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Realistic or Modern West View Highschool for the supernaturals

'He doesn't remember who he was before...could it be?' Mia thought in her head staring at Densin trying to find something in his face that could give her a hint. "I don't go out to eat, I don't eat much at all really" Food meant little to her now, she believed it was a waste of her time, it wasn't like she would die of starvation.
Ethan led them all to the cafeteria, where others had all swarmed for food. "Ethan! Government skipper!" He heard a familiar voice yell out over the crowd before seeing Ben come over to give him a playful shove.

Ethan scoffed, "I did nothing of the such!" He laughed, shoving Ben back, playfully of course.

"Mhm. Then where were you?" Ben asked, giving a nod to the other three that were with Ethan. He was used to finding his friend with random people, the dude was an outgoing fool.

"Chemistry," Ethan smirked. "Dont worry, I didn't blow it up this time," the two laughed. "We're gonna go get some food, see ya after school for the party?" He mused, arching a brow.

"Yeah, man. See ya then." Ben said, the two clasping hands to bump shoulders before Ben walked off.

"A'ight, food time," he turned to look at the others, his big friendly grin slapped on his face before turning to go into the lines for food. Walking up behind the line, Ethan started playing the the hair of the girl in front of him until she turned and rolled her eyes.

"Ethan, stop," she laughed, cheeks blushing.

"Awh, but your hair is soft," he mused, the girl rolling her eyes before turning around to chat with her other friends.

"I think it looks like chicken sandwiches today," Ethan mused to the three behind him, having angled himself to look at them. "I'm a chicken for eating chicken," he snorted at his own stupid comment, shoving his hands in his pocket as he waited for the line to go through.
Aurora came out of her hiding spot, knowing that she wouldn't be able to hide from her hunger. She sighed and touched the top of the bubble lightly, the rest of it dissipating into snow as she stepped out of her own little bubble. She sighed and gathered the snow into a ball and put it in her hand, walking towards the school.

Walking though the mostly empty hall, she tried to avoid people for now. She moved slowly, only a few snowflakes falling around her. She was glad that no one was around to see here, small snowflakes falling as she walked. Aurora was basically a walking snow globe, snow falling and ice forming. Her skin was pale as always and soon enough she reached the cafeteria.

Pushing the door lightly, Aurora's ears where meet by the loud sounds of the cafeteria. She could hear some people start whispering and she hurried towards the line. She had been put right behind Ethan, but she was to busy muttering something that was supposed to keep her from freezing everything. But despite her efforts, the air around her was cold and small snowflakes where trailing out of the sky around her.
Fade, seeing as he was standing next to Ethan still within the little group they'd formed, felt the chill in the air from Aurora and to him - with his core temperature being a rather annoying 102.5 F - the cold she gave off was near bliss, the urge to hug her near maddening. He watched Ethan for a minute before he couldn't stand it anymore, his body suddenly jerking as his bones rearranged themselves and his muscle mass stretched and repositioned to accommodate to the change. Soon a massive wolf creature stood in his place, a good foot and a half taller than he'd been before, towering over Ethan and most of the people around him. He couldn't help himself, something about the lull of the cold. Probably the fact that he was of the arctic timber variation and thrived in the below freezing temperatures of the north.

He turned around and hugged Aurora, a soft murr of affection rumbling from somewhere deep in his massive chest hidden beneath his grey sweatshirt that blended nicely with his pale ash fur. He knew next to nothing about her and yet he absolutely adored her, tail wagging excitedly behind him.
Aurora was still chanting the words when she felt something large and furry hug her. She let out a squeak of surprise, her face flushing a dark red. "Uhh.... Excuse me?" She asked gently to him, trying not to stutter. She could feel frost starting to spread from her hands and onto his jacket and she cursed herself for not wearing gloves. She was frosting him with just her breath, and she felt bad. "Can you please let go?" She asked. "I don't want to hurt you." She said, curling her hands back into her pockets and trying not to freeze him completely.
He didn't seem to care about the frost that coated his jacket, rather enjoying it it seemed. He didn't seem willing to let go of her and happily licked the side of her face like the massive puppy he was.

