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Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

BELL said:
"Are you sure you can handle it, it's a bit scary."
Alexa wondered a moment, she looked up at Crow then to Victoria "Yes, pleasssse" she begged, the suspense killing her for she was far to eager and impatient.

@BELL @Am2aM
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"Alright." Crow smiles and pats Alexa's head.

"When we found the dragon, It had made its way to the edge of the village, and had razed everything around it to the ground. there were corpses everywhere. Conor fired a beam of light from his staff, along with some other part members that had joined us. That caught its attention real fast. It turned around and hooked one of the people who had tagged along on its claw, impaling them through his thick armor."
"I was on the front lines with Jason, Luna, Ben, and some other people who had joined us along the way. I dashed at the dragon, quicker than you've seen me before, slicing at it with my sword. The others did the same while the long range fighters hung around in the back, Conor shooting and Jayde Summoning monsters and healing."
BELL said:
"Alright." Crow smiles and pats Alexa's head.
"When we found the dragon, It had made its way to the edge of the village, and had razed everything around it to the ground. there were corpses everywhere. Conor fired a beam of light from his staff, along with some other part members that had joined us. That caught its attention real fast. It turned around and hooked one of the people who had tagged along on its claw, impaling them through his thick armor."
BELL said:
"I was on the front lines with Jason, Luna, Ben, and some other people who had joined us along the way. I dashed at the dragon, quicker than you've seen me before, slicing at it with my sword. The others did the same while the long range fighters hung around in the back, Conor shooting and Jayde Summoning monsters and healing."
Alexa seemed very into the story, sitting up with the covers still on, right beside Victoria "Then what happened?" she asked, looking right at him with her violet eyes.
BELL said:
The dragon killed most of the fighters. Fireballs, claws, feet, its tail, the wings..."
Alexa tried to make a mental picture of it all but partially suceeded. She found herself yawning "What…h-happened next?…" she asked, her drowziness returning.
George smirked. "Now, why would I do that?" he told the woman. He turned both his hands into swords, and charged forward, this time going faster, using the enhanced speed his powers had given him. Now, he had the upper hand. "Simple curiosity, but who are you, may I ask?"

@Eve Voltaire
Two men sat quietly on the deck of their ship, the Gold Beard. They had been tracking down Jabra, but were shocked once they learned he had aligned with Fin. They all knew what happened to Mags and the Blood Beard. While they were sure all three of them could handle Jabra alone, they weren't so sure about Fin. They were now waiting, hoping someone would be sent to help them in searching through the temple. One was getting restless.

"What's taking so damn long?" one of them bellowed. He was dressed like a viking of old. "When are we gonna get the reinforcements Bluebeard promised us?" The other of the men turned to him. He had pure black eyes, and wore a large top hat. A thin, black beard stretched down his face. "Keep calm Leif," he told him, "the boss said he'd give us some pretty strong warriors, right?" Leif grunted. "So what, Tiberius? It's taking way too damn long for any of that bullsh-" "That what? What are talking about Fin?" said a voice. Both turned to see a third man walking towards them, holding a staff. He was very thin and tall, and had blond hair that shined in the sunlight. Tiberius scoffed at him. "What is it, Iago Loki?" he asked the man. Iago Loki smiled. "The reinforcement has arrived." Leif was about to speak about until he heard a laugh. Tiberius tensed up. A man came up behind Iago Loki. He had a massive blue beard. "So," he said, "two warlords, you say?" The man smiled, and let out a massive laugh. "Let's get going," he said firmly, and jumped down onto the beach. The crew of the Gold Beard jumped off as well, Leif, Iago Loki, and Tiberius foremost among them. Bluebeard began walking forward to the temple, and entered it. He gripped the hilt of his blade. An eerie blue glow emitted from it. "I've been waiting for a good fight for a while now," Bluebeard said happily. "Now, I get to kill two warlords!"

@Tylor guillory @Embaga Elder
Endo just woke up, he was feeling a lot better now, he walks updeck and sees he is a completely different place, "How long did I sleep?". Endo jumps of deck avoiding the water, it seems he has missed all the fun. Endo stays in the in the back trying to avoid detection.
Smiling at him with her cheshire grin and his new found strength " why do you need to did my father send you ?" she asked with a scowl on her face. "Has he sent assassins to kill his only living heir off finally" She shot up as he pinned her to a pillar in the middle of the bar. Looking up into his dark eyes blushing as her 1st mate walked in and stuck a knife to the back of Hammond's neck "

Philip je u redu samo smo se igrali on neće ići na to opet." she said in a gruff kinda way knowing it was not her own language.

Blacknife said:
Colt retracted his hand and picked up the bottle. He took a mean swig before he kept some in his mouth. He stood up and walked over to the fire ball. He spat the rum at it causing a large flamethrower looking flame to shoot out across the ship. He sat back down and continued to clean his pistols.
Sedah laughed, "Never seen any one use my powers and rum for a flamethrower." She picked up the rum and took and swig as well, before adding" but I can do it without the alchohol. Better used in my system."
George noticed the way the woman blushed when she looked into her eyes. He was confused at first by then this, and blushed a bit himself. Hammond then smiled when he felt the knife at the back of his neck. "That won't work," he said calmly, "for you see, I have all the strengths of the worlds swords. Katana, Broadsword, you name, it's traits are my traits. In a manner of speaking, an inferior blade such as a knife means nothing to me." With that, George withdrew his blade from the women's throat. "You should know, we warlords work for no one. We're free spirits. Some of us do enjoy money, but not me. I just enjoy my freedom." Hammond then changed both of his blades back into hands, and brushed away the man behind him with the knife. He then offered his hand to the woman. "Just so you know, I'm simply curious as to know your name. You're a good fighter, that's for sure, and I admire that. It reminds me of myself." He grinned at her in a friendly manner. He was beginning to like the girl.

@Eve Voltaire
Bluebeard calmly strolled down the tunnel. He was smiling. "You three will deal with Jabra," he told his subordinates, "while I take down Fin. Understood?" There were murmurs of agreement from all three. Bluebeard simply giggled, and continued walking. His sword began to glow brighter, and a vibrating sound emitted from it. Bluebeard quickened his pace. Leif, Tiberius and Iago Loki followed him, struggling to keep up. Bluebeard could feel the presence of Fin and Jabra. He wouldn't let them get away. "Iago! Teleport us!" Leif cried. "I can't! I don't know where Fin and Jabra are!" "SHUT IT!" Bluebeard said sharply. He could smell his prey. "Yes," he said in glee, "I can smell them now."

@Tylor guillory @Embaga Elder
Fin turned towards where he sensed Bluebeard. He raised a hand to them. "I have no time for this now be gone! Bloody water Cyclone!" As he said this a massive cyclone of water blasted its way threw the cave washing away anything It hit with incredible pressure. Everyone except for Fin Jabar and their men being as Fin willed the cyclone to not harm them. @DaManofWar @Embaga Elder
"That should buy us some time and wash away our scent. I'm amazed he could smell us in this putrid place." Fin said as he continued walking.
Alexa, sleepily, woke up in the early morning, rubbing her eyes while wondering where she was. Looking over to Victoria she turned herself over underneath the covers and shook her a bit "Wake up big sister" she said, getting out of bed.
Victoria rolls over mumbling before she falls off of the bed.. "Ow.... Where did cro.....Hey Alexa...*YAwn*... Is it morning already?" she asked tiredly...

@Veyd Sahvoz

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