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Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

Crow looks around. This is a small ship. I think I could sail it by myself. He started sailing North, as that should be where the Sea Devil went. "Dammit, though, they could have waited a day. That damn stupid captain of mine should've checked to see if I was coming back."
"Temp captain." Crow looks at Hammond. "How do we make her go faster, and could you possibly help me reach the Sea Devil?"

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The little girl looked back at Perda and the fight "What about the lady over there?…Daddy won't know to help her…" exclaimed the little girl, her eyes turning a slight red.


As some how Annabelle managed to get over hear when Savage managed to get past the barricade. And she was fighting Yoland and fell to the ground from his barrage I use the last of my energy and run over grab her and throw her out to sea. Where two dolophins Bob and Tom caught her and brought her to the Rose. I then turn to Yoland and say "If you must know where fin is I heard he's after one of the God sends The breath of something." And as I finish my sentience I fall back into the Sea.

Sword of Sea

I look at George as he ask how life has been with out him and I say "well lets just say I have been behind five or so steps throught the years I even came across that hold that you left your last crew at. And I lost your trail their honestly when I got to Preda I had given up hope of finding you. But besides that its been a pretty neat life I mean by following you I ran into some interesting obstacles which honestly gave me my own nickname sword of the moon but you probably haven't heard of it."
BELL said:
"She'll have her crew to help her." He pats the girl on the head. "So your daddy can get to this ship?"
@Veyd Sahvoz
The little girl smiled as she looked up at him "Daddy has his own ship. He told me the story about how he lost it but I think he's gone to get it back…Mister…are you a pirate?" she asked.
"More of a wanderer who somehow ended up on a pirate ship," he said, not quite lying. "Would your daddy dislike me if I was a pirate?"
"Hm the breath of Boreas thank you I have what I came for." Yoland said and he raised a hand."All troops return to your ships bring aboard any prisoners you've captured. Im heading to the frozen sea I think I its time me and Bloody water Fin finally meet." With these words all the marines returned to there ships with whatever criminals they had caught. Their vessels then set out in different directions Yolands vessel set sail towards The frozen sea where Fin was heading."
George sighed. "No, I actually haven't," he told her, "but then again, not many people have heard of me either." He gave Kate a quick once over, then turned his gaze back to the battle. "You know, you've really grown up since I last saw you." And in more ways then one, he mentally added. He smirked at that last part. "What kind of obstacles did you face? Any I would be familiar with?"

BELL said:
"More of a wanderer who somehow ended up on a pirate ship," he said, not quite lying. "Would your daddy dislike me if I was a pirate?"
The girl didn't respond, instead she looked out at the sea and up in the sky. The sky went cloudy and the clouds went dark gray, she smiled a bit as it slightly began to rain and the wind rushed around "He's almost here…" she stated with a glad grin.

(Be back in a bit)
Annabelle felt each blow, falling to the ground, and then felt herself being carried by two.... Dolphins? God... She was really out of it.... She remembered something from her past...

"O Captain, my Captain," she murmured.
Arthur sits still dumbfounded by Crow's sudden change in attitude. He then walks out onto the deck of the ship. " Hey Crow you can go back to the Sea Devil but I think I'll stay here with George, under one condition. We go search for Pandora's Box..." @BELL @DaManofWar
The dolphins eventually brought the Goldenheart back over to the rose and let out a squeal. The Savage, intrigued, walked down to the deck and looked over the side. It seemed that two dolphins were carrying Annabelle, and he raised an eyebrow. The both jumped out of the water and flung her at the deck, to which the Savage quickly moved back with his arms outstretched and caught her bridal style. He looked over the deck again st the dolphins and watched them dissapear underwater. He shrugged, still holding her.

"Not the weirdest thing I've seen today."
Black Rose


As I fell into the water I passed out insistently I wasn't even a hundred percent going into that battle so using all that energy drained me. When I came to I was at the bottom of the ocean and a beutiaful mermaid was by me she said "hold still your father has sent me to tell you something but I can at least heal you." Her hands warmed up and touched my shoulder all the pain left my body and I felt the wound close up I looked down and saw that I had a scar a bite fitting Fins mouth with a circle in the middle from the spear. I sigh and say "what did you have to tell me" She looks at me and says "your father said that he wont be able to lend you any more ad from now on Zeus has said he was favriting you to much." With a sigh I say "Of course Zeus is a dick.(You could hear thunder from the sky when I said that) Oh stuff it I am not in your domain I am aloud to have my own opinon." The mermaid then says "He only agreed to this under one condition that he got to give you this." She pulled out a small trident and when she handed it to me it became full sized. She continued on "This trident is named Storm Bringer and it is a replica of your fathers only it works off your power not his but it does give you the ability to shoot geen lightning out of it." and with that she swimed away. I look down at my new weapon which is nice since I lost my cutlass in the fight and made it go back down to small and put it in my belt. I then head back to the Black Rose which takes me about a half an hour when I get to it I climb back abord and see Annabelle laying up against the mast. I then go find Savage at the wheel of the ship and say "Nice job getting us out of their and now we set course for the Emerald Sea."

Sword of Sea


I turn a little red when at his remark because I knew it more then just what he said and I then say "well I would run into a crew of pirates you didnt kill or into some of your former members and stuff like that. But the toughs person I ran into accident really because I got lost was a man with a Blue beard. I tried asking around about you at some tavern and he got up accused me of being part of your crew and tried to kill me. But some how I dont know how I got a way I dont really remember much from that day because of how badly he beat me."
Annabelle opened an eye, then closed it again, her head throbbing. "Unnnh...." She groaned. "Just.... Just screw me over...." She said. "Gods...."

She really had to stop getting herself into these situations.

"They're after a different treasure for different reasons. They are trying to get rich or famous or powerful, I wanna go do something that will help people. With the box we can bend all of the evil and strife in the world to our will or make it disappear in an instant. We can be like the Gods and control evil and good and quite honestly I don't think I want Fin to have that kind of power." @BELL
The Sea Devil stopped at a large area of ice. It was the frozen ocean, for miles it spread forzen water too thick to break and miles away there was a large island. "Alright crew lay anchor!" Fin ordered and they did just that."I'd suggest anyone who valued there life to stay behind with the ship. So who wants to go find us a treasure!" A larger amount of his crew then he had expected cheered in response to this."Hahaha well alright then crew put on your first its gonna be a cold one!" And with this fin leapt onto the ice. Even under his massive weight the ice didn't break he looked around and pulled out a telescope."Hmm the islands not to far off we should make it there in a hour or so if we hustle, and don't run into anything that is." Fin said smiling, with his fur onsie on he looked like a giant bear."Ok men hope your ready whee moving out!" With these they headed towards the island. @Am2aM

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