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Realistic or Modern West View Highschool for the supernaturals

Ethan pushed a hand through his hair, yanking his book out of his locker along with his jacket. A small, lingering smile stayed printed onto his face as he shoved his backpack into his locker. Grumbling because it wouldn't fit, as always so he didn't know why he was surprised, Ethan glanced down the halls to make sure teachers weren't watching like hawks before chanting a bit under his breath, the bag shrinking down. "Thats what I'm talking about," the senior mused, tossing his jacket over his shoulder.
Nikki rides in on her skateboard doing flips and grinds on the rails not caring if students are yelling at her to 'watch it' or 'DAFUQ you idiot' she just continues to listen to her music. She gets about halfway when someone trips her and she flys off her board but luckily hands on her hands then gets back on her feet and grabs her board hoping no one saw.

No matter how flat you make a pancake it's still got two sides
Zoey opened her locker and puts her bag in. Another school day, she thought, another normal day. She closed her locker, after taking a few books out, and start walking when she noticed Ethan shoving his bag in his locker. She saw Ethan used his magic to shrink the bag and shook her head. The usual Ethan, she laughed a little, then an idea popped into her head when she saw a teacher walking towards the locker area. Zoey flicked her finger and the wind start blowing the jacket. She was hoping that Ethan would let go, and the jacket would probably hit the teacher's face.

Once he had dropped the jacket onto his shoulder, he did indeed let it go to grab out a pen from the bottom of his locker. So when the jacket suddenly went flying up and mostly off his shoulder, Ethan's brown eyes widened as he tried to turn and grab it. Sadly he didn't snag it fast enough, the bottom and sleeves of the jacket smacking the teacher square in the face.

"MR. GRAIL. Are you trying to break my glasses?" The teacher snapped.

"Ah, no. Not at all, sir." Ethan replied smoothly, regaining his composure. "Ya' see, it just flew up a--" the man cut him off.

"Flew up? What kind of a fool do you take me as, Mr. Grail?" An un-approving look formed on the man's face.

"Me? Take you as a fool? No, no! For all we know, this jacket," he lifted it up, "could have a...mind of it's own." Ethan offered a smirk.

"Mind of it's own, huh? I'd love for you to prove that."

"Can't." Ethan shook his head.

"Why not?"

"It just went to sleep." Ethan folded up the jacket slowly and put it over his arm, "been a long day, with it's flying lessons and such." He smirked.

"Get to class, Mr. Grail." The teacher said before walking off.

Spinning on his heel, Ethan landed his eyes on Zoey; "and how have you been today?" He mused with a smirk, locker shutting on its own due to a small stream of words he said in his mind.

"Well then I shall just leave you two alone then" Mia turned and walked away trying to figure out where her class was. She could have teleported there if she'd known what the room looked like. She sighed looking around at all the people, she didn't think school could be this hard.
Hey guys, would it be alright if I joined in? :)

Name: Emily Nicole Tate

Race/Powers: human/ power of magic, she mostly uses it for stupid needs

Gender: female


Age: (keep in mind this is a high school) 17

Personality: Too sweet for her own good, shy but outgoing, she is gorgeous but she ca't seem to ask guys out, she'd rather make friends and suffer than actually tell them how she felt! That would be absurd to her

