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Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

Squishy gave them a annoyed look."I've come to save and warn all of you you fools! Oh and save Fin as well of course." Squishy said as he paced back and forth."Something is very wrong with Fin he's gone...dark!" Squishy said and looked at the dramatically for effect.
Victoria looks nonchalantly at Squishy... Not sure what to say as everyone is asking questions and talking... Victoria then stands next to Crow then looks at Squishy again, thinking to herself...
Crow does the same. "So, you've come to tell us about how cap... How Fin went 'dark.' What else?" He asks, completely serious now.
"It's not his fault! He's been manipulated but I don't know by who! I was there it was cold and dark and a voice spoke to fin as he began crossing into the next world." I'm not sure who it was but they where ancient and powerful." Squishy kept pacing his tentacle on his face as of the had a chin and a look as if he were thinking intensely."All I know is that after he got the fallen angels blood it unleashed a old darkness from him! He returned to who he use to be bloody water Fin or at least that's one of the many names he use to go by! Before he changed his ways. By now he's gone back to normal but must be in tremendous pain after the battles he has had and the powerful aura he just released." Squishy finally stopped thinking and pacing and sat down."I'm so very tired after taking that hit from Yoland and almost dying that is."
Victoria uncomfortably shifts, as slowly steps away from everyone weirdly, and not to noticeably at all...
Squishy looks over at Victoria with a face that says 'really'?"Yes a fallen angels blood and don't ask me why because I don't really know all that I am just a baby after all. Although I must say I'm one adorable baby kraken." Squishy say looking at his reflection and making his most adorable face yet.
Am2aM said:
Victoria uncomfortably shifts, as slowly steps away from everyone weirdly, and not to noticeably at all...
Alexa looks up at Victoria, reaching for her hand and as soon as she touched Victoria's hand Victoria could feel her heart beat. She leaned against her, even though she was half her size.
Bluebeard's fleet had split up. Now, it was everywhere. Ships had set off in search of the various warlords, and some were nearing the Frozen Sea, ahead of the Sword of Seas. In the end, the Sea Devil came into view. The ship in front, Blood Beard, one of the flagships, was a slick vessel. An equally slick man was at the front. He smiled at the sight of the Sea Devil. Behind him, his whole crew were preparing, getting guns and sword ready to board the ship. The man laughed. "Shark tooth Fin?" He muttered. "That fisherman has always been one of my favorite warlords. Tragically, I have to kill him. Such a shame. Still, taking his place will be nice..." The man let out a laugh, and his appearance changed, becoming far more slick and slimy, with sharp, jagged teeth coming into being. The man's face elongated, and a massive fin grew down his back. The man licked his lip. "Warlord Mags Wolf Eel. Lord, that's a lovely name!" The man declared. With that, he plunged into the water moving faster then the Blood Beard. Two strange cannons came up to the front. A large man stood behind both, a hand on each. He laughed as Mags charged forward. His hands turned to wings covered in fire, and the cannons boomed, cannonballs launching at the Sea Devil.
(Let the Bluebeard War BEGIN! This is just gonna be a side for a bit, and Mags is just gonna be a temp character. His basically just meant to be one of Bluebeard's commanders, and a challenge for Fin to overcome.)
(You picked a really bad time to attack fin especially with a temp character) Fin had long since awoken and as the cannon balls came at his ship a huge wave erupted blowing them away. Then the sky darkened over the ship and thunder rubbled and lightening struck the blood beard several times catching it on fire and blowing holes into it."Pest I'm not in the mood to play your games." Fin said as he stood up his skin slowly changing black as the diamond mark on his forehead expanded. @DaManofWar
Anthea walked to the window and she looked out of it," tomorrow when Arthur gets well we will set sail for the island that they spoke of a magic force that can bend/destroy all evil. " she told them as she walked out of the room and headed downstairs.
Mags eyes widened. "Hot damn! And I thought he'd be a push over!" Mags grinned, and jumped out of the water and onto the deck, drawing his sabers. Meanwhile, on the Blood beard, the large man cried. "Noo! Captain's gonna be mad about this! Oh, I don't want to lose this ship!" The man suddenly changed, becoming covered in feathers brimming with fire. A beak grew out of his mouth, enveloping it completely. He breathed in, engulfing the flames. He slowed them whole. "I did it! I saved the Blood Beard! I, Roc, have done great things today!" Rox cried, now a massive firebird. He grabbed both cannons in his claws, and flew over to the Sea Devil. A blindfolded woman with snakes for hair flew now stood on the deck of the Sea Devil. Mags gasped. "Morgana! What the hell? Where were you?" Morgana turned to him, silencing him. Mags chuckled. "Whatever," he murmured. Morgana turned to Fin. "Where is the fallen member of your crew?"

@Tylor guillory @Am2aM
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