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Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

Victoria held back a smile... "Well I guess it's a good thing poisons don't affect me unless they are specifically made for me.." she then sighs and smiles with relief as she looks at crow.."Lay with us.." she says quietly while patting the spot on the bed next to her..
Crow sits on the edge of the bed. "Wouldn't you rather have me tell you a story first?" He smiles knowingly at Victoria. "What do you think, Alexa?"
George raised an eyebrow. "Put it away?" he asked comically. "The thing his," he paused, rolling up his sleeve to reveal that in fact his sword was his hand, "I can't. I am George Hammond, the Sword Hands Demon. And challenging me," he noticed some of his crew enter the bar, "is a foolish move." With that, George charged the woman, and grinned as he swung his sword hand down at her. He wasn't aiming to kill her, just show her how outclassed she was.

@Eve Voltaire
BELL said:
Crow sits on the edge of the bed. "Wouldn't you rather have me tell you a story first?" He smiles knowingly at Victoria. "What do you think, Alexa?"
Alexa looks over at Crow from hugging Victoria "Yay! What's the story about big brother?" she asked, happily and cheerful. She remembered the tales that her daddy had told her but she couldn't quite remember the wording.

@BELL @Am2aM
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@Anyone on the Black Rose

v-v It's like no one on the Black Rose is on so I can't interact with anyone
Spinning away from his blade with a grin." Really now challenging me" she said with a smile. She lunged at him with a smile. " How come every time i go to the bar i have to best someone at sword play. Matching his moves with every swing. " Do you give up yet i cant just beat you in front of your men"

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Sedah smiled as she watched her two minions/undead friends walk back to the morgue. Angellica yawned," Well, I'm off to get some rest for tomorrow. See ye later Sedah!" She walked towards the cabins. Sedah decided to look in the night sky. She walked to the railing and sighed as she watched the beauty of the view. She saw a male cleaning his pistols and decided to make conversation," Hello mate, my name is Sedah!" She held out her hand.
Colt looked up at the blue haired woman and gave her a cheeky smile "H'llo, Names Colt!" He said holding out a hand. He had his pistol resting on his lap and the new bottle of rum right next to him.

@Anime King Kaleb
Tylor guillory]"Let's just hurry this place disgust me and I do have other things to be doing." Fin replied to him as he followed close behind his hands in his pocket. @Tylor guillory [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/26177-chimny/ said:
Blacknife said:
Colt looked up at the blue haired woman and gave her a cheeky smile "H'llo, Names Colt!" He said holding out a hand. He had his pistol resting on his lap and the new bottle of rum right next to him.
@Anime King Kaleb
Sedah noticed the pistols and smiled," 6 pistols ... Guess you gotta be ready for anything ..." She said with a laugh.
Colt shrugged "When most people only have one or two shots having six is a game changer"

He looked the lady up and down "I dont see any iron on your waist?"
Blacknife said:
Colt shrugged "When most people only have one or two shots having six is a game changer"
He looked the lady up and down "I dont see any iron on your waist?"
Sedah frowned," I've never liked using weapons. I usually just use my powers from being a Demigod." She created a fire ball and held it in her hand to show off one of her powers.
Colt retracted his hand and picked up the bottle. He took a mean swig before he kept some in his mouth. He stood up and walked over to the fire ball. He spat the rum at it causing a large flamethrower looking flame to shoot out across the ship. He sat back down and continued to clean his pistols.

(Sorry for taking so long I was at band practice) Crow looks down at Alexa and smiles. "I have a few stories. And most of them are true. Maybe I'll tell you about the time I went after a dungeon and had to win the treasure through a dice competition, or one time when I stayed up so late I literally fell asleep on my feet the next day, or maybe the time I took out a dragon with some friends. Any other things I should tell you about? Maybe you should ask about any topic and I'll see if I have a story for it." @Am2aM @Veyd Sahvoz
BELL said:
(Sorry for taking so long I was at band practice) Crow looks down at Alexa and smiles. "I have a few stories. And most of them are true. Maybe I'll tell you about the time I went after a dungeon and had to win the treasure through a dice competition, or one time when I stayed up so late I literally fell asleep on my feet the next day, or maybe the time I took out a dragon with some friends. Any other things I should tell you about? Maybe you should ask about any topic and I'll see if I have a story for it." @Am2aM @Veyd Sahvoz
Alexa pondered on the thought as she slipped under the covers and snuggled against Victoria. She couldn't decide which one she wanted to hear "Can you tell me all of them?" she asked, her eyes slowly closing as she yawned and stretched.
"That would take a long time. I have years worth of stories."
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BELL said:
"That would take a long time. I have years worth of stories."
Alexa thought some more, she was stumped and couldn't decide "How about…the dragon one" she suggested, particular curious about it.
[QUOTE="Tylor guillory]Fin stared at Jabar with a disappointed look on his face. "If your going to attempt to tease someone don't use the phrase. Aww afraid of a little disgust are we? It makes absolutely no sense and makes you seem less Intelligent." Fin said crushing any bugs the came his way

Jabar looks back at Fin and scratches his head making a somewhat embarrassed face expression. yeah I know. I realized after I said it, that it was a terrible mistake. I was hoping you wasn't gone catch on, but you fucking did. He turns back around walking towards the tunnel the centipede came out of, carrying a lantern.
"Alright." Crow smiles, then starts talking.

"It all started when my friends and I were in a pub, and a screaming man came in, raving about some sort of monster. He said it was killing everything, and offered a reward to the first party or guild that could kill it. So my friends and I set off to where he told us it was. When we got there, everything was on fire, killed, or just plain smashed. We eventually tracked down the dragon, and began to fight it."
BELL said:
"Alright." Crow smiles, then starts talking.
"It all started when my friends and I were in a pub, and a screaming man came in, raving about some sort of monster. He said it was killing everything, and offered a reward to the first party or guild that could kill it. So my friends and I set off to where he told us it was. When we got there, everything was on fire, killed, or just plain smashed. We eventually tracked down the dragon, and began to fight it."
Alexa became interested in the story when he paused for a moment "What happened next?" she asked, eager to hear the rest of the story.

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