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Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

Fin snatched the canteen away."You drink far to much for someone who can't handle her booze."He smiled and held it out of reach."Tell me why did you join my crew? What are your goals and dreams aye?" @Am2aM
Black Rose/Preda


As I watch Yoland blast all the surrounding area with light I then feel an intense amount of pain rush through my body and I fall to my knees. I try to scream out in pain but is just to intense and I can also hear other cries of pain or screams of help from people in the town as others just get knocked out or die from the attack.

Sword of Sea


As we are sitting in the nest talking I see the massive light hit Preda and I say "um captian look behind you."

@Tylor guillory

(Just to let everyone know that is still in Preda your characters dont die they either pass out from pain or parlized from it."
Yoland stands over Leon basking in the light he smiles up at the sky I'm amazement. Then slowly after he thinks its been long enough the light ceases. "Now do you see? Do you see my power." He said as he lowered his hands and looked down at Leon. @DeathRising
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Victoria huffs.."I can handle mine, but I just drink a lot!" She says trying to grab it back.."And i joined because I had to..." she said with a flash of sadness before trying to grab her canteen back..

@Tylor guillory
Fin moved it up everytime she swiped for it."Oh really now well we can't have you drunk now can we? So no more until I say. As for your reasons for joining I won't force you to tell me. Now please do watch for sea monsters. " Fin said smiling at her teasingly. @Am2aM
Victoria spit her tongue out at him.."You're so mean!" she says before smiling evilly, she then ripped her shirt off and her pants and jumped into the ocean... She was about to say something when a sea monster came up and swallowed her whole... She grew so angry she was on fire and it spit her out, and she landed on the deck where she started, face down... "I hate monsters.." she says tiredly....

@Tylor guillory
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Victoria sighs and rolls over, then sits up.. She then stands up and walks over to him, then bends over and picks up her clothes and puts them back on before laughing at Fin's reaction he had.... She was laughing so hard she fell on the floor..

@Tylor guillory
The little girl looked at the light "D-daddy?…no that can't be him" said the little girl, disappointed. She looked around at the ship, she then gazed over at the marine ship's, she gasped and gritted her teeth a bit "My daddy can do better than some stupid light show!!!" she shouted in a pouting tone. She turned to look back at Crow, Arthur, and Anthea before she walked towards the side of the ship.
Black Rose/Preda


As the light fades away I am still in pain but no more is being added and then I hear Yoland boast about himself. Still on my knees I look up at him and say with a devilish smile "Power ta please that tickled I have been hit harder by a fish."
"Oh you want to play that way huh!" Fin immediately stripped naked infront of her." Now gaze at my glorious figure!" Fin said holding his hands out hiding nothing. " a crew mate walked by then immediately drowned himself at sea. @Am2aM
Yoland looks down at you and sneers."How distasteful." He then strikes Leon hard in the face and walks over to him. He bends down and lifts his face up."Speaking of fish where is Bloody water Fin." Yoland asked using one of Fins old titles. @DeathRising
Victoria's eyes opened wide as she covered her face and crawled into a ball.."Oh meh poor Vergin Eyes!!!" she yelled as she covered her face, and blushed brightly with the tiniest nose bleed...

@Tylor guillory
Fin looked around and covered himself immediately. "Well as much I'd a point as I want to prove I can't have my crew drowni g themselves. That's how you get stranded at sea." Fin said as he began putting his clothes back on."Ok then where almost to our destination surprisingly its been a easy enough trip." Fin walked off to see how things where going @Am2aM
Annabelle, seemingly unaffected by the wrath of God, ran forward, her sword up and ready to swing. "Nobody hurts my Captain," she said, her eyes glowing golden.

@Tylor guillory
((She's called Goldenheart for a reason, but I respect that. Remember, I did say seemingly.))

Annabelle laughed and ducked, still in immense pain, but she looked like she was going strong. She grabbed Yoland's foot as it came up to her face, then used the momentum to flip him over. "Like I said," her voice was layered with pain but still strong. "Nobody touches my Captain."
Crow, just now remembering Arthur's fight request, Looks up. "Later. First We're gonna get back to the Sea Devil." He looks at the little girl. "Are you coming with us, then?" He smiles kindly.

@RetroAkabane @Veyd Sahvoz
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The Savage was really just standing there as this entire fight was going on. He watched as Leon jumped off and ran to the Navy ship and sighed. The boy really was just too impatient. His first thought should have been to move the Rose, but the Savage guessed that was his job now. As he finished all preparations he jumped down from the sails and began heading to the wheel to start to get them out of here when a rather strong light showered down from above. It was so bright he had trouble looking at it, but that wasn't the worst problem; he couldn't move. As much as he tried to, his legs resisted. He felt a tinge in his legs and he let out an angry sigh as he saw Annabelle run out on the deck, and he rolled his eyes. How did she even get over there? Suddenly, a large BOOM would be heard from the heavens, and the Savage was instantly enveloped in an orb of red. He began to feel his movement return, and he sighed yet again as he looked up to the sky.


He began walking back to the wheel, now being able to move correctly, and began pulling them out of port. A voice filled the red orb, a voice he wished he had forgotten.

"Now, now. Is that any way to speak to your father, Savage?"

The Savage said nothing as he directed the Rose past the gap that had appeared when a geyser lifted one in the air. Leon's doing, he supposed. The voice spoke again, the voice of Ares.

"Come on, Savage. I save you and let you get your crew out of here and I don't even get a thank you?"

The Savage glared under his hat at nothing in particular, since the voice of Ares was coming from everywhere inside the orb. He continued sailing out to sea, past the heavenly light's influence, but didn't stop. He knew Leon could get back to his own ship pretty easily.

"I didn't need your help, Ares. I could have gotten out of that on my own."

The voice laughed, a shakey, powerful laugh.

"Uh-huh. Sure. Well, just know that Daddy is here for you, shnookums! HahhahahaHAHAHA!"

And with that, the voice was gone. He hadn't noticed, but by now the Savage had sailed the Rose pretty far out, with Perda growing smaller and smaller. He decided to lay anchor here, for he didn't know how far Leon could go. He shook his head and looked up to the heavens again as he walked back down to the deck.

"What an ass."
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(Doesn't matter if your pure of heart it depends on what Yoland judges you as but either way its fine your gonna get your ass handed to you by Yoland lol xD )"And like I said begone pest!" Yoland said now glowing he disappeared in a barrage of flashes. With each flash he reappeared either striking with his fist or kicking her. He continued thus not stopping until the girl dropped.
George turned, and saw the light. "Damn," he said aloud. "Looks like a real battle is going down over there." He silently prayed for whoever was in the middle of that battle. "We need to go faster," he said calmly. He began mentally working out a plan in case the marines came at them. "Don't worry," he told Kate, "I think I can handle whoever is responsible for all that light. Metal is a reflective surface after all." However, he knew there were probably other fighters that could pose a threat. Best to get away.

"So, Kate," he continued, "what was life like without me?"

@BELL @DeathRising

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