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We were doomed from the Start.(CLOSED)

I grimace, unsure of how I was going to be tied up on my side.

"Okay, that's fine." I say through heavy distressed sighs. "Get the fuck off me D"

To be honest, I now want to be left alone. I can't be dealing with Darius acting all high and mighty like he's never done anything wrong.

Besides, it was an accident. I didn't know it was that bad. I didn't deserve this.
"Deal" I grab a few extra clothes and bundle them up like pillows. "Darius, would you be so kind to help me reset those binds. I will prop him up to be more comfortable. Don't act so sullen, young man. As long as you insist on suicide, I will insist on the ties."

I look over him, bitterly.

"I guess those promises about getting well soon and taking care went out the window with you. I hope you will regain your senses before killing us all..."

And with that, I turn away. I am still burning with anger, and that makes me tired... but I have to check on my liege. He hadn't even stirred throughout the commition, and this makes me worried...
Darius slaps me in the head and moves my binds so they are now tied to the side of the bed, me on my side. He also ties my legs.

"You're not going anywhere. We have to keep you alive. Honestly, I'm so dissapointed in you" he says like a sad father.

"Oh shut up D. I was resting as ordered. But I was getting some sunlight. Why is that such a crime?"

He grabbed my leg and pulled tightly.

"Because you could have gotten us all fucking killed. That's why" he said through gritted teeth. "Next time I might not give a shit. Go ahead. Lie outside. Let them eat you alive because you felt like getting a tan. I'm done". He walked off.

My heart sank. He hated me.
"Well. Your brother is half right. I'd still go out for you again, but it won't happen again. But I couldn't even get my armour on" I try to explain this to Mitchell as he seems too dense to realize what the hell was he doing. "l was unprepared. If more than one managed to get to me, we would die. Not only you and me. They would get inside. Kill your brother. Your father. It seems you are still too stupid to understand this. Oh hell. No more trying from my part, then."

I sit next to my liege. I want to cry... but I calm myself, and touch my lord.

Still breathing. Still alive. Even if barely. And I have no idea how to fix any of this...
I apologise quietly. All I wanted was fresh air. I didn't think of the consequences. I was a child wasn't I?

I decide not to even struggle it of the binds that Darius had tied me with. He'd even tied my wrists together. I definatly couldn't move.

I just sob. I was dissapointed in myself now. I should have known better I should have.
I don't care about the boy anymore. I can't do it now. If I look at him, I would shout.

I honestly have no idea what to do now. I've dealt with Mitchell as well as I could. But my liege is still not awake, no matter what I try, and my chest feels tight.

"Darius. Have your breakfast now. Give food to your sibling, too. Then go sleep. We will need your full strength later on. I'll try to figure out what to do..."

I get up to reheat the chocolate. I shall try to make my liege drink, and force the medicine down his throat. I just pray that it would work...
"It's okay. I'm not hungry. I did eat a bit. But yes, I'm going to go to sleep, now. I'm tired. I didn't need that this morning though."

Darius clambers into bed. Sad that he had to do what he did to his younger brother. If he was disciplining him, it would have been a slap on the wrists and then a laugh. But he felt he had to look like he had more authority than that. He pained him secretly.
I just nod. I feel to exhausted to do anything, and looking around, my mood only worsens.

I cannot do this anymore. My mood is rotten, the energy and happiness I've felt this morning all gone.

I quietly pour out a cup of the chocolate, collecting the medicines needed.

I add more painkillers now, stirring the witchcraft pills into the liquid, so just I won't cause any more pain to my liege. I sit back next to him, lifting my lord into my arms, as gingerly as I can. He is lifeless in my arms. Only soft breathing showing he is not just a corpse.

"Please come back" I whisper, choking back a sob. I tilt his head slightly so I can make him drink. Maybe the medicine would help. "Please. I need you..."
I fall asleep staring out of the window. My sadness made worse by the fact I'd been tied with my back to my father. I couldn't even see him. It was cruel and calculated.

My dreams were sad. Not scary. Just sad. Everyone hated me in these dreams and I was left alone.

The worse was my father. Telling me that I wasn't his son. Just like my actual father when I was 7 years old.
I don't have any power left. I just lay down, holding my liege against me, careful to not to hurt him any more... and I eventually fall asleep, with the scorching hot skeleton between my arms.

In my dreams, I'm already digging a grave. Not only for him. His sons as well. And I weep because I was there, right there, and could only watch....

Nie jerked awake from the sudden burst of pain as his knight's arms were closing around him, tightly like a vise. He couldn't even scream, it hurt so much... he just whimpered, pathetic like a kicked puppy. The gigantic woman wake up anyway, panicked, releasing him and laying him down back on the bed.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry, please, forgive me..."

"Never... mind..." the dentist mustered up a weak smile. "How are... my sons?... is Mitchell... doing... better?... his back... those injuries..."

I throw a quick towards the boy. I still feel angry, but I decide against telling what happened. It would be too much of a punishment.

