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We were doomed from the Start.(CLOSED)

Nie stared at his younger son, confused. This wasn’t making sense.

“What are you… talking about… your armours… should have… arrived… earlier… this week… they promised…”

He tried to remember when. Nothing. Just a gigantic cloud in his mind. It wasn’t right. Still…

“Don’t… worry… you’ve practiced… just enough… remember… deadly… dodging…”

The dentist tried to move, and he gasped as the pain shoot through his body. It hurt like hell, and he wondered how that happened…

I open the door, and at first I doesn’t realize what is so odd… until I put down the pot, and it just clicks. I roar at the younger boy, lunging forward.

“What the hell are you doing with my liege?!”
" I was telling him I loved him" I say sadly knowing the amount of trouble i was in "don't hurt Darius. Hurt me. Please"

I stand up with my back against the wall again

Darius looked at me angrily. I knew what he was thinking. I'd let the team down. It was me who didn't obey the rules.
I want to check on my lord and go and smash in the boy’s face, simultaneously. This results in a weird movement, as I backhand the older soldier boy, and lunge forward to slap the younger, angrily.

“Nonsense!... Did you hurt him?! I swear I’ll kill you if…”

“Azucena…!” Nie couldn’t rise, gasping from pain and falling back halfway, his body on fire. “Stop!... you are… not supposed… to… hurt… my sons!... What the… nine heavens… are you… doing?…”

The words stop me dead. Not only what they mean… but how he speaks, with pained, struggling, choking gasps, raspy voice… my liege never spoke like this, and I hear how tortured he is… anger fills me up, but I drop the soldier boy, to turn and check on him, right now, without any hesitation. He looks so weak, eyes dull grey, trembling, and his body is feverishly hot under my touch. That’s when I realize he is too feverish to speak and think. I doubt he knows where is he now.

“Don’t be afraid, my liege… I will help…”
I fall to my knees with the slap. I'm in so much pain. I can't see straight.

He sounded in so much pain. I wanted to go over there and hug him. I look towards my brother who had, to, been forced to the floor with the visciousness of the slap.

"I'm so sorry" I mouth

At first, he shakes his head angrily at me. But then that cracks. "It's going to be okay" he mouths soothingly.
Nie felt way too dizzy, but he still tried to raise his arms, grabbing into the Black Lady Knight’s armoured shoulders. Something was not right, very much not, and he wanted her to stop. Even if this was a play, it felt too realistic, and somehow he was too weak to act…

“Do you… hear me…? Don’t… you… dare… to hurt… my sons…”

I watch on, helplessly, as my liege tries to lift his arms in vain. His bony hands are too weak to hold into me… but the grey eyes now burn with intent. And fever. I think it is mostly the fever.

He doesn’t look more injured than when I left… so I nod, reluctantly.

“As you wish” I utter the words, looking at the boys with rage. “Just… please, rest… you are straining yourself…”

“Promise… me… you won’t… hurt them… Azucena…” Nie was struggling to keep conscious now. Every inch of his body hurt. But this was important, some kind of evil enchantment was over his friend again, and he was so worried that the lady knight would really hurt his sons… but taking an oath…

“I promise” I don’t want to… but it breaks my heart as I watch my lord struggle. So I lay him down again, covering up the weak body, and stand to drag the boys to their feet, pushing them down on the chairs next to the table. “Sit tight. I won’t take off the ties after this.”
I get pulled to my feet in record speed. I always hated this I could never quite find the floor. But I do and I sit at the table, still tied. And my suspiciously quiet brother is sat opposite me. He just gulps.

It was so comforting to hear dad tell her not to hurt his sons though. He still remembered . He'd kept his promise to me. Even in his delusion.

And it always warmed my heart when he included Darius.
I return to my lord first, even before then, checking on him worried. He barely looks conscious, but the grey eyes are piercing my heart.

“Take… care of… Mithcell… and Darius… they… just helped me… saved me… my sons… be careful… when training… they haven’t got… padded armours… yet… and Lily… don’t let them… go to the dungeon… they… would get hurt…”

The words don’t make any sense. But before I can ask for clarification, my liege goes limp in my arms. I want to scream, before I realize he is still alive, just blacked out… he is still breathing.

