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We were doomed from the Start.(CLOSED)

“What kind of witchcraft is this?...” I inquire, holding the little object with two fingers. The metal-woven gloves make my hand too big for handling it like the boy did… I sigh. “I doubt I can make it work. Let’s try to make a torch, then. I don’t trust enchanted objects…”
"It's a bloody lighter is hardly enchanted" Darius says flicking it again and shining it down the stairs "you better follow me then."

He proceeds to cautiously walk down the stairs one foot at a time. He had to be super careful of the stairs. The lighter wasn't the best torch in the world and it was slightly difficult to see the stairs. Also he had to make sure no person, or anything, was hanging around in the building.
I lift my own crossbow, and follow the boy, as carefully and silently stepping down the stairs as possible. I feel anxious on the narrow stairs leading down, lit only by a small flame…

The building is not in ideal condition, wallpaper peeling down from the walls, and everything covered with insects and dust.

At least as soon as I kick down the other closed door at the end of the stairs, we don’t need that magical fire anymore. The building had windows, and now, after stepping out to the corridor, it is only owl-light, not darkness… my eyes quickly adjust.

Nothing. No noise, unless you count the scurrying cockroaches on the floor. I crush a few when stepping out to the new corridor.

“Let’s look around, fast” I say, still sweeping the level with my crossbow. “Maybe we find you a pair of gloves… I do not wish you… tetanus…”
"Haha, nah that rusty ladder has long gone. I think I'll be okay, thanks though" Darius smiled at her. It was nice to be this well loved. This well cared for. He still found it funny with how out of touch she was with modern times.

He kept edging forwards into the store.

"I think this just sold handmade bath soaps and incense sticks". He saw the books about Witchcraft, fairies etc line the shelves. It was one of those hippy shops that sold weird things and always smelt the same.
“Well, more skin covered, more protection either way. You two will need gloves, and I suppose my lord would, too. I want him back, fighting with me…“ my voice breaks for a moment, but then I look around delighted. This is still good.

“Perfect. We need soap. I insist you take a bath as soon as we can get one, and I’ll also clean your clothes. The apocalypse doesn’t excuse being nasty. You also need a shave…”

I inspect the shelves, and gather quite a few handful of soaps to shove in my backpack. I can use these to wash out our clothes, and I smirk as I find a few familiar herbal balsams.

“These are good for small wounds. I think we might be lucky…” I look around again. “Do you want something from here?...”
The place stink of floral nastiness. It hot Darius in the back of the throat. He wafted his nose whilst grimacing at the smell.

"Pewee" he moaned.

He wasn't too sure what to make of the comment about having a bath. And a shave, personally, he thought he was doing quite well for an apocalyptic situation. "Cheers" he said sarcastically at this. "Nah, you've got the fruity soaps. There's a reason nobody has looted this place."
“Yeah, and the reason is everybody turns into manchild in the prospect of the end. As in yay for being unkempt. I don’t exclude any of you from this” I sigh, looking around. “Let’s go downstairs. Maybe they have some clothes we can use. I’ll have to redo the bandages on your father and brother, anyway…”

Somehow I know that there should be clothes and more figurines and maybe jewellery downstairs… I don’t know how. I’ve never been in places like this, they didn’t have these back home, in our town…

I lift my crossbow again. I’m sure that downstairs would be looted, but maybe…
"Sure yeah" Darius said, ignoring the comment about being unkempt. It was the apocalypse it shouldn't matter if he turned into a cave man. Be never mind.

He grabbed a candle and lit it. So much more light which he shone down the stairs and followed it. He smelt the smoke off the candle. Weed flavoured. It smelt vile.
I scrunch my nose at the smell coming from the candle. It is quite disturbing, I am glad I didn't take those.

"Be careful..."

I look around. Something scurries around in the dark. Most likely rats...

My stomach turns upside down when I realize those things on the floor are not clothes. They are bodies. Small bodies huddled around a few adults...

The scent of herbs covered up the smell of death...

I don't look down. I can't look down. I still see all twenty of them... and I realize there are no signs of struggle. The door is barricaded.

I don't want to look around anymore. I choke back the tears and head for the door, trying to not step on any of the bodies...
"Jesus Christ " Darius grimaced holing his shirt over his nose. It was sad. Those people were just like us, fighting for survival. They just ran out of luck. They weren't infected, just starved out of existence. It must have been sad, because even Darius started sobbing lightly at the bodies. They were all huddled together, like they knew they were taking their last breaths.

"We should leave..." He said slowly making his way to the door.
I nod, giving a light hug to the boy.

"We should leave..."

I remove the barricade as fast as possible. Not even remotely carefully, only taking care that I won't hurt my companion.

Stepping out to the haunted streets is almost a relief... I sigh. Trying and failing to exile the dead children from my mind.

"Only one more building. Then let's get back to your brother and father..."
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It's amazing how light can burn your retinas after being in the dark. Darius shielded the sun from his eyes with his arm and took a look about, running to the grass verge opposite to vomit.