"You're one of the winter magics." he hummed with an excited grin, nudging his nose against her face, neck, and hair as he sniffed at her, making sure he could remember her scent.

"The ancestors of the wolves used to be under the care of the winter magics for their ability to withstand the frigid temperatures created by their young who couldn't control their powers well and when the parents couldn't care for the child with their unruly magic the wolves cared for them in place of the parents but it became rarer and rarer as the magic was diluted by breeding with humans and eventually the winter magics didn't need the wolves anymore so they split paths except for the few in the higher families with their powerful lineage still in tact."

A tiny history lesson simply to put her at ease as he added. "You needn't worry about freezing me solid, miss, it's nearly impossible."
Aurora let out a squeak as she sniffed her up and down, the frost growing. "So you want to protect me?" She asked, uncertain about what he was doing.

(sorry for the short post, heading out)
Ethan turned to look at Fade hugging Aurora, brow shooting up. He stayed quiet for a moment, listening as Fade explained what he was doing. Now he was intrigued, if not amused. She didn't seem as bothered by Fade as she did about him. Ethan let a grin spread over his features, obviously not going to hold a grudge at being threatened to being slapped earlier when he was blatantly flirting with her. He just knew not to step on that line with her now. His brown eyes shifted over Fade and his new form, not phased by that either. He had seen weirder, and hell, even scarier. Much scarier. But that tends to happen when you accidentally summon a demon.

Ethan decided against saying anything, knowing Aurora probably didn't want to deal with him still. What could he say? He was the school flirt and clown.
Densin was walking around the school grounds playing with flames and looking for friends, his hair semmed to burn in the same way as his flames did. Densin never understood why it did this but he just accepted it as a thing as he continued to walk he could tell it was getting colder and he just made a bigger flame to counteract the ice and cold, he wondered who or what could be creating such an unnatural appearance of cold snow and ice. He began to focus on the magical energy in the snow and track it till he found a wolf and some girl he stared at them from a distance.
Mia climbed up to the roof once again thinking about the phoenix. She didn't believe Densin was the phoenix she once knew, no one would revive him. They knew how dangerous he had been...or maybe that was the point. Mia refused to believe it though and shook her head dismissing the thought. It was still lunch time but she wasn't going to go down there for a while. Instead she spread out her black wings flapping them slightly.
"I don't know if I want to protect you but I will if the need arise. My bloodline prevents me from going against my basic instinct to protect those with winter magics. Wolves are impervious to most elemental attacks but those with the direct opposite they have the best fighting chance against." he stated, tail switching from vigorous wagging to a slight twitch of thought as he tried to decide what he wanted to do.

His head jerked up as he caught the scent of heat, or rather the energy it put into the air, and reflexively growled. He hated fire. He didn't know why but he did. His hackles rose in anxiety, growling softly as he looked around for the source of the fire scent. Then he spotted it. The phoenix in human form. He simply stared, trying to visually assess him as a threat or not.
Densin saw the wolf staring at him. He smiled and waved. Then walked up to the two of them not saying a word. He just stood there and smiled for a bit. "Winter magic cool. I'm kinda you're opposite all fire here." The second he said fire he burst into flames unwillingly. "Crap not again." He hated it when this happened lucky he put out the fire before his clothes burnt away. "Yeah as I said I controol fire.....Not well though." Then he locked back at the wolf man. And said bluntly "Stop staring at me like you're about to kill me, I'm not Human im a phoniex Ill turn you to ash." He said this in a half serious half joking manner.
Aurora turned back and forth between everyone, causing her head to spin. She could feel the heat, and her skin frosted over, the skin turning slightly blue. She let out a groan as she tried to cover her elvish ears and keep her her head from spinning. She was chilly, and she could fill the heat basically raining off the phoenix that was standing close to her. She was surrounded by different voices, and it was only causing her ice to spread. In the wolf's anger, she managed to escape his grasp. Taking her chance, she mumbled a small "Excuse me." She said to them, darting out from the group as she took off running. She could hear her feet slam against the ground with each step, and when she tried to push open the door, she sent out a sharp blast of ice, spires coming out and freezing the door open as ice was all that was left in her wake.