I try to get him more comfortable, but I have to be careful. He has so many injuries… he looks so weak… I don’t want to lose him again. I didn’t travel this long to dig a grave…

“It will be all right, my liege…” I want to cry. I am still anguished every time I look at him, so broken and weak… I open the medallion with the Ebony Lady, putting it down next to his face. So he won’t be alone anymore…

I stand up, looking at the kids. My lord claimed them his sons… I still have my doubts. My liege was delusional, speaking nonsense. I don’t want to upset him anyway. These kids are too puny to be a threat.

I fill two bowls with the stew, and stick a spoon in them. I put them down in front of the soldier boys.

“Eat.” I instruct, without untying them. Trust has its borders… and now, I have to figure out how to wake up my lord and make him eat…
I eat without much hesitation. I didn't want to admit it, but it was so so good. The flavours danced on my tongue. But I was still so scared. I wanted to know what she was going to do next.

I looked over to Darius who had his bowl up to his face and was drinking it straight. His spoon was on the table. God he must have been hungry. Poor bugger

Once I'd finished I remembered my manners and thanked the chef. I kicked Darius under the table to make him do the same. Manners costed nothing.
I am really not satisfied with the boy’s eating manners. Well, maybe the younger was only really hungry, but eat almost elegantly. The other behaved like a pig. Disgusting. Surely not my lord’s son. The younger might be, but that… Darius… well. It fits a bit to their tale…

Mitchell even thanks me, and I nod, handing him a waterskin. This is filled with wine, but I am not worrying about alcohol. Makes it easier to deal with them.

“Drink. I’ll tie you up in the next room for the night…”
I drink it. It's wine and the alcohol N tastes so good.

Darius becomes more civilised after my kick and thanks the lady too. I pass him the container and he drinks to.

The wine makes me feel slightly dizzy, almost lethargic, but at that moment I didn't care, if I was going to spend another night tied up, I'd rather spend it asleep than scared.
I watch them, contemplating everything I know. All thing I sure it is that they are not related by blood to my lord. Only each other. It is strange that while my liege claims they are both his sons, only the younger says this...

I really can't believe it is the truth. Although trying to protect someone and acting nice, even parental towards a younger kid certainly is something my liege would do. He is too soft-hearted. Too kind, even after he has been hurt.

He always forgives me, after all...

I sigh, portioning out some honey-glazed fritters for the kids, passing the food to them.

"After this, time to sleep. I'll barricade the gates... then, tomorrow, we talk" I point to the younger one. "And if you have indeed hurt my liege, prepare to death. I tore the others who branded him apart already. Don't think I will hesitate to kill you..."
I nod my head solemly, as does Darius.

I'm really happy he's come to his senses and has subdued himself.

I take the pastry and eat it like a wolf, once again, so does Darius . Crumbs everywhere. But how where we to help it?

I then agree to going to bed after this. Tied up or not, I was tired and had a full belly. My brother was going to be in the room with me. I think I was have a good nights sleep.
“You two have the table manners of a wolverine” I comment, a bit bitterly. “I am not inclined to believe you would belong to my lord. Not a bit.”

I look over the soldier boys again, then I collect a few blankets, and grab the kids.

“Well then, time for you two to get out of here. Let’s hope that no monster will come inside, because I won’t release your hands yet. I don’t trust your word anymore…”

I drag them to the adjacent empty room. It is a bit filthy, but at least I can make a fast berth for the boys, and the door opens outwards, and even has a latch… I threw the kids down, with the wine skin.

“Sleep. And if you try to escape, you will be dead.” I tell them, matter-of-factly, before closing the door on them. I do my best to build a quick barricade there… if the monsters come inside, at least they won’t be able to harm them. I am not at all sure that they are really dear to my lord, but I won’t risk getting my liege upset. He is a bad enough state as he is now…

I sigh, as I raise another barricade against the main entrance, making sure that no monster could sneak inside. I do not know what to do to help my liege now…

When I return, he is still out, and as I touch him, I can feel his fever. Not a good sign… I want to cry as I unbuckle my armour, sitting next to him on the bed. I found him, and yet, I feel like I am losing him again…
The room was pitch black black as the door was closed.

