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Fandom Welcome To Sword Art Online

"If you got this then why would you be asking if were backtracking, you and I both should know that its just around this corner, I could care less how many floors you cleared, I made all of them and everything in them." And just like that they were at the door to the boss "Just around the two corners there are the little NPCs that we have to kill them to open the door."
Kandy looks at dragon "I can get rid of them, or at least distract them so y'all can get past sir, if you want." He gripped his sword with his right hand then drew it as it landed on the ground with a light thud then took a sprinting stance waiting on dragon to tell him when to charge

Reaper rolls her eyes. "Really? Like I didn't know that." She said, her voice will of sarcasm, as she walked around the corner and started to fight off the NPC's like it were nothing, though her being the careless person she was when englufed in battle, didn't seem to notice the her heath was in fact going down, though it wasn't by much. In no time she had both NPC's fought and killed off, as she stood by the door to the boss. "Hey come on! That was easy!" She shouted, a huge grin on her face as her body was askew with red lines from where the NPCs had cut her.
Dragon stuck his tongue out at Reaper being playful with her "Of course you knew that." He watched as she killed off all of them and waited on the door to open "Well of course it was easy, its floor one duh." He watched as the door took its sweet time to open "this should be easy to do."
Shadow was always anxious of other people around him, that's why he preferred to stay alone or go with only people he trusted. Being told that there was no way to log out, apart from completing all of the floors and death meant.... death, Shadow did not really care he just wanted to get the job done as fast a possible and get out.

As he had followed a group of people from a distance he noticed that they were going to do the first floor "One step at a time i guess..." Shadow thought to himself as he moved on through the first floor. Shadow then noticed that the group stopped and were waiting for the door that lead to the first boss had finally started to open. As Shadow's pace started to pick up the pace he stopped suddenly waiting next to a guy who looked quite like a tank, a quick glance at him and then straight back focusing on the door waiting to complete the first floor...
Dragon turned around and looked at him "Well, looks like there's another person to add within the group, so, who might you be." He let his shield touch the ground which didn't make much of a difference in size, but just enough for him to see over it and look at the new player.
Shadow turned towards the tank looking guy and looked up "I'm Shadow and you are?" He bowed his head in a sign of respect, and then re-raised it to wait for a response.
Kandy sat down on a rock waiting for the door to open and waved at the new person then took a piece of breab out his inventory and ate it "Anyone want bread?" He took out five more bread not sure who would want one, or how many.
"The names Dragon, The Flaming Dragon, I would give you a bow, but, as you can see, the shield won't let me." He chuckled a bit at his inability to show a respectful bow. "Were waiting on the door to open all the way which its taking its sweet time doing as well, care to join us?"
Shadow looked at Dragon "Yes, it would be a pleasure to join you." As he looked at the bow "It's a nice bow." After talking, shadow looked over at another person and saw that he asked if anyone wanted bread "I'm ok thank you" As Shadow just turned and went back onto focusing on the door which was hopefully going to open soon.
"I'll pass thanks." His attention returned back to shadow "Yea, its a nice bow, got it on floor 35 or somewhere in there, don't remember exactly which floor though, its a legendary, got it for soloing the floor's boss, here, have a look." He pulled it off his back and tossed it over to him "All of my equipment is legendary, including my sword." He turned his hip so shadow could get a good look at it "Got it for killing 200 Werewolf's on floor 40."
Shadow rapidly turned to catch the bow, catching it with a solid grip "It's really nice, it looks like you put a lot of work into getting this..." Then he looked up at the rest of his gear "...And the rest of it" As he had a examination of Dragon's gear and then glanced at the sword "You said you got that sword on floor 40... What was the highest floor you got to.?" He was interested in knowing what he was working with, tossing the bow back to him.
He caught the bow and put it back over his shoulder "Me personally, floor 40, Reaper over here got to floor 80, but I spent more time making all of the floors and stuff, so I didn't have as much time to get high in the floors, what about you, or are you not a beta tester."
Shadow smirked "Well, i have been playing this game for a long time, i played in the beta and was lucky enough to get into Alpha." Shadow looked up at Dragon "I got to floor 87.. then i started to slow down." As Shadow sighed, he placed himself on the floor "I just hope i don't slow down this time..." As he looked at the floor and the smirk started to wipe off his face.
"Well, I'm impressed, I didn't expect another alpha to be on here as well as myself, I'm sure you won't slow down like you did before, this a game of life and death, surely you can live."
Reaper looks over at the new boy curiously, who was he? And why had they joined them. With a sigh she'd call to them all. "Hey losers. Door is open!" She said and nodded toward the door as she expertly swung her great-sword, Anguish, over her shoulder, a hand grabbing the hilt of the blade to steady it.
Dragon looked back at the door "It sure took its sweet time, yea yea were right behind you nimrod, looks like its time." He went through his inventory and pulled out an orange crystal and held it for a minuet "I'll keep his attention, the rest of you will have the ability to attack to your hearts content." What he was holding was a hate crystal, the only one that was probably not a good idea for noobs to use now that it was a game of death. He walked in before anyone else did and triggered the boss and shattered the crystal automatically getting the bosses attention plus the three little minions and right off the bat Illfang attacked Dragon which didn't really do any damage to him.
Reaper followed in behind him, laughing wildly as a wide dark smirk crossed her face. She enjoyed the heat of battle, and the fact that she could die just added to it. She wasn't afraid to die, in fact since she hated her home life, maybe she would die on purpose, who knows, but for right now she fearlessly charged the boss as she pulled Anguish off her shoulder and cut along his calf, the smirk remaining on her face as her eyes also had the same dark glint in them. She was no longer just 'Reaper', she was 'The Bloody Reaper.'
I was sitting behind the boss eating my food,like as if this happened every day.I would sit there eating warning the attackers of the strikes as quickly as I could

"Kill strike" I say,The boss swings his blade around in the air making circles and soon bringing the blade to the ground,making the floor bend and buckle underneath us."are they dead yet?" I ask inquisitively,peaking out from behind the boss,my white eyes shining in the dimly lit room.
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Kandy ran into the boss battle and started to slash at the boss's legs avoiding The Bloody Reaper and Dragon, trying not to get in their way. He was doing fifty-two damage per hit, and decided to use one of his special attacks. "Cyclone!" His sword swirled and slashed its side. "Avalanche!" It was a high level two handed sword attack striking downward. After both attacks Kandy was exhausted and he just went back to slaching the boss with all he had.
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Dragon just stood there taking all the damage from him, if he didn't have such good defense and high level he would actually be a bit concerned with the damage being taken even though he took 864 damage every ten seconds he regenerated 875 in that same time so he had nothing to worry about. He watched his perks and the hate crystal was about to run out "Well, looks like I need another one." He went through his inventory and pulled out another one and waited for the timer to hit zero and crunched another one to keep the attention on him, he sat down criss cross on the ground waiting on Illfang to die "Keep it up, only a couple more health bars left." As he said that he summoned in the three little imps, and without thinking Dragon killed each of them in one slash with his sword "Don't mind me, just doing my own thing."
Dragon turns around and looks at yet another new person "Well make sure you get rid of those imps first, they can be quite the nuisance, then once your done, come help with the boss if you wouldn't mind helping."

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