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We were doomed from the Start.(CLOSED)

I cannot understand a word that they are saying. I cannot process it. I had been dealing with infected wounds for a while… I did everything like before. I wasn’t hurting my liege. No way I was doing it wrong.

A little, cold voice is scratching in the back of my head. Silently screaming in my mind, like it wants to tell me something important…

…they cannot be right?

“You did what?” I ask incredulously, suddenly filled with worry. I don’t even wait for the answer, I just turn away to hurry to my lord…
"You're a tool" Darius just looked at me emotionless N when he said this

"I know I know. I was trying to back you up and... It slipped out. I was so angry"

Then we both, at the same time, as if somebody had whispered in both out our ears realised that she'd gone back to Dad. God know what she was going to do. We both ran to his bed.
Nie stared at Joy’s face, with a swimming head, and shattered thoughts. He couldn’t even cry anymore… he was so tired. Powerless. Everything hurt, even the movement when he clenched his fist on the medallion.

He couldn’t look at the other one, either. The one that Joy used to wear… he knew what was inside. Ma Baker opened it, though… it was strange…

The dentist closed his eyes, trying not to think. It was all in vain, everything, and now he just wanted to give up. To stop. He wasn’t needed anymore, after all. Everything was painful, even breathing… and suddenly, he didn’t have the will to continue.

I kick in the door in my hurry, dropping to my knees next to my liege’s bed. He is breathing somewhat difficult, and he is so pale, with fever lighting roses on his cheek… I touch his face.

My lord slowly opens his eyes. Grey irises stare at me, judging… I cannot look into them, casting down my own eyes.

“I… I am… sorry… I didn’t want to disturb your sleep, my liege…”

He tries to move, slightly shaking his head. That’s when I notice the missing piece from his ear… I shudder from the sight.

“It’s… all… right… did you… release… my sons?...”

“I did” I choke back my anger, reaching for my lord’s hand. He smiles, pained.

“Good… you should… take care… of them… too… you three… are all… I have… left… certainly… don’t… want to… you… be… at odds…”
We both barge into the room. And stand in the doorway to watch

We were willing to give this woman a chance. If she just sat with him and was gentle, then we were going to give her that. But if she tried to "undo" my actions, we would have to intervene.

My heart aches when I saw how frail my Father looked. How nicely he spoke of us. How he said that is three were all he had left. It was warming. He hadn't had the opportunity to get to know Darius much last his first name. But he still loves him like he'd fathered him from a. Baby.
To be honest, I totally forgot why I was in such a rush to get back here… I cannot do much but look at my lord and smile with bitterness. I know what he holds in his hand. I took it from the traitors who branded him… who almost killed him. He tells the truth… he has nobody else.

I want to believe that the Ebony Lady is watching us still. That she guided me on the way to find her love. But even if this is true…

I sigh, kissing his bony hand. He looks so different now… how could he be still the same inside? How can he be still this loving?

I smile, and submit to his will, as always. As I’ve always did. Always.

Nie looked at the Black Lady Knight. He saw her smile… and read in it, just like before. He tried to smile back, and failed miserably… he tried to look around, to rise, and he failed that, too. So he just closed his eyes for a moment, exhausted.

“Did you… check on… them?... Mitchell… was injured… please… Azucena… take care… of them… for me…”
I look towards Darius and smile slightly. This was a heartwarming and very loving scene. I'd prepared for fisticuffs, but I'm staring at two people who love each other and who care about each other.

We slowly make out way into the room an go to The end of Dad's bed. Not far from the kneeling lady.

We needed to keep quiet and solemn. Dad was sick. Very sick. And she seemed to be just coming to realise just how sick he was.
“Not yet” I admit, feeling a bit guilty now. I didn’t exactly promise this to my liege, but I let him believe I’ll just do that. “We were just talking before I came back here… I released them from the binds, and made them breakfast, though…”

Oh. I remember now why I came back… but I don’t want to do anything. I believe, if what the soldier boy slipped him it was anything bad, it is too late to try anything. My liege is dying, I see the marks of death on his face, in his eyes… I look up at the kids, suddenly way too tired. I want to scream at them, sending them away, but that would upset my lord, I’m certain… I sigh.

“I’ll do that. I promise. You should rest, my liege.”

“You know… you should… call me… on my name…” Nie smiled, realizing that Mitchell and Darius was there. He felt a bit selfish for wanting them both, along with Ma Baker… he really needed them. Needed a family.

He looked up the boys, contented now.

“Really… sorry… about… before… I didn’t… explain all… properly…”
"Don't you apologise for anything." I say softly. Kneeling by the knight and holding his hand too. "We don't need to know where you've been. Or what you've done. You just need to know that we love you and we need you"

Darius stood beside me and put his had on my shoulder.

"I,Darius Mitchell"

"And I Mi... James Mitchell"

"Swear to protect you in these darkest hours of need"

Darius had seen this is on a plaque in the museum. I knew it but they didn't. And it seemed sincere. So that was enough.
My throat feels too tight, as I watch the boys, swearing an oath of their own to my liege. I cannot really believe it yet… but my lord is smiling, and looks so happy, even if weak… I want to yell at them. Throw them out.

