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We were doomed from the Start.(CLOSED)

My eyes widen. I can't get naked. I just can't

I thought about Johnny and his ulterior motives and it terrified me.

"Please. No. Please" I beg "I can't my hands. Are tied"
I frown. Something is not right with his tone. I don't like it. It makes me feel strange. Like something moves in me from his voice. Like I was filthy. Evil.

I reach over, to untie his hands.

"Take off your shirt" I order sgain. A bit more softly.
Scared, I did, firstly rubbing my wrists again.

I tentatively took off my jacket. And then my shirt. Slowly slowly so I didn't irritate any wounds.

Once again I felt terribly exposed. My welts on show on show. My w
I look over the kid. My mind screams something. Like what should be wrong with this scenario... I don't listen. Not yet. I have to know if he really was with my liege when he was tortured now... and in what role, exactly.

"Enough. " I say softly, moving in to remove the bandages. He is injured, that's sure. But not proves anything. "Let me see those wounds."
I swallow, taking in the sight. This was not a battle. These were acquired during torture...

"I'm sorry" I say softly. "I'll help you take care of those... tell me something. My liege told me the sheriff took you too down to the dungeon... but that cannot be right. I killed her, after all, and these are fresh. Who hurt you, then? Who tortured my lord? Tell me what happened, and why..."
"It wasn't a sheriff. It was a bloke. And it was t a dungeon it was. More of a prison. Commander something".

I racked my brains but was getting nowhere with his name

"But i think he's dead"
I don't like the story. Not a bit. But it adds up. It puzzles itself together too well for me to dismiss it.

"It was very recently, right? And close by...." I sigh. "I believe my liege is too sick to think straight... If the name was commander Wilter, he is certainly dead. I still don't understand. Why is my liege marked as a sinner again? Murderer... that cannot be right. And those new letters... my lord would never gain those sins. He never killed a human..."
"B for bastard apparently " I mutter under breathe.

"That's all I know... He. Told me he murdered so many people. But I... I don't know... I've just cleaned them and treated them. They hurt so bad"
I shake my head, handing his clothes and a cup of tea to the soldier boy.

"That cannot be right. My liege is a pureblood noble, holding his fiefdoms by birthright... and he is certainly not a murderer. Couldn't hurt a soul. Never did... we had trouble exactly because he is so softhearted... "

I try to smile. I can't.

"I will take care of your wounds, too. And won't tie you up. Promise."
In the safe zone. Bingo

"Thank you. What about my brother?" I ask. Looking at the sleeping heap that is my brother on the floor

"He's innocent too!"
I smile, this time really.

"I didn't want to wake him up yet. When he wakes up, you can release him. But I still don't understand everything yet... and my lord is... well... cannot really explain anything. Too confused... you will tell me first."

I sigh. Too much things unknown yet... but maybe I can trust these boys a little bit.

"I am sorry for the treatment. But I want my lord safe... and healthy... and.... sane..."
"I understand" I nod solemly. I didn't really and this woman was still pretty scary to me.

I ate the breakfast with my shirt off. My wounds had been disturbed slightly so it made sense to let them air.
I sigh, looking at the kid. He looks scrawny. Not that much like my liege. Slightly better off. And scarred as well. Welts on his wrists, just like on his back. It disturbs me.

I still cannot entirely trust him. He is foreign. They are both foreign.

“Answer me. Mitchell… right? That is your name… answer me. Why would my liege call you two his sons? You’re clearly too old for that. Besides, he had never had any other bride than the Ebony Lady. No way he would have sons this old…”

Nie opened his eyes, dizzily. He was alone, he was quite sure… and something was in his palm. He struggled to open his fingers, then he stared at the objects.

Their engagement rings. The medallions. These were taken from him when the sheriff took him to the dungeon… he started to shake from the tears as he opened the first medallion.

