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Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

Bluebeard snarled in contempt when he saw Fin and Jabra enter the cavern. "You're not gonna escape from me, bastards!" he called out, and then charged, this time at blinding speed. He arrived in front of Fin, and back handed him away, sending him flying. "You're dead!" Soon enough, Tiberius and Leif both arrived. Leif threw an ax at Jabra, while Tiberius began sending large tendrils of shadows at him, trying to impale him.

@Tylor guillory @Embaga Elder
(FYI the one to bring blue beard downs going to be fin and when he does its going to be very painful for blue beard)

Fin was sent flying and slammed against a wall before landing in the river of treasure. @DaManofWar
George Hammond smiled at both Cerberus jumping onto him and Syrin's challenge. "I wasn't planning on taking it easy on you, Syrin," he said, and ordered a whole bottle, drinking it all in one go, followed by another, and an another. "Simply curious, but have you ever had a lover before?" he inquired. He was honestly curious. Of course, he had another reason.

@Eve Voltaire
Bluebeard followed up by jumping over to where in had landed. He grabbed him by the leg, and started swinging him around. He laughed in glee as he let go, launching Fin at another wall. Meanwhile, Tiberius was conjuring more shadows, and using them as puppets, taking out several members of both crews, while still trying to impale Jabra.

@Tylor guillory
Fin slowly rose and glared at Bluebeard. "You hit like a woman no correction Roxanne hit way harder than you!" Fin snapped as he charged at blue beard with amazing speed making him impossible to see and began trading blows with blue beard.
"HA! YOU NEVER CAME AS CLOSE AS I DID TO BEATING ROXANNA!" He told Fin, taking each blow in stride. Finally, he grabbed Fin's hand, and drew back his other fist. "Take this!" Bluebeard then used a quarter of his strength in the punch, slamming it into Fin's head, before grabbing his leg, and throwing him up into the ceiling of the cavern. "You expect me to believe you have the power to beat me? I'm Bluebeard! I'm the strongest man in the world!" With that, Bluebeard raised both his fists above his head, and slammed them into the ground, causing another tremor. The whole cavern shook from the force of the blow. Whole mountains of treasure came down. Bluebeard scooped up two handfuls of of it, and crushed both. "You? You're just a fish! A shrimp! Ahahahahaha!"

@Tylor guillory
"How blind you are you stupid fool! So much in denial that you see your lose and something its not!" Fin roared as he leapt down from the ceiling smashing his fist into Bluebeard's face sending shockwaves through the entire cavern. "You came closest to beating Roxanne?" Fin said in a lower tone now."Ha don't make me laugh you lost plain and simple you have nothing to gloat about. I'm her equal not once could she defeat me and I never could defeat her." All of a sudden Fin raised his fist back in the air which he had been holding it on blue beards face the whole time as he held his body in the air."Whether you came close to beating her or not means nothing! Because in the end you still lost to her!" Fin roared as he slammed his fist back into Bluebeard's making a massive explosion and creating a Crater under him. Fin was breathing heavily now. (Ok you don't have to lose but I'm thinking maybe dial back to op just a lil bit now @DaManofWar just a lil)
Bluebeard stood still for a moment. The dust around him swirled through the air, before resting down on the ground. It was then Bluebeard started laughing, and kneed Fin in the stomach. "So what? You're not Roxanna," he then smirked, and kicked Fin away. "And you're going to do what exactly? Punch me all you want," he continued, pointing at his face, "but it means nothing." Bluebeard grinned. He was only bruised, but it was a small bruise. Practically nothing.

Bluebeard turned when he sensed something new. "What is it, Iago Loki?" Iago was clutching his gut. "Sir," he continued, "I request permission to lay claim to this treasure." Bluebeard scoffed. "Fine," he told him, "use it for whatever you want." Iago smiled, and began using his powers to melt a large part of the gold, moving into one location. It began to stretch and morph, before taking the form of a large statue with a bull's head. The statue's eyes were red rubies. Both glowed, and the statue began to move, walking toward Jabra. Bluebeard nodded. "Good," he said smiling, "very good."