"He is well. Be at ease, my lord. You should just rest now..."
I woke up to my father waking. But decided to be still. I didn't want him to see me tied to the bed so I didn't say a word. Just kept pretending I was asleep.

I froze when he asked how I was convinced the Knight was going to tell him of my stupidity and that he was going to be so dissapointed in me. But I was so relieved when she didn't. I was glad Darius wasn't awake. Something had changed in him and I knew he wanted to tell my father everything I had done.
"Is he... really... all right? Doesn't he... have... a fever? I think... he needs..."

"Sssssh" I lean over my lord. I can't help but smile. This man might be the last who is dying yet still worries for others... "It's okay. I gave him antipyretics. He is asleep now. Be at ease. You should drink something. I cooked... let me bring..."

"It's... no... please.... don't... just... let me... why are you... trying... this hard... doesn't matter.... please..."

I want to cry. I lean over him, grabbing the skeletal hands.

"I don't want to let you go... no one wants. We need you, my liege... your sons... me... all of us."
Darius stood up and looked at the two talking.

Racked with guilt he walked over to his now sleeping brother and stroked him hair

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to yell " he said. "I love you so much. I can't believe I've had to tie you to s bed . I want to unite you but I can't. I just can't"

I wake up with the touch of his hand. For a second I'm frightened. But then I hear his words

"I love you too" I say.
“You’re… lying… You don’t… actually… need me… wanting… to keep on… onto… your past… maybe… but needing… me… you… don’t… I… cannot fight… anymore… can’t… do a thing… not even… move… and even if… I might… survive this… I’d… die either… way…”

Those horrible words hurt me deeply. I am shaking. I cannot really answer my liege. He must be suffering so much to speak like this… I kiss his pale face, gathering my wits. I taste salt and tears…

“Need can take many forms” I say softly. “You said so yourself, my liege. Souls have needs, too. You being alive gives me something to hold into. Not only into our past. Not only into the memory of sister dearest. But I need faith that something good holds out in this crazy world after the End, my lord.”

I look up, to the two boys. I want to pull them over, to help me convince my lord… but they are sharing a tender moment. I hesitate… and my liege smiles bitterly.

“Good… you cannot… see that… in me… Azucena… Ma… Baker… where is… your son…? Where is… your husband?... don’t… say… you have… never had… please… cease… this madness… remember… you have… always said… they are… your world… and I… killed them… murdered them… both… So please… leave me. My sons… need you more… than… you… will ever need… me…”
I can hear the sounds of my Father in distress.

"Darius please let me go, dads hurting. He needs e"

"Not as much as you need rest. We're both here. Please. Stay still. You can't love yet. And I'm pretty scared about what auntie would do to you." He touched the mark that was still prominent on my cheek "she's already hurt you. We need to keep safe"
I am shaking violently now. The words are echoing in my mind, beating my soul into submission. My lord always had the talent to stir up souls and bend anyone’s will with nothing else but words, and now that sharp sword is turned against me…

I close my eyes. Cannot deny it any more. No more. The words cut too deep. Too painfully.

“Please… my liege… no more… that is… simply not true. You didn’t kill anyone. You certainly didn’t kill my son and husband. They never…”

“They… existed!... Lawrence… Baker… Francis… Baker… Maddalena… Baker… I loved… them… I still… remember them… all… the names… everyone!... You… cannot… just pretend… they never… existed…”

“Stop!...” I am shouting now. Yelling at my friend. I want to just shake him, and that voice in the back in my mind screams with me. “Stop it, Nie! I never forgot them! I never could! But it wasn’t you! You are all that left, so I won’t let you go!...”
I bury my head into my brothers I didn't like her shouting. She scared me now. And she scared Darius too, I could tell by the way he tensed up.

"We need to get out if she's like this" he said.
Nie just watched on his friend losing her head, bitterly smiling. He didn’t like the idea he caused her this much pain… but he just couldn’t take her unique insanity anymore. He needed her to remember her family.

His sins.

“You will… have to…” he whispered quietly. “I’d… rather… have you… tend to… my younger son… he needs… care… you… cannot do this… all alone… please… Ma… I need you… to watch over them… not me… a murderer… a burden… nothing else… the kids… are innocent…”

“No” I answer coldly, the anger and pain still burning in my heart. “You are neither. No murderer. No burden for me. Even if you were, this would be a burden I’d carry happily. I need you for my own sake. The boys don’t only need me, too. So you just shut up, Nie. I will not take any more orders from you while you’re like this. I have to deal with your idiotic and suicidal son already. I won’t give up on my best friend, too. I will knock you out if I need to, so help me God…”

My friend’s smile fades. He has an expression of utter exhaustion, and I sigh, and reach out and slap him, lightly, without giving my full force into it. Nigel still passes out.

My heart is pained, ragged and raw. But I still smile, getting up and stepping over to the table. I think if my liege was in so much pain, I need to give him more of those painkillers…
Idiotic and suicidal son...

