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We were doomed from the Start.(CLOSED)

I look over them, scared and surprised. I have no idea at first what warranted this reaction… the I think over what I’ve just said. All of my blood rushes into my face, and I just hope that me being black means they cannot recognize how madly I am blushing.

“That’s not… I mean… I wouldn’t… oh come on, it was a slip! I cannot do that, you know it damned well I don’t have the equipment!”

I scoff, but I have to laugh, too. Well, to be honest… I wouldn’t refuse a rumple, back before, and even Lawrence would express some desire to… I push out the thought, still laughing. I’m quite sure that nothing like this would ever happen, it really was just a slip…
"Yeah yeah sure!" Darius said in mock sarcasm stil laughing so hard at it

"You're never going to live this one down" I add giving Darius a dig. His laugh was making me laugh. And if I didn't stop laughing soon I was going to piss myself. I took a sip of my wine
“I am a woman. Okay, a knight, but still a woman. Woman can’t really do that to men” I state, reaching for my cup. I am laughing now, too. Eating fine and drinking fine, this is just like before the End, feasting in the castle after a tournament. I truly feel happy, despite my worry, now… “So let’s please look over my slip of tongue. I wouldn’t do that to your father…”

I am laughing again, even because the laughter itself, and this feels good…

Nie opened his eyes to laughter. It resounded happily in his head, and the dentist smiled, even before he managed to discern the situation. That made him smile even more when he realized that it was his family, laughing and joking around the table, eating lunch. It felt peaceful…
"Oh trust me, a woman can do that to a man" Darius says holding up his fist and thrusting with it.

"Bloodyhell D you vile shit" I say through laughter. Too happy to have my swear word filter on. "And you'd know from experience?"

"Mayyybbee.. Do you remember my ex? Fist the size of a fucking..."

"Stop stop stop, I don't need to know"
Nie blinked. He so much didn't need to hear that. He had the faint suspicion that even knowing the context wouldn't help the case...

"Language..." he had to scold them...

I laugh so much I'm in tears. This is simply too entertaining. And technically, Darius is entirely right.

"We don't need to know that, Darius! Besides, I'd choose something more sophisticated. I kind of have a fantasy about using a..."

I spin around at my liege's voice, embarrassed.

"Forgive me... we are just... having fun..."
My father uttering the word "language" at us makes my brother and I laugh even harder.

Darius holds his stomach and saying he can't breathe for laughing. I'm trying to stop laughing but one glimpse of Darius corpsing and I laugh again. To be honest it wasn't even that funny, but it had obviously tickled our funny boneses a little too much.

I didn't want this moment to ever finish.
Nie couldn't hold it any more. He didn't even had any idea of what could have been the original topic, but Ma Baker's luminescent blush, his sons' words and the lighthearted giggling were really funny. He joined in, quietly. Even the vile language didn't matter now... he only stopped when it started to hurt, and even then, he was smiling, happily.

This felt good...

I laugh with them, with my family. This is good... and I finally feel warm and relaxed again.

"Well... my liege... I've made lunch... it's my turn... to stuff you." I cannot stop myself, I am saying it out loud. And I am laughing again, deep and booming, without inhibitions...
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<p>"Fuck nooooooooo" Darius roared with laughter again, banging on the table.</p>


"I'm going to piss myself. Stop stop". I'm in pain with laughing now. I look at my father who is laughing too, and it fills me with unprecedented joy. Tears are streaming down my face. I look at Darius and his face</p>


Is soaked with tears.</p>


Better than the bad tears we're used to.</p>
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Nie blinked for a moment. Then he understood the words, and he blushed, pale face quickly turning into red. He stammered. Ma Baker would certainly say something like this to him, they used to tease each other with their respective other halves, after feasts, when she was...

"Ma... are you... drunk?! This is..."

"Sorry. Couldn't resist" I lean over him, lightly kissing his blushing face. "No one could tell which one of us was raised in a cloister, my liege... and it was just some wine. We are safe, anyway. But really. You have to eat something. Boys? Come on. Let's make your father eat..."
We both agree, calming down slightly now. We take over my Father's bowl of food and hand it to the Knight, lifting my father up carefully. It was a two man job. He had to be just right. Food went down less easily than water. There was more of a choking hazard.

"Darius can you hold him there now? I need to make him his tablet solutions" I say tentatively letting go of Dad and carefully making the solution.
I am still a bit shaking with laughter, as I take my liege's meal. I like watching him blush. It is really funny, him being this bashful...

I watch as Darius takes his brother's place. It is heartwarming, seeing them being this careful and gentle. I am smiling.

"Well then, my liege. Please open your mouth and receive this without any struggle..."

I watch him blush even more. Then I realize the innuendo, too, and hold up my hands.

"Sorry, sorry... I meant the food... " and I try to feed him with the mash and some meat, gingerly, trying not to cause any more pain...
I try to igniter the second innuendo. I had to concentrate on mixing the pills into to Potions with just the right amount of water in them.

They were finished though, now so I walk back over and set them down near my Father, so Auntie can grasp them easily. Then I go to help Darius with the holding up of Dad task. It is difficult and requires an odd amount of strength. Mainly because of the awkward position.

"You're doing great, Dad"
Swallowing was hard. Nie struggled with it, no matter how careful his friend was... even the small nibbles caused some pain. But the vegetables were so delicious that the dentist only craved more despite the difficulties.

It was weird. He knew he should have been famished. He wasn't... but the food still tasted amazing, bringing up memories...

Nie smiled.

"Thank... you" he said, honestly.