I want to embrace them for making my liege smile.

Good kids…

Nie smiled, happily, filled with content and love. He tried to grasp his younger son’s hand, but he simply lacked the power to do so. Still…

He hoped again. He was told he was needed… so he couldn’t give up yet…

“I… Nigel Canberton… accept… your oath… gratefully… and I… offer you… love… in exchange…” he smiled. Telling them his full name felt weird… but after all of this… it didn’t matter. Maybe it never mattered. “I’m… sorry… for not… calling… you… on your… proper… name… James… is that… you… want me… to call you… son?..
"James is the name of my Father. I hate it. Please. Never call me by that name. Call me Mitchell."

I grimaced at the though of them knowing my real name. I hated that name now and everything that came with it. I hated the fact that it tied me to that dead weight of a Father. It gave a link to me and him. And I hated the bastard. Saying my name was "James" made me feel sick and sore. But I did it to be proper.

The sickly look on my face said all this.
“I’m a bit… relieved…” Nie smiled, closing his eyes for a moment. “I’d… really hate…to have the… wrong… name… engraved… in my heart… Mitchell… fits… you… more… I think… just like… the long… hair…”

He felt tired. He was drained… and couldn’t really breath, so he tried to fix that, involuntarily jerking when he started coughing, and it was so painful…

I get scared when my liege starts coughing. Both the sounds and the look on his face are terrible… he is so weak, and suffering so much…

I get to my feet, to take one of the cups with the willow bark tea. This is supposedly helps with the fever, and maybe, with the cough… I look at the boys.

“Please… help me… to make him drink…”
I run to the cannister in the corner and pour a cup of water and quickly hand it to the knight.

I run to him and sit him up and gently pat his back, being careful of the scars that had formed and the cuts.

"Come on dad, it's okay. It's okay. Try to calm the coughing. Take the water that your knight is giving you." I start rubbing his back now. Lik you would a baby with wind.
I try to help, trying to hold my liege on a spot where he is not hurt… where I cannot hurt him more. It is ridiculously difficult, finding a position… and he looks so fragile now, even compared to the soldier boys…

It is painful to watch him struggle, and remember the man he was. Scariest thing it is, I can still see that whenever the grey eyes open… they are the only thing unchanged, and the voice. I remember how he roared at me yesterday, when I wanted to hurt the boys…

Now, I can only help him to drink, watching him as he painfully swallows the water. It really helps, or the boy’s soothing helps, I honestly cannot tell… I want to hug my lord, holding him in my arms.

I know I can’t. I would crush him again like this morning…

Nie tried his best to calm down… and after a while, he wasn’t coughing as wildly as before. Held by his son, it felt somehow easier, and the pain slowly lessened. Swallowing the water was still painful, difficult, and he only managed a few sips… he felt to full to drink more.

He was powerless now… and for the first time in a while, it hadn’t bothered him anymore. He even managed a small smile.

“Thank… you… all…”
"There we go, that's better." I say, slowly lying him back down again. "You gave us all quite a scare then!

I glance at the Lady Knight. My look says to her that me and my brother definitely do care about him, and wouldn't hurt him. I felt I was still proving that.

His frail body glistened in the small amount of sunlight that was beaming through the curtain. I could see just how ill he was. I felt so sorry for him and I feared the worse. I didn't want him to die. I COULDNT have him die but it seems that death was watching him over our shoulders.

I let out a small tear. Not wanting to cry full. Then, Darius, feeling my raw emotion, grabbed me and held me tightly into his body. I let my tears flow.
“Sorry… never… intended… to do so…” Nie smiled, sincerely. He felt safe, ironically, and no matter how beaten he was, how weak, he was not afraid anymore. It felt like he was submerged in the warm water of the iron springs back home…

“I’m just… happy… that… you’re… all here…”

The dentist looked up, surprised, when he heard the sobs. He tried to rise, failing to do so, falling to his knight’s arms…

“Mitchell… don’t… why are you… crying?… Do your… wounds… hurt?… Azucena… please… help him…”

I do feel angry now, looking at the crying soldier boy. I don’t really know about who is the one I’m really angry at… watching them makes me feel empty, even with my liege in my arms.

After all, I know why is the boy crying. If my lord could see himself, he would understand, he is so pale and pained, he looks like his life could slip out from our hands in any moment.

“I will” I promise, quietly, but I don’t let my liege go, not yet. I just hold him to my armoured chest, and choke back my tears.

“You… too?... Isn’t it… too early… to grieve?...” my lord asks in a soft voice, weakly trying to lift his hand with the medallions. “Azucena… you gave her… back… to me… a little… now… let me… keep… everyone… I’m… greedy… you know… I want… both… my sons… and my friend… and… to live… as long… as possible…”
"He's so frail, D" I snivel soaking his shirt with my tears.

