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We were doomed from the Start.(CLOSED)

I loo at the woman innocently to show that we hadn't moved a muscle. Not one.

Darius had even stopped struggling. But he was clearly distressed. He was clearly fearing the worst. Again. I just wanted to go and give him the biggest hug. I wanted to live in a world where we weren't hostages for half our lives.

Maybe soon.
“Good.” I nod, turning away from the kids to place my gear on the floor. “I see you are indeed able to keep your word. I will keep mine, too. I will take care of my liege, then I’ll cook something, and give you from that, too. You might even talk. But not now. I’ll have to check on my liege…”

I pull out a water skin, then another one, and contemplate for a minute, then give the second one to the boys.

“You are permitted to drink. Just stay silent for now” I say, picking up a clean metal bowl, and pouring fresh water into it. I pull out a small hip flack, emptying its content to the bowl, too, then add a half of some herbal medicine which I cooked myself.

I check on those wounds, slowly, carefully, cleaning them down and putting on fresh dressing, with a soft padding. The Plague Doctor always said we should use it with too many burns… so, no matter how my liege squirms unconsciously, I follow his advice with teeth clenched.

It must be painful. My liege is so strong… I believe his injuries would have killed a lesser man, and as I realize, this still might happen…

I prop him on his side, and make another herbal solution, this time using it for cold applications on his forehead, neck and arms. His fever is too high, and I remember this as the Ebony Lady told me…

…I have never seen my liege fallen ill before. It is scary. I take off the medallions and rings from my neck, putting them into his powerless hand, closing his long fingers on them. Maybe it would help…
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What was she doing?!

She was inadvertently opening up all the wounds again and not letting them heal Nie didn't need this. He didn't. And it was antibiotic time. I didn't know what to say or do. I took the water took a sip and handed it to Darius who glugged a bit.

"P..please don't do what hire doing you're making it worse. And,.. P please. He needs an anti biotic. From the rounder bottle over there." I had to ask. I had to. The woman was undoing all my efforts in one swoop.
I look at the kid, surprised. His voice almost sounds worried...

...might be concerned for real? For my lord? The thought is strange. They cannot be concerned for him. Besides...

"You dare to suggest that? They are those witchcraft pills... "

I almost pity him, scowling with contempt.

"Besides, I know how to treat infected wounds. How you dare to imply I would hurt my liege?"
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She was a tough cookie to crack. I try to whimper. But there was no use.

"GODAMN IT!" Darius screamed. "This is BULLSHIT"

I nudge him to shut up. But she looks angry at us. Almost as if we'd dared to move.

The way she hasn't touched us much and been generally gentle frightened me more than if she were like Johnny.
“Shut your trap” I instruct the older boy, looking at him strictly. “Until my liege tells me in clear terms what did he mean, you are nothing but captives, and suspicious for my eyes. You are foreign, I can hear it. You are commoners. Soldiers.”

I spit the words. Even if the younger kid sounds really worried, the older is just plainly angry. And I suspect the younger boy is worried for his brother, not for my liege…

I carefully cover my lord with a blanket, checking on the wet clothes. His fever is high… I am really concerned about it. And I really don’t like the fact that he looks like a skeleton with a bit of scarred skin thrown on…

Well. I can cook a meal here. And judging from the situation…

I grab the older boy. He is the one I have to be careful about, that’s sure…

“I need your word that you won’t move from here, not even an inch” I tell the younger one.
"I'm not promising anything until you tell me what you're going to do to Darius" I say bravely looking at my struggling brother in her arms.

"Get the fuck off me" he kept saying. He looked so angry. But I knew it was pure fear.

Nothing but captives- that seemed

to be the order of the day's these days.

I had to protect him from his own temper if nothing else.
“Shut. Up.”

I sigh, shaking the boy a bit to calm him down. What kind of woman do they take me for?

“I need a collateral in the case you want to get smart” I answer openly, picking up the backpack with one hand. “So I will take him with me, as insurance. If you dare to touch my liege, I’ll express my anger on him.”

I grin, showing my teeth as a gesture of anger and threat.

“So I advise you to not to move an inch now, soldier boy. Even if my liege is not able to protect himself, I have sworn an oath to his lady. I will take revenge. But if you gave your word…”

I smile, bitterly. My lord called them his sons in his delusion… maybe… not only for that…
"I won't. I won't move... I promise."

I look at Darius who had stopped his struggling now.

"Darius. Please. Do what she says. Don't DONT. Fight her. Please, for my sake. Please"

He looked at me with terrified eyes and he just nodded.
“Good. I promise you to return your brother in the same state as he is now, if he doesn’t do something stupid. And if you stay true your word, I will see that he won’t be hurting too much even then.”