And it smelt really bad

"D, I can't see you" I say

"Don't move, you'll bump into something."

"I'm really bloody tired" I laugh

"Same. Same. Same." D giggles

"Goodnight then, let's see what the morning brings". I settle down, especially with my wrists in a comfortable position.
I have to compromise to only make my liege drink, as when I try to wake him up, he struggles and I’m afraid I will open his wounds further… I feel like I’ve failed again. I don’t even have any inclination to eat, no matter how delicious the stew is…

I am worried. My liege is feverish, and I slowly realize I have no idea how to help him. I can only change the cold applications as soon as they are warming up… I cannot even sleep well, I just kneel next to his bed, and nap a few hours leaning on his pillow.

My dreams are confused and happy. I am home, teaching children how to use a crossbow, and watching over them I feel giddy, like before…

Nie awoke with a jerk and the gasp of pain, like he was diving into water… he couldn’t remember his dreams fully. He just remembered as Commander Wilter leaned toward him, the branding iron in his hand…

The dentist shuddered, and tried to remember where he is now… the hospital…? It didn’t…

…Ma Baker?...

The black Amazon peacefully napped on the pillow, leaning to the bed as she was kneeling down next to it. She was wearing that grey outfit she always wore under her armour…

He didn’t understand it. Where was he now? What happened?

…where were his sons?...

He tried to lift himself, leaning on his shaking arms. He looked around, and fall back before he managed to move enough, gasping from the pain shooting through his body. Cool, drenched pieces of clothes peeled away from his skin.

It took me a while to knock off to sleep.

Darius on the other hand started full on snoring within about a minute of closing his eyes.

I kept waking up with a fright. I wanted to move my hands in my sleep. But I kept jumping. Thinking I was in the dungeon of the barrack. With Johnny about to... Do something to me. It made me uneasy. Ridiculously uneasy. I was frightened.
I wake up to my liege’s voice… I cannot understand what he says. I only see that he is trying to get up, trembling, and falls back… I try to catch and hold him, but my legs have fallen asleep, and all I manage to do is to tumble to the bed with my lord in my arms. I frantically try to hold him in a way so I won’t crush him, but all my efforts are for naught, and he cries out from the pain.

I quickly stand up, ashamed.

“I’m so sorry… I am sorry… I do apologize, my liege… I have never wanted to…”

“…Ma…?...” his grey eyes are confused. I touch his face, gently.

“It’s me, Azucena. Forgive me… this was very unfortunate…”

“…don’t… worry… about that… but… where are… my sons?... Where is… Mitchell?... Darius?...”

I clench my teeth. My liege trembles under my hands, still feverish. I think he is still confused.

“I’ve locked them up in the next room. Tied up. Not hurt. You shouldn’t trust liars, my liege… they were poisoning you with witchcraft pills…”

Nie closed his eyes in exasperation for a moment, struggling with the pain coursing over his body. His thoughts were still scattered, but a word grabbed his attention, even with his feverish mind.

“Release… them… at once!” he gasped the command, frantically trying to get up again, in vain. “You shouldn’t… do that… Mitchell… he was… tortured… like me… he needs… attention… please… let them… out… untie… them… my sons… shouldn’t… you…”

He closed his eyes again, reeling with nausea and pain.

“…she… took them… to the dungeon… too… please… rescue… my sons…”
I wake up at the crack of dawn nearly. The sun shining through the windows at me.

Darius,however, was still fast asleep, drooling.

I decided it best not to wake him

Up. I figured he'd be woken up "properly" later anyway.

I tried to go back to sleep. I figured I needed all the rest that I could get.
I freeze when I understand my lord’s words. His eyes are still dull and confused, and his voice is filled with pain, but those words he uttered chill my blood.

