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Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

Endo flies back into the cave, enraged he summons his swords, glares his fangs, and lets the curse mark surround him. Endo charges at blue beard with his sword electrified and swings at his legs.

"Ummm... I don't have my sword with me right now... I'd have to go get it, and I don't wanna scratch it...but... If we don't play lethal and don't seriously injure each other... I guess we could..." He looks around. "I also wanna teach you how to use knives and shoot."
BELL said:
"Ummm... I don't have my sword with me right now... I'd have to go get it, and I don't wanna scratch it...but... If we don't play lethal and don't seriously injure each other... I guess we could..." He looks around. "I also wanna teach you how to use knives and shoot."
Alexa sliced the air in front of her, creating a slash of violet flames that caught fire of a barrel "Oops…" she said, giggling a bit at her new found ability.
Bluebeard saw Fin come at him, but also felt the vampire charging him as well. "Two on one, eh? Nice try," he said cheerfully, before disappearing, only to reappear behind the vampire, "but you should stay out of this!" Bluebeard then slammed two fists into the vampire's back, pushing him to the ground and creating a huge crater. He then disappeared again, and then reappeared next to Fin. He grabbed him by the throat, and landed a massive punch in his stomach. Time seemed to stop for a second, before speeding up as Fin went flying again. Bluebeard chuckled, and slowly started walking toward Fin. "Silly fish," he told him, "you are so weak next to me. What I just did was use a little something called Flight of Hermes. It's a technique I have mastered, and allows me to increase my speed to near blinding levels." Bluebeard stared down at Fin. "You stand no chance against me," he said firmly.

@Tylor guillory
George could see that Syrin had a hard time speaking about something like that. He raised an eyebrow when she took his beer, but didn't mind, simply getting another bottle. He drank it all down in one go, and belched afterwards. "The rum is on me," he told the barman, and took out a handful of gold pieces. The barman took them gladly. George turned back to Syrin. "I must say," he told her, before leaning in close to her ear, so that what he said next would be only a whisper, "someone as beautiful as you doesn't deserve something to go through that. You deserve to be loved." He then leaned back from her, smiling. "Now, I've been rather tired as of late, and was thinking of staying here for a while. Perhaps you could stay with me for a bit?" He felt a bit blunt saying such things, but he had never talked to someone like Syrin before.

@Eve Voltaire
Endo was furious, he charged all his energy and strength into an attack that cant be dodged, he sent a GIGANTIC wave of electricity flying at Bluebeard, he was surely going to die, Endo summoned his swords and stabbed Bluebeards legs as the electricity hit him, he didnt want Bluebeard to die yet but the attack might paralyze him for a while, but Endo was still ready to stab Bluebeard if needed.

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Bluebeard laughed as the electricity hit him. He then grabbed the vampire by the throat, and lift him into the air. The blades in his legs fell away. There was no blood on them. Bluebeard chuckled. "You can't stab me with blades like that," he told the vampire, before throwing him away. "I'm far to tough for those kitchen knives to hurt me at all. " Bluebeard then jumped over, and slammed down onto the vampire. "AND I TOLD YOU TO STAY OUT OF THIS!" Bluebeard said, before giving him a backhanded blow.

Meanwhile, Iago Loki was struggling to control the statue against Jabra. Jabra's speed made him a fearsome opponent, and Iago knew it. But he only stalling. Leif suddenly appeared behind Jabra, foaming at the mouth. He swung an ax down at his neck.

@Embaga Elder @CHIMNY
Endo had drained his energy, he was tired. Endo let Jabra think he died, then crept up on him and bit him, trying to drain as much blood as possible, he then let the curse mark onto Jabra, it started to burn him, instead of merging bodies like it did with Endo, it took away as much cells as possible, this was his last resort - to eat away at Jabra.
CHIMNY said:
Endo had drained his energy, he was tired. Endo let Jabra think he died, then crept up on him and bit him, trying to drain as much blood as possible, he then let the curse mark onto Jabra, it started to burn him, instead of merging bodies like it did with Endo, it took away as much cells as possible, this was his last resort - to eat away at Jabra.
(have you asked Embaga if that's okay?)
@Anime King Kaleb[/URL]
Sedah turned around, hearing a familiar voice. When she did she saw someone she would of never expected," Captain Sinclair! How did you find me? I'm sad to report that my party has been destroyed. I was taken hostage and was lucky enough for one of the pirates on this vessel to be an old friend. If I may say so, I never expected to see you here!"
Leif snarled, and pushed the vampire away with his shield. He ignored his injuries. Instead, he focused on killing Jabra, and charged the warlord, screaming in anger. Tiberius smiled. "I wouldn't drink Leif's blood when he's like that," he said. "It won't end well. You see, Leif is a berserker. He has no regard for pain, and can survive injuries that would kill other men. He only gets worse the more he is hurt." Tiberius then sent a large blast of bones at Jabra, while Iago Loki's statue swung a fist down him.