I give my word, too, grab out my biggest knife, and step out of the room, dragging the kid with me. With armour on, this won’t be easy, but I am not trusting enough to dress down yet.

“I hope you have working tasting buds” I say to the soldier boy, following the trail to the kitchen. I need a place and bigger pots to prepare the rabbits…
I watched my brother in horror as my brother gets dragged out of the room.

I hope I haven't lost him again.

"Dad.. Who is she. Don't let her hurt us" I say weakly.

Darius walked through the corridors with the woman.

He was scared. Really scared. His bad boy image was failing him as he just almost sobbed as he was taken through.

Again it opened up memories.

He remembered everything is said. To do what she says and to NOT FIGHT.
I sigh contentedly as I enter into the large kitchen. It is a bit too shiny and filled with strange instruments, but I spot a stove with the magical fire, and several pots. There are chopping blocks and wooden spoons, and not too much blood.


I push down the boy on a chair.

“Stay put, and you won’t get hurt” I say quietly. “Although I expect you to help with the tasting…”

I open my bag, and pull out the rabbits. They are limp now, which is good… I grab my knife, and, sometimes glancing at the boy, I start to skin them…

Nie slowly started to come to, head still reeling from weakness. He felt cool clothes against his burning skin…

…was it a dream?...

He tried to move, and he gasped from the pain. He would have sworn that he was healing before, and now every wound felt very much fresh…

“Mi… Mitchell…? Darius…?”
"Dad it's me. Mitchell". I'm here "she has Darius. I... I don't think she's going to hurt him though. I'm not allowed to move, Dad. Or she will hurt Darius. Oh god what's going on"

I lightly sob.

Darius sits on he chair where he was told to. He looks at the rabbits and look away when they're slaughtered.

Like me, he couldn't see animals be killed. He didn't know why either.

He wanted to say something. But he knew not to.
Nie shuddered, trying to turn and raise, and falling back again painfully, gasping for air. He felt confused.

“I thought… I was just dreaming her… I don’t… understand… her name… was on… that list… I thought… she died… Her name is… Maddalena… Baker… Azucena… is the Black Lady Knight’s… name… Don’t… think… she would… hurt your… brother… now… she… has… at least… had… a son… around your age… she is… kind… nice… but now… I don’t… understand… she acts like… Azucena… not like… Ma Baker…”

I skin and chop up the meat, washing it down before putting it into a pot. Then I open the vegetables, and I use the herbs I picked to spice the stew up, with the wild garlic and onions… I call out the magical fire, pour some water over the meat, and let it steam.

“Thank you for behaving” I say to the kid, silently. “You will get to eat, too, don’t worry. Just like your brother. If you are good, and give me your words, I will even cut your ties before you get to sleep.”

I am starting to feel a bit better. The familiar chore helps a bit, and I remember some dreams… I smile, looking around.

I see oil. And I realize I have honey, too…

“Well then. Let’s make some sweet dough…”
"She thinks we've hurt you, Dad. She thinks who made you sick was us. Not Johnny. She loves you. And she strikes me the time of person who will kill anybody who crosses her. Who hurts you. She might hurt us."

I know she told me not to move, but I figured I could get back quickly. I stand to give my father as hug

"I love you. Don't let her tell you otherwise"
“I don’t… understand… Ma Baker… would have… never hurt… anyone…” the dentist shuddered, shaking with fever. “Azucena… is a different… person… I am… so sorry… did she… she hurt you… right? I am… so sorry…”

Nie weakly tried to lift his arms. His shoulders hurt… he faintly remembered picking up his axe, but he wasn’t sure that happened. Something wasn’t right.

“I love… you too… and I will… never let… anyone… tell me… otherwise… not even… her…” he still smiled. “I am… just… confused… I don’t really… understand… what is happening…”

I whistle happily while working, kneading the dough as the smell of the stew fills the kitchen. I do feel better now, somehow cleaner than before, even if worried about my liege. But I am happy as I have found him, still alive. I can make him better. I will make him better. Turning him back into himself as much as I can.

“Talk to me, kid, now. Why is my liege calling you two “son”?” I ask, curiously, while setting the dough to rise a bit. I stir the pot, and dip a spoon into it. “And after that, taste this for me…”
"She hasn't hurt us. She just tied us up." I said cautiously.

Darius stared. He honestly didn't know the answers deep enough. Good enough.

