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We were doomed from the Start.(CLOSED)

"But. Will he be like this? In this state? In pain. Isn't that cruel. But it's cruel for him to die. And leave us like this. Oh I don't know, auntie. ". I shoved my head into my grands and exhaled hard.
“I don’t know either, Mitchell” I sigh, lifting up a waterskin. I want to hug the boys now… but I don’t dare to do so. “I only know I want him back. I’ve lost so many beloveds by now, I cannot bear the idea of him leaving. I am sometimes still hoping… that he can be saved… even from that curse…”

I am trembling as I bring the water to my liege, so I don’t lift him up yet. I don’t want to hurt him.

“Sounds crazy, right?... still hoping… he was always so strong. I admired that, even before we were friends… and now… I don’t want to believe he would just give up. He never gave up before…”
"I'm still hoping to" I admit. It was saddening. She was so strong in will. But this had even weakened her. I went over to give her a hug.

Everything from yesterday was water under the bridge again now and not worth thinking about.

"Ma'am, those tablets you give me, what are they. They make me feel awful sick"
I sigh, and carefully hug Mitchell back, gingerly so I won’t hurt him. It is kind of hard… I’m still in armour, after all…

I step back a little, and start to unbuckle the pieces, taking off the armour. I don’t want to hurt anyone, and moving in these feels difficult now. I don’t look at the boys as I answer.

“Antipyretic, so your starting fever would die down, and painkiller, beside the antibiotic. And a sleeping pill, because you refused to rest properly. Sorry about that, too. But I wanted you to be healthy again as fast as possible… and as long as you are jumping up and down that won’t happen. Even injured warriors need rest…”

I sigh, putting down the chainmail, too. I am only in the grey undergarment now. It almost feels like I’m naked…

“Would you please help me? I want to give some water to my liege…”
I gasped in horror for a moment. Sleeping pills? I wasn't told about the sleeping pills, no wonder I felt so ill. But that didn't matter now.

I snap out of my thoughts and help the knight with the water, not before piling her armour up slightly neater.

"Sorry, they were squiffy."
“Thank you. I think you are right… ” I try to smile. I reach for the water and give it to the boy, then I lean over my lord and gingerly lift him, holding him by his shoulders. He stirs in my hands even if I am trying to touch him lightly. His grey eyes are very sharp now… and he seems to be more aware of his surroundings than before. I smile, happily.

“My liege… are you all right?...”

Nie blinked. Something wasn’t entirely right with his sight, it was slightly clouded. Even though it wasn’t supposed to be this dull. He had that surgery, after all…

It didn’t matter. Not even a little bit. The dentist nodded; the pain was less mind-consuming now. He just felt weak; he couldn’t move. But he could understand one thing… everyone was here… really. His whole family.

“Shouldn’t you… still call me… on my name, Ma?...” he asked quietly, looking at his sons. “There… you are… I was… worried… are you… all right, Mitchell?...”
"I'm fine, Dad . Everything is good. Darius and I needed some fresh air. So we went up to the garden. It's a by if a shit hole". I laugh- humour covered the lie.

I go to hold his hand and am shocked by how bony and cold it feels. But clammy. It was like holding the hand of a dead person at their funeral. It was awful for him. It hurt.
“Is… there… a garden?” Nie blinked. He couldn’t remember anything like that. He couldn’t remember for quite a big chunk of time, in fact, not that he was aware of it. “And… up?”

“On the roof. Right next to the water tank” replied his knight, wetting a flannel again. “We talked about that… don’t you remember?”

“Sorry… really… I think… I lost… some time…” the dentist smiled. It really didn’t matter. He tried to return his son’s grasp, a bit of strength spent for an almost actual grip – the best he could muster up. “Are… you… really all right?... your hand… feels… a bit hot… are your injuries…”

“I tended to them” sighed Ma Baker, leaning over him, and starting to wipe down his face with the cool cloth. “And he doesn’t have a fever. You have, my liege. I will give you something for that…”
"Yeah. It's nice. When you're better we'll take you up there. It will be fun!" I lied, I didn't have a clue what it looked like. But it was probably alright. To be honest, if I knew about the garden, I wouldn't have gone out of the hospital.