"I know, I know" he said back. Rubbing my hair and my back. He chocked on these words. It seemed that the emotion was getting to him too.

It felt we were just watching the man die. Helplessly. We tried our best but it was all beginning to seem slowly fruitless.

I looked at Dad again and told him that I loved him. But I had to snap back into my brother to cry even more.
I hug my lord, as close as I dare. I don’t want him to get hurt even more… I really try to be as gentle as possible. I want to cry as well… looking at the boys, I really want to.

I can’t. Not in front of my liege.

I cannot believe his words, not when he looks like this, like he would just sleep forever right now… even if he always keeps promises, I know that this time, he might not be able to.

“I need you, my liege” I confess, bowing my head. “I promised the Ebony Lady that I’ll find you, as she laid in my arms, dying… I couldn’t protect her. I couldn’t protect your parents. I couldn’t protect your daughter. Nor any of our friends. I failed you back there… I don’t want to fail now…”

Nie smiled, weakened by the pain, but still, happily.

“Honestly… you all… I… love you… so much… no way… I’m leaving… now… promise…”

He really meant it, he felt like he could do it… he was just so tired. He closed his eyes, just for a moment. Maybe if he rests a bit…

“Don’t… cry… Mitchell… you’re… a man… now…”
"No I'm not. Not yet. If being a man is being without you, then I don't want to be it. ". I wipe away my last remaining tear and peel myself out of Darius's arms. "I'm still a boy if that's what it takes to have a Father."

Darius nodded in agreement.

"Thank you" he said to his Father "thank you for everything you've done for us. For my brother. And thank you for holding on"
It really felt warm now. Nie smiled, contented, without opening his eyes.

“Even… men… have… and love… their fathers… their mothers… keeping them… doesn’t… mean… you are… still… a child… don’t be… silly now… my son… I’m… right here… told you… now… right? No way… I’m… leaving… I’m way too… greedy… for…”

He struggled with the words. Like they were choking him. Speaking was hard… but watching his sons in tears felt more painful. He wanted to comfort them. It was just so difficult. He was exhausted, without any kind of effort, too… he just wanted to sleep. Maybe after that, it will be easier…

My heart jumps into my throat when my liege stops speaking, and he doesn’t open his eyes again… he is still breathing somehow, but he goes totally limp in my arms, and this terrifies me. I’m not sure if he is sleeping, or…

I lay him down on the bed, frantically trying to do something, anything…
I go limp too. But because I fell to the floor in a flood of exhaustion and sorrow. I knew I had to help, but I couldn't. I was breaking down at maximum speed.

"Please was all I could Say". I was a watery mess.

I couldn't see what my brother was doing but he and the knight appeared to be working in tandem with each other. Making sure that Nie was well cared for. He did whatever he did then pulled my balled body into him and curled over me.

"Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. Please" is all he kept saying.
I never thought I will be this thankful for the older soldier boy’s help… he moves fast, helping me to position my lord so he could breathe easier, and while I want to curl up and cry just like Mitchell, I simply can’t. I will break down later, that seems sure, but now, I have to hold on.

Fresh cooling wet clothes. Making him drink a few drops, at least. Then I just watch as the older boy cares for his brother, kneeling next to my lord. I want to go over to them, and when I realize I cannot help my liege any more, I do just that, embracing both.

“It’s all right… it’s going to be all right… my lord… always keeps his promises…”
Even Darius was starting to cry by now. A feat that never happened. He didn't even cry why our parents left us to it. He was always so so strong, and here we were in a ball of tears and sorrow.

When the knight came over to us and embraced us it felt so warm. So comforting. This woman who terrified the living daylight out of me not long before seemed to have vanished from us.

It almost felt like a mother's hug. Something is never truly experienced.
I hold them in a warm embrace for a while, watching helplessly as they cry. I really want to join them now, my heart is breaking, and I can't do it yet. I just hush them, murmuring comforting words, until my limbs start to go numb. I get up, letting them go slowly.

"It will be all right" I repeat it softly. "Please... help me, little ones."

I unbuckle my armour, letting it fall to the floor. I don't like it. It feels like I was naked without it. But still... if I want to move more freely, I had to do it...

"Think" I ask. "What should we do so we could help him keep this promise?..."
"The. The tablets". I pipe up using my bare arm as a tissue . "I know you don't. Don't like them. But the tablets. They're keeping him alive. He needs three from the rounder bottle a day for his back. And from the taller bottle,he needs one a day. I don't know what they do, but he told me to give him them. They make his whoozy. But they do heal." I look st her solemly. I hoped shed see sense in this , now.
At first, I want to scowl at the idea. I never liked witchcraft when it wasn't cast by my lady. But Mitchell's following words stop my frown.

My liege told him to use them. This might be true... and now I know they want my lord to stay alive, just like me...

"Isn't it dangerous?" I ask, hesitantly. "Witchcraft is not a thing to toy with... my liege might be able to recognise these, his mother was a witch, after all... but these... if you're sure... I shall help you give these to him..."

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