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Fantasy Welcome to the Pantheon (Always Open!)

Poseidon was sitting there at the bar when one of his old time friends came up to him, "Caius! What's up? Ohh, you know. Just hanging out...the ocean is a big place you know. Im glad you noticed the earthquakes...they're the first ones I've cause in a century! You're lucky I didnt cause a storm. So, you want to have a drink?" He asked curiously.

Capricornus said:
Helena arrived in front of Virian's room, completely out of breath. She hesitated at first, but then knocked faintly on his door. While she waited outside, she kept thinking about what M had told her. "If you do not leave by the end of today on your own accord, then I will make you leave." Thinking about it again made her feel uneasy and worried. She let out a sigh. "It's better if I just forget about it."
She suddenly felt a weird sensation. As if the ground was shaking. She looked around. "Earthquakes? Around here?", she thought to herself. "It's either a god's work, or simply my imagination... "
Virian opened the door, hoping to see Morgana, but saw his date. "Oh... uh, hey Helena. You look.. really good." The god gawked at the way she looked in the dress. To be honest, she looked absolutely stunning.
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]Virian opened the door, hoping to see Morgana, but saw his date. "Oh... uh, hey Helena. You look.. really good." The god gawked at the way she looked in the dress. To be honest, she looked absolutely stunning.

Helena blushed because of the compliment. "Oh... T-thank you.", she chuckled embarrassed. "Your blue shirt really suits you well.", she added with a smile.

"I'm so sorry for being late. I still had a long talk with a certain god, and on my way back I met another one and-", she took a deep breath, "I'm finally here now, sorry for the wait.", she smiled again.
ChronosCoded said:
Poseidon was sitting there at the bar when one of his old time friends came up to him, "Caius! What's up? Ohh, you know. Just hanging out...the ocean is a big place you know. Im glad you noticed the earthquakes...they're the first ones I've cause in a century! You're lucky I didnt cause a storm. So, you want to have a drink?" He asked curiously.
"Caius, you know I absolutely love mortals. I'm fine with it! They're doing no harm at all." He said, knowing he had probably just made some enemies. He beckoned the bar tender to give him a drink. Poseidon gulped it down in one sip. "What do you think about it?" He asked standing up. "I really wouldnt want to make an enemy of one of my friends." He said, the ground rumbling once more.

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ChronosCoded said:
"Do I really need to make an astonomical thing happen to get every ones attention!" Poseidon said angrily. He was always the loner of the gods. "Horses, I need you to gather around Olympus...make yourselves known anyway you can." Poseidon thought, and in about five minutes there were a noticeable number of horses stamping and neighing trying to get to the top of Olympus. And there were Pegasi flying everywhere. Poseidon smiled and took out his trident. He concentrated on the sea and made a giant tsunami that banged on the side of the Mt. Olympus two times. That must have been enough to get their attention, right? He sighed and pointed his Trident toward the ocean and caused two rumbles. That should get the message out. Poseidon jumped on Sudsy and flew toward the bar. He walked into the bar and sat down next to what looked like M sitting at the bar. "What's up, M? Remember me? Poseidon. God of the Sea. The Earthshaker?" He asked, telling all of the horses to back off silently in his mind.

M looked at Poseidon confused then continued to drink his plain water

"I'm sorry. You must have a different M in mind. Gods of Order don't live forever. We are part mortal.

He closed his eyes and was about to rest before he heard Caius

"I'm just trying to remain alert... What do you want?"

Rukia said:


The God had the faint notion that he was being touched as he started to come back to himself. Thranduil's eyes fluttered open and he found Mnemosyne looking down at him with a worried expression.

He looked around the room and realized that his helpers had also gathered around them,looking about to freak out. Sighing,he waved them off.

"This happens every century,boys. You know I'm okay."

They quickly walked away and Thranduil managed to push himself to a sitting position,holding Mnemosyne's hand as he sat by her side.

"I'm sorry I...didn't mean for you to see that. It usually happens in better moments,when I am off by myself."

He blinked as he noticed a green patch of blood sliding down his forehead. He ran one finger through it and the wound disappeared.


Mnemosyne let out a huge sigh of relief upon seeing Thranduil's eyes open, immediately pausing her fussing over him. She hadn't even notice Thranduil's little forest people gather around her.

Gripping the man's hand, she blinked, mouth immediately pursing. "Every century? Good grief, whatever for?" She exclaimed, not sure what to make of this affliction, as she'd never been sick or hurt herself.

"No need to apologize at all, but... goodness it certainly frightened me!" The goddess admitted, flushing around the ears. Of course, she had immediately jumped to the conclusion that he was dead.
Capricornus said:
Helena blushed because of the compliment. "Oh... T-thank you.", she chuckled embarrassed. "Your blue shirt really suits you well.", she added with a smile.
"I'm so sorry for being late. I still had a long talk with a certain god, and on my way back I met another one and-", she took a deep breath, "I'm finally here now, sorry for the wait.", she smiled again.
"Oh, uh, well come sit down. D-do you want anything to drink?"
ChronosCoded said:
"Caius, you know I absolutely love mortals. I'm fine with it! They're doing no harm at all." He said, knowing he had probably just made some enemies. He beckoned the bar tender to give him a drink. Poseidon gulped it down in one sip. "What do you think about it?" He asked standing up. "I really wouldnt want to make an enemy of one of my friends." He said, the ground rumbling once more.
GreenEyedStranger said:
M looked at Poseidon confused then continued to drink his plain water

"I'm sorry. You must have a different M in mind. Gods of Order don't live forever. We are part mortal.

