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We were doomed from the Start.(CLOSED)

“Facing the wall” I instruct. “And pull in that tongue before I make you bite it. Quickly.”

I adjust my sword, then lean to check on my lord. He is still sleeping, if you can call this sleep… he is too pale, still. Makes me worried, even if his fever is really dropping… I sigh, pulling up my steel gloves.

“Well. Time out until I get back. And no sweets with lunch. I’d make you recite the punishment verse, but I doubt you know it…”

I step out to the corridor, hurrying down to the gates. I remove the barricade I constructed, quickly, efficiently, and leave the building.

I am busy with emptying my patient steed’s saddle when I hear the noises… I look up, just to see the small herd of monsters approaching on the street. I sigh, putting down the pack and gripping my sword.

There are only six of them. Only one of them with a distorted head… and I’m in full armour. The boys could bear a few extra minutes of punishment. I grin under my helmet.

Let them come…
I sigh and turn around. This seemed bloody ridiculous.

"Nice one D." I say

"Fuck off Russell, we're adults"

"Yes but she doesn't think that. Let's try and get on her good side, yes"

"This is like detention at school" Darius laughed pressing his head on the corner.

I laughed along and started picking the wall.
It is not that easy, after all. But it is good release for my anger and sorrow… I scream and yell with excitement, forgetting about myself and that I’m not alone now, while fighting. Cutting through limbs. They are not polite, they don’t line up, just surround me, trying to get me at the same time, but I couldn’t care less about the scratching hands… my armour is made of dragon scales, after all, and their weak hands cannot break it through.

I am more worried about the fifth one with the distorted head. He is strong and fast, even blocks some of my attacks, and throws me back, to the wall of the building. My bones shake from the impact in my body, and I grunt as I try to stand up fast enough…

Nie slowly came to, blinking in the unfamiliar room. He actually felt cold, and he idly wondered why was there any pain… he tried to move, realizing quickly how bad of an idea was that. It didn’t feel good at all… the dentist relented, settling back. He could have sworn he heard his knights practicing in the courtyard, so he must have been in the castle. Which room was…?

Oh. He heard snickering, and he remembered a bit… he smiled, clenching his fist at the medallion in his hand.

…there was something about getting new armours to the tournament, right? Ma Baker was overzealous again. She pushed him down accidentally on the stairs… right?...
I turn to my father who I can hear waking up.

"Hey dad. We're here . We're facing the wall. We're being punished because DARIUS started fighting me and being a cheeky get." I say matter of factly. "The knight has gone out for a bit"
Nie tried to raise, but wasn’t able to move without setting fire to his body. Something was wrong, and he couldn’t remember exactly what.

“…which… of them?...” he asked, trying to remember who would dare to mete out such childish punishment to his sons… even if they were behaving just like Mitchell explained. “…still… I think… you… shouldn’t… fight… each other… when not… practicing… just… please… don’t… but you… should ask… your mother… to let you… out… the… fair… is close… you should… practice… too…”

I manage to roll away when the monster strikes, and I kick out his knee from under him. I use all my power and elan, and I grin when I hear the bone break.

I get on my feet, swinging my sword. Without an arm, the monster is not that frightening anymore, and I take my sweet time to tear him apart, venting out my frustrations, anger and grief with screaming through the slaughter…
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I just nod at Nigel. He didn't have a clue what he was saying. But that didn't matter I just come to the conclusion that the poor bloke was deluded as per usual. And the best thing to do was to go along with it.

Darius went to stand up " are you kidding sit down". I hiss "she may trust us now but she's still batshit crazy. ". He nodded a sat back in his punishment spot.
Nie smiled a bit, closing his eyes. He felt somewhat weak, and way too tired. The familiar feeling started to bother him, but at least his sons were close…

…Lily. He jolted from the idea. He had a bad dream, he could remember that, and suddenly, the dungeon…

“Where is… your sister?...”

I laugh when the last of the monsters fall apart under my mighty sword. I feel sore and tired, but I think I am not actually injured… I’m still covered by gore, though.

Playing with the monsters left me exhausted, even if I feel better a bit. And I just realize this means I have to clean myself.

Oh, for the love of…
"She's Erm... Safe" I lie still facing the wall. I wished the woman would come back so that I could remove myself.