The words are like DAGGERS in my chest. Darius can see it too, he puts his hand a bit more onto my head and strokes harder ad I bury my head more I to the pillow.

I look at him with tears in my eyes

"Is it true, is she right" I ask him teary

"No, don't listen. She's just angry right now. Your not. Your a bit of a tool sometimes. But not idiotic. You're a good kid". He gives a playful dig in my arm

I feel safe. I know he loves me really, and will protect me from her.
I ground the tablets into dust with a spoon, and pour the could tea into the cup, stirring it up. I look at my liege. He is so lean, like he would fade out from existence in any minute… I simply cannot let him. I sigh. He seemed to be in pain while swallowing even though I only gave him liquids. I don’t like the idea I would be causing him even more pain, but I realize how weak he is now. It scares me. There was a way to give him some more power, I know it, but there is no means to do it now, none of us could… but I need him to last at least until we find the cure for his curse.

I look at the boy, tired.

“Mitchell, you won’t be let out of those ropes yet.” I state calmly. My lord spoke the truth, I really have my hands full. But the remedy is easy enough. “And please, Darius, don’t release him. Or even if you do, then you take him far, far away from here, so my lord wouldn’t see him die. I’ll just tell him you left.”

I know how cruel is this… but I have had enough. I just pick out the pills for the younger kid, too.

“Here. Give him his medicine” I gesture towards them, looking at Darius. “I’m bringing in the meal I have prepared. You should eat, and feed him, too…”
At her words Darius holds my head in his chest and holds his tongue in his mouth.

Her words were poisonous. And I knew Darius had some worldly remedy for that. But we were both scared. Rattling her up was not the best idea.

He edged forwards and took the tablets and water and gave them to me

"Sorry, Mate" he said giving me them and giving me water. He had tears in his eyes, too.

It was an awful situation

"I'm not hungry he said quite short. He climbed into bed with me.
“Playing sullen won’t do anything good to you now. You should feed that idiot, too. What happened to those all grand promises? All about acting as a family should act?“ I ask calmly. That destructive anger still boils in me, but this time, it doesn’t make me hot. It cools me off. “Did you hear my liege? He doesn’t know what are you two doing now. He doesn’t know how stupid you were, Mitchell. He simply wishes both of you in the best health. He was worried about you, even though he is the one dying. And yet you continue to act like this. Honestly… now I cannot understand it at all. How could he still think you are worthy of his care?... Very well then. I can simply do nothing. I am pissed off; enough to lie to my lord and tell him I did everything I could. Technically, I’d be telling the truth.”

I take the prepared concoction, and I sit next to my lord, caressing his hair. It slowly gets long enough to cover his clipped ear and some of the scars… I try to smile. I washed him up yesterday… maybe it’s time for a shave, although I like the stubble. Not only because it covers the burns, but…

I lift him up, carefully, and pour and massage the potion down his throat. I can only hope it will truly lessen the pain he’s in. I do hope…
I bury my head deeper. I need this to stop.

"JUST SHUT UP" Darius screams as he stoop up up to square up a bit to the Knight. Protecting me. "Yes what he did was a bit silly, but he didn't know better. He won't do it again. Just leave him alone. He doesn't need this. Don't you think he's been through enough? One slip up and all of a sudden he's scum of the earth."
“A bit silly? You call that a bit silly?” I glance at Darius. I don’t even raise my voice. I am still angry at them, but I consider them too lowly to lift my hand, or stand up. I just shrug. “Yes, he is the scum of the earth. He could have done literally anything else but sneaking out alone. He could have just tell us he wants fresh air. Even if he wouldn’t be satisfied with the small park on the roof, one of us could have geared up and we could go out together, with the other sealing the entrance. But no. He had to sneak out and make us scramble. I had to leave my liege exposed to enemy, just because Mitchell wanted to relax without weapons in the middle of an infected town after had been already disturbing up the monsters the previous night. And that’s if I overlook a fact that I had to battle a clicker with only chainmail on. My ribs still hurt. He constantly sabotages my efforts to comply with my liege’s wishes and tend to his wounds properly, healing him as soon as possible. I am giving it up now. Even if you want to overlook all of this, I shall not treat this so lightly. My lord wishes to die now so I can care properly for his injured son instead of dividing my attention. Mitchell might as well be the one killing him.”
I cover my ears. I try not to listen. It's all hot air. All hot air. Oh god lets hope it's all hot air.

"Don't. Talk. About. My. Brother. Like. That." Darius said. Bugging himself up even more. "He's. Not ANY of those things. Not one. Fuck this. And fuck you. If you need us we'll be somewhere else until you've calmed the fuck down"

He yelled and rubbed his nose. Untied me and picked me up, picking Lucy up with him

He kicked the door open and took me to another room and lay me down.

I felt groggy again and sleepy. It must be the tablets....

"What about dad"

"We'll sort all that when that BITCH has calmed down."

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