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We were doomed from the Start.(CLOSED)

"They're not witchcraft, ma'am. They're science. People take them to get better. The side effects to happen but in the background they heal." I take out one of each Pill and hand them to the Lady Knight "they are difficult for him to swallow. But the pain lasts seconds. And it's needed"
"That is just another way to describe magic" I frown, holding the pills in my palm. They are big. I still don't like this, not at all, but I am desperate enough to try anything that offers a speckle of hope.

"I will do it." I sigh, reluctantly.

I try to do as Mitchell asked. It is difficult, I have to massage down the witchcraft pills down on my liege's throat, and he squirms from pain, but it is done.... I look over him, then I pick up the Ebony Lady's medalion. It fell to the ground... my lord smiles on the portrait. I want to kiss it. But that would be improper... so I just hand it to Mitchell.

"Here you are... I think you should keep this..."
I thank the knight for giving my Father the tablets. I could see how difficult it was for her. And it was difficult because he struggled with the pain of them going down his throat.

I looked at the medallion in her hand. I didn't know what it was but I knew it was special to my Father. I didn't want to take it... It didn't feel right

"W..what is it?"
I smile, bitterly, opening the medallion.

"This was worn by... well, I suppose I should call her your mother, then... it was given to the Ebony Lady by your father as an engagement gift." and I show him the picture inside, the pair of Lady Joy's portrait. I doubt the kid would recognise the face now, that handsome, youthful visage framed by reddish hair... my lord looks very different now. Still... it feels right. If my liege dies now... he could have something linking them together...
"It's.... It's really beautiful. I've never seen anything so. ... And he looks so different. And. She. She is beautiful. I stroke my fingers across the pictures, Darius puts his arm around my shoulders.

I hold the locket tight to my chest.
I smile a bit bitterly now, looking at my liege. The pair of the medalion between his long, bony fingers.

"Yes....he looked different without the scars. I think you couldn't find a women in our town who wouldn't be swooned by him. Even some men, too. They were a perfect couple with Lady Joy. She was radiant and kind... I think you would have loved her... no man or woman was untouched. She was perfect... and I watched her die... she was fighting... protecting her unborn child... I couldn't save her. Promised her I'll find and protect Lord Canberton. It is ironic... we were supposed to be safe there...." I sigh. "In the end, it showed God is an evil bastard. At least you gave him some peace in the end, I suppose..."

I kneel next to the bed, watching my liege again. I feel desperate, not knowing what to do...
"I'm so sorry. For everything you've been through." I hug the lady. She needed to be loved. She may not have had that in her life for a while.

Darius joined in. Once again we were in the group cuddle, but this time she was in the middle. I felt smtruly sorry for her.
I jerk from the touch, truly surprised. I have never expected anything like this... and this feels familiar. Like it happened before.

It feels like whem my liege embraced me, forgiving me even after I hurt him...

...it feels like I'm loved. And that's what makes me break. I let my tears flow freely, crying in earnest the first time in three years....
"It's okay. We're all here.. We're together" Darius soothed. He was surprisingly comforting for him. Usually he laughed when people cried.

"We're a fsmily, okay" I add on
I smile through my tears, holding into the kids. At least I can certainly understand my liege's warmth towards them. They are surprisingly loving, and this feels amazing.

'Where is your husband? Where is your son?'

Those questions echo in my head. Making me uncomfortable... because this group hug feels familiar. Like that happened before...

A memory tries to clear up in my mind, but I close it away before it fully forms. I just hug back the boys, and nod.

"I believe we are... and I think I know it now...."

I look at them, and my heart warms up.

"Thank you... and I apologize for my rudeness before..."
"No, you needed to be" Darius said before I could. "I'm sorry I was such a dick to, I get like that, specially when someone threatens my family... It's probably wrong"

He laughed lightly

"Can you imaging what I was like with Commander whatshisface" he face suddenly went grim.

I rub his arm for comfort
I just sit there, holding the soldier boys in my arms, bowing my head.

"Being mean to someone who threatens your family is never wrong" I say softly. I look over them, and sigh. "And he is dead now. It would be satisfying to rip him into pieces for revenge.... welll. There is that. Still. I insist if you want to claim us a proper family, get better manners. And into better shape. We should cook something for when your father wakes up..."

I say 'when'. Not if. I really want to hope that this is right. I sigh.

"Well. I think the situation calls for soup. I always made that for my liege after I broke something... what do you think?..."
"Soup sounds fantastic" I look at her with a smile wiping away a happy tear from my eyes. "Having s family will be a dream come true."

"For both of us" Darius interjected "I'll try and work on my manners. I'm sorry. But it's just how I grew up. WHERE I grew up. I do try.." He went a bit solem at this point. But he quickly perked up again.
I look over them, then to my liege. I really don’t want to leave him alone… but… I don’t want to be here if he dies. He looks like he would flee away in any minute… I am a coward, I know this well, but I still don’t want to think at the possibility.

“I can teach you manners” I scoff, ruffling their short hair. “I think you need it, and I can be the world’s meanest aunt if you two won’t learn fast enough. Okay. We should make an inventory, and what should we go to hunt for. Then, I let you choose what kind of soup would we make. I expect you to help me, just so you know…”

I try to sound strict. I can’t. My voice is still husky from the cry, but I am smiling, no matter how bitterly.

