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Realistic or Modern West View Highschool for the supernaturals

Nash shut his locker just as the bell rang, checked his schedule to see where he was even supposed to go. Chemistry. He strode into the class, an easy grin on his face. He looked around the room and saw a few people that he remembered from last year, as well as quite a few new ones. Ethan was in the class too, which was odd, considering he was a senior, and this class was for juniors. He sat beside Zoey, waving slightly. "Hey! It's been a while, eh?" He said, making sure the teacher wasn't paying attention to him as he spoke. "So, Ethan, have you talked to any fresh meat in the halls yet?" He asked, raising an eyebrow in humor. He knew Ethan had a thing for taunting the freshman, and Nash always thought it was funny to watch.

Nash might be what one would call 'punk'. He wore a dark grey beanie, a Crown the Empire shirt with an unbuttoned flannel shirt over it, black skinny jeans and black vans. Maybe it was a bit stereotypical of him, but he enjoyed it all the same. Nobody really seemed to care, except for a teacher or two who insisted he would regret his snakebite piercings. But whatever. Nash was not necessarily popular, but he had enough friends to last him. And he was cool with that.

Propping his feet up on his desk, he turned back to look at what had been written on the board. "Today we're just going to go over lab safety regulations." Good. That meant he didn't have to pay attention; he'd heard the same speech for the past 2 years. "And Mr. Howlter, please remove your feet from the desk."

"Sure thing." Nash said, his mouth curling into a half-smile. It had been worth a shot, but apparently such a thing wasn't allowed in class.
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Aurora heard the sound of another student walking in. She looked up long enough to see a guy with cool piercings and a dark vibe about him. She turned back to the window where she drew little snowflakes out of frost. Her ears stuck out of the edges off her beanie and everything around her was slightly cold. She sighed, wishing she had been better at science since then she could have actually been in the senior science instead of in Junior science when she transferred.
Mia's peering eyes turned into a full on glare. "Well looks like you chose the wrong person to talk to, I don't make friends" She turned her attention away from him as the bell rang again. She winced slightly at the noise her sensitive hearing making the ringing not so pleasant. She found it extremely annoying and slightly painful. She didn't really pay attention to the teacher so much finding the information increasingly unnecessary.
"Sucks for you then it seems, Ulv has decided to make friends with you." he said before sending her a playful grin though it turned into a grimace at the loud ring of the bell that grated against his eardrums, earning a low snarl from him. "Fucking bell..." he snapped under his breath with a sneer toward the intercom speaker that it emanated from then made his way to his seat. He in fact was a Freshman, unfortunately having been held back a year or so since he'd skipped so many days for therapy and break days to keep his temper, depression, and anxiety at a low as recommended by his doctor and caretaker, so he wouldn't end up shifting and going into a rage in the school.

He made his way to his seat, trying to be as silent as possible so the teacher wouldn't notice but the soft clicking of his claws drew a bit of attention and the teacher immediately spotted him and told him to sit down or be sent to the headmaster/headmistress. His cheeks flushed bright pink as he rushed to his seat, nearly getting tripped by a few of the other students, easily avoiding it as he'd done on the bus ride to the school.

He sat down and carefully smoothed out the skirt of his black dress over his legs, glad that it was long enough to cover where the wolf shift met the human skin. It looked kind of weird, he thought. At least he could balance better with his digitigrade legs rather than human legs.

He started writing the things on the board down in his notebook, just to keep the teacher happy and not think he was some fuck up or something.
Aurora turned her attention to the teacher as he started the Chemestry lesson. She sighed, seeing the fact that he was starting off with some challenging questions. "Can someone please explain on the board the Freezing-point Depression?" The teacher asked. When no one raised their hand, he pointed at Aurora, which made her give a little squeak. "You, do you know anything?" He asked her. She nodded quietly and he motioned to the board.

She quietly moved out of her chair and onto the floor, her height difference apparent now. She was around 5'7", which was fairly tall for a girl, even though it was small for elfish height. She tugged on her hat as she stared at the board, trying to concentrate on that rather than the eyes that always seemed to go strait to her ears.

She sighed and shuffled faster towards the front of the classroom, picking up a whiteboard marker with shaky fingers. "Go ahead." He said, and she looked at him for a moment before turning back to the board. She wrote fast, basically scribbling on the board before her hand suddenly stopped and she capped the pen, placing it in the tray and dashing back to her seat.

The only thing left on the board was her smooth handwriting.

"Freezing-point depression describes the process in which adding a solute to a solvent decreases the freezing point of the solvent."
Fade actually hadn't known that, surprisingly with how much science-y stuff his caretaker had taught him. He really should pay more attention sometimes.