@Marvelous Chester @Memios Bonavich @Sulfurlix
Ethan smirked to the Phoenix that came over. Being a sorcerer, he could play with all the elements when he got strong enough. "Hey," he greeted, about to say something to Aurora before she ran off. He clamped his mouth shut, frowning slightly. "I don't think she likes crowds," Ethan said softly, letting out a breath. He felt bad. He was the guy to want everyone feel like they had a place in this godforsaken world. He could sense the tension between the wolf and Phoenix, and he rose a brow. "So, food anyone?" He mused, lifting a hand to shake snow from his hair, making his dark brown hair stick up in random directions. He wanted to go see if Aurora was okay, but from their first encounter, he wasn't sure if she was too fond of him.

Turning on his heel, Ethan picked up the plate from the lunch lady. "Why thank you, Mrs. Sarah," he mused smoothly, a bright smile flashing on his lips.

"You're welcome, Ethan," the older woman laughed. "How are you?"

"I'm doing great, Mrs. Sarah. How's the old man?" He asked, tilting his head.

"Hes doing great, actually! His knees aren't acting up this week," she nodded, smiling.

"That's good to hear. Tell me if you need anything," he mused before heading down the lunch line to grab a coke from the ice box. Brian was right behind him, blue scaled hands picking up food and sending wary glances to the wolf and Phoenix. Clearly the poor freshman wasn't used to all the other supernatural students that went here yet. Ethan on the other hand was more than used to it. Ethan stopped at the end of the line after paying, waiting for Della, Fade, and even the Phoenix if he wanted to tag along with the small group Ethan had managed to gather up yet again.

A friendly grin was spread over his face, already taking a bite from the chicken sandwich. There were still snow flakes dropped amongst his shoulders and back, but he didn't care. He wasn't too bothered by anything.
Densin skipped getting food and sat straight down at the table. Once he was there he created small flames the Floted above the table he picked one up and ate it. "Have you ever eaten a flame" he said to the boy "well actually a mean a magic flame eating normall fire would be stupid." He passed a flame to everyone at the table. "The flame will always taste like you're favorite food and the magic and energy they hold will fill you up faster then any food as well as heal you." Densin tossed another flame in his mouth.
Mia finally headed down off the roof when she knew lunch was almost over. Her wings had disappeared and she'd put her jacket back on. She walked past the doors to the cafeteria and coughed at the stench of modern day food. 'Foolish people filling themselves up with fat and sugar' She waved her hand almost dismissively and got the smell to stay out of her nose. She waited in the halls for a moment waiting for the bell to ring so she wouldn't be the first to class.
Lucian arrived at his first class before everyone. He sat in the back to avoid having to speak to anyone and promptly put his head on the desk and started to fall asleep.
Once the bell had rung after lunch everyone filed into the halls. Mia blended into the crowd before heading to her next class with everyone else. She sat in the back row as always watching as the other students walked into the classroom.
Fade seemed genuinely upset at Aroura's leaving, dipping his head slightly but decided to let her calm down and followed the others through the line, managing to convince the nice old lady working the lunch line to find him some raw meat, ending up with a nice raw deer leg that was part of the deer the animal science lab was using to feed a special animal they were studying. Fade had promised to supply the animal science department with more deer later that evening. He made sure his body stayed in human form.

He took his deer leg back to the table where the others were waiting, growing slightly uneasy as the Phoenix passed out some magic edible fire. He didn't seem too keen on eating it and just seemed to try and shoo it away. The light it gave off seemed to illuminate something hidden under his skin, the wolf that lay inside him. It showed the paw-like hand, claw tipped fingers and black paw pads of his wolf's arm but only for a second. He seemed to remain on the edge of the little group, kind of reverting to his usual nervous self as he used his hands to hold down each side of his deer leg and tore strips of the bloody meat away with his teeth. This natural display earned him quite a few disgusted and horrified stared from other nearby tables. He caught part of the joint and popped the cartilage off the bone and gnawed at it until it broke off, swallowing it before going back to the meat.