"Dad. You're going to be okay" I start to weep but secretly "I promise you you're going to be ok"
Nie smiled, nodding as his younger son told him about the garden. It sounded unlikely, even though Blood Spring’s hospital had something like that on the roof for the patients. It was called Druid’s Park, a small garden with herbs and small trees, and real grass and moss… it was nice. He kind of imagined the garden here the same, even after the End…

He knew he won’t get to see it. Not likely. He felt drained and weak… and this feeling was even more confirmed by Mitchell’s face. Even through the clouds it looked way too weary and worried. The dentist smiled.

“Don’t… worry… about that…” he said, calmly. “I just… want to… see you… completely… healed… all right?... you should… take care… and rest…”

I sigh, looking at my liege’s eyes, the corners which are moving with joy. He is smiling, really smiling, he seems so happy again.

He really needed his sons. Mitchell.

I give the wet flannel to the boy, wordlessly, and I step back to the table. I need to make that witchcraft potion again so I can give it to my lord…
I watched the knight making this potion. I begin to realise that she had no idea what she was doing. She still thought it was witchcraft.

One antibiotics- good

Far too many painkillers- shit he's been overdosing on painkillers.

"Woah woah ma'am, that's too many painkillers. That ... Could kill him. You don't increase the dose to match the pain... I think it's best we don't put any in there tonight. It explains. The .... Near death state he's in."
I freeze as the boy stops me, and I turn to him, a bit more than surprised. I want to yell at him at first, but when I take a breath, I realize that he is right. So my words are perfectly calm, and extremely grateful.

“Thank you. I… wasn’t thinking about that. I just… wanted it so that my liege won’t suffer anymore…”

I step to the window, and open it, pouring out the witch potion. I think back this morning. My lord began to vomit and had a seizure after I gave him the concoction… I smile, bitterly.

So that means I was poisoning him, instead of helping… I wash out the cup, and I give it to Mitchell.

“Then, you will make it. Please. I beg you…”

Nie closed his eyes, only for a moment. He could hear some soft talking, but for a few minutes, he was actually out, almost dreaming, while not exactly sleeping yet….
I lay all his party lol bottles on the table and planned it all out

2 of these

1 of these

These needed to be taken 4 times a day not three times a day and with food- godammit.

In the end zone had made a concoction that was safer. And another one for the rogue difficult tablet

"He needs this type of "potion" 3 times a day. And this 4 times a day. But with food. Even s cracker would do it."
I look at the tablets, eagerly watching the boy’s hands. I feel immensely grateful that Mitchell seems to have a knack for witchcraft… he hands me the results, smiling, and I smile back.

“I can do something better. How do you feel about duchess’ potatoes? And we have a tasty vegetable mash right now. How about you give this potion to your father until I warm up a small meal? You should eat, too. I made enough for everyone…”

That’s true. Yesterday’s food is still inside, and I made it with the whole family in mind… and honestly, I’m a bit afraid of feeding potions to my liege…
"That sound delicious" I say with a smile.

Darius comes to help me lift my Father up. He's been unusually quite. Broody, almost. I feed him the now safer potion. He still wretches but it's safer. I leave the other one until he's had food.

Once done, I grab the pen and a tiny bit of paper and write the times of medicine.

Potion A and B- 9.00 am with food

Potion A and B- 1.00 pm with food

Potion B- 4.00 pm with food

Potion A and B 6.00 pm with food.

"We need to stick to this as best we can. This will help." Then I write down what is in potion A and what is in potion B. I even right A or B on the bottles, so the knight can understand it better.
I fire up the magical light, and put on the first bowl, with the vegetable mash. I taste it and add a bit more spice, so it would taste even better. This is a smooth mash, my liege would be able to eat that, too…

“Could you help me a bit more, Darius?... This has to be continuously stirred… I will prepare the meat…”

I look over the paper. It seems simply enough… only one small problem.

“I… don’t have a timepiece… do you have one?...”
I nodded to the top of the far wall. Where a clock ticked by unnoticed.

"I think it's okay to assume that's somewhat correct for now. We go by the time on that clock" I say. It was nice being so efficient.