@Embaga Elder @CHIMNY
As Jabar's skeletal army is getting wiped by the other golden statue, Cerberus Hades pet starts pulling itself from Hades symbol that's still active because of the swords. Cerberus charges towards a golden statue, while stomping onto Leif in the process. Cerberus rams it's three heads into a golden statue knocking it over. He then holds the statue down with a paw while biting into the statue's neck. The gold of the statue was note strong enough to withstand the bite of Hades guard dog.

Jabar saw Cerberus stomp onto Leif while his shadows acted on their own blocking the attack from Tiberius. Jabar turns towards Tiberius, as darkness started coming towards his hands, forming a sphere. The sphere starts condensing into the size of a baseball, increasing its power. Jabar releases his energy blast which is giant.


As he is fighting Jabar's swords are slowly deteriorating. @Tylor guillory
Iago Loki was shocked by the presence of Cerberus. "BOSS!" he called out. Bluebeard saw the dog, and scoffed. "Stupid pooch," he declared. He ran to his sword, and lifted it up in the air. He chanted something, and then slammed it down into the ground. A massive earthquake started to rock the whole cavern. Tiberius barely managed to avoid the attack. "Iago! Get us out of here!" Bluebeard cried. Tiberius grabbed leif, and brought him next to Iago Loki. Bluebeard followed immediately. Iago held out his hand, and a flash of light occurred. Bluebeard smirked. "Fin, Jabar," he told both, "say hi to Hades for me!" With that, Bluebeard and his men teleported out of the collapsing cavern.

@Tylor guillory @Embaga Elder
Death looked out at the brewing storm. The clouds getting dark, water filled with rage. Death looked back at the rest of the crew and looked around for Anthea. He only saw crew members, Alexa, Crow, the fallen, and his hollows "Where is Miss Anthea? Surely you don't want a sail into a storm" stated Death, walking over to thr center of thr deck.

@sprouhtt @BELL @Am2aM @RetroAkabane
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(We're deep within a cavern, we couldn't make it to the ship in time. Hades has a way back.)

Roman looked saw the Bluebeard disappeared and left us a little gift. Jabar holds his hands out and his swords come back to him. The symbol of Hades disappears and the remaining skeletal army falls to the ground lifeless.
Cerberus get us out of here!! He yells at his father's pet. Cerberus then turns into a shadowy version of itself. The shadowy Cerberus runs over towards us and covers Jabar, Endo, and his crew. Cerberus shadowy self is connected to every shadow in the world. So Shadowy Cerberus sends the entire group towards the "Death Bringer" (Jabar's Ship). While Cerberus himself goes back towards the underworld.

The group appeared on the deck of Jabar's deck, as soon as Jabar touched the deck, his skeleton crew came out the shadows taking their positions.
Alright Fin since our current mission was a let down, what other things do you still have to do.

@Tylor guillory @CHIMNY

@Anime King Kaleb[/URL]
" Ahh I see that is all fine and well, but as a Marine we can not align ourselves with pirates. Sinclair said holding his pale hand against his face and his icy eyes moved over to colt. "Do not be rude I'm having a conversation!" All of a sudden the pistol began to freeze over starting with the barrel. @Blacknife @Anime King Kaleb
(Ok not letting anyone else god mode when a arc comes up it causes to many issues a person can be equally op as one of the warlords and still make a.good villian)

Unfortunately Fin hadnt made it out with the other the cavern collapsing ontop of him. Slowly a pile of rumble began to move before bursting apart as Fin popped out cracking his neck and looking around. "Huh did I miss something? Sorry I feel asleep." Fin said before realizing everybody was gone."Hey Jabar we're you go?" He asked looking around for Jabar @Embaga Elder @CHIMNY
She looked over a Chaptian Hammond with a smile and the to Phillip. "Phillip ću provesti ostatak mog noći s Chaptian Hammond . Uzmi Cerberus i čovjeku brod do mog povratka ." Then turned to the Chaptian " I will," then to the bar keep " Send as much rum as he paid for and then some more." She smiled and started to walk to his room before he could even get up.


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