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Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

Am2aM said:
Victoria rolls over mumbling before she falls off of the bed.. "Ow.... Where did cro.....Hey Alexa...*YAwn*... Is it morning already?" she asked tiredly...
@Veyd Sahvoz
Alexa tried to lift her up but couldn't, she walked out of the room to go out on deck, motioning for her to follow.
Bluebeard saw the cyclone of water coming towards him down the tunnel. Leif, Tiberius and Iago Loki all gasped in shocked. "It's coming right at us!" Iago Loki cried. Bluebeard snarled. "Does he think so little of me?!?" He bellowed, and clapped his hands together. A the impact sent sound waves echoing down the tunnel. A massive amount of air pressure was created from it, and it hurtled toward the cyclone, ripping anything in it's path to shreds. The two attacks collided, and a massive blast occurred, sending shock waves everywhere. Bluebeard stood firmly in place. "So, that's how you want to play, uh?" He bellowed. Bluebeard drew his cutlass, which was now shining a deep blue. He swung it. "Sapphire slash!" He cried, sending a blue wave of magic hurtling down at Fin and Jabra. "Can you hear me, boy?!" He yelled. "This is the voice of your king! And I sentence you both to DEATH!" Bluebeard then charged down after them both. His men were awestruck by his actions, then came to their senses, and followed after him. Bluebeard made sure they could keep up. He didn't want to have to fight alone, no matter how tempting it would be.

@Tylor guillory @Embaga Elder
Victoria didn't want to get up yet so she army crawled to follow Alexa, when that went to slow, she just got up and chased after her...
DaManofWar said:
Bluebeard saw the cyclone of water coming towards him down the tunnel. Leif, Tiberius and Iago Loki all gasped in shocked. "It's coming right at us!" Iago Loki cried. Bluebeard snarled. "Does he think so little of me?!?" He bellowed, and clapped his hands together. A the impact sent sound waves echoing down the tunnel. A massive amount of air pressure was created from it, and it hurtled toward the cyclone, ripping anything in it's path to shreds. The two attacks collided, and a massive blast occurred, sending shock waves everywhere. Bluebeard stood firmly in place. "So, that's how you want to play, uh?" He bellowed. Bluebeard drew his cutlass, which was now shining a deep blue. He swung it. "Sapphire slash!" He cried, sending a blue wave of magic hurtling down at Fin and Jabra. "Can you hear me, boy?!" He yelled. "This is the voice of your king! And I sentence you both to DEATH!" Bluebeard then charged down after them both. His men were awestruck by his actions, then came to their senses, and followed after him. Bluebeard made sure they could keep up. He didn't want to have to fight alone, no matter how tempting it would be.
@Tylor guillory @Embaga Elder
(*sneeze* someone must be thinking about me xD )
Am2aM said:
Victoria didn't want to get up yet so she army crawled to follow Alexa, when that went to slow, she just got up and chased after her...
Out on deck Alexa's face was struck with glee and joy as she looked up at Death who was standing right in the middle of the deck, as if waiting for the crew. "Daddy!!" she shouted, her eyes flashing red as he turned around from his wood withered spot. He held his scythe and stood a full height of 7'5, looking over at Alexa.
Crow rolls over, somehow managing to fall out of the hammock. He wakes up with a start as he hits the ground, his face smashing into the book. "Wh--euffh!"
Fin and Jabar were still a good ways away from Bluebeard and his crew the almost pit black cave not allowing and light to be seen except that of the lamp the centipede carried."He is so annoying. I don't follow the real pirate king! Let alone a fake pirate king wannabe! " he roared threw the darkness back at Bluebeard. He then sent a dark slash of energy back at Bluebeard's attack. They collided and exploded. @DaManofWar
Bluebeard laughed so more. "You're rather idiotic, you know that? You think I'm gonna let you escape?" Bluebeard ran even faster now, much faster then his men. He raised his fist, and swung it at the ground. "Shake!" He bellowed, and slammed it down, creating a massive tremor. It sent shock waves to everything in front of him. It would hit Fin and his allies soon. The other three caught up panting. "Boss," Iago Loki said panting, "I have to use a quick heal. I can sense Fin's presence. If I can just stop for a moment, I can teleport us all to him." "Do it!" Bluebeard cried sharply. Iago Loki took a deep breath, and waved his hand in a circle. In an instant, Leif and Tiberius felt their strength recover. Iago Loki smiled, and then closed both eyes. A humming sound filled the air, and then a brief flash of light occurred as four men were transported in front of Fin and his allies. Bluebeard grinned. "You should have known better then to run, shrimp!" He cried, and launched himself at him, bringing his fist to Fin's stomach. Tiberius, Leif and Iago Loki all stood in front of Jabra. "Unlucky you," Leif said, "you have to face three on one odds." Tiberius crossed his arms together, holding them out like a puppeteer. Shadows appeared, taking the shape of armed pirates. Tiberius gestured, and the shadows charged into both crews. All hell had broken loose.