"He.. He .. Hung out with my brother a lot. They got close. And then I think they just became parental." He shrugged "I came too late to really know. You should ask my brother"

He stood up and tasted the food. It was good.

"That's... Amazing" he said eyes nearly popping out of their sockets.
“Are you.. sure? She is… very strong… she always was…” The dentist looked over his son, worried. “I wish… I could… do something… I can… untie the knot… I think… if you hold it… still enough… Sorry… about this… whole mess… I cannot really… follow…”

It felt painful, but Nie still tried to rise a bit. Seeing Mitchell in bonds almost physically hurt…

I suspiciously eye the kid. Something is not right with this tale, but I think he might actually be honest. Although my lord being a parent figure is something I can certainly accept… he was always kind and forgiving. Even when I hurt him, seriously, in my blind rage…

…I still have doubts about the soldier boys’ intentions. It seemed like they were hurting my liege…

I smile, proudly, as the kid lauded my stew.

“Thank you. You can sit back now… I will give you a portion later, when it has cooled down enough. Both of you will get one, in fact. I will make some fritters now…”
"No, don't untie me. She'll know I've moved. But. Can you... Take this". I hand him an antibiotic from the bottle and put the bottle back. "It. It will make you strange again. But please please remember to tell her the truth. "

I give him his water and wait for himTo take the tablet. It was a risk. But it was needed. Otherwise Nigel might not live. And that would be the worst thing imaginable

I just wanted my big brother back.
Nie blinked, holding the large pill in his shaking hands. He tried to remember what happened when he took those before, but all of his memories seemed shattered…

“Strange… how?” he asked quietly, but obediently took the medicine. His son’s puppy eyes were kind of irresistible. “I… didn’t hurt you… right?... Please… tell me… I didn’t… hurt you…”

It was painful to swallow, and his stomach turned upside down in the same instant. The dentist struggled with keeping it down…

I watch as the oil heats up, bubbling around the testing piece.

“Don’t come close now” I warn the boy, out of habit, and I shudder as I remember the burns on my liege. “I have promised your brother to return you in the same state as before…”
"No. You wouldn't hurt me. You haven't. I'm sorry about these pills I know they hurt. I know. But you need them"

My voice quivers as I speak. I'm terrified for all of us.

My brother just nods silently and stays seated

A thought cut through his head that he could push her into the cooking oil. But he decided against it.
I move quickly and gracefully even in the armour, dancing the old kitchen dance. I form and fry the dough like I am performing some kind of magical trick, making perfect circles and dousing them with warm honey as soon as they turn into golden brown. I really feel good now. It has been ages since I have made anything like this, and now I enjoy the thought I will feed this to my liege. He needs it. I think he didn’t have a decent meal since our Ebony Lady died…

“Finished” I announce, putting out the magical flame, and lift the pot I piled the honey doughnuts in. “You will carry this. Here…”

Nie sighed, somehow not really finding reassurance in his son’s words.

“I just… really… really… hate… this…” he said, broken, tired. “I promised… to protect… you… and now… I cannot even… I cannot… I am so… sorry…”

He had to struggle to find the words. None of this made sense. And he couldn’t figure out what was happening…
"I've told you before. You've protected me enough"

By now I'd totally forgotten about the no move policy. I sat on the bed and held my father's hand.

"None of this is your fault. I promise "

Darius held out his arms. The pastry thing smelt so so good. But it was hot. He flinched. But grabbed hold of it with his bound arms.
“I still… I am still… responsible… for my… knight’s… acts…” Nie struggled with speaking, dead tired and confused. “If she… hurts you… I… hurt you… after all… and… I don’t… want to… hurt you… again… I am… afraid… what would… she do… I want… I want to…”

He trailed off again, couldn’t remember what was they talking about. He had to force himself to scramble up some details…

…Oh. Azucena. Right?...

“So… remember… kids… always… put on… your armour… with the… extra padding… before her… scenes… she hits… too hard… doesn’t… know her… real power… so be… careful… and always… ask your mom… to keep an eye… out… so Lily… won’t run… to her aunt… okay?...”

“Be careful” I chide the boy, wrapping a cloth around the pot in his arms. “Not too close. You were a good kid, no sense in making you hurt…”

I wrap another cloth around the stew, too, and pick up my backpack before lifting that, too.

“Well then, let’s go back. First turn right. I imagine you are quite hungry now…”
"Dad what are you saying. We don't have armour. Her scenes? Shit. She's going to try and hurt us. Not you worry. I'll be safe."

I stay on the bed rubbing his hand shaking about

Darius smiles weakly at the woman and follows her like a trust servant. Something he despises.

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