It was really his… Joy smiled at him from the silver frame, beautiful, shining, majestic in that blue dress…

The dentist pulled the picture to his heart, and let his tears flow now. He was alone, after all…
"He..well. I thought this commander man had killed Darius. So I was on my own. We sort of met and survived together. There was this bond. And he was like a dad to me. He protected me. Called me 'son'. And it wasn't long before I started calling him Dad too. I didn't know my Real dad for very long. He was deadbeat. It makes me comfortable to call him Dad. I feel loved."
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“Well, that certainly sounds like something Lord Canberton would do” I concede, still a bit suspiciously. “He has this weird notion to protect everyone in need. Quite a proud flaw. And there is a lot of love in his heart… now, with no one else to love… you might tell me the truth. This feels quite right when it’s about my lord. Even after the judgement day.”

I sigh, standing up.

“I will go back to him. He still has a very high fever. You are free to move now. But if I suspect you are trying to hurt my liege… you’re better off with suicide. I swore loyalty to him, not you. You two haven’t proved me to be worthy yet…”
"I understand, I won't hurt him. You have my word to." I smile at her. Being free to go sounded nice. Maybe we could just be a group. Friends.

I walked over to Darius and untied him. He got annoyed and turned over in his sleep I found this humourous.
“Your word means nothing. You are not a noble” I scoff, turning away. “If I were you, I’d stay with your brother until he awakens. Then, if you want to leave, do it. I’ll even give you supplies.”

I really hate the uncertain idea in my head. The scary feelings in my chest.

I don’t really want them around. Not next to my liege. They do not belong to us. Never. They are scruff and unworthy. Not the kind my lord needs. Not knights. Not even squires. They are just filthy commoners. And my lord certainly doesn’t needs this type around…
"We're not leaving" I say without an ounce of uncertainty. "Not without my Father. That would hurt him more than any of your weird positions on his poor back. We're staying with him. If anyone is leaving, it's you."

I had zero idea where this bravery had emerged from. But it felt good. I had to stand my ground. I couldn't let her push me and my brother around.
I stare at the soldier boy, dumbfounded. I still cannot really believe that those words were just uttered by him, without any hesitation or fear. He stated this like it was an unshakeable truth. Like it was a fact firmly settled in rock.

“You dare to say that to me? I’m the first vassal of Lord Canberton!” I burst out, roaring like a lion. “No way I would let you to taint him! And no way I’m leaving!”

Actually, deep inside, I kind of like this bravery. After all, he is unarmed and weak against me, the armour-clad knight... and he still speaks without fear. With a pride not unlike to my liege's...
"Well don't then" my heart was beating a mile a minute and my breathing was everywhere. "But don't DARE expect us to go anywhere"

Darius rose from his sleepy state

"Is this bitch getting us to leave"

"No but she's implying it" I say, I probably should have stopped him because he was in this anger again. But so was I

"No way," D started yelling "No way Josè. Our father NEEDS is and we need HIM!"
I just stand there, staring at the kids, feeling incredulous. With such cheek, I cannot really speak… and I actually kind of amazed.

I burst into laughter, now, almost happily. This is incredible, but I really like the idea… even if they are nothing but serves, they have guts, I have to admit it.

“I see” I smile, looking at them. “Even you, who said you have no relation to my lord? This is something. I kind of even believing it. But why do you think you need him? And why would he need you now he has me back?”
"He's been more than a father than my biological father ever has. So genetics mean jack shit to us" I say and Darius just nods in agreement "we need him, because we need a family. We are alone In this world. And he needs us because"

"You're fucking everything up"

I turn to Darius and mouth "shut the fuck up". But I had to admit, he was right, even if it wasn't eloquently put.
I almost smile as they claim to be a real family with my lord. Almost, because it makes my mouth bitter. After all, I remember to my liege’s real family. His love. Their unborn daughter. The Crimson Lord and Lady, his parents. The Overlord, my Ebony Lady’s father. The Easter Witch, her mother.


“Language!” I roar, before I even understand the words. I just blink in surprise, surmising what they mean.

“…What? What are you talking about?”
"You just don't get it, do you!" Darius was exasperated "my brother has been working his butt of with a little programme to keep that man alive. And you come along and give him weird shit and stop his tablets. He's going to die. He needs those tablets.. He hasn't had one since"

"Actually I suspect the only reason he's alive now is because I snuck him some tablets when you were cooking". I was trying to justify what Darius was saying. Because it was true. But it was probably in grave error. I'd managed to let that go unnoticed. Now if told her outright

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