@Tylor guillory @Embaga Elder
"About that," Bluebeard said gleefully, before slamming his fist down into the ground creating more shock waves. "Double shake!" The attacks collided with each other. A miniature earth quake followed. "Gah!" Leif cried. "Boss! What are you doing?" However, a blue shield formed over both him and the others. Iago was at it's centre. He smiled. "Bluebeard planned all this. You can't escape something like this." Tiberius was still controlling his shadow puppets, using them to keep the crews back from the battle. Bluebeard laughed. "I know my power better then anyone! Iago's right! You're screwed!"

@Tylor guillory @Embaga Elder
"And now you just gave us a way to escape." Fin said as the earthquake parted the ground and sent a cloud of dust into the cave. As this happened Fin Jabar and his crew easily ran forward threw the cave."I swear if he wasn't almost invincible he'd be useless such a fool. "Fin said referring to Bluebeard as he ran away he sent a barrage of watr attacks at them. On hit the fellow who could teleport knocking him out. (Lol not gonna be that easy especially since there in a pitch black cave that's suppose to be all kinds of crazy. @DaManofWar @Embaga Elder )
"Sorry, I just thought you'd appreciate having more space on the bed." Crow then turns to Death, still too sleepy to be on guard around it, seeing as he's so familiar with Death. "We're apparently going after Pandora's Box, according to cap'n Anthea."
Am2aM said:

Victoria falls over as Crow walks into her..
"Geez watch where ya going.." she says standing up and rubbing her lower back that she fell on... "Anyway I believe you left me and Alexa ast night to sleep in your own bed when we fell asleep... That was rude.." she says stubbornly turning her head and secretly smiling in her head... "Anyway, I have no idea where we are going Death, I was just following Alexa..." she says

@BELL @Veyd Sahvoz
BELL said:
"Sorry, I just thought you'd appreciate having more space on the bed." Crow then turns to Death, still too sleepy to be on guard around it, seeing as he's so familiar with Death. "We're apparently going after Pandora's Box, according to cap'n Anthea."
Alexa smiled at the sight of seeing Death, happy to see her daddy once more. Death looked at Victoria and Crow, walking over to them. Every step he took withered the wooden boards below him, he looked at Alexa and motioned for her to come ovet to him. She walked over, tugging at his robes, as he picked her up and made her levitate under a sheet of shadows in mid-air. "Bring this miss…Anthea…here"

@Am2aM @BELL @sprouhtt
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Ha warlord that's almost funny for someone as young as me she thought." Well you an amazing fighter Captain Hammond. I am Captain of the Morte Nera Syrin." She said with a smile. As Cerberus jumped onto her shoulder and made a little noise. " And this is my 1st mate Phillip and my little 1st mate Cerberus" She said with a little shy smile. She noticed the pale pink of his cheeks and realized he blushed as well. His eyes like onyx she just couldn't look away till Cerberus started screeching at him." Well looks like you angered Cerberus.

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