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Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

Arthur opens the door of his room after hearing the constant crashing of the town. " What's going on down there?" He yells. He limps out of his room still sore but able to move, barely. He grabs his pistols and rapier and checks for his necklace remembering its not there. He sighs to himself saddened but keeps and checks around the house for the others.
Jabar looked at Fin. Oh I believe you Fin, I've heard your stories. But anyway back to the point at hand. There's this cavern is was informed about that is said to have piles of gold, and gems. Some people call it Pirates Bane, because it's so heavily guarded and only pirates were stupid enough to enter it and die. So far no one was ever able to successful take gold from that place, but then again, no warlord has ever tried yet. So Captain Fin do you want to go on a little adventure with a fellow Warlord to take some treasure. @Tylor guillory
Crow lays Victoria on an abandoned bed beside the window, then sits on the bedside table and sighs. "I just hope they don't find Arthur or Anthea..."
"Or us, for that matter." He thinks, then brightens up as he realizes he can do something to help his friends.
A smile spread across Fins face."Very well it shall take some time for the other's to get to the box. I shall agree to this. But only if agree to a alliance with me." Fin said smiling at Jabar. @Embaga Elder
(Saw it coming ._.)

Sinclair wasnt fazed by the appearance of the ship of Death. If anything he was impressed all of a sudden he appeared in the middle of the island. He pulled out his rapier and touched the tip of it to the ground."Now be enveloped in my cold embrace." He said and slowly the ground began to freeze.Ice covered the ground slowly freezing everything on the island.
[QUOTE="Tylor guillory](Saw it coming ._.)
Sinclair wasnt fazed by the appearance of the ship of Death. If anything he was impressed all of a sudden he appeared in the middle of the island. He pulled out his rapier and touched the tip of it to the ground."Now be enveloped in my cold embrace." He said and slowly the ground began to freeze.Ice covered the ground slowly freezing everything on the island.

Death appeared in front of the man with a rush of wind, not bothered by the freezing ground due to him just coming out of his spector state, he towered over the man with a full hieght of 7'5. Grabbing the man with his skeletal hand and lifting him into the air "Who sent you!" he asked in a loud deep whispery voice.

(How'd you know? :P )
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Crow looks out the window and sees everything slowly freezing. "Shit." He picks Victoria up once again and climbs to the roof of the house. He then tenses up, and disappears with a gust of wind. He follows the familiar, cold, absolute, unloving presence he felt arrive at the island, and soon comes to Death's ship. "What the hell?"
Crow walks away, nervous. He quickly gets to the house, passes it, and to the area where Alexa was. "Alexa?"
[QUOTE="Tylor guillory](Whi is death talking to)

(The french guy, Sinclair)
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BELL said:
Crow walks away, nervous. He quickly gets to the house, passes it, and to the area where Alexa was. "Alexa?"
Alexa calmed herself, her eyes settled back to violet and she landed "Daddy's here…" she stated again, grinning a bit and smiling.
(You didn't read the post well did you? He's marine the marines sent him or more so he sent himself also he has the powers of the god send Yoland stole from fin the breath of boreas note people with god sends have a immunity against soul stealing abilities)
"Which of the new arrivals is your dad?" Crow walks to Alexa, then temporarily puts Victoria down, just long enough to put Alexa on his back, then picks up Victoria again. "Tell me which way to turn each time and we can get to him."
[QUOTE="Tylor guillory](You didn't read the post well did you? He's marine the marines sent him or more so he sent himself also he has the powers of the god send Yoland stole from fin the breath of boreas note people with god sends have a immunity against soul stealing abilities)

(And Death can't be harmed by god abilities because the world needs Death, he is essential to the world so in a way he is a god. He doesn't really care about the gods if you hadn't noticed lmho xD )
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BELL said:
(So they'll just fight until the island is gone and then go their desperate ways?)
(heh heh…you see the thing about that is, he's going down *says in a dark creepy voice* lol)
[QUOTE="Tylor guillory]A smile spread across Fins face."Very well it shall take some time for the other's to get to the box. I shall agree to this. But only if agree to a alliance with me." Fin said smiling at Jabar. @Tylor guillory

(There are multiple gods of death death can be harmed death can be killed just like any other character sorry lol but thems the brakes but I will say being death he is stronger than most but don't let that get to his head I'll allow him to not be able to get hurt by mortal weapons) Sinclair looked at death unamused. He simply grabbed deaths arm and it slowly froze.
Fin smiled."Well of course it's only right for allies to assist one another in times of need. "Fin said shaking his hand @Tylor guillory [/i][/b][/color]
[QUOTE="Tylor guillory](There are multiple gods of death death can be harmed death can be killed just like any other character sorry lol but thems the brakes but I will say being death he is stronger than most but don't let that get to his head I'll allow him to not be able to get hurt by mortal weapons) Sinclair looked at death unamused. He simply grabbed deaths arm and it slowly froze.

(How in the heck can you kill something that isn't alive or dead? > :) he may have been bound to a physical form but destroying his physical form that binds will unleash him, making him eternal again)

Death melted the ice with his deathly aura, he began choking Sinclair with his hand and stared him in the eyes.

Anthea woke up to the sound of gun fire outside and screams of terror, and when she got out of bed and rubbed her eyes she saw that the city was being raided that day and she rubbed her eyes again to make sure that she wasn't dreaming. She runs out of the room and looks through the room but doesnt find anyone and so she heads downstairs and grabs her small satchel with weapons in it and her pistol by her side and she loads in the bullets. She yells out once more," Anyone here!?" @anyone

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