He didn't seem to have his attention drawn toward the female's ears like everyone else, he was more interested in 1. Her rather nice handwriting. 2. That intoxicating scent she gave off. She smelled like the forest in winter time and it made him rather happy. Maybe it would be better to attempt and befriend her instead of the mysterious angry girl in the back.

Eh, he'd befriend them both! That sounded like a much better plan, and a lot more fun. He smiled slightly to himself and wrote down a bit more.

A few kids beside him were shooting glances at his papers and just generally in his direction and he could see two of them had their phones hidden and were sending each other texts. He didn't know what they were sending each other but one glanced at him as he looked at them and the student had a rather devious little smirk on their face. That earned them a confused and frustrated look from Fade, though his eyes would betray a hint of fear as well. He was absolutely terrified of what these people might do to a person like him, not a werewolf, but being the way he was; dressing and acting like a girl then bouncing to acting like a boy and dressing like it too, or dressing and acting like neither or a mix of the two. People tended to be intolerant of what they didn't understand and they bred fear, hatred, and all sorts of nasty things. If they were to ever find out about his scars...oh it would be absolute hell for him.

He fidgeted uncomfortably in his seat, quickly returning to writing down the notes, starting to shift a bit out of rising anxiety, his hands and arms becoming furred and his hands becoming slightly more paw-like. He was glad he wore a long sleeve dress today.
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Mia paying no attention to what anyone was doing in the room was drawing in her notebook. She usually did this instead of listening to the teachers. She drew images of places from her past or events. Most were not so pleasant seeing as how she was a dark angel. Her past was filled with lies because that was who she was. Though she didn't usually show her wings since they got in the way in a place like this. When she was alone she'd spread them out.
Ethan may or may not have dozed off behind Zoey after he had done her hair, only cracking his eyes open to a slightly familiar voice. "Hah, not yet." He mused with a smirk, pushing himself off the desk of the class he wasn't even supposed to be in. What was his class again? Oh yeah, he should be in government, but skipped to bug Zoey. "I'll greet 'em all at lunch," Ethan added, leaning back in his chair to push his arms up over his head to stretch out his tired muscles. He looked up to the board, remembering this from when he took it last year with Mr. Ground. Letting out a huffed, he slumped back against the desk again, looking over to Nash and then up to the board.

He let an amused smile slide onto his face when the teacher 'scolded' Nash for putting his feet on the desk. He let out a quiet 'tsk tsk'; "can't even sneak your feet on a desk, huh?" He joked before the teacher started picking on one of the girls in the class, looking up to watch the girl - elf, now that he noticed her ears - go to the front and quickly scribble on the board before fleeing back to her seat. Amused, Ethan looked to the empty seat by her, waiting for the teacher to turn his back before he slipped over to the seat smoothly (he would have transported himself there with his black magic if there wasn't a risk of getting caught). "Hey there," he mused smoothly, and quietly as to not get caught. "Don't like going up to the front?" He asked the girl, giving her a friendly grin with his white teeth peeking out.
Aurora nearly jumped out of her chair when the empty seat next to her started talking. She turned her gaze to the man next to her who was flashing a grin at her. She felt uncomfortable under his gaze like this, but she tried to ignore it. She just stared at him for a lone time, feeling frost tingle at her fingers as the desk started freezing up. Immediately she blushed and tried to melt it, but it only half worked, her nerves just growing the frost back.

She groaned and took her hands off the table and put them on her lap. "Uh, yeah. I don't like them staring at my ears." She whispered lightly to the man that had addressed her, the tips of her ears frosting to a light blue color.
Noticing the frost on her skin, Ethan rose a brow. But, having gone to this school for four years, you got used to the weird happenings and shook them off as normal. At least he did. When she mentioned her ears, he looked up to them, grin turning into a friendly smile. "I bet they're all thinking one thing; damn those ears are beautiful," he cooed, sitting up a bit in his seat. A flirt he was, but he also didn't want the poor girl to feel like she was inferior to all these goons. Everyone here was weird in some way from the 'normal' standards of the mortal society they lived in. It was a supernatural school after all.

"I'm Ethan Grail, love," he said softly, leaning his elbow against the desk behind him (not caring the person sitting there gave him a slightly bitter look) and extended his hand to her. "And you are?" His brow rose, "I might just die if I didn't get such a prettly elf's name." The lab let his eyes scan over her facial features, patiently waiting for an answer of some kind.
Aurora looked down, shuffling in her chair. She looked at him uneasily, thinking he was trailing on thin ice. "Love? Seriously?" She hissed in a low voice, the frost growing a bit on her ears and her desk. "I am sorry if you intend to blatantly hit on me the only thing you will get is an icy smack to the face." She said to him, her gaze becoming a bit cold.
Mia was bored with the class as usual and was really glad when the bell rang. Hopefully it wouldn't be long until lunch. Not because she ate but because she'd head up to the roof to be away from the chaos. Sometimes she didn't understand while she still came to this school. 'Probably the drama' she decided as she walked out of the classroom.
Della walked up to the unfamiliar school. Her life hsd been normal... until she made a flower grow off of her teachers head, deemed a demon in her last, very religious town. And banned from there. She sighed and wringed her bag straps. She was nervous. She was nervous to meet the people like her. If she was going to be concidered weak.

