knew him.

He shrugged his shoulders, "I can't deny it; accidents happen, though, right?" He looked up to the woman with his same beaming smile. "A little....Ah, unstable solution can go a long way. But don't worry, ma'am!" He added quickly. "It won't happen again," he nodded to his own words to approve of them himself. His brown eyes glanced down to the government book that was on his desk, but he didn't bother in trying to hide it. She already knew he was here and not supposed to be in this class, no point in trying to hide it.
Nikki enters the classroom and walks to the back of the classroom. She realized her demon tail was waving lazily in the air but she didn't care. She sighed and sat in a seat putting her board under her legs. She lays her head on the desk and groans cause of the pain in her teeth.

She looks up just when the teacher was about to begin the lesson and her eyes turn red. She looks around before raising her hand wanting to ask the teacher to be excused for a while.

No matter how flat you make a pancake it's still got two sides
Mrs. Miller stared at Ethan for a while before walking to the front of the class and took her seat. Zoey grinned, knowing that Mrs. Miller won't say anything. "Told ya she loves me," She said to Ethan as she touched her hair, "I didn't know you can braid." She was surprised, most guys, well, almost every guy seems to not know how to do hair. Zoey grinned, knowing that she'll have fun doing his make up. All the creative and artistic ideas popped into her head and her smile grew.
He grinned himself when the woman left to head up to the front of the class, glancing around to the other students in the class before looking back to Zoey. "She either loves you, or I'm just that smooth," Ethan winked at her before leaning back in his seat. A small chuckle managed to leave his mouth when she mentioned the braid. "Yeah. I picked it up at some point," he mused. He had been to a few foster homes where there was a sister that he'd become a "brother" to for that given amount of time. Not that he was about to tell her that, of course, he rarely spilled it about being a foster kid. "You going to make me look like the prom queen?" He mused smoothly.
Mia figured out the class she was in was Chemistry which she didn't have until later. That didn't really matter to her seeing as how she hadn't found anyone who was willing to help her. She noted a few kids who seemed a bit rebellious and smiled to herself. She liked people who didn't like to go with the rules and instead found ways to get around them.
A new school. New people. New... everything. It was okay though. She could do this. Maybe it would be better this time. Yes. It would be better this time. Millie adjusted her hoodie and walked into the classroom. Immediately, all eyes were on her and a wave of embarrassment washed over her. She kept a small smile firmly in place. First step to confidence was to fake it. And boy could she fake it. When she faced the class, a wave of new information washed over her. However, she was prepared. She had to always remain prepared. "My name is Millie Clearwater."
Oh sorry it's sort of been a while since anyone has actually posted on this. @Cyline 
Mia eagerly waited for the class to end finding it extremely boring. As she walked out after the bell rang she tried to listen to people to figure out where her next class was.
I hate starting school later than everyone else... Fade thought to himself as he pulled his satchel into his lap as someone sat down next to him on the bus. He was thankful for public transportation but he also hated it and for this specific reason...

"Hey, isn't that a guy? Why's he wearing a dress?"

"Hey look at that homo over there. Freak must have some fucked up fetish."

"Look, a cross dresser."

"Loser gay."

"That's just disgusting. God made him a man, why's he wearing girl's clothes?"

Fade could feel a low growl bubbling up in his chest at all the comments of the people on the bus. All he was doing was trying to get to school and this had to happen. He didn't cry though, not wanting his mascara to run.

Humans...judgmental asses. He couldn't stand how close minded and inconsiderate the human population could be. He couldn't stand it one bit and one growl, a flash of his wolf-ish teeth, and a glare from behind his sunglasses was enough to shut some of them up.

Soon enough his stop came and he got off the bus, deftly avoiding being tripped by one of the rather rude teens on the bus. He discretely snatched his wallet as he faked a fall then growled at him but was secretly celebrating his victory in his mind as he got off the bus, shoving the wallet into his satchel and walked onto the school grounds.