"Those poor people, trapped in there. Trying to survive but, ultimately knowing they were failing. They were like us. But they had children with them. It's not right"

Sometimes the gravity of the situation can just hit you like a tonne of bricks. It can leave you feeling helpless, sorry, weak. It's a nasty nasty process.
I sigh, reaching over and stroking the boy's hair. This is hard. Always hard.

"Yes. I know, dear. I hate it every time... and it is horrible and not fair. It makes me even more determined..." I smile sadly, giving him a water skin.

"We lost so many beloveds. I don't want to lose more. I think children are the worst..."

Something moves in the back of my mind. Something horrid. Making me even more grim.

"I just hope we don't end up like that..."
"I thought I was going to lose my child when me and Jam... Mitchell were with that man. He's not even my child, nor was he a child, he was my brother not much younger than me.. I can't fathom how it must feel to watch your child die like that. "

Darius had to do down on the kerbside to calm himself. He wasn't one to get emotional. But when he did, he was inconsolable nope a while.
I kneel next to him. Embracing him without any inhibitions and fear. I can understand his pain way too much.

"I don't know what happened with you two. I am not sure if I am worthy to know. But your little brother is safe now. He is back with you. And he was in good company." I sigh. "We will take care of him. I'll take care of you, too. I promise. You won't lose your brother..."
"I know. I won't lose him again. My little brother means the world to

Me. I know we fight and swear at each other. But it's, usually, in jest. It's how we share emotions. I don't know why we do it. We just do." Darius held his head in his hands.

"I missed him so much, you know"
I sit next to him, still hugging him.

"I think I can understand" I say softly. "I am not related by blood to my liege. But he was always my best friend. I love him since I know him. I almost went insane when those traitors told me what they have done to him. I was overjoyed when I went back to give him a proper burial and I realized he escaped. I was searching for him for years. Almost losing hope before I found his axe... now... I am afraid so much... but I don't want to give up. I watched his love die... Lady Joy was like a baby sister to me..."

I have to choke back the tears.

"I don't want you feel like this. So I'll do everything I can to prevent it..."
Darius slowly, tentatively put his arm around the Knight. It was somehow tougher seeing a woman of this size and magnitude gets upset. It showed just what they were in for. It was managing to break her too.

"I'm here for you, too" Darius said weakly now as he sat there with her staring into space. A time to reflect was good, he guessed. It stopped the feelings from being bottled and overspilling into aggression.
It feels weirdly familiar, sitting and hugging a young man, getting consoled by him... I didn't want to leave my fears take over me, but now I'm glad the helmet hides my tears. I am afraid too much now. Something hiding in my memories only makes it worse...

"Thank you... I think... I really need you, Darius. Both of you. If my liege would die... alone I wouldn't be able to take it..."
"Well I'm not going anywhere" Darius said softly, slowly. A small tear ran down his nose and dropped off the end of it onto the floor.

"Can we, can we just get back. I'm

Too distracted to be safe out here. I'm not sure I'll be able to fight anything. I need to see my brother, I think,"

His distraction had clouded his alertness. He needed time and space to collect his thoughts again. He'd dropped the ball on this one, but he didn't beat himself up for it.
I nod, feeling a bit weak. Seeing those remains inside shook me. Paired with these thoughts...

"Let's go. I guess you can deal with not having dessert after the soup..."

I try to joke. My voice is trembling, too... I want nothing more than go back and curl up next to my liege as a good dog, just watch him and make sure he is alive.

I stand up, helping up the boy with me. I fake a smile.

"Still, you will have to help me peel vegetables while I clean the birds..."
"Yes, of course" Darius says making a weak attempt to help her up too. He never returned the smile. It wasn't warranted really.

He looked around. Everything outside seemed so peaceful. It was nice, he turned on his heel and went to follow the woman back "home"

Strange thinking of it as home. It wasn't home. It was just safe. I guess that's what home is.

I, anxious of their return managed to find a comfortable spot next to my fathers legs at the bottom of the bed. Holding onto his hand, I curled up into the spot and fit like a jigsaw. I quickly fell asleep in his presence.
I hate this town somehow. I hate the fear and the emptiness... I feel like losing hope more and more we walk the streets.

I wish we would encounter some monsters. But we only find the scattered remains from my fight before...

I keep silent. No sense in yelling now... I am still anxious. Too quiet inside. No noise...

I start to rebarricade the door as soon as we are inside the spital, and I indicate Darius to go up to his brother.

"I'll follow soon. Just making sure we will be safe..."
Darius saw me fast asleep, curled up in a ball at the bottom of Dads bed. His heart sinks. He loving placed his fingertips on my arm and gave a gentle run.

He checked to make sure Dad was still breathing and he walked over to the Knight again.

"You should see this"
I shove the last cupboard to the door, and nod. I don't know what to expect as I follow the boy. I am half afraid, to be honest, fearing for both...

Still, I positively melt as I see them, sleeping together. I smile, this time honestly, taking off my helmet.

They look sweet now - both of them smiling in deep, undisturbed sleep. I wonder whether they have nice dreams.

"Let's not wake them up" I whisper. I almost feel happy. "Not until we have to..."

I want to just watch them. My heart is finally at peace...

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