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Fantasy Welcome to the Pantheon (Always Open!)

Rukia said:


Thranduil smiled as he watched Mnemosyne tasting his creations. He thought he would never get tired of that image.

A soft voice popped through his mind and Thranduil chuckled,pushing himself up.

"My house plants are complaining that I didn't water them today. They don't really need the water since they are immortal,but they just like the feeling of it."

He turned around to walk to one of his plants that was standing in the corner of the room,but stopped suddenly.

An immense pain rose in Thranduil's chest and he gasped,having to lean against the wall by his side.

'Nonono not now...'

He had managed to keep this secret from the other Gods so far,but this time Mnemosyne was standing right in the room. It only happened once in every century. The pain of humanity destroying nature was converted to a single point in time. He usually held the damage inside himself so it wouldn't harm the humans.

It usually wasn't this strong,but this time it spread all over his body. Thranduil found himself falling forward,dropping the jar in the ground as he blacked out against the floor.


The woman smiled to herself, amused by the thought of plants under Thranduil's care ever complaining. No doubt they had it better than any other plants in the world.

"Immortal plants, huh?" She chuckled, the idea sounding humorous, having plants that outlived humans.

Mnemosyne had remained seated, picking through the fruit bowl as she curiously sampled the most interesting ones with acute fascination, only turning around when she heard Thranduil gasp, a question on the lips.

But when she saw him, he was on the floor, and Mnemosyne stood up in alarm, jumping when the jar smashed against the ground.

"Thranduil?!" She cried in alarm, rushing forward to kneel beside him, gently shaking the man's shoulder. Mnemosyne was panicked, having seen nothing like this before, and she lifted the other's torso into her lap, just so he wouldn't be so uncomfortable, laying on the floor like that. To her complete shock, the other was out cold, but didn't appear to be dead and she sat there, distressed as to how she could help him.
GreenEyedStranger said:
M began to glare at her and suddenly stood in front of her, forcing Helena to confront him

"Your presence here is not just against the order of Mt. Olympus, but against the order of nature itself. If you do not leave by the end of today on your own accord, then I will make you leave."

He turned and started to leave before he called out

"Watch your back here human... Your days on this mountain are numbered..."

And he left.

M's glare sent shivers down her spine and she felt as if she had a lump in her throat. If she didn't leave until the end of the day... She refused to imagine what would possibly happen. She stood there, like paralyzed when her phone suddenly rang. It was the alarm that she had set.

"Wait... It's 2:00 already? Shit, I'm going to be late.", she thought to herself as she started walking, almost running. M's words kept echoing in her head.

ChronosCoded said:
What did he just hear? Human? "This'll be interesting!" The sea god yelled as he called Sudsy back to him. "Take me to the human, suds." And without another word the Pegasus took off, soon landing near the human. "Okay suds, this'll be the last time I call you to me." Ulfruer said. He walked over to the human. "I hear a human has come to Mt. Olympus! Pleased to meet you, Im Ulfruer, The Earthshaker. I prefer to be called Poseidon though." He said happily, putting his hand out to the human in greeting. "What do I call you?" He asked.
Helena noticed the pegasus landing nearby, another god approaching her. She turned towards him. She bowed before him. "Helena Cerania, my name. It's a pleasure to meet you.", she said, out of breath.
"You seem to be in a rush, do you need to get somewhere fast?" The god asked curiously. He laughed. "You dont have to bow if you dont want to. Im not that kind of god. So, your name is Cerania." The god said, smiling. "It's a pleasure to meet you to." He asked again, "Do you need to be somewhere fast?"
Capricornus said:
M's glare sent shivers down her spine and she felt as if she had a lump in her throat. If she didn't leave until the end of the day... She refused to imagine what would possibly happen. She stood there, like paralyzed when her phone suddenly rang. It was the alarm that she had set.
"Wait... It's 2:00 already? Shit, I'm going to be late.", she thought to herself as she started walking, almost running. M's words kept echoing in her head.

Helena noticed the pegasus landing nearby, another god approaching her. She turned towards him. She bowed before him. "Helena Cerania, my name. It's a pleasure to meet you.", she said, out of breath.
Virian was digging through his closet, looking for something nice to wear. "OHGODOHGODOHGOD!" He said, throwing things out of the way. After an minute of tossing aside lingerie, ball gags and some other things best left unmentioned, Virian found a nice pale blue shirt and a black tie. He quickly undressed, pulling off his jeans and slipping on a pair of khaki pants.
ChronosCoded said:
"You seem to be in a rush, do you need to get somewhere fast?" The god asked curiously. He laughed. "You dont have to bow if you dont want to. Im not that kind of god. So, your name is Cerania." The god said, smiling. "It's a pleasure to meet you to." He asked again, "Do you need to be somewhere fast?"
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]Virian was digging through his closet, looking for something nice to wear. "OHGODOHGODOHGOD!" He said, throwing things out of the way. After an minute of tossing aside lingerie, ball gags and some other things best left unmentioned, Virian found a nice pale blue shirt and a black tie. He quickly undressed, pulling off his jeans and slipping on a pair of khaki pants.