@Tylor guillory @Embaga Elder
Fin knealed down on one knee and coughed up some blood. He gritted his Shark teeth and slowly began to change into his Shark form."I see. So you think me not being Roxanne means anything. Your right it means that I'm a entirely different person from her and I won't lay down and die! Not until I've settled our rivalry!! " Fin roared as he stood back up."I could careless about this treasure but Jabar seems to care alot about it so you can't have that either! I'm going to rip you to shreds!" Fin pulled out two sets of Shark teeth using them as a sort of clamp in his hands. "Now three Shark strike!" All of a sudden Fin bit into bluebeard with all three Shark teeth. It was as if three great white sharks had bitten into him with all their might. ( @DaManofWar )
Jabar dodged the axe as it came towards him. He saw he was out numbered 5 to 1 but that didn't change anything to him. He saw as shadows came towards him. Right before they made contact the shadows stopped in their path. He grabbed the shadows and absorbed them. He closed his eyes and reopened then having them glowing purple. He then drew his two swords from his waist and jams them both into the ground. The symbol of Hades appear under tswords and it stretches out covering the caverns floor. Skeleton hands starts coming out of the ground pulling themselves out of the floor, with weapons and armor. It's a full army. The army starts attacking Bluebeard men and one of the statues while Jabar attacked the other one @Tylor guillory @DaManofWar
Bluebeard felt Fin trying to bite into him. He simply grabbed Fin with one hand, and jumped into the air. "Body breaker!" he cried, and slammed Fin back down to the ground, using the full weight of his body against Fin. "Please! You're a different person, yes, but that just means you're a fly next to me. Besides, I'm practically invincible." Bluebeard was stunned to see Jabra summoned the dead. Leif roared, and began hacking through them. Tiberius narrowed his eyes at Jabra. "You're not the only one with unnatural powers," he said, and raised both hands. A mass of black aura formed around them, and smashed into several skeletons. The skeletons collapsed, but the bones turned towards Tiberius, and swarmed over him. "I was chosen because my powers let me use the inanimate dead as a weapon," he told Jabra.

@Tylor guillory @Embaga Elder

(gotta go to bed now, bye)
Fin roared and tossed Bluebeard into the air then leapt into the air."Flying Skark barrage!" He roared as he used the Shark teeth again attempting to bite into Bluebeard.
Alexa tugged at Victoria's shirt "Big sister . . . umm . . . could you teach me how to fight?" she asked, embarrassed that she didn't know how to.

Victoria looked down at alexa before crouching down so they were the same height.. "Well... I guess if you want me to I can.." she says smiling brightly at the little girl..

@Veyd Sahvoz
Am2aM said:
Victoria looked down at alexa before crouching down so they were the same height.. "Well... I guess if you want me to I can.." she says smiling brightly at the little girl..
@Veyd Sahvoz
Alexa smiled gladly that she'd be able to learn how to use weapons "Can you teach me how to use a gun . . . or maybe a cutlass" she was to eager to learn that she dazed off, thinking about ways to kill people with certain weapons.
Victoria laughed.. "Alright.. First i'll teach you how to use a cutlass, then we'll move on to the gun okay?" she says still smiling at the little girl..

@Veyd Sahvoz
Smileing at him throwing back bottles," I had a lover once," she trailed off and stared out in to the nothingness. A tear fell from her face and Cerberus crawled over to her and gave her a hug. " He betrayed me tried to give me over to the king guard, I had to kill him and bury him all in the same night." she said not looking back at him or anyone. Grabbing the bottle from his hand and drinking it back and another after that. " On a lighter note i want rum lots of rum and now " she said with a little giggle.

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Crow looks a little bit hurt for a second, but covers it up with an exaggerated expression of shock. "What? I can fight too yanno!" He leans back and clutches his forehead, a humorous expression of dismay on his face. @Am2aM @Veyd Sahvoz
Many men joined the crew 57 exactly and crane greeted them all to the ship the crew were paid in advance and set sail to the next pirt for more recruiting.
BELL said:
Crow looks a little bit hurt for a second, but covers it up with an exaggerated expression of shock. "What? I can fight too yanno!" He leans back and clutches his forehead, a humorous expression of dismay on his face. @Am2aM @Veyd Sahvoz
Alexa laughed a bit at his humor "Can you show me how to use this?" she asked, closing her eyes and creating a long sword made of violet flames, then opening her eyes again.

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