I smile. I lift one of the potions.

"Here. You should drink these... and after that, could you eat a bit more. This wasn't even a third..."

My lord nodded.

"I'll try... sorry... I just feel... full..."
"Dad, not one man can live off what you've eaten. Please just eat some more, your body really needs it to survive." I say holding onto his bong hand. "And the tablets are supposed to be taken with food, or they won't work properly. So we need you to eat to!"

Darius nods in agreement.

I wouldn't if any of those liquidised food packs were knocking around anywhere. Then I realised they probably had to be refrigerated. And they probably had a well gone sell by date.
Nie nodded. He still wasn't sure that he really wanted that... but looking at his family's happy, determined faces, he simply couldn't say no.

"Sorry... I'll really... try... it... tastes... so delicious... honestly... thank you..."

The liquids tasted bitter. But then, after the dentist swallowed it, his knight gave him some more of the spicy vegetable mash, and that washed all away.

Nie smiled. This felt good... even the embarrassment from before felt fine...

I grin when my liege compliments my cooking.

"Darius helped, too!"

I carefully feed my lord. Only small nibbles, maybe it makes this easier... and I grin again, devilishly. I wait until my liege is not in the danger of choking, and I say:

"I really get a kick out of making you swallow..."
Darius corpsed again. He had to hand my Father to me to hold while he crouched down I laughter

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" he said creased over in chuckles "swallow!!! HaHAAAA"

I looked at the knight I shook my head and rolled my eyes

"What are you like?!"
Nie almost choked on air, turning into a nice shade of crimson as he realized the innuendo. He looked at his knight with a tremendous amount of indignation. It was almost funny. It was just quite embarrassing.

"Really.... What are... you... fifteen? I am... quite sure... you were... fifty... in February..." he joined to his younger son, voicing his frustration. "Even... without... bad language... this is..."

"Sorry, sorry" I giggle. "I just couldn't resist... you look so endearing with this blush. Won't do this again... yet. Open your mouth..."
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Everything was an innuendo now. Three of us couldn't stop laughing.

Increased up now, having to be careful of holding my Father.

"Sorry.. Sorry.. I". And I laughed again. Oh



I was really beginning to need to pee now. I had to cross my legs to stop myself from

Having an accident.

It was a bit late for Darius. As the the near 30 year old man quietly took off his trousers and his boxers and put them

In the sink.

Nie swallowed the mash a little less enthusiastic now. He started to suspect that maybe not only Ma Baker was drinking... and then this wss confirmed. He jerked upright, then hissed with the freshly awakened pain. He glared daggers at his family.

"Were you... all... drinking..

alcohol? Have you... gone mad... Maddalena? This is... disgraceful..."

I feel a bit ashamed, looking at my liege's enraged face. I stop laughing.

"Sorry... it was just a bit of wine.."

My lord glances around, then sighs.

"It's all right... I am just... uncomfortable... with that... sorry... and I... have to... admit... this is... somehow...funny... laughing... feels good..."
"And at least I'm not smoking a cigarette. And at least I haven't actually wee'd myself " I say still looking teasingly at the now very naked Darius. He gives me the V-sign fingers and mouths "fuck off" at me.

"Jesus Darius, we need to get you nappies don't we? Maybe you'd like a dummy as well?"

He ignored me but shame faced walked over to the Knight

"Ma'am. Do you have any spare trousers?"
Nie shaked his head, somehow disappointed. He still couldn't stay mad. The pain reawakened a bit from the sudden move, so the dentist just nodded at his son's words, and closed his eyes, waiting for the pain subsiding...

I laugh a bit more, wiping down my tears.

"Well, I've washed all clothes yesterday. They are hanging there. Must be dry by now... could you eat a bit more, my liege?..."

"Sorry... really not now... cannot... anymore... maybe later... " my lord still smiles, with eyes closed. I nod, and reach for the waterskin.

"And Darius... wash up. And wash them out, please" I am still entertsined. No edge in my words.

This is somehow so natural...
"Yeah. Give me a minute to put my pants on then I'll do it... Unless you all want my tallywhacker out constantly" he said with a wink

"Jesus, D. Put pants on! Please!" I say with a shriek.

"Calm down Russell" he says putting in some dry pants. They were mine and dint do up. But he didn't care. He took the plates and started to clean up everywhere.
"Yes. Please. Put some on. At my age you will know there is something like seeing too much" I joke, leaning back over my liege. "My lord. You should still drink a bit more... could you?"

He nods, somehow weakly. I don't like it. I touch his forehead, concerned. It's still hot, although not that much... I sigh.

"Really. You should rest after this. We will entertain ourselves."

"Just... no more... wine... for today..."

I laugh.

"No. No more for today. Promise. Your turn now, Mitchell..."
I sighed and rolled my eyes, taking off my shirt and lying on my front on the bed. Time for treatment again. It was beginning to become more of a pain in the arse than anything else now.

I wasn't experiencing any pain now. Just a tiny bit of irritation. I prayed this was good news/
I nod contentedly. The swelling finally started to ebb away at places; I think the infection starts to clear up entirely... no more liqour. No more pus. The colour is almost normal, too. This is good. And I don't feel him feverish.

"Keep this up, Mitchell, and you can go around at your heart's content. Thank you." I say, tending to the injuries. I carefully bandage him up, putting on another soft padding. "You should rest, too. At least staying in bed. I think I still have some playing cards. Or we can tell tales. Or plan..."

I stand up, and give the witchcraft pills to him.

"I still think you need these. Not the others. Your back looks better..."

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