"Helena is good enough.", she mentioned with a smile. "Ah yes, I have to go to my room, which is not too far from here, to meet up with someone, to which I'm already late", she answered to Ulfruer's question, sounding kinda rushed. "I'm really sorry but I need to get going. I'm sure we'll cross paths again, and I'll be able to introduce myself properly. It was nice meeting you.", she bowed one last time before saying goodbye and leaving.

As she arrived at her room she picked out the first clothes she found, which was a dark bluish summer dress. She looked at her phone again. 2:10. "Shit, it's so late already?" She looked at herself in the mirror, and since she didn't know what to do with her hair, and due to her already being late, she simply combed it down, before rushing out of her room.
Poseidon sighed as the girl went on her way. He turned back to sudsy and told the Pegasus, "Wait until she's thirty feet ahead of us and then fly." As the Pegasus hovered above the ground Poseidon picked up a rose. The Pegasus carried him toward the girls room. The Pegasus hovered next to the window of the girls room. He knocked on the glass and set the rose on the windowsill, quickly flying away. Poseidon suddenly had a thought. He hadnt seen his brother in a long time. "Zeus? Zeus?" Poseidon bellowed putting a grin on his face. "I suppose you go by Ya now, right?" He yelled again.


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@RedTeam Grif

Eventually, M would return and see Morgana. He sat next to her at the bar.

"Well. Whats your take on this whole situation?"

Capricornus said:
"Helena is good enough.", she mentioned with a smile. "Ah yes, I have to go to my room, which is not too far from here, to meet up with someone, to which I'm already late", she answered to Ulfruer's question, sounding kinda rushed. "I'm really sorry but I need to get going. I'm sure we'll cross paths again, and I'll be able to introduce myself properly. It was nice meeting you.", she bowed one last time before saying goodbye and leaving.
As she arrived at her room she picked out the first clothes she found, which was a dark bluish summer dress. She looked at her phone again. 2:10. "Shit, it's so late already?" She looked at herself in the mirror, and since she didn't know what to do with her hair, and due to her already being late, she simply combed it down, before rushing out of her room.
After tying his tie, Virian ran around the room, picking things up, and making sure his house looked okay. He didn't want to make a bad first impression. He quickly ran to the kitchen and started to make some of the only semi romantic food he knew how.
FireMaiden said:
(Hold the fuck up. Really?)

[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]Virian continued to float down the halls, bored out of his mind, until he saw Helena. "Hey, Helena! Have you gotten your room yet?"

[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]"It would be my honor!" Virian said with a smile, as he took her hand. "Uh, hey. Are my clothes making you uncomfortable? Because I can take 'em off if you want."

Capricornus said:
Helena didn't notice his clothes until he spoke about them. "Oh. Ah no it's - it's ok.", she answered with a nervous giggle. She blushed slightly, because of the unsual sight.
With every step they took she looked around, amazed by every small detail.

"They sure didn't exaggerate about how you gods lived.", she mumbled under her breath, while comparing it to what she had read.

(Ah sorry! x) I often don't get notifications which sucks x))
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]"So, hey. Since I'm really in your debt, could I, uh, ask you something?" Virian said, letting go of her hand as they neared a door.

Capricornus said:
Helena looked him in the eyes, as if she was worried about what he was going to ask. "Oh, I guess so, yeah. What is it?", she asked with a polite smile.
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]Virian was now in regular clothes (Which was a tie-dye shirt and jeans). He was un-characteristically nervous.
"Uh, would you like to go get some coffee or something sometime? If you don't want to that's fine. I just thought that since you are saving me from being obsolete, I thought that I could repay you. I mean... uhhh.. You're really pretty." The god said, as blush covered his cheeks and he gave a nervous smile.

Capricornus said:
Helena listened carefully to what he had to say. Yet she wasn't prepared to hear something like that. Her face began to redden. "Oh, uh... ", were the only sounds she could make, nervously giggling in between.
"C-coffee. I like coffee. Y-yes sure.", she finally answered, as if she had overheard the last sentence, but quickly added a "Thank you" in between some nervous coughs and head scratches.

She cleared her throat with some more coughs, before finally being able to speak clear again. "Uhm, yes I'd surely enjoy some coffee and some company, just hit me up anytime." She ripped a small piece of paper out of a sheet, took a pen out and quickly scribbled something on it before handing it to Virian with a smile: "You asked for it before, right? " On the paper slip was her phone number.
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]Virian took the phone number and blushed, before quickly putting it in his pocket. "Uh, Th-thanks. Just open your door and the room you want will be there."
(Basically, do what we did in the overview.)