The school yard was empty so people must have been in class. So she shyly went inside and stood in the hallways lost.
As she started to chew him out, Ethan lifted his hands up in surrender. He knew when to back off, usually. But she was giving him a clear 'back off' warning. "I'm sorry," he said, voice genuine. "I'll leave you alone if that's what you want. You just looked lonely," he added the last part softly before offering her a friendly smile, meaning nothing by it except in hopes she'd forgive him. He looked up as the bell rang, and then looked back to the girl who denied him of her name. "Hope to see you around," he nodded, standing up and hopping over the desk to snag his jacket and bag from his desk as everyone filed from the room. Ethan tossed his jacket over his shoulder, glancing around to make sure no teachers were looking before snapping his fingers, his book disappearing to his locker as he went to his next glass; gym. As he went, he noticed a kid standing by his locker, looking lost as could be. "Hey, freshie," Ethan called, strolling over, "need some help?" He laughed lightly.

"Uh, yeah, uhm, I was looking for the gym. I'm supposed to go there next but I can't seem to find it," the blue tinted kid said, shrinking under the taller lady's gaze.

"Hah, that's where I'm going. What's your name?" Ethan asked, looking down the him.

"Brian," he piped up, offering a nervous smile.

"Well, Brian, today's your lucky day! I'm offering you a once in a life time chance!" He mused, tossing his arm over the smaller lad's shoulders and tugging him along with him. "I am deciding to be your personal guide for the day. And for any other poor, lost souls such as yourself!" He grinned, his jokester personality coming back in full. "Now let's make a train of freshman ducks, and onward we go go gym!" He mused, dropping his arm and fiddling Brian's hair.

"Oh, uh, thanks," was all the younger lad muttered out as they passed the front hall. Ethan stopped, back peddling a moment to look at a new face, who seemed to be lost. "Hey there, need a lift on the Ethan train? I'm open for new tag-a-longs," He mused. He had already picked up about four other lost freshman who wanted the help to their next class, making a total of five freshies awkwardly standing behind the senior. Ethan placed his arm on Brian's shoulder, shooting a friendly grin to the new girl he hadn't seen before. And he wasn't going to lie, she was pretty. But he'd stick to joking around for now. He already got turned down by one nervous gal, he didn't want to make everyone uncomfortable!
Mia walked through her hallways her stern gaze softening for once to a sad, lonely tone. So many people in this school reminded her of her old friends though they were all long gone. Of course she could visit them if she wanted to but she wasn't sure she'd be able to handle it. They'd only be like holograms, ghosts of their former selves. Forgetting a reason to keep up her strong, scary appearance her clothes changed. Instead of all black she now wore jeans, flats, and a pretty top with a jean jacket. Of course she didn't have to be dark and gloomy all the time. That wasn't who she really was but it was who she pretended to be, to keep from getting close to people.
A smile rose on Dellas lips. At least the people were nice. "Uhm... I don't even know what classes I have..." she shrugged "uhh I'm Della Sloane... I'm in grade 12... I skipped a year in the human school." She tried ti explain without seeming like she was bragging.

She looked at the other students and raised an eyebrow, "sooo does anyone wanna be my friend?" She asked shyly. More so directing the question to the two boys in front (Ethan and Brian.).

Della hsd always prefured guys as friends over girls. They were more fun to hang out with and less dramatic and cry less.
Aurora sighed, happy that her classes where now over. She hopped off of her chair lightly, her long blue locks swish in the braid as she gathered her things inside her satchel, walking away briskly from her desk, which was now almost totally frosted over. She sighed, tugging on her sleeves as she tried to ignore the stares from her classmates. She just covered her ears and kept walking towards gym class.

If there was one class she hated out of all of them, it was gym. Not only did she have to wear those stupid shorts, she had no way of covering her ears from everyone's gazes. She sighed, looking down from her frosted eyelashes as she hurried past the boy that had flirted with her earlier and towards the gym locker room, trying to ignore his presence.
When the bell rang Fade was out of his seat and rushing for the door, clearly not wanting to socialize with the people in this class, trying to avoid them as best as possible. But as soon as he was in the hall that was when it got worse. People stared and others snickered, others thought he'd lost a bet, and absolutely no one seemed to understand or care about his feelings as they immediately started chatting away calling him such nasty, derogatory things as they gossiped with their friends, one of the groups shouting out things at him as he rushed down the hall in an attempt to escape it.