He closed his eyes and was about to rest before he heard Caius

"I'm just trying to remain alert... What do you want?"

"Keep it down Poseidon.", he said before taking a sip of his beverage. "Well, let's say it like this: I'm not very fond of the idea that a mortal is suddenly settling down at mount Olympus. Mortals are way to fragile to keep up with us." He took another sip. "But I guess that's none of my business."

He looked back to M. "Oh, nothing, nothing. I just thought you could need some help. You know? With what you've been trying to do before." Caius had been listening to the conversation between M and Helena before, and thought it was finally time again to interfere with something he shouldn't.


Thranduil ran one hand through his long hair,trying to calm himself and find the better way to explain the situation to Mnemosyne. When he found himself in control of his emotions,he turned to his side to look into her eyes.

"It's...complicated to explain. You have seen the destruction that humanity caused in Earth,right? They are already feeling the signs of it...But only mildly. What they go through isn't even half of what they should be experiencing. I take most of the damage into myself so they don't have to walk into a half destructed planet." He looked down at their hands that were locked together. "I know I should have explained this before. But I didn't want to worry you. It's mostly a lot of pain and blackouts. No permanent damage."

[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]"Oh, uh, well come sit down. D-do you want anything to drink?"

Helena shyly entered Virian's room. "Oh, oh no it's okay, I'm fine for the moment. Thanks." Helena looked around before taking a seat. "I-it looks nice in here. I really like they way it's decorated.", she said while looking around some more.
Poseidon had a funny idea. He concentrated on Ms water and made it splash into Caius and Ms face. "Sorry guys! Being god of water is to much fun!" He yelled as he jumped out of the bar, turning into a seagull. He created a horrible storm over Olympus just for fun and flew around. He really did love rain.

(@ Humans)
ChronosCoded said:
Poseidon had a funny idea. He concentrated on Ms water and made it splash into Caius and Ms face. "Sorry guys! Being god of water is to much fun!" He yelled as he jumped out of the bar, turning into a seagull. He created a horrible storm over Olympus just for fun and flew around. He really did love rain.
Caius sighed. "That silly bastard." He wiped the water off his face. He began speaking to M again. "So what I meant was that I know that you want the human off of this mountain. And I may or may not be able to help you." He looked at him with a malicious grin. "We sit in the same boat, I too, don't want this human here, so if you need any help... Just saying."

IronManatee said:
"Keep it down Poseidon.", he said before taking a sip of his beverage. "Well, let's say it like this: I'm not very fond of the idea that a mortal is suddenly settling down at mount Olympus. Mortals are way to fragile to keep up with us." He took another sip. "But I guess that's none of my business."
He looked back to M. "Oh, nothing, nothing. I just thought you could need some help. You know? With what you've been trying to do before." Caius had been listening to the conversation between M and Helena before, and thought it was finally time again to interfere with something he shouldn't.
M turned over to Caius

"You'd help me? I think Morgana might be willing to help as well. I have some ideas of what to do aswell... Says who are you again?"

Rukia said:


Thranduil ran one hand through his long hair,trying to calm himself and find the better way to explain the situation to Mnemosyne. When he found himself in control of his emotions,he turned to his side to look into her eyes.

"It's...complicated to explain. You have seen the destruction that humanity caused in Earth,right? They are already feeling the signs of it...But only mildly. What they go through isn't even half of what they should be experiencing. I take most of the damage into myself so they don't have to walk into a half destructed planet." He looked down at their hands that were locked together. "I know I should have explained this before. But I didn't want to worry you. It's mostly a lot of pain and blackouts. No permanent damage."


"Mmm," Mnemosyne hummed, her brow furrowing as she took all this information in, her thumb absently smoothing over the back of Thranduil's hand. Humans were such pesky creatures, but she did love them all the same.

"That's terrible," She said, looking downtrodden."But don't worry about it, I know now. It's not fair to you, Thranduil, though I understand why you do it." The woman murmured.
John sighed, the drone starting to become... unresponsive. It crashed onto a hard surface, not responding to his controls. The camera still worked, a little hazy...

"Goddamn it!!!" Frustrated, he kicked the wall of his lab, and rubbed his temples, thinking how he was going to retrieve it.

Loreley curiously wandered Mt. Olympus, bored out of her mind with nothing better to do but wander. She often wandered around, her treasure bag with her at all times, hoping to come across someone, or something interesting.


Thranduil leaned against Mnemosyne's shoulder. Letting his secrets open for someone else was surprisingly comforting.

"Don't worry,my friend. I see humans as children who are still learning about their own destructive power. At least they try. I am happy to clean after them."

He wiped the blood that was left in his face with a napkin before pushing himself to his feet. He lowered his hand for Mnemosyne to help her to stand.

"I really could use a drink right now." He admitted that with a smile. "Do you want to head for the bar with me?"

As Poseidon was flying around as a seagull he noticed someone wandering Mt. Olympus alone. He dove toward them while simultaneously turning back into his god form. "Hello, I am Poseidon. God of the sea. What is your name?" He asked the person

Capricornus said:
Helena shyly entered Virian's room. "Oh, oh no it's okay, I'm fine for the moment. Thanks." Helena looked around before taking a seat. "I-it looks nice in here. I really like they way it's decorated.", she said while looking around some more.
"Thanks. I worked hard on it. Do you want a tour, or are you hungry? I made sushi." Virian said, as he poured himself a glass of Coca-Cola. "I know, it's not the most romantic dinner, but it's what I could make."

She jumped upon hearing someone greet her and turned to see Poseidon, the great water god.

"O-Oh, Hello! I'm Loreley."


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