Darius went over and grabbed the wooden spoon, and did as he was told stirring when it felt fit. It smelt so good, I suddenly realise how long it had been since I'd properly eaten. Im sure dad was going to love this meal too. It looked so smooth and delicious.
I smile. It is really good to have them back… I am grateful for them, so much more than I could tell. I just kiss their foreheads – first Mitchell, then Darius.

“Thank you, kids. Please, take care of your father. I’ll return soon, with something good” I promise, smiling, then grab my sword and a bag, and leave the room.

The spital is silent. No noises from outside. I am eternally thankful when I open the stove in the kitchen, and it is still working… I pull out the meat from yesterday, and cautiously inspect them. Nothing is wrong. Maybe the skin could be a bit crispier…

…easy remedy. I heat up the skillet, and put the pigeons in with a helping of lard. It will be fast and easy, and covered in garlic and herbs it will taste so much better… I smile, working.

I just hope that they will like it…
Darius keeps stirring. He flinches when she kissed him on the forehead. Not out of fear, but out of grimace. He'd hated kisses since he was little. I , on the other hand, savoured it. I loved feeling loved.

I checked over the potions timetable. To check if any changes needed to be made. Nope it all seemed good to me. And less deadly than making hi over dose.

He was sleeping so I put the cool flannel on his head again. I could swear the colour was coming back into him alreadyd

I smile as I put the pigeons on a plate. I garnish them with some more herbs, and head for our room, really happily. I want them to eat, to actually ate, together, sitting at the same table, without having to rush…

“It’s done!” I announce, perked up, and glance over the mash. “And that’s good, too. What do you say about a proper lunch together?”

A cautious glance. A smile. My liege is fast asleep… I whisper.

“And I still have some wine…”
Like a child at Christmas I light up at the idea of alcohol, so does Darius.

We both sit at the table ready for our delights. Darius, after switching off the dive and bringing the mash over to the table and placing it like a tasty centrepiece.

"This looks delicious, Auntie Knightie" I say with a huge grin. I couldn't wait until it was dished out.
I smile. I know damned well that my liege would see this as an atrocity, but I for myself really like alcohol… and I pull out a wineskin full of white wine. I raided quite some wine cellars throughout the years, and I can say this is truly exceptional… I smile while I pour it into the cups.

“If your father asks, I only gave you tea” I instruct them, glancing over my sleeping lord. He looks a bit more comfortable now… I grab and place a few more cooling appliances on him. My liege stirs, but does not awake; I smile, a bit more hopeful now, and step back to the table.

“Well, let’s hope it tastes so, too” I grin at the nickname. I like the idea of having this name. “Let’s see…”

I portion it out. I think I kind of made more than I should have, but having seconds sounds about right…
I wolfed it down, I didn't know what the meat was thiugh. It wasn't my favourite either. A bit like really tough chicken, rich in taste. Almost like rabbit. But I ate it anyway and the rest was unbelievably good.

"This is delicious " I say tucking in and just putting up with the meat. I notice Darius being less tactful as he levee the meat there and eats around it. He takes hiis wine and throws it down his gullet in one.

"Sorry I needed that"

(I'm not 100% awake. It's 4.15 am!)
“Thank you” I smile. Maybe pigeon is an acquired taste; I don’t scold Darius about leaving it off. “Later I will look around for real chicken; even ghost towns have them, on the edges. I just didn’t want to wander afar from your father. Darius, I have some tinned… deviled ham right here. If you can open it, it’s all right to eat it instead… but you cannot drink this kind of wine like this!”

I rise up and refill his cup.

“Drink it slowly. Taste it. This is not hard alcohol, it won’t make a buzz fast like vodka, remember! Actually tasting it will give you a little glow. Try it again.” I smile. Teaching about this is supposed to be the father’s role, but my liege hates alcohol. So I have to take over. “After that, I think a team effort is warranted. I want to stuff your father…”
I want to stuff your father

Darius lost all control. He corpsed and a little pea came out of his nose (a little pee came out the other end too). He curled up in pure laughter until his stomach hurt. He couldn't breathe.

Tears were ROLLING down his face now. He just couldn't stop. His laugh was infectious and I laughed too whilst repeating that he was "a fucking child". Even though it was pretty funny.

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