Damn this school, it was just as bad as his last school...

He didn't really care about his next class, and headed to the bathroom, hiding in one of the stalls until everyone was gone from the restroom before locking the main door so no one could enter. He dropped his bag onto the floor and he slipped his dress off, glaring at it for a second before pulling something out of his bag and stuffed the black fabric into the very bottom of his bag. He'd felt pretty good that morning up until now. He could barely handle it. He stared at himself in the mirror. Pale skin, most of it covered in scars and some fresh gashes from the nights before. He glared at his reflection, finding it disgusting, especially as he pulled a grey hoodie on and a pair of regular guy's jeans. He hated what he looked like in these clothes today. He turned the sink on and washed his makeup off and scrubbed the hairspray out of his hair, drying it under the hand dryer then shook it out.

He looked at himself again, he looked completely different... He didn't like it...

He pulled his sleeves up and looked down at his arms... Maybe it would help...


Halfway through second period he finally exited the bathroom, looking completely different, completely like a guy. He didn't seem too happy, his friendly demeanor gone and replaced with a much more harsh one.
Mia had never gone to gym class before, mostly because she had no idea what it was. She'd didn't want to find out either since overhearing other students talking about it. Instead she sat down against the wall in the hallways playing around with her dark magic. She mostly traced images in the air, objects she could remember from her past. She used her dark magic to hide herself from teachers if they walked by but she didn't seem to care that another student was walking down the hall.

@Memios Bonavich
Aurora stood in front of the girls locker rooms, her lips pursed tightly together as she stared at the door. There was a heavy blanket of ice coating her hands as she tried to decided weather or not to enter, her body twitching slightly. She shifted from foot to foot, trying not to touch anyone as they moved by, knowing that she could easily freeze an innocent person if she was not careful.
He rose a brow to the girl. "I can help you find out what classes you have. The front office can give you your schedule," Ethan mused before patting Brian on the back in a friendly gesture. "Nice to meet you, Della," he shot her a grin, glancing to the awkward little freshman that were standing about him. They had caught onto his friendly attitude, and clearly wanted to use his help. "You skipped a grade?" He asked, "sounds like a lot of work," he laughed - but meant no insult by it, just amused in his happy go lucky ways.

Ethan gave her an amused, slightly puzzled look to her straight forwardly asking if they'd like to be friends. "Dont have to ask me twice! What about you, Brian?" He mused before looking to the others. He gave them all clear directions to their next classes before looking back to Della. "Shall I escort you to the office to get your classes?" He offered, Brian still sticking around. Ethan was probably one of the first people who hadn't mocked th kid for his blueish skin and snake like eyes. He glanced out of the corner of his eye, noticing the girl from earlier flee past him like he was the plague. Damn.. He hadn't meant to make her feel uncomfortable.. He looked back to Della, letting his smile return.
Della smiled brightly "well. That'd be great, thanks! And no it wasn't a lot of work, I just manipulated my teachers brain to see all the right answers on the test" She started walking with the two, "I like your skin. At least you haven't made a flower grow off your teachers head" she laughed a little at herself. She looked at Ethan and smiled, "I was deemed a Demon" she explained, "its what happens in a very religious town."

She watched a girl stand by the locker room doors, she was ice. "This place is so cool. at least here I won't be called a demon or Devil worshiper" she giggled slightly and hugged her books closer to her.
Fade didn't really notice the girl he'd talked to during first period either, but the violent, depressing energy would be enough to probably catch her attention if she was sensitive to energies or anyone nearby for that matter. He walked down the hall, claws clicking softly on the floor. His hands were hidden in his long sleeves, but a red drop fell from the sleeve and onto the floor as he walked past Mia. He headed for the nurse's office so he could clean it up properly and wrap it. He readjusted his bag on his shoulder as he disappeared around the corner in search of the nurse.

( @LexiRK )
Nikki has been absent from school because she was going through a transformation. She now has work to finish and turn before the school year is up. Instead of riding in on her board she just walked inside the school with her hood covering her head, she wasn't in the mood for loud noises or anything crazy and wild. Once she got to her locker she took out what she needed and headed to her class.
Mia looked up hearing claws against the floor, she watched the guy walk past. When the drop fell it didn't hit the ground, instead hovering mid air due to her dark magic. She stood and walked around it watching the guy walking still down the hall. He looked different but she knew it was the guy who had tried befriending her. Mia let the drop fall to the ground and she walked the opposite way.

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