It seemed like far too much for any normal person to invest without taking a trip to the hospital yet somehow he managed to scarf it all down and seemed like he could still eat even more than that. He kind of just leaned back in his seat, cracking open the bone and started to lick the marrow out of the middle, slowly reaching up to check if his hood was covering his head, seeing as his wolf side was trying to show through his human form, keeping his size down but his face looked completely like a wolf's; muzzle and everything. He held the bone between his jaws, glancing out from under his hood at their little lunch group, hoping none of them were giving him weird stares for his eating habits.
Aurora had fled the room with long trails of ice following her. Every time someone came up to her, she wold hold up her hands to try and keep them away, but only sent more ice cascading along the floor and shooting out in large razor sharp points. She let out a panicked noise as she kept running, most of the students straying away from the ice trail she left. The snow was brewing thicker around her as she ran all the way up, finding the roof. As soon as she got there, she froze the handle shut, sending large spires of ice around the door. She collapsed onto the ground panting as the snow fell around her, ice shooting out from her body and covering the top of the roof. It looked like she had created winter on her own, which she had. She let out a whimper as she lied down, curling up and letting the snow pile around her.
Eventually Fade got bored and excused himself from the table, exiting the lunch room and decided to look for Aurora. It was pretty easy to find where she went, following the trail of ice that coated the floor. Once he reached the frozen shut door to the roof and took a different route and went to one of the classrooms on the uppermost floor and opened the window. The cold air that blasted him that billowed down from the roof felt quite god on his warm skin that soon became covered in thick white fur, human form slipping away to reveal the massive humanoid wolf beneath. He hauled himself out the window and hooked his claws into the edge of the window, slowly making his climb upwards, tail tucked against his legs so he could balance his weight closer to the building. After several exhausting minutes he hauled himself up onto the roof and spotted Aurora.

The sight of her curled up in her snow sent a shiver of worry through him. The frigid air was a wonderful relief from the fall warmth that was near sweltering for his arctic acclimated body. He silently padded over to Aurora and laid beside her, nudging his nose through the layer of snow covering her and pressed his muzzle gently against her upper arm near her shoulder, snuffling softly to show his concern. She was build for the cold and so was he but he wasn't concerned by that, he was worried about her mental state. She seemed quite upset. He wanted so badly to help and comfort her.
Aurora could hear the soft sound of claw marks going up the side of the building, but she didn't move. She could hear soft breathing coming behind her and she let out a sigh, looking away from Fade. Soon enough she could feel his snout pressed against her arm, and a small shutter ran up her spine, feeling his breath wash over her arm, and she bit her lip. She pressed a hand to his head. "I'm alright Fade." She said, knowing that he was pretty much not human at this point. For some reason his fur was soothing to her nerves.
At her words he gave a wolffish grin and nuzzled closer to her, swiping his tongue across her forearm from the easy access she gave him with her hand resting atop his head. He was quite relieves she was alright but still he worried but didn't let it show. He laid his own paw against her forehead, mimicking her, and chuffed, a soft almost bark like laugh. He was simply glad his friend was alright.

His human mind was starting to wonder when the next period bell would ring, wondering as well who would be in his next class with him.

His tail was thumping happily into the snow that drifted down around them, making a nice little patch of clear roof behind him.

"Miss Aurora, are you hungry?" he inquired after a moment of silence, voice gruff, not meant for speaking in this form much.
Aurora giggled a little bit as his tongue brushed over her skin softly, leaving a warm trail on her arm. Fade was almost like a puppy. He would show emotion though action and not words. Somehow it was kind of adorable. She kept her smile as he asked about her hunger, covering up her discomfort at the subject of food. "I am fine." She said, not giving a single hint that her stomach was emitting waves of hunger.
Densin was interested as to why the werewolf left and the mysterious ice trail the girl had left behind. He followed it melting the ice behind him so no one else could follow. It lead him out to the roof and wow was it freezing, he raised his body tempiture melting just the ice derectly around him. He looked at Fade and Aura and sat sways a way almost studying the two species, locking notes away in his mind. He began to play with fire juggling around small balls of it in his hands. He asked himself though why follow around my polar opposite I hate the cold this could even prove to be dangerous to me.

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