My liege was taken to the dungeon by those traitors. They told me this… they told me they were torturing him, constantly, for four days, and they left him there after pouring the flaming hot oil on him…

…they never told me there was someone else. Not even when I was ripping them to pieces. They just lessened the amount of torture they were talking about. Obviously, judging from my liege’s scars, they told the truth the first time, before I’ve started to beat them up. No way they wouldn’t tell me about that they also tortured a kid.

…Wait. My liege has new injuries, and he was branded again, he was tortured again… those are not battle wounds. Maybe… in his confused state, he thinks these now were also caused by our sheriff?...

…then the boy might have been there with him when he was tortured recently. It almost made sense. I still don’t know if the kid was another victim or the perpetrator, but this is something I can easily check.

“I’ll check on him, my liege” I say quietly, leaning to my lord, to check upon his injuries. I hurt him, I’m sure, and maybe that’s why he is still talking nonsense…

“Do… it… now… release… them…” Nie was struggling with the darkness still, panicking. The idea of his son tied up in the dark was horrifying, and he was trembling from anger as much as from pain. “I’ve… told you… they are… my sons… how did you… dare to… treat them… like that?... Re… release… them…”

He cried out, when his knight touched the inscription on his back. It felt like it was on fire… he wanted to escape from the pain to the darkness, but still, he stubbornly clung into consciousness. He had to convince Azucena to believe him…

...he realized something.

“Azucena… where is… your own son?... Where is… your husband?...”
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I sat crossed-legged facing the window to watch the sun come up.

There was a beautiful red burning sky and clouds that whisper around the rising sun. It was calming. I'd almost , almost, forgotten about the ties on my wrists because they were so lose. They didn't cut into me at all.

I turned to look at my older brother. Half his face was touching the floor as a pool of drool formed under his mouth. He made a noise. Then continued snoring.
I jerk when I hear my lord’s words. I feel confused, and this scares me.

He couldn't know about my dreams. They never existed in reality. I am a spinster. My lord knows this. He has to.

"I'm still a maiden, my liege... I have never had anyone else but you and our Ebony Lady in my life... I wish I had... but... they are not real..."

Nie started to tear up. Even in his shattered state, he understood. They were dead... and Ma Baker... erased them. Erased the pain.

"I am.... so sorry..."

"No need for apology, my liege. You should rest..." I say softly. He is still delusional from the fever. Too weak to realize what is he talking about. "I made your favourite stew... here..."

The food is cold now. Doesn't matter... it still tastes good. But to my dismay, my lord proves to be too weak to eat... I can feed him a small amount. It feels horrible to see him so broken by torture....

"Please... release.... my sons..."

I frown, remembering what we were talking about. Obviously, judging from my liege’s state, that cannot be the truth. Still...

“I’ll check on them, my liege, later..”

“Re… release… them…”

I nod, standing up.

"I'll go check on them now. Give them breakfast. Rest assured, my lord..."
D started talking in his sleep. As usual bless him. Nothing bad. Just the odd noise and the ocassional bout of bad language.

I let him continue. He needed more sleep and it gave him less time to panic. Or worse, get angry.

I started planning what I was going to tell the woman. What words would be best to prove myself. But it was fruitless. My mind was far too clouded.
Nie nodded, relieved. He felt way too sick to move now, and his mind was too clouded to realize what his knight was actually promising. He just knew that Azucena grabbed food and water before she left the room...

I leave my liege alone, with renewed wet clothes and a water skin. I reapply my armour, though, without the helmet, and my sword. I still don't trust the soldier boys.

I make some tea and flatbread, though. I left them in the cold room all night...

I remove the barricade, and kick in the door.

"I brought you breakfast" I announce loudly, looking around suspiciously...
I jolt my head to look at the lady in the door. Peace and serenity were gone now.

I back myself into the corner a little bit. I was frightened of her still but the food was in her hand and I was hungry. So I nodded politely.

"Fuck off, mum, you don't know me" murmured Darius in his sleep. He could sleep through anything that boy.

I decided it best not to say anything. Not to move.
I jerk my head towards the rude boy. I want to snap at him.... then I realize he is asleep. I smile, a bit bitterly. Surely he has no relations to my lord.

"I have to confirm something" I tell to the kid in the corner, stepping towards him, and I reach to release his hands. "Strip."

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