It seemed like a pretty quiet place, but then again it was probably because all the students were in the building and not outside. He sighed and headed inside, preparing for a day of insults and humiliation.

Fade murred softly in frustration as he tried to find his way to first period, his claws clicking softly on the tile floor.
Mia was settling into high school life. Though she barely understood anything they were taught. It was nothing like what she'd learned when she was young. She didn't use her locker for anything really since she could use her dark magic powers to conjure whatever it was that she needed. She walked down the halls in her black clothing.
The male spotted the dark clothed girl and tilted his head slightly before moving off to the other side of the hallway, too nervous for any social interactions right now and even if someone engaged in conversation with him he wouldn't be able to reply with much so he tried to make himself as inconspicuous as possible.
Mia sat down in the back of her first class. She watched as other people walked in and quietly judged them. She was frowning and her expression showed hatred. That was usually how she was though, full of hatred for others.
Fade silently slipped into his first class of the day, hoping it would go better than the bus ride to the school.

He was wrong. As soon as the first people noticed him they went silent for a moment as he took his seat, kind of near the back, clearly nervous with several people staring at him. Soon enough they started whispering amongst themselves, occasionally glancing in his direction which resulted in him taking out his notebook and started sketching a new design for his friend to engineer later that week. It was a nice distraction.

He didn't seem to notice the female in the very back of the classroom that seemed to have an aura of pure malice.
Mia looked at the strangely dressed guy who sat down a few seats in front of her. Her icy blue eyes seemed to stare right through people's souls. She made what she needed for the class appear on her desk however but kept glancing at the guy. He was strange but not in a way that she didn't like but in a way that made her uncomfortable.
Fade let out a reflexive snarl as someone threw a wad of paper at him, baring wolf-ish fangs and taking on a defensive posture where he sat. He didn't like the people here already, or at least the ones who had decided to harass him.

He sighed and waited for the class to start, clearly agitated by the environment he was in but trying his best to put up with it for now.

He could feel the eyes on him from behind and stole a glance back, spotting the mysterious female again. He wanted to go say hello for some reason. It was best to listen to his instincts. There were still a few more minutes before the bell would ring.

He stood and made his way to the back with a tiny smile dancing at the corners of his mouth, unsure if his instincts were right on this, but maybe she would become a good friend in the future, he didn't know, anything could happen.

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Aurora walked into her first class quietly, the elf's eyes shifting to the floor almost imideatly. The gaze of other students made her want to curl into a ball and hide, but she ignored it. She dawned a loose sweater that fell off one shoulder, exposing her pale skin. She was wearing long ripped jeans and she had her hair braided to the side in a low braid, a beanie stuck over that, her ears just barely poking out of her hair.

She shifted her gaze to the floor as she moved towards an empty desk quickly, bumping into a few things on the way. She slowly slid into her seat by the window, still staring down at her desk as she fumbled for her things. She sighed, staring at her blank papers and text books as she fumbled around in her bag for a pencil and sketch pad, leaving the sketch pad on the table as she placed a delicate finger on the window and began to draw in a thin layer of ice.
Mia squinted her eyes at the guy as he came back near her and spoke to her. "What do you want?" She asked annoyance in her voice. She didn't like many people and certainly didn't trust them the least. Especially people of this time, too many people lied about themselves and she found them pathetic.
(, I know I have no right to interrupt you all. But I do want to offer one of you a position in an rp. You will be either the Queen of Relia or the bodyguard of the Prince of Nilyra)
"I don't want anything. I just felt like I should say hello. I may doubt my instincts but I still listen to them. Sometimes they bring interesting things about." His statement was so simple yet it was the truth. He rarely lied about anything, and when he did lie it was mainly to protect someone he cared for or to avoid revealing the severity of his problems so he wouldn't alarm or upset anyone.

"I'm kind of new here, might as well attempt contact with someone in this dreary place. Can't avoid it forever." he muttered, flexing his feet our of nervous habit, claws scratching the floor softly.

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