The idea of family is wonderful…
I nod to the backpack in the corner.

"We locked up shit... Shed loads on our last scavenge. You can go and check it out. And I can't cook. At all, I'm quite dire and I'd probably kill everybody with food poisoning. But, Darius is an amazing cook"

Darius pulled his hand to his forehead in mock salute "at your service ma'am" and he clicked the heels of his worn boots.

It made me giggle.
I don’t resist, I laugh, softly. Even if it disturbs my liege’s sleep, I doubt he would mind it… I feel a bit better.

“Well, you must be the one who resembles my lord more” I cackle, thinking back to home. “He is absolutely rubbish when comes to that. I swear he managed to burn tea once. My lady banned him from both of her kitchens…”

I release them, standing up.

“Well then, let’s see what we need more. I have some more supplies in my steed’s saddle bags… I think we can pool them, and make a decent meal. So I take Darius will be the one helping me, and you, Mitchell, stay here with your father?”
"Cooorrreect!" I say with a cheeky grin. I was a child again. It made me smile that for once we could play. We could be childish and it didn't matter.

Darius just nodded. Sometimes a shadow went over him. A dark cloud. I could never tell what he was thinking when this happened. I wanted to ask but every time I did ask he just denied thinking anything

I think he though about our parents. And how much it sucked he didn't have a family of his own
“Don’t think you will be left with only that much work” I chastise the younger boy, strapping most of my armour back on. “You all will need proper clothing. And a washing up. I dread to think when was the last time you managed that. I have a magical map to help us find water.”

I smile, despite the situation. While those questions still disturb me, echoing in my head, I have to concentrate on the problems at hand. There are numerous, after all.

“And I dare to say that this spital is not the best place for holing up, but I guess we can’t really move your father yet. Still… I might take your brother with me later, to look over the town. Do you have any proper weapons?”

I browse the contents of the backpack while I’m talking, sorting out the food. Most of them are those weird tin boxes, and I frown looking at them. I will need to hunt for some birds. Chicken soup sounded nicer… well, maybe doves…
"Yes sure... Erm we have no weapons. I have a crappy weapon but it's not the best" I gurn slightly at the thought.

"Is that food not up to your standard?" Darius teased. "I'm sorry it's not roast mutton". He laughed so hard he was nearly crying. It wasn't even that funny. I look at him and roll my eyes.
“Well. There must be an armoury in the town we can raid” I sigh. “We should search for that later, I doubt you can hold out without real weapons for long. And I cannot protect you all. Especially not without armour. We should find one for my liege, too. I suppose it was taken from him when you got captured. And about the food…”

I look over the tins again, and I frown.

“No it’s not up to anyone’s standards. Even if roasted mutton would be hard to come by. I suppose if we are on the countryside, I will be able to make it for you, if you wish, but I will need something fresher to cook a good soup. I bring up my own stash, then you, Darius, will come with me to hunt for something better. I want my lord to be strong again fast. Strong enough to toss me around again…”
"Toss you around,eh?" Darius said with a cheeky flirty wink. I punched him in the balls. He bent over in pain "ow,you prick"

I glare at him and playfully pull out my tongue.

"Yeah, but they don't have armouries in the 21st century, ma'am. Maybe like bike helmets and shin pads. I don't know... Armoury will be difficult though"
I feel flushed, and my cheeks are burning when I realize how my words could have been misunderstood. The younger kid has the sense to punish Darius, but I still give him a clout, too.

“Hold your tongue, kid! This is disrespectful, both towards your father and his late bride…” I sigh. Maybe I should explain. “I meant in our fights. He always beats me up… at least, he used to. I am not joking, he really was able to pick me up and throw me through half of the arena…”

I look over to the skeleton of a man I am talking about. I bite my tongue so I won’t cry.

“There… must be something, still. I saw armouries in towns before. Well, armouries filled up with curiosities, too. I’m sure we will find some again…”
"Yeah disrespectful, Dicky McDickerson." I say with a laugh. The child in me was laughing because my brother got told off. For some reason this seemed hilarious to me.

He then grabbed my arm and pushed it up behind my back "say peanuts "

"Not this time"

He pushed higher. It really hurts


He pushed higher any higher my arm would snap

"PEANUUUTTSS. Ahh Jesus Christ you've got to stop doing that"

Darius just laughs at me. But we both straighten up when we see the Knights unamused face.
“You. Two. Stop. Now.” I have to clench my teeth and hold my arms back to not to roar at them and push down their heads. “I mean it. No bad language anymore. No horsing around like this. Even if you were little kids, you still shouldn’t do that. And you are adults now. Playing around is okay. This is not.”

I keep my voice down. I certainly don’t want my lord to wake up to this… but I am really angry.

“Damaging each other for fun is only okay in peacetime. When it is a war, you shouldn’t do that.” I lecture them, reaching for my helmet. “I’m going out. You two take five minutes in the opposite corners. Now. I mean it.”
"Do you want us to face the wall or?" Darius asked with his tongue placed firmly in his cheek. I glared at him. Nice mess he'd got us into being an arse.

I go towards one of the corners and sat on the floor. Darius went to the other on and sat down facing the wall. It made me chuckle slightly but I covered my hand to mask it.

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