Other: her mother was a witch, too which her father, a human fell in love with. After her mother passed away Emily hated herself so much, and wanted so badly to get rid of her powers.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/artsy-blonde-blue-blue-eyes-girl-favim-com-132803_large.jpg.75dd73c826989a46b88a18dc84bcfb00.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="31014" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/artsy-blonde-blue-blue-eyes-girl-favim-com-132803_large.jpg.75dd73c826989a46b88a18dc84bcfb00.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Zoey laughed as the teacher snapped at Ethan. "I'm good," she grinned, "now that I've seen something so amusing." She laughed harder when she remembered what Ethan had said to the teacher. "Your jacket have a mind of it's own?" she said, "I bet he's smarter than you then." Zoey walked to him, "how are you today, Mr. Grail? It seems like you were having a rough day just then."
She was new, and scared what a horrible combo. She had already seen so many gorgeous girls and so many amazingly beautiful guys. Emily was one of those girls that was beautiful and a lot of people told her she was beautiful but she could not ask a guy out, she literally couldn't do it, she just sat there, admiring them, walking through her new school. Her father had sent her here because her powers had just become more bold. She sat down on a bench and tried to study this schedule so she wouldn't get lost.
"That's good to hear," he mused, arching a brow as she started to laugh harder. "Yes it does." He nodded his head, but made a dramatic gasp when she said it was smarter than him and went on to ask how his day was. "It was going fine, Miss White, until my intelligence got knocked below a sleeping jackets!" He joked, his hand going to his chest as if hurt. "Will this day's terror never end?" Typical joking Ethan rambled, stepping into a small circle in place before looking to her out of the corner of his eye. "Now tell me, beautiful, what class do you have next? Will I get stuck with jacket jokes for a while?" He mused casually, lips twitching up into a smirk.
Emily got up and started walking around trying to find her class or someone she could talk too, everyone seemed a little too busy for her though, then there he was, she just kind of stared at him, in a good way, he looked, cute and nice. 'I have to know who he is' she thought, some girl came up to her. "him huh? I think his name is scorpman? or something? he's a freshman good luck" a freshman? she was in grade 11. Is that weird? she thought, would he be completely weirded out if I said hi? but finally, she just decided to go for it. She started walking up to him, "um, hi" she smiled so sweetly. The worst he could do was blow her off
"Of course it will," she grinned, "in a million years time." Zoey rolled her eyes when he asked what class she have next. "Chemistry, why do you ask?" She said to him, "are you going to skip your next class so you can join mine?" Zoey knew that Ethan likes to flirt to any girl that's close to him, and she usually ignore it, but today she felt like playing along. "You know, our chemistry teacher wouldn't mind," she smiled, "I'm her favourite student, so she'll let you in if I said so."
"I might just skip, but only because you offered." He let his smirk turn into a small grin. "I can sit behind you and braid your hair for you," Ethan gave her a wink, "like playing barber in school." He joked. Ethan leaned his shoulder against the lockers near by, crossing his ankle over the other as he looked at her. "I would let you braid my hair, but there isn't much to braid, huh?" Lifting a hand, he ran it over his short hair, where his fingers had just enough room to push his locks of dark brown hair about.
"Sure you can," Zoey nodded as he leaned against the locker, "you can braid my hair and I'll do your make up." She grinned, "it's a fair trade." Zoey watched Ethan ran his hand over his hair, "but I thought you were going to show the freshmen around, no?" She wanted to see what his next reply would be. Maybe he'll go and greet, coughs, flirt, with the newbies, she thought. "I saw quiet a few on the way here," she looked down the hall way, "they're pretty."
"I like that trade. Just don't make me look like Rudolf, I don't want to get kicked out of the reindeer games." He mused before a thoughtful look crossed his face to her 'reminder'. He seemed to think the idea over for a second as she continued one, his grin never faltering. "I'm not sure they'd be prettier than you, hm?" He glanced around the hall for a moment. "Besides, chemistry sounds like fun," he tapped his fingers on the book he was holding under his arm, "more excitement than government class." He arched a brow at her with his same smile, "you could use a friend in that class, no? Or is the teacher your bestie?" He teased her playfully, giving her an almost accusing look.
Zoey laughed, "I'll try my best." She blushed but quickly hide it, "Oh I'm sure they will." She looked at his chemistry book then look at him, frowning when he said government class. "I have that after chemistry," she groaned, "why is school so painful!" She playfully hit his shoulder, "that teacher is so not my friend, I'm just her favourite student. But I wouldn't mind a friend in my chemistry class though..."
Mia finally gave up and walked into the nearest classroom. Surely she'd be able to figure out her schedule later. She sat down at a desk as the bell went off to warn the students to get to class.
He let his smile grow a bit when he caught the blush right before she tried to hide it. "It's like a band aid you have to rip off," he mused right before Zoey hit his shoulder, making a fake pouty face at her. "Mhm, favorite student-friend," he teased again before the bell rang. "Uh-oh, looks like we better get to that chemistry class unless you want to be late," he mused, obviously about to go to chemistry instead of government. He took Chemistry last year, but he wouldn't mind sitting in that class again. "Come, m'lady, we must be off," he made a bowing motion, and a motion of his hand towards where the chemistry class room was, speaking like some old timey fool.
Zoey frowned and was about to hit him again when he said 'favourite student-friend' but the bell caught her attention. Crap, I didn't know its class time already, she thought. When she asked him if he wanted to come to her class, she didn't think he was serious, but she can't take her words back now, plus what harm can it do right? They were just being friendly to each other. "Yes, we must, kind sir," she did a small curtsy before start walking toward the chemistry classroom. This is going to be a fun day, she thought to herself and smiled.
"Then off we go!" He announced, probably a little too loud, but when would Ethan ever mind about that? Being his typical self, he fell into step with Zoey to sling his arm around her shoulders. "Last year I almost blew up the chemistry lab," he laughed at himself. "Apparently black magic and iodized chlorine don't mix very nicely." Ethan glanced to the familiar wooden door to the chemistry class that they were coming up to, pondering if the teacher would even notice him sitting in there. He'd done this before, but every teacher was different.
"Well, let just hope that you won't blow it up this year," Zoey chuckled, "or else we'll both be in trouble." She thought for a moment, "but it'll be fun to watch though." She opened the classroom's door and saw Mrs. Miller sitting at the front of the classroom, flipping through the pages of chemistry book. She quickly said hi to Mrs. Miller and head towards the back of the classroom. There were already a few people in the classroom, but all of them were sitting towards the front a bit.
"It would be fun to watch, wouldn't it?" Ethan chuckled as they went into the classroom, letting his arm drop from around her shoulders so they could go through the door and to get a seat. For now he avoided saying hello to Mrs. Miller in case the other chemistry teacher ever told her about the whole almost blowing up the lab thing. His smile grew as he made sure to slip into a desk behind Zoey, dropping his government book on the desk like it belonged. "I feel at home already," he joked, placing both hands behind his head, jacket having fallen to his lap for now since he didn't need it yet.
Zoey grinned, "welcome back to chemistry." Mrs. Miller started the lesson and set us some work. Zoey couldn't do any work, not with Ethan sitting behind her, and not with Mrs. Miller staring in her direction. When Mrs. Miller stood up from her seat and began walking around, Zoey star writing on her book. Her footsteps coming closer and closer towards her desk but it stopped behind Zoey's desk.

"Mr. Grail," she said, "if I remember correctly, you should be in the government class."

Zoey mentally cursed then turned around and said "uh...Mrs. Miller, I asked invited him to come."

"Is that so?" She looked at Zoey.

"Yes, ma'am," she nodded, hoping Mrs. Miller would leave them.

"I remember last year's chemistry teacher said that someone almost blow up the classroom, it's not you is it, Ethan Grail?" Mrs. Miller turned her attention to Ethan.

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