I hadn't face the wall in the corner since I was about 7. It felt strange. But there was a strange comfort about being punished for being naughty. Not being punished to hurt me like Johnny but punished to reach me an actual lesson. It was like a child. But it bwas okay.
“That… didn’t… sound… firm…” Nie started to get scared now. He knew it was only a dream, that no monster lurked underneath to snare his daughter into the darkness of the dungeon… but still, the stairs were so steep, and everything down there was real and sharp, the sheriff took care of that…

…why that thought was so disturbing?...

“Please… don’t… let her… wander… to the… dungeon… it is… dangerous… where is… Lily?...”
"She's with.." I look at Darius for help but he can't see because his facing the wall. "Ma baker". I recalled her real name "she's safe I swear."

I continue to pick the drywall off the wall in tiny little specs. It was somewhat satisfying.
Nie nodded, calming down. He remembered how much the woman adored his daughter, she was her godmother, after all, and she always said she wanted a girl…

“That’s… good… thank… you…”

He trailed off, his mind sinking back to the clouds quickly. He smiled, with no particular cause.

“I hope… your mother… will… get back… early… from that… conference… I… miss her…”

I throw down the bucket, huffing from the cold bath. At least I managed to find a well which haven’t dried out yet… I washed down the blood and gore as fast as possible, and to finish off, I dumped the rest of the water into my neck.

It’s still damned cold…

I shiver under the metal as I gather my stash, and get back behind the gates. I rebuild the barricade before getting up the stairs, I’m not taking chances…

“Sorry” I say with clattering teeth, stepping back into the room. “You can get up from there now…”
I turn to look around and stand up when I see Ma Baker. I giver her a respectful nod

Darius also stands up and stretches "is it raining he said". I shiver at the cheeky like he put on his voice.

"Ma'am dad was asking where Lily was. I didn't know what to do. He gets... Confused sometimes, I told him she was with you for now. I didn't know the names of others. I couldn't make a convincing lie. I didn't want to tell him the truth all over again. Not now." I let her know everything
I close my eyes and sigh, with slight exasperation. The older boy is cheeky.

“No. I had to cleanse myself hastily so I can come back here… so the punishment was much longer than I intended it. Sorry. You can move around now.”

I drop the stash, and I freeze from Mitchell’s explanation.

“Thank you” I say slowly. I know that name, and this makes me sad… I put down the helmet, so I can look at the kid. “But… Lily… was never born… Joy was only four month along… how can he… believe… she is here? How can he became confused so much? My lord has an enchantment protecting his mind... and this is not supposed to happen..."
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"I think he confuses his dreams with reality. " I guessed wholeheartedly "I ...honestly. I don't know. Maybe it's the cancer or the tablet that helps with that... Or the infection. Or all at the same time. He remembers the truth after a while." I racked my brain trying to figure out the score. I needed to tell her something. And I didn't want to put it down to the tablets. It probably was the tablets though.
“Cancer? Surely you couldn’t feed him with seafood here… and I can’t see how that would scramble my liege’s mind” I wonder out loud, while putting down the armour. “”It’s those witchcraft pills for sure….

I stay in the wet undergarments, though, watching the boys, then deciding to check on my lord again. His fever now seems higher…

Why is this? with every waking moment, he seems to slide closer to death…
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I chuckle slightly "not cancer like the crabby star sign. Cancer like the illness. It's a terrible disease. And if left untreated... Well..."

I lower my head and kick my foot around slowly

"I'm sorry he's in such a bad state"
“I don’t understand. My liege has never been ill in all his life… well, broken a few bones during the fights, or got cut, but never sick… and I’ve never heard of a disease like that… cancer… sounds bad. What it is like?...”

I want to scream… I don’t understand. I’m not sure I want to understand. I kneel next to my liege, touching his hand… he looks up and smiles at me. The grey eyes are dull, so cloudy… first I think he doesn’t even recognize me. He is hot again with fever…

“Should have… known… you… were the… one… did Lily… behave?...”