Capricornus said:
Helena slowly opened the door to her new room. At first sight, she gasped audibly. "T-that's amazing!", she said, almost yelled, exited. She walked in, leaving the door behind her open. She looked around, admiring everything, the living room, the dining room and finally also the bedroom. She threw her bag onto her bed and let out a deep a deep sigh of satisfaction. "I guess I can live here." She said to herself with a big grin, before going back to the living room.
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]"Uh, yeah. Yeah it is." Virian said. "I uh.. um.. I'm going to go now. I'll see you later?"

Capricornus said:
Helena made a faint hand gesture signaling him goodbye from the inside of her room "And thanks for showing me around.", she added with a smile. "See you around."
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]"Wait!" Virian said, floating back into the room. "Would this afternoon be a good time? I have nothing going on. I might be able to make you some food at my place." On the outside, Virian was giving Helena a warm smile. But on the inside, he was flipping the fuck out.

Capricornus said:
As Helena was about to close the door, she was interrupted by Virian. It was an invitation.
"This afternoon?", she was surprised that it was so soon already. "Sure, that'd be great.",she agreed with a big smile. She tried her best to not lose her cool. Not again. "I'll do my best to be on time!", she added with a grin.
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]Virian was screaming in the inside. "Awesome! See you at my place!"


"Do I really need to make an astonomical thing happen to get every ones attention!" Poseidon said angrily. He was always the loner of the gods. "Horses, I need you to gather around Olympus...make yourselves known anyway you can." Poseidon thought, and in about five minutes there were a noticeable number of horses stamping and neighing trying to get to the top of Olympus. And there were Pegasi flying everywhere. Poseidon smiled and took out his trident. He concentrated on the sea and made a giant tsunami that banged on the side of the Mt. Olympus two times. That must have been enough to get their attention, right? He sighed and pointed his Trident toward the ocean and caused two rumbles. That should get the message out. Poseidon jumped on Sudsy and flew toward the bar. He walked into the bar and sat down next to what looked like M sitting at the bar. "What's up, M? Remember me? Poseidon. God of the Sea. The Earthshaker?" He asked, telling all of the horses to back off silently in his mind.

[QUOTE="Safety Hammer](It's okay. Even if all goes well, Virian will still be the lusty perv we all know and love)

(Yeah that's why I'm surprised he got a date)
Furea appeared back infront of the mountain after doing her job. 300 souls, and with each child she took, she had to explain why hey had to go it her. She hated that part of the job.


The God had the faint notion that he was being touched as he started to come back to himself. Thranduil's eyes fluttered open and he found Mnemosyne looking down at him with a worried expression.

He looked around the room and realized that his helpers had also gathered around them,looking about to freak out. Sighing,he waved them off.

"This happens every century,boys. You know I'm okay."

They quickly walked away and Thranduil managed to push himself to a sitting position,holding Mnemosyne's hand as he sat by her side.

"I'm sorry I...didn't mean for you to see that. It usually happens in better moments,when I am off by myself."

He blinked as he noticed a green patch of blood sliding down his forehead. He ran one finger through it and the wound disappeared.

[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]After tying his tie, Virian ran around the room, picking things up, and making sure his house looked okay. He didn't want to make a bad first impression. He quickly ran to the kitchen and started to make some of the only semi romantic food he knew how.

Helena arrived in front of Virian's room, completely out of breath. She hesitated at first, but then knocked faintly on his door. While she waited outside, she kept thinking about what M had told her. "If you do not leave by the end of today on your own accord, then I will make you leave." Thinking about it again made her feel uneasy and worried. She let out a sigh. "It's better if I just forget about it."

She suddenly felt a weird sensation. As if the ground was shaking. She looked around. "Earthquakes? Around here?", she thought to herself. "It's either a god's work, or simply my imagination... "
ChronosCoded said:
"Do I really need to make an astonomical thing happen to get every ones attention!" Poseidon said angrily. He was always the loner of the gods. "Horses, I need you to gather around Olympus...make yourselves known anyway you can." Poseidon thought, and in about five minutes there were a noticeable number of horses stamping and neighing trying to get to the top of Olympus. And there were Pegasi flying everywhere. Poseidon smiled and took out his trident. He concentrated on the sea and made a giant tsunami that banged on the side of the Mt. Olympus two times. That must have been enough to get their attention, right? He sighed and pointed his Trident toward the ocean and caused two rumbles. That should get the message out. Poseidon jumped on Sudsy and flew toward the bar. He walked into the bar and sat down next to what looked like M sitting at the bar. "What's up, M? Remember me? Poseidon. God of the Sea. The Earthshaker?" He asked, telling all of the horses to back off silently in his mind.


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