“She is an absolute angel” this is technically true… I still want to cry, I’m shaking not only from the wet clothes. I can’t, not now… I take one of the water skins, and try to make him drink… he frowns, and that’s when I realize I’m causing him pain again… still, my lord obediently swallows a few sips. He is trembling, too, closing his eyes again. He seems so weak…

I look up at the soldier boys, hopeless and exhausted.

“What can we do… to treat that… illness? Curse?... We must be able to do something…”
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"It's... It's an awful disease. And it can kill. I'm sorry. He might actually die. And I don't know what to do." I was getting as distressed she was. I was upset, and I was scared. Now seemed to be getting worse.

"I'm so sorry" I say shaking my head again. "I'm so so sorry"
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I try to choke back my tears. This is horrible, hearing those words, and watching my lord smiling in his sleep... and I feel useless.

"Why do you keep apologizing?" My voice sounds too husky for my own ears. "I doubt you were the one who cursed him with this illness."

I shudder, remembering the sheriff's words.

"I'd rather think he was hurt too much by her..."

I try to smile. To get up. To be an adult.

"We should do our best... after all... he promised... not to die. He keeps his word."

I don't believe this. I can't believe it. Not when my liege is marked so clearly by death. Still, I have to try... I sigh.

"We need some fresh meat. Are any of you willing to help me hunt, or you'd rather watch over your Father?..."
"It's hard. I feel weak. And watching my father die wasn't helping. Watching this strong lady breakdown hurt so hard and I felt partially guilty. I couldn't say why. I couldn't. I sat down with my back to the wall and knees to my chest and I sobbed.

Darius was In a world of his own and was just looking at the pale almost corpse like body in the bed. He didn't move and his face didn't change. He was a statue. But tears slowly fell from his face

(Okay off now!!! See you in a bit!)
I sigh, kneeling next to the younger soldier boy. I hug him, without the armour on now.

"Don't cry..." I embrace Mitchell, sitting next to him. It's hard to keep calm without any shimmer of real hope. I want to cry with them, too. "Don't cry, okay? He needs us... and not only me..."

Something moves in the back of my mind, fainter than an idea, even... I still act as it whispers, lifting up the kid and setting him down next to my liege. I smile, almost sincerely.

"You should try to push his fever down. Try to resfreshen those cold applications as soon as they warm up. Darius and I'll go out and find something to cook with. Right, Darius?"

Don't leave time for worry. It was told me long ago. Maybe when my parents died....

Occupy them. Do as much as you can. And hope.

"Come on, children. We might be able to help..."
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"Aye aue cap'n". Darius Saluted whilst rubbing me on the shoulder.

I sit next to my Father and put my hand on his frail lap, even through the thin sheets I could feel the heat radiating off his skeleton frame.

I stand up again and get the wet flannel dousing it in water and rubbing it over Dads body before folding it and putting it on his forehead.
"If you feel adventurous, you can try to make an inventory of what we have" I sigh, ruffling into Mitchell's hair. "Even those witchcraft pills. At this point, I'm willing to try anything...."

I cannot allow myself to feel hopelessness, but frankly, I am losing hope.... even though I think I leave my liege in good hands. At least the boys are obviously caring about him, too...

I strap on my armour again, handing my extra sword to Darius. I take my big crossbow, and give the smaller to Mitchell.

"There. If something happens. I hope you can use this..." I sigh, smiling. "Take care of my liege. Please. Make him drink if you can. Even if it is painful..."
The touch of the weapon made Darius turn into a small child.

"Cool" he grinned whilst thoroughly inspecting his weapon.

I take the crossbow with less enthusiasm. I was scared what was happening. I just wanted to not have to think about protection.

I gulped with a grimace

"I'll do my best to protect him" I nod
"Good. I trust you." I keep my voice soft. Nice. Almost motherlike.

I touch the older soldier boy's arm, trying to sound calm.

"Okay. Here is the deal. We can't reach the forest quickly enough. So us, mighty knights of Blood Spring..." I sigh "....will hunt for doves. Sorry. Maybe even search the roofs for nests. You are behaving good enough so I'll make pies. Although I hold no hope to actually force it down on your father's throat. If we have enough time, we should search the vegetable gardens..."

I sigh. Summer would be nice. My lord loves fresh fruits. Well, maybe jam?

"Let's go, Darius